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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7946406 No.7946406 [Reply] [Original]

what do you usually order at starbucks?

>> No.7946412
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a taxi to a better coffee shop

>> No.7946447


>> No.7946456

Black coffee, because I'm not a child that's addicted to sugary drinks

>> No.7946457

The spinach and feta wraps aren't bad.

>> No.7946459

Java chip frappucino and a chocolate chip cookie

>> No.7946469

A bullet to my head for wanting to drink their garbage

>> No.7946473

Herbal berry sangria. I fuck with that.

Any higher quality coffee shop always a cappuccino.

>> No.7946477

The green tea milkshakes aren't too bad
The plain ice latte is what I get if there's no local place that makes them.

>> No.7946480

c'mon, why would you go to a starbucks for their horrible burnt-ass black coffee? seriously worse than getting their sugary meme drinks

>> No.7946481

6 shot vanilla latte

>> No.7946483

Cold Brew and Iced Coffee
Sometimes Green tea, sometimes I'll get one of the Single Origin coffees made in the Clover over ice.
If I have to get a Frappucino , it's a Cafe Vanilla with an extra shot of espresso but even I realize it's overpriced, the other stuff is fine especially when you get free refills.

I want to try their Nitro Cold Brew but its only available in certain cities.

>> No.7946488

starbucks has really decent matcha, though it's too sweet in most of the drinks. the only times i go in there is for a hot matcha latte, usually get it soy (for added depth) and unsweet

>> No.7946503

obeast detected

there is nothing worse than sugary meme drinks

>> No.7946528

hey man im just saying, if you're going to pay the premium for trendy memes why not try something new? i'd rather make black coffee at home, or go to a decent local shop

>> No.7946552

Either one of those gigant blueberry muffin, and apple roll or a cheese scon and a cheap coffee because I feel obligated to

>> No.7946572
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Sup /ck/
I drink the cold brew, try the nitro.
Will answer stuff

>> No.7946579
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>tfw other baristas browse this board

>> No.7946661

You know god damn well we dont deserve that title

>> No.7946696

The only two things I'll ever order from Starbucks is (both hot): green tea soy latte, unsweetened, or a soy London Fog, also unsweetened.
Their coffee is shit. If I wanted burnt coffee, I'd drink the shit in coffee maker at work.

>> No.7946735

Quad mocha latte.

>> No.7946745


>> No.7946749

One XL cup of sugar with whipped memes on top. Then I pull out my type writer and adjust my manacle as I write a yelp review for the latest toast restaurant I went to. It should arrive to yelp HQ in about 3-5 days, I send all my reviews to them via carrier pigeon.

>> No.7946755

Is working at Starbucks enjoyable?

>> No.7946758

Their coffee is fine. What are you some kinda coffee connoisseur? If so, please consider killing yourself. Thanks.

>> No.7946781

Their coffee is not fine, it's nauseating. Please consider your own advice and add some bleach to your next Starbucks beverage. Thanks.

>> No.7946793

I quit caffeine, but when I used to go I'd get a triple shot dirty chai.

Shit was expensive.

>> No.7946801

6 pump iced chai latte (they never make it strong enough otherwise) or an iced vanilla green tea.

>> No.7946806

It's just fucking coffee. And it's better than the shit you make at home, hate to break your bubble. But wait I'm sure I'm wrong. Which billion dollar coffee company did you start?

Find a handgun and do the world a favor you fucking faggot.

>> No.7946814
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>implying a corporation automatically makes good coffee
>implying mass marketing, advertising, and dumping shops on every single corner means the coffee is good.

No, it's not better than what I make at home. Go fuck yourself, Starfucker shillboy. Starbucks is the McDonalds of coffee.

>> No.7946828

Not that anon, but, just because a coffee shop is 'quaint' and owned locally, doesn't mean it is good either. Sometimes when companies do a lot of something, the results are pretty spectacular. I actually thing those Nspresso tabs, or whatever the fuck they are, are extremely good, for example.

>Starbucks is the McDonalds of coffee.
I actually prefer the McDonalds coffee...

>> No.7946839

flat white (made with skim milk) and chocolate & caramel pretzel stick
lately nonfat iced skinny caramel machiato & madeleines

>> No.7946917

I ordered a pumpkin spice latte once and it made me upset

>> No.7946925
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I never said I like "quaint" and local coffee shops, either. Shit coffee is shit coffee, no matter who makes it. Case in point, pic related, the most hipster as fuck coffee place near me, and I hate their coffee.

Also, I agree, McDonalds coffee is better than Starbucks.

>> No.7946932

Skinny iced caramel macchiato. 1 pump sf vanilla.

>> No.7946938

I love the taste of syrup: the post

I cringe whenever somebody needs to take a breath before giving their order. Holy shit, calm it down and keep it simple.
Triple venti mocha, no whipped cream. Done.

>> No.7946943

How much do you weigh? Tell the truth.

>> No.7946948

>always a cappuccino.
I take it you don't get coffee after 10 AM? You don't order cappuccinos in the afternoon, right anon?

>> No.7946951

Found the Starbucks shill

>> No.7946952

>I love the taste of syrup: the post
I drink black coffee, cumdumpster.

>> No.7946964

I guess it depends on the weather, OP.
When it's hot outside shaken Iced tea lemonade or cold brew coffee. When it's cold outside a black coffee or earl grey latte with vanilla syrup (I guess this used to be on the menu but this is how I order it now).

>> No.7947002

Milk fat enhances the flavor of espresso. Why would you order skim? It's like eating steak without salt.

>> No.7947015

>McDonald's is better than the burgers you can make at home, hat to break your bubble. But wait I'm sure I'm wrong. Which billion dollar burger company did you start?

Quantity = quality is a fallacy.

>> No.7947016

>prefer simpler drinks
>more complicated orders cost more money
>be a shill because I prefer cheaper drinks
Oh yeah okay.

Neato. I hope my tastes become as refined as yours one day.

What exactly is preferable about McDonald's black coffee to Starbucks? It's not like I own stock in either place, I just think you're talking out of your ass. Does McDonald's do a better job of roasting their beans? Is your palate sensitive enough that you prefer the beans purchased by McD's over Starbucks? What is it?

>> No.7947020

>triple venti mocha
I really hope you don't say that. An iced venti mocha already comes with three shots, saying triple venti mocha is redundant.
t. starbucks barista

>> No.7947025

I order them hot, not iced. In Minnesota, venti mochas come with two shots of espresso. If you want three, you have to ask for it.
t. starbucks barista

>> No.7947026

Tfw Starbucks failed to succeed in my country because they don't actually make "real" coffee (it's all sweet, surgery milkshake crap), and only one is open in the middle of the city specifically to cater for international students and business dudes.

>> No.7947231

The flavor is preferable. However, the only time I ever drink McDonald's coffee is when I'm traveling and it's the only place available in the morning or late at night to grab a cup to go, which is usually somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
I don't like McDonald's OR Starbucks, their both shit. Coffee wise, though, I'd grab a cup from McDonald's before I'd grab a cup from Starbucks.
Is that a good enough explanation for you, or are you still going to go on raging like a retard?

>> No.7947232

*they're *

>> No.7947240

>Milk fat enhances the flavor of espresso.

no it doesn't fatty

>> No.7947241

The male form is 'baristo'

>> No.7947254

>tfw did research project on coffee culture and it ended up being a rise and fall history of Starbuck's "coffee" to Starbucks milk sugar syrup instagram this and tag your friends for 5$
Marketing wise Starbucks strategy is great but as far as coffee culture wise Starbucks is the worst sellout in the history of coffee

>> No.7947281

Bacon egg and cheese sandwich and a milk

>> No.7947356

Iced Breve Caramel Macchiato sub toffee nut. Extra shot if I'm feelin' it.

>> No.7947367

SB drive thru is on my way to work so I'll stop in if I need something on the road.

Spinach Feta wrap and a Trenta Iced Coffee w/ a little creamer. Always gets me going by the time I get to work.

>> No.7947368

Doppio expresso. Usually one pack of raw sugar to add in. Two packs if i mix iced up the expresso during a hot day

>> No.7947370

Green tea Frappucino or a passion iced tea.

>> No.7947378

How much is a large black coffee?

I've literally never set foot in a starbucks.

>> No.7947387

I order black, no sugar from ANY place. So mcdonald's is alright by me. Fuck paying up the ass for a cup of coffee. Better yet, 7-eleven. Only hipster and faggots drink faggoty-ass specialty coffees.

I can only hope how Starbucks' cope with suburban, entitled faggots and their special orders. If you spend more than $2.00 and 5 seconds ordering a coffee, you're a faggot.

>> No.7947391

like a buck fifty. you get free refills if your a gold card though

>> No.7947397

Wait, refills aren't free by default?
What a fucking shitshow.

>> No.7947399

my quad ristretto non-fat flat white costs $5 and is a stronger cup of coffee than your dinky dark roast

>> No.7947402

they got enough wi-fi moochers as it is. gotta keep the poor people away at least

>> No.7947407

caramel frapacino if someone else is buying, maybe buy a tall vanilla coffee if there is no other options nearby and I need some caffeine.

>> No.7947413

>wifi moocher

but I thought they charged people for their wifi?

>> No.7947448

Anything that doesn't have their coffee in it

>> No.7947452

mocha frappuchino

>> No.7947459
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a monster out of the fridge, if the campus store is closed, and i don't feel like walking like 2 miles for an energy drink or 2

>> No.7947470

Tall Mocha Frapuccino, only thing I ever get.

No other place does it the way I like (thick like a slurpee).

Would love to go somewhere cheaper, but everyone makes fraps like anus.

>> No.7947473

I find their espresso marginally more tolerable than their drip coffee which more often than not has been burned to ash. So I usually get an Americano

>> No.7947496
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I've been inside of a Starbucks twice and have never bought anything there.

>> No.7947499

cold brew, black

>> No.7947501

You're missing out, they do great work

>> No.7947571

>actually calling yourself a barista
Whenever people asked me where i worked i would tell them i was a coffee monkey at starbucks

>> No.7947582

I've been at a Starbucks twice. Once was when I was 15 with a couple friends. I bought a cookie. The last time was a week ago. I forgot to make coffee in the morning and got a black 16oz coffee that took an entire hour to be a drinkable temperature.

>> No.7947586
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Lemonade, cold chocolate or a frappe withouth toppings on the cream if its hot. Black coffee or hot chocolate if is cold. Absolutely love the fucking Spanish Chorizo paninis even if it makes my fart smell like rotten medicine and eggs

>> No.7947647

Those have their coffee in it man (Although it's still like 90% sugar), you have to request it decaf

>> No.7947765

don't think we have one here so I've never been to one

>> No.7947777

>ctrl-f "everything bagel"
>0 results

>> No.7948120

Nothing because it is from faggot SHITATTLE, SMEGMATTLE, And i fucking want to nuke that shitty fucking state. the entire western side should be crushed by a meteor.

>> No.7948134

Most of the time just a cold press; but from September to January I go full white girl and get Pumpkin Spice Lattes or Peppermint Mochas

>> No.7948206

Coffee, Black.

I'm an atheist and a STEM enthusiast I have no time for inefficiency or children's drinks.

>> No.7948208

everyone i've ever known who regularly buys starbucks has been an insufferable "progressive" leftist

>> No.7948242

low quality bait

>> No.7948251

I go to Starbucks once a year and order a vanilla latte.

>> No.7948254

11AM is the cutoff for cappuccinos dumbass

After that black or espresso

>> No.7948255


>> No.7948278

nothing cause i only like black coffee and theirs is trash because they purposely burn the beans to increase shelf life

>> No.7948281

fatass detected

>> No.7948286
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Dunkin has better coffee.

>> No.7948290

Top kek. Any dumbass can make better coffee than Starbucks at home with 30 bucks worth of gear

>> No.7948292


>> No.7948438

Someone gave me a gift card for $20 so I tried their strawberry refresher. Honestly it was fucking delicious. I've had their coffee before and it's pretty sour, so I stick with their tea and chai stuff. Shit's expensive but if you have a giftcard go for it.

>> No.7948505

Vanilla Latte or Iced Coffee with 2% and Vanilla.

I only get it when someone at the office offers to pick me up Starbucks for free.

>> No.7948661

Java chip

>> No.7948745

Can you get Nitro through the drive thru?
How does the no ice situation work?
Does it only come in one size?
Is the Cold Brew diluted before putting it on tap?
Does it have a discernible difference in taste or mouthfeel?
How does adding milk/sweetener work?

>> No.7948920


That Pepe image is way too disturbing... Why is he wearing a ghost as clothes though?

>> No.7950338
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he skinned wojak and is wearing his body as a coat. wojaks skeleton is on the table.

>> No.7950427

My go-to is an iced caramel macchiato.

I'd have Starbucks' roasty industrial waste over Dunkin Donuts's piss water any day.

>> No.7950463

Nothing because I dont support child labor coffee

>> No.7950513

I usually hand some money to my sister and I tell her "go get me something that white college girls like to drink."

I'm 100% serious and not joking; this is literally how I order Starbucks. I also never actually bother to learn the names of the drinks that my sister orders for me.

>> No.7950520
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>> No.7950746

I've never been in one. To tell you the truth I'm afraid to go inside because I think I might not know what to order and look like an idiot.

>> No.7950749


>> No.7950828

I prefer not to pay ten dollars for a cup of whipped cream that some faggot probably jizzed in while listening to Cher

>> No.7950836

the drinks are 5 bucks tops with whipped cream optional and you watch them the whole time and they play like top 40 music.

>> No.7950838

Shh. He's trying to be an edgy shitposter.

>> No.7950841

I have a question. Are baristas at starbucks naturally gay? or gay for pay?

>> No.7950848

My point still stands, why pay 5 bucks at some gay coffee chain (they are most definitely gay) when I can make my own coffee at home, sit in my backyard patio, and listen to the birds chirp? Do you really enjoy the chatter of college girls and cranky black women?

>> No.7950902
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Does anyone here eat Starbuck's food?
Never tried it and I wonder if it's any good

>> No.7950914
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>never been to starbucks
>never tried bean water
Fight me

>> No.7950916
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I knew spoilers didn't work on /ck/, it was ironic.

>> No.7950920

i go to JJ bean, get a large coffee, little bit of milk and sugar, or if its hot and i want something special, a fresca medici

>> No.7950921

I don't know shit about coffee other than what an Expresso and a latte is
Starbucks is intimidating to me
Somebody explain all.the terminologies

>> No.7950938

decent as far as i know

>> No.7950951
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>> No.7950953

Cold: Iced latte or iced green tea latte
Hot: Flat white or cappuccino

Sometimes one of the seasonal frappuccinos if they have something that looks tasty.

>> No.7950959


The lunch boxes + sandwiches + breakfast sandwiches are pretty good. Pastries in the case are hit or miss.

>> No.7950969

How much food do you get? The pics in the app show measly amounts like >>7950902 Seems more like a heavy snack than a lunch

>> No.7950987

no the cutoff is 10 am, but, this is like all those supposed "rules" surrounding Sushi - bullshit none of the actual natives pay attention to. No one cares. Nor should they. Your money, your business

>> No.7950994


yee a fellow Ameribrano

>> No.7950995
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>not taking an uber

>> No.7951047


Sandwiches are decently sized. The lunch boxes are pretty much what you see in that post -- 370-460 calories each.


>> No.7951052

Damn all that 460 calories lmao
I avoid calorie dense stuff like that unless I'm bulking

>> No.7951451

ayy Caribou Coffee

>> No.7952665

tall whole milk cappuccino and then complain that it tastes burnt

>> No.7952683

each of the beverages are roughly 130 calories and the treats 220 calories. pretty reasonable light breakfast or snack (i.e. caffeine infusion) considering other things on their menu ring in at the 450+ calorie mark (fraps for example).

>> No.7953720

A grande double chocolate chip frappe with a banana blended in and 3 shots of espresso in a venti cup

>> No.7953781

black coffee with a scone or a danish. I only ever go to Starbucks when they're in the hotel I'm staying at, otherwise I go to Dunkin' Donuts or Burger King.

>> No.7954086

>What exactly is preferable about McDonald's black coffee to Starbucks?
>>The flavor is preferable.

No, that is not a good enough explanation. WHY is the flavor preferable? In what way is it superior? "It's better" isn't an answer.

>> No.7954165

Not op but i can tell you sometimes. The average customer is of the same degeneracy as you get at mcdonald's. A LOT more women though so you get more nice people. Still, a dumb cunt customer is a dumb cunt customer. I'd say 99% of the ones that aren't morning drip coffee regulars or kids that like coffee with their sugar don't have any appreciation for espresso. We use 2% instead of whole because reasons. Venti (20oz) exists because people are fat and sbux encourages obesity. It is very difficult to get half decent microfoam with that much liquid. Also, skim milk is just as if not more popular than 2% which is a fucking shame because making latte art (at least rosettas) is damn near impossible. Not to mention the milk and foam separates almost immediately. Probably the worst thing is the "make everything right" policy. It pretty much translates to "welcome to starbucks! Where stupidity and being a cunt is not only encouraged, but rewarded!" Not joking. You can get whatever the fuck you want as long as you're persistent. On the plus side, it's a fantastic way to meet girls if your store isn't busy all the time. I've had relationships with 2 customers so far after over a year of working. There's this other chick with massive tits that i wanna get in on. I'll be making my way to a real cafe pretty soon.

>> No.7954183

>Venti (20oz) exists because people are fat and sbux encourages obesity.
So why isn't Trenta on the menu boards? Is it still a thing? If it didn't pop up in the news when it first came out, I would've never known it existed.

>> No.7954208

It is for ice teas and ice coffees but not espresso beverages or frappuccinos for some reason. I don't know where you live but we just got it in bc

>> No.7954213

Sorry i misunderstood. I'm not sure why it isn't on the menu board. Then again i don't think short is either

>> No.7954255

Green Tea Lemonade, though the White Tea Youthberry Granita is delicious

>> No.7954278

I usually just espresso

I mean it's not good but there is caffeine in it and it's not full of sugar.

>> No.7954321

Green tea Arnold Palmer if it's hot. double shot Hazelnut latte with 2% milk if it's cold.

>> No.7954322

>Enjoying your drinks is for children, you're only a real man if you drink it my way.

>> No.7954323
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Mcdoubles are life

>> No.7954326


>> No.7954422

I used to get caramel macchiatos but since that price jump I can't justify spending $5 on a grande of it, so the few times I go I usually get iced coffee.

Though now I mostly get mcdo iced coffees. For like a year now they've been $1.45 any size which was great but they recently ended that

>> No.7954794

Only get venti frappes at Starbucks.

I can make hot or iced coffee at home. Their consistency on the frappes is so smooth, I can never recreate it at home. They have some real intense blenders there.

I usually get Mocha or seasonals. Caramel is garbage.

>> No.7954796

I think I got one coffee at a hospital in 2001.

>> No.7954798

but I am digging their store sold mocha. diggity

>> No.7954817
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>Getting any of Jewbucks' overpriced dessert drinks.
>Even their black coffee is shit because they burn their beans to a crisp

Just make coffee at home or get some gas station coffee.

>> No.7955856

IF I go to a Starbucks I get straight espresso, but that is a rare occurrence.

>> No.7955894

The glass bottled ones? or the canned ones with extra caffeine?

>> No.7955899

Probably any kind of mocha I suppose, if I ever went there.

>> No.7955917

Double Espresso or Cold Brew

>> No.7956006

at my store we easily sold more nonfat drinks than those with all other kinds of milk combined

there was also this one guy who would get a venti latte made with half and half but he was jacked

>> No.7956008

Java Chip Frappuchino


>> No.7956077

White women

>> No.7957187

>order dark roast
>complain about burnt beans
Maybe order a blonde roast, you dumb cunt.

>> No.7958141

Either a venti double fudgesicle frappacino or a venti white chocolate mocha latte with two shots of expresso, both with soy milk

I usually don't go there often, I'd just rather save my money and drink my shitty black drip coffee at home, honestly.

>> No.7958791

what do you do with cream on top? eat separately or mix with rest of drink?

>> No.7959167

Shot in the dark using whatever medium roast is available. I don't usually go there but mother in law gives me a $25 gift card for starbucks every father's day.

>> No.7959184

I've only just recently started getting into coffee, so I usually just get a caffe mocha. I've tried a latte before which was decent, but I just prefer the mocha.

What other drinks should I try?

>> No.7959192

Venti cold brew with cream
It's an addiction.

On occasion i do like a caramel machiatto with soy milk
I like frappuccinos but i haven't had one in years.

>> No.7959197

Double espresso macchiato

>> No.7959219

do you people actually enjoy starbucks enough to purchase it on a regular basis?

i just blow my gift cards on hot chocolate since the coffee is so bad

>> No.7959250

4 shots over ice with 1 pump of caramel.

Most places only charge $2.50 for this. Some assholes rack it up to $3.40 somehow and they get no tip.

>> No.7959338

haven't beej there in forever but i really did like the chai latte when i was younger-coffee is okay whenever it'd got a shit ton of stuff added to it.
would rather french-press some kona at home and enjoy it as it is

>> No.7959367

hot chai latte. I'm more of a tea guy.

>> No.7959391

The old me would order a green tea frappucino. They are actually quite good. I never go there anymore

>> No.7959475

>4 shots over ice with 1 pump caramel
Are you one of those asshats that then "make your own" frap by using a shitload of milk from the little station?

>> No.7959526

Fuck no, I used to do it without the caramel but it's a little bitter.

I just ask for lots of Ice and let it melt a little before drinking it. I'm just in it for the caffeine.

>> No.7959666

I can tell you that a quad shot should be something closer to 3$, and depending on how much of an asshole you are, they might forgo the additional .60 charge for even 1 pump of syrup. (Bosses will also want you to charge for accuracy and inventory purposes.)

>> No.7959667

a black coffee

>> No.7959670

This. I'm more of the Clint Eastwood type. I drink my coffee black.

>> No.7959677

I go to Tim's and pick up an iced cappuccino.

>> No.7959703

Tim's is fucking terrible and you should feel terrible for even suggesting it.

>> No.7959708

also an ice cap at tims costs as much as a frap at starbucks yet is inferior in every way. may as well have suggested mcds, at least their coffee isn't crap

>> No.7959738

The ambiance in Starbucks physically repulses me

>> No.7959809

A venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel drizzle, because I have lost control of my life.

>> No.7959814

I forgot, in autumn I get the pumpkin spice frappuccinos, and in winter I get the peppermint mocha frappuccinos. It's a literal addiction.

>> No.7961603

frothy cum latte

>> No.7961609

140 decaf Triple Vinti cinnamon dulche and hazlenut latte double cupped with room.

>> No.7961623


>> No.7962008

Espresso Americano with an extra espresso shot, sometimes a latte with an extra shot and hazelnut syrup

The coffee is shit but its that or stale ripoffs from local cafe's

>> No.7962016

The concepts are good (the paninies are fine) but they taste below McDonalds tier, wouldnt eat there

The sweet dishes are ok, not good nor bad, just ok

Fuck, this is the 7eleven of cafe's what do you expect?

>> No.7962079

Just because im amazed this thread has lasted this long.
If I want hot I'll do a red eye, if cold I've recently been doing the Doubleshot on ice, no sweetener cream. Sometimes add an extra shot (makes the venti 6 shots total)

But i typically have been going to WaWa since they opened here. 24oz Cuban roast with Loght Cream

>> No.7962570

Their americano is GOAT
it shits all over the hipster faggots at Verve(only locals will know this) make

its pretty hard to fuck up espresso and water tho desu

>> No.7962863

Iced white chocolate mocha.

When I'm in my city's downtown I go to a small Greek Orthodox cafe to get a hot chai latte. Do cash

>> No.7963292

>its pretty hard to fuck up espresso and water
>its pretty hard to fuck up espresso
>hard to fuck up espresso

nigger do you know what espresso is? it's ludicrously easy to fuck up.

>> No.7963351

Coffee with heavy cream and sugar free syrup.

>> No.7963450

they use super autos man. all they have to do is pretty much a button. pretty hard to fuck up

>> No.7963506

Better than "real" coffee, to be honest.

>> No.7963551

iced latte

>> No.7963700

Iced Passion Fruit Tea, unsweetened.
Breve Latte

I have not gone to a Starbucks since Nov '15. I did just receive a $5 card though, so I might go soon.

>> No.7963927

>quad ristretto
that would be lungo

>> No.7963945

actually it's interchangeable

>> No.7963963


the 4 ristretto's aren't all from one pull numbnuts. i don't pay extra for that shit

>> No.7964327

Coldbrew coffee ground, put in a gigantic filter bag and filled with water, then placed inside of a 'tap', filled with water over it. Sealed away and left to steep for about 20 hours.

Then we drain it into pitchers, so when you come and order it, we pour it into a cup and then it's diluted with water as a mandatory step.

>> No.7964436

Venti Pikes, steamed heavy whipping cream. Every time.

Actually sometimes I get a pour over of the Veranda, but usually not.

>> No.7964574

I enjoy their iced teas. No syrup, though. It makes them too sweet.

>> No.7964866

venti caramel frappicuno every monday.

>> No.7964904

A small "light" roast to hold me over till I can walk to a better coffee shop.

>> No.7964966

I don't
I get water and pour milk in it with cinnamon and sugar in it.
Coffee hasn't worked on me in years and free is free.

>> No.7964982

Just a vanilla latte maybe.
I only go to Starbucks once a year or so.

>> No.7965120

Iced tripple tall no whip lactose-free half-raspberry mocha, long.

>> No.7965190


>> No.7965200
File: 12 KB, 418x233, 1431821214444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a "medium coffee" apparently its called "grande pike place" there. classy.

>> No.7965614

You can make really fucking great coffee at home with just an aeropress and some decent beans. A good coffee is delicious by itself. Starbucks coffee is trash. Why the fuck do you think they offer so many flavors and additions? You can't fucking drink that shit on its own, it's disgusting. The only reason for Starbucks' success is its consistency. You can go to any unfamiliar location and receive the same liquid diarrhea that you get at the Starbucks by your house. Starbucks' beans are roasted until there is no fucking flavor left except for burnt, which means they can use any beans from anywhere of any quality to make it. It's the only way they can cheaply ensure one roast comes out the same as the next. Starbucks has disgusting coffee, but it's consistently disgusting and it's the reason people like you have the "It's just fucking coffee" mentality.

>> No.7965621

>so many people responding to shit-tier bait
I don't know why I bother making good bait anymore

>> No.7967103

Not that Anon but the bottled ones are much sweeter. The doubleshot mocha in a can in actually pretty strong, it's a shame they don't come in bigger bottles. They're good for long work days because you can chug them fast.

>> No.7967113

This was hilarious to me when I first went in. I asked for a medium coffee and they said "grande?"
I thought that meant large. My sister is a regular so she just ordered for me and explained after.

>> No.7967119

This. I live in fucking Seattle, I can find far better in the 2 miles near me.

>> No.7967124

>paying $4 for someone to poor boiling water over coffee grounds for you

>> No.7967137

Small black coffee

I only stop at Starbucks if I'm out and need my afternoon coffee. It's expensive but not a big deal since I don't go that often.

>> No.7967337

Not gonna lie. The coffee tastes like shit usually but cold brew is good.

>> No.7967354

Can I get four Trenta waters with light ice?

>> No.7967394

Regurlar black coffee. Why? Because I need to order something while using their wifi.

I am also only at starbucks if there are too many people a the library.

>> No.7967422

Black coffee, no cream/sugar. I had a gift card once and got some kind of fruit tea that was pretty good, but I prefer coffee.

>> No.7967827

some frappucino kinda thing, don't even know how to spell it, but i know it when i am there and order the same thing all the time.

>> No.7967912

Nothing is worth purchasing here

Clover brewed is actually very good depending on the coffee but fuck that shit I would never ever ever pay for coffee at Starbucks, working there I was more than capable to make quality drinks if I wanted to but you only got that if I liked you and had enough time, minimum wage, minimum effort. If you get a regular coffee anytime after like 11am, that shit is gonna have been sitting in the brewer for about 2 and a half hours (or longer if it's at night), just being picked up and put down to keep the brewer heated.

Although some stuff is good, especially some of the ready to eat crap that is stocked in the lobby, you have to be some kind of dipshit to spend $7 on a frappuccino or "latte" that really costs about 35 cents to make. The iced teas are almost reasonable however they aren't as good as 2-3 years back when everything was Tazo, and are especially unappealing when you can head right across the street to the gas station and get a half gallon jug of 20 different flavors of iced teas for $2.09.

Starbucks is pretentious garbage and frappuccinos, granitas, pink drinks, etc are for people who belong in sewers.

>> No.7967928
File: 149 KB, 266x500, iced-coconut-milk-image-569cc65608fe5ec06b8ba8d2fd5ef86d88c8e5a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the new Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato!

Chilled, single-origin, Sumatran Coconut Milk, a hint of white chocolate mocha, and Espresso roast combine with caramel drizzle and a swirl of mocha to create five perfectly-balanced layers of summery espresso sweetness in every sip.

>> No.7967935


The last time I went there was over eight years ago.

>> No.7967940

I have literally never tasted coffee blacker than your wife's son's dad

>> No.7968664

don't have time to look through the thread so I'm gonna make sure someone says it

starbucks sux

>> No.7968752

I used to go to a local coffee shop and have them make me a red bull smoothie with skittles mixed in.

>> No.7969311

not sugar-infused color-infused anything-but-coffee-infused liquids as shown in your pic...

>> No.7969343

How much student debt have you accumulated since working there?

>> No.7969345

>A LOT more women though so you get more nice people
You what? Women are the fucking worst to deal with in the service industry. They're far more petty, penny pinching and entitled then anybody else especially black women. Black women are also some of the worst workers you have to deal with in a customer service job, especially Jamaican blacks or American blacks.
t. former liquor store worker

>> No.7971240

I hate you and if this is bait I'll bite that shit all day

>> No.7971263
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a large coffee with a little cream also i tell the waitress that my name is huge penis, so this way all the ladies know what's cumming their way.

>> No.7971265

I'm glad Pepe and Wojak finally made up after all this time to run for President/VP. They will make memes great again.

>> No.7971276

do you want a gf that browses /ck/?