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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 431 KB, 918x568, ChknTendersRGB_918x568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7944899 No.7944899 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody give me an actual reason why it's taboo to be an adult and enjoy chicken tenders?

It's just chicken breast, adults consider it something to brag about if they eat chicken breast prepared any other way since it's seen as healthy, so it isn't the meat that's the problem....and people will eat all kinds of deep fried food without any sort of issue, including FRIED CHICKEN OF ANY OTHER CUT

So what the fuck is the issue here? I'm aware of the meme status since it's a childrens menue staple, but there is no real actual logical reason to think enjoying fried chicken breast strips is only for children, is there? I mean I can understand if you go to some nice restaurant or a steakhouse and you order chicken tenders, but some burger place? An average diner? Who cares

>> No.7944906

Because we live in a society with culture, which isn't always rational since we're not all autistic.

>> No.7944907

>Who cares
Nobody. While I've met some redditor and SJW types in the wild, it's actually rare that you meet people who hold these extreme opinions. And the same is true for people who lose their shit about what other people eat.

It's called a vocal minority. Sometimes, yes, they are able to do annoying shit like getting soda banned in NY, but if you get out and meet people, you'll find that everyone is really chill and doesn't give a fuck.

tl;dr Spending so much time on the Internet makes you think that this shit is bigger than it really is. Real people ("normies") don't care.

>> No.7944909


It's not taboo to enjoy them at all.

It is, however, a problem if that's all you eat.

The problem is that tendies are the poster child for picky eaters, and everyone hates picky eaters.

>> No.7944913

because if you're going out to eat why would you buy something that you could just as easily have made by opening your freezer and dumping the contents of a box you bought at walmart into your toaster oven?

>> No.7944921
File: 235 KB, 650x650, silkie-chicken-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to eat deep fried food to begin with

why don't you enjoy regular ass chicken breasts? how does deep frying them really improve them?

>> No.7944931

I'm not op, but:

>why would you want to eat deep fried food to begin with

Because it tastes good. It has a pleasant texture. And because it's not as unhealthy as many people seem to think it is, especially in moderation.

>>regular ass chicken breasts
Because chicken breast, usually anyway, sucks. It has very little flavor, and it's usually overcooked and dry. It's shit meat that needs something done to it to make it tasty. Though honestly I'd avoid ordering breast at all if I could, I'd much rather get the leg as even on today's factory-farmed birds that meat still has some flavor.

On the other hand, if you have some actually good chicken then yeah, forget frying it. Got a silkie like in your pic? It would be dumb to make tendies out of that. Too bad those are hard to find in the US, the average person would freak out at the sight of it, and the average American chef would have no idea how to prepare it.

>> No.7944941

>because if you're going out to eat why would you buy something that you could just as easily have made by opening your freezer and dumping the contents of a box you bought at walmart into your toaster oven?

Same could be said about steak, or burgers, the two easiest things to make yourself on the planet, even more so than chicken tenders which require a fryer and breading skills

>> No.7944972

what part of box to freezer do you fail to understand? you can't do that with a steak. and most places that serve tendies use pre-made frozen shit anyways

>> No.7944978


>> No.7944979

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7944987


Most restaurants that serve tendies aren't breading them themselves. They buy them frozen, pre-breaded, from a foodservice distributor like Sysco.

>> No.7944990


>> No.7944998

do you know what a fucking taboo is? it's not fucking taboo. no one cares if you like chicken tenders. people will just (rightly) think you're mentally 10 years old if you order them over more interesting food.

>> No.7945023


>> No.7945076


You proving his point frothing retard

>> No.7945087


no i'm not. he thinks people have a problem with you *enjoying* them, which is plainly irrational. actually, people have a problem with you *not enjoying* other things. chicken tenders are a common denominator food. continuing to choose them over a diverse range of more interesting alternatives shows you're scared or otherwise resistant to branching out.

>> No.7945114
File: 53 KB, 657x400, barracuda-dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you know what a fucking taboo is? it's not fucking taboo. no one cares if you like child porn. people will just (rightly) think you're mentally fucked up in the head if you look at it over adult porn.

>> No.7945117


People on this board are too stupid to understand that distinction.

>> No.7945189
File: 551 KB, 850x986, 1470050062691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog, its the only food they eat, because its all meat and resembles mcdonalds chicken nuggets. its bad because they haven't evolved past a grade school child who dips his nuggers in honey sauce.

I too like tendies, I also like coffee, bitter dark as fuck no sugar chocolate. Sour teas, lemon, I like tomato and onion and other slimy vegetables like okra. I have a well rounded pallet that can appreciate almost anything someone puts on the table.

beardy mc tender chuckers eats tendies, only tendies, maybe the burger plain with cheese only. and french fries. Theyre a fucking man child. The kind of guy who at the age of fucking 30ish wont eat anything on their plate that they don't like, veggies, anything slightly off about the taste, and they send it right back. theyre picky fucks and they deserve the reputation they have because they earn it through lazyness, self gratification, and a refusal to grow beyond their idle little white barren room so that when people want to socialize with them and treat them they are forced to cook or buy or go out to the same shitty places becuase anywhere nice wont have food they like.

One of my best friends acts exactly like this and it drives me fucking insane. He always says "I don't want to be picky I just am" but he never makes any efforts to actually change that making the whole thing sound disingenuous as fuck.

>> No.7945197


this board is a goldmine for incredibly stupid analogies

>> No.7945200

Dr - no one gives a shit

>> No.7945201


a well rounded pallet wouldn't stack very well

>> No.7945221


>> No.7945240

obligatory "tenders is short for tenderloin which is a different chunk of meat than the breast" post that still inexplicably hasn't been posted.

Also getting now obligatory "huh" out of the way.

>> No.7945243


they're often known as chicken breast fillets. it hasn't been posted because it's not a particularly useful or pertinent distinction.

>> No.7945244


>> No.7945245

>i'll have the chicken tenders and a side of diet coke thanks :)


>> No.7945316

>it's a childrens menue staple
That's really it. It's associated with children, particularly fussy children of the middle and lower classes. An adult eating a lollipop or pushing all the vegetables to the side of his plate looks the same way. There's nothing wrong with it, but it looks a little childish.

These days many things that used to be considered childish are done by adults all the time without so much as an eyebrow being raised. Men wear shorts all the time, go outside without wearing hats and everyone wears athletic shoes.

The only question I would have about an adult eating tenders would be: why? In a world where you could order so many more interesting things what's the appeal of eating chunks of fried chicken breast dunked into sweet sauce with your fingers? I don't get it, but if it floats your boat who cares?

>> No.7945329

You can't insult people who like it and the people who give them shit for liking it at the same time

>> No.7945342

Sure you can. I can say you have childish, shitty taste but not really give a fuck about what you're eating.

>> No.7945828

would honestly love to take that kid home and stuff him full of fatty tendies and rub his belly :^)

>> No.7945896

top keks

>> No.7945920

What's childish about eating fried chicken? How is it any more childish than eating a cheeseburger? Why does a cut of chicken suddenly become childish when it's breaded and fried but is hip and mature when it's grilled naked?

>> No.7945937

It's only considered childish by people who consider themselves to be high-class(uppity hipsters usually).

>> No.7945974

It's just faggots trying too hard to feel "mature and adult".

>> No.7945976

Good questions. This stuff just happens in society. Why do we associate pink withj little girls and blue with little boys? I have no fucking idea, but the association is there, regardless.

I'll take a guess, though. McDonald's always targeted children, and their McNuggets were such a hit with kids that nuggets replaced fish sticks as the poor/fussy kid staple in a matter of years. They had an even wider appeal because some kids didn't like fish, and because they were made of chicken parents felt better about serving them to kids than hot dogs. This happened during the 1980's. To who grew up in, say the 90's or later nuggets (or their slightly upscale relations tenders) seem like perfectly normal food, not different than a burger or a hot dog. Those who came of age before nuggets were a thing saw them as a children's menu item, because it had no allure to them. There are still a lot of those folks walking around, so the stigma persists.

Just spitballing, but it seems likely to me.

>> No.7946030

It's not really. My coworkers range from ages 40-60 (I'm 22) and we went to lunch at Popeye's recently and like 5 of them ordered tendies.

>> No.7946035

shut up and eat your tendies you /r9k/ autist faggot.

>> No.7946077


you agree to get him dinner for he is far to young for adult food

you don't understand

he says hes hungry


>> No.7946079

There's a restaurant right up the street from me that sells "fried chicken strips" and adults order that shit all the time.

>> No.7946320

Never said I had a well rounded spelling ability.

>> No.7946337

I prepared to make 3.5 Lb of tendies over the weekend. Made two batches in an electric skillet. Gf trips over the cord on the third batch. Floor got the brunt but I still got 2.5 Lb of tendies. Worth it. Made her clean that shit up.

>> No.7946369

Because eating healthy, unbreaded cuts of chicken breast show you care about your health more than someone who constantly orders breaded and fried chicken breast to eat. the latter person has less self control and reserve because they are caving into their instinctual desires to eat more fatty foods (such as fried chicken). Someone who eats just as much chicken but grilled or something has more self control and is more mature in that aspect. Eating chicken tenders constantly shows you are lazy and not ready to be an adult? Possibly, especially when you could learn to cook and fend for yourself in more mature and healthy ways.

>> No.7946375
File: 96 KB, 226x164, 1467424151852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dick shaped chunks of deep-fried grease and fat
>only flavoring is salt and maybe some pepper
>overly processed
>you can get them anywhere
>it tells other people you don't like variety
>it tell people you don't have a developed pallet

it's basically the sweatpants of food. It's comfy, cheap, easy to wear, but you look like a dick and you don't have any taste or style for wearing them, especially in public.

like, fucking order a chicken sandwich, it's got at least some dimension of flavor to it and it's not all fat. fried chicken is nog food but everyone likes fried chicken, and if you can eat that because of the bones you are literally a limp-wristed faggot.

>> No.7946389

>Can somebody give me an actual reason why it's taboo to be an adult and enjoy chicken tenders?
Are you kidding me? Are you really asking this? I just, ugh.


Watch these videos and become educated on what real food is, maybe then you'll grow out of your tendies diapeys.

>> No.7946390

Had Chicken Tendies for lunch on Monday.

Its was a political statement, Take that society!

>> No.7946410
File: 613 KB, 1122x774, grilled-eggplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See op, I want you to examine this post carefully. Besides being a fucking assinine fucker who hates classy and artful plates, this fucker legitimately believes that any plate of food that doesn't contain fat fried breaded chicken and non dem greens is the equivelant of being served a plate full of spruce branches and rocks. A dish like this is indistinguishable to them as the links they posted. If they can't even appreciate anything but the most basic of nourishment, of course theyre not going to understand something more complex like actual novelty. to them novelty is maybe ordering chicken tendies with honey mustard instead of ranch.

>> No.7946422

>talking shit about Noma while posting a picture of greasy oil covered grilled """food""" as an example of something good
Why don't you go eat your tendies, lardass? You don't seem to be able to appreciate something as complex as the flavor of a carrot that has been aged for an entire year and are only willing to eat vegetables that have been covered in fatty oils and fried by some hairy nigger

>> No.7946429
File: 685 KB, 1280x960, 1468019960746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fucking inflate yourself, YOU'RE the tendies faggot and i'll make sure you fucking die a horrible death for daring to insult my food

>> No.7946435

Touchy now, aren't we? All I did was call you out on not appreciating what true fine dining is all about and here you are sending me death threats. Why don't you run along and eat your """"veggie"""" tempura, since apparently you're so incapable of eating vegetables that aren't soaked in fat and nigger semen?

>> No.7946461

Autists are not rational beings, stop believing that.

>> No.7946468
File: 252 KB, 600x600, 23700037480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit this is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

This cannot be put into simpler terms. The frozen shit at Wal-Mart is probably what they'll serve you at a restaurant.

>inb4 "I was just pretending to be retarded"

>> No.7946472

Or, listen to this mindblowing theory, don't eat fried chicken constantly. OP never implied anything else.

Variation is and always has been an important factor in eating healthy anyway.

>> No.7946476
File: 167 KB, 413x404, 1438839033703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to meme posts

>> No.7946566

>"not all fat"
>chicken breast
>no protein all fat
>adding bread to it and mayo and a lettuce leaf makes it healthier

suuuure buddy

>> No.7946580

yes actually, it does. because it exposes your body to other nuetrients it can use to fuel it. but of course you're too fucking fat to understand you're supposed to reduce your chicken pieces eaten in favor of the other ingredients, not just add more fucking food ontop of it.

>> No.7946589

lol nutrients from mayo and white bread. Cool. Lets put bread on bread and add more fat to something you think is already nothing but fat

>> No.7946603


>> No.7947928


>Why does a cut of chicken suddenly become childish when it's breaded and fried

it doesn't

>is hip and mature when it's grilled naked?

it isn't.

this is what's called a straw man argument. breading and frying chicken isn't childish - excessively favouring chicken tenders over other options is. because chicken tenders are almost the number one staple at kids menus alongside cheese and tomato pizza, heinz tomato soup, chips and so on. kids like beige food and continually refuse to eat anything else. you can see why an adult who does the same appears childish.

>> No.7949879


>justifying being a manbaby who never developed taste passed age 5 tells me a ball of grease and oil is healthy in the first place

just fucking fall into a pool and drown

>> No.7949907

incorrect you wanker. I was responding to "it's not all fat if you add mayo and bread" because chicken breast is actually way more protein than fat or carbs, even with the breading. You're just a fuckin piece of shit loser with no friends so you sit there mouth breathing all day staring at the screen waiting to jump someone and giggle while you touch your feminine dick saying OH I SURE SHOWED THEM HAHAHAHA

Btw killer, it's "past" not "passed" and nobody ever mentioned shit about it being healthy. I said adding mayo and bread to it does not make it healthier. But good to know you think adding mayo makes it healthy and changes the flavor ohhh so much. You fucking God, you. You manly balls of steel God.

>> No.7949927


>I'm a faggot

ah, noted.

>> No.7949929

I make chicken tenders every now and again and when I go to the burger place near my house, I sometimes order them.

Then again, I'm not a pussy.

>> No.7949930
File: 80 KB, 600x400, 1470348896272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Made it healthier for you. Yeahhhh buddy. Chicken sandwich = healthier than just tenders according to you.

>> No.7951042

Wow that's a healthy meal right there, you must be a refined adult

>> No.7951064

who gives a fuck about what people think about what you eat
grow up and get some balls you fucking pussy

>> No.7951077

Everything you said was a strawman but I will respond seriously regardless because even ignoring that point, you're still retarded..
>How is it any more childish than eating a cheeseburger?
Generally speaking, cheesburgers can be customized to a considerable degree. However chicken tenders are very samish regardless of where you go.
>Why does a cut of chicken suddenly become childish when it's breaded and fried but is hip and mature when it's grilled naked?
Because children like chicken tenders. The way it's cooked appeals to their senses. Generally speaking, they're less likely to enjoy grilled chicken breasts.

>> No.7951083

>it's taboo to be an adult
lmao where do you live?

>> No.7951103

>chicken is a very lean meat and is mostly protein while beef is fattier, less healthy, and a cheeseburger is covered in sauce and cheese and served on an unhealthy white bread bun

>> No.7951116
File: 114 KB, 750x677, pearl smokes to deal with your bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, anon. I tried to give you legitimate arguments as to why eating a cheeseburger might be considered more acceptable and you decided to meme out.
I never argued for its health either. Just that cheeseburgers can be much more varied taste wise.

>> No.7951199

It's only childish if it's all you fucking eat.

I mean for fucks sake I hate the tendies meme in a way that exceeds the capacity of English to express, but it's fucking fried chicken.

>> No.7951209

>lmao where do you live?
The internet apparently

>> No.7951215


>> No.7951224

I would like to think an adult would eat whatever they want to eat and what makes them more adult like is the fact that they do not care what other people think about what they are eating. Granted, nothing but tenders and only tenders ever is not healthy, who cares? It's not your life. I have never met any one ever that eats nothing but chicken tenders though and if I did, it's not my place to judge them. I can say though that adding mayo and bread to tenders does not make it healthier in any way, especially when you consider tenders balls of fat with no nutrients as per the guy in this thread saying making it a sandwich makes it healthy by adding mayo and bread and that it now appeals to adults rather than children because of all the nutrients in mayo and bread.

>> No.7951241


>making a thread about defending tendies

Kill yourself