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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7941488 No.7941488 [Reply] [Original]

See subject. How is your health?

What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Do you "watch what you eat"?
Are you also /fit/?
How about your friends and family?
Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
How do you regard obese people?

>> No.7941532


Despite diet and exercise, I feel like shit all the time. I drink a lot of alcohol.

In terms of eating habits I cook pretty healthy things at home. When I go out, I will normally get things that I won't be able to cook at home as well such as venison, lobster or crab ravioli, beef wellington, stuff like that. Overall though I eat pretty healthy with the exception of ordering a pizza here and there.

I go out maybe twice a month. The quality of the places are always good. One is a great mom and pop Greek/Italian place. Another is a 5 star restaurant that only open for a few hours in the evening. The best fucking venison I've had in my life is at this place. The chefs all have decades of experience and it shows in their cooking. I appreciate the experience and passion they have with food.

I do watch what I eat.

I am not overweight but I have been lifting for only 3 months though.

Most of my friends and family are not /fit/. They are largely lazy and/or overweight.

My eating habits now are fairly different. Growing up my mom was a health nut always giving me good wholesome meals but in my teenage years I ate a lot of junk which I regret.

Obese people who realize they have a problem and are actively trying to better themselves by getting down to a healthy weight by watching what they eat and exercising I have no problem with. Some of the time when people let themselves go that far there is an underlying psychological reason. Coping with stress from the death of a loved one, abusive childhood, bad breakup, years of bullying, whatever.

Obese people who are "empowered" and "proud" to be fat and want to show off their disgusting fucking fat rolls by wearing revealing clothes and screaming "thin privilege" I wish they never existed. I also encourage all proud obese people to watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltF-6ldrqJs

>> No.7941537

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I hardly ever go out, my budget just doesn't allow it. At home I make very simple meals: rice, pasta, legumes, vegetable stews, soups.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Like once every few months, any place where they serve meat since I don't eat meat at home (not by choice but budget)
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
No, not really.
>Are you also /fit/?
I ride my bike a lot but I'm skinnyfat with decent legs
>How about your friends and family?
Mom and sister are dancers so they're pretty fit. Dad used to be a professional cyclist but is now fat, though not a blob.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Yes, my mom wasn't a very good cook.
>How do you regard obese people?
I despise them.

>> No.7941630

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I eat much healthier at home. I usually meal prep for the week and specifically target a calorie and macronutrient goal. Lots of protein, LOTS of fruit and vegetables, healthy fats, moderate starchy carbs. Eating out is a trainwreck, though. We don't have any "nice" restaurants where I live (the place many people in town consider one of our best places shares a wall with a gas station...) so it's usually fast food and something indulgent.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
1 meal every week or two. Low quality, as mentioned above.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
I do now. I didn't used to.
>Are you also /fit/?
I wasn't for the longest time, though I am now. My first cut only revealed a skinny guy with a little extra skin so I'm excited to finish this bulk and try again with muscle.
>How about your friends and family?
Lots of fatties and above average, very few that are really fit.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Very much so. My mom usually cooked pretty balanced meals, but a lot of it was unhealthy. Lots of fried foods, not as many vegetables as it probably should have had, and probably too many unhealthy snacks.
>How do you regard obese people?
With a little bit of regret. I see how much time I wasted as a chunky guy and it's disappointing how too often it's just a physical manifestation of an underlying mental issue. Lots of trauma in obese people's history, and this whole HAES/fat acceptance bullshit has added one more excuse to their arsenal. On the flip side, whenever I see a big person working to overcome those issues, nothing but support and good thoughts to them. Mastery over the self is absolutely the hardest yet most satisfying pursuit and in a time when far too many have no hope or direction or discipline it's great to encourage anytime you see it.

>> No.7941637

>mostly pasta at lunch and salade for dinner
>every other friday night, we go out and choose any restaurant, don't care about quality, the food is the most important
>yes, I watch what I eat
>I used to be fit, now just look after myself, not that fit
>they're fat and lazy, me and my wife are the only ones living a healthy life
>yes, completely opposite than when I was single.
>I hate fat people

>> No.7941653

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
When I eat out, I always order a grilled chicken sandwich and salad.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
2-3 times a week. Chick-fil-a has good grilled chicken and salads.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Other than the occasional drive thru meal, I'm on a strict diet. Oats, egg whites, chicken, filet mignon, tilapia, tuna, salmon, broccoli, asparagus, frozen mixed vegetables, non-fat plain Greek yogurt, etc. I eat for nutrition not pleasure.
>Are you also /fit/?
>How about your friends and family?
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Yes. My parents had the "you eat what we make and be grateful for it" mentality. They're heathens. I moved out when I was 17 and I'm 30 now. I haven't talked to them in 13 years.
>How do you regard obese people?
I have little respect for people who don't take charge of their lives. See a therapist to fix what's wrong in your head, get a gym membership, finish your degree, end your disgusting habits, and MAGA.

>> No.7941692

I don't go out unless someone invites me.
I do.
Work out regularly.
Father was a powerlifter, still works out and is in pretty good shape pushing sixty, and my mother was more a granola yuppie type. Opposites attract I guess.
They raised me on a relatively clean diet. I eat less meat than I used to though.
Indifferent. HAES and genetics types bother me like they'd bother anyone but I don't know why people around here get so upset about them.

>> No.7941704

I'm a little heavier than I'd like to be, but I'm still within the normal BMI range, just on the high side of it. I'm loosing weight since I stopped drinking though.

I usually skip breakfast. Lunch is usually leftovers, though sometimes I eat out. Dinner is always cooked at home. I am a serious amateur cook, I make a pretty serious spread for myself & roommates every night. Everything from scratch.

I eat out for lunch maybe 1-2 times a week, usually when meeting a client for lunch. I rarely eat out for dinner, that only happens on a special occasion or on a business trip. When I eat out it's almost always at a proper restaurant. I eat fast food maybe once a month.

I don't count calories or track macros. I do, however, make it a point to eat a wide variety of food. I rarely eat fast food, mainly because I don't like it very much.

I don't post on /fit/ but I do exercise. When I was in college I was pretty ripped, but now that I'm out and working I don't have as much time to hit the gym.

My parents are both quite fit, especially given their age (late 70's). Mom does yoga (has all her life), and Dad jogs. My friends range the gamut from skinny long-distance runners who can do one-handed pullups to fat fucks that get exhausted climbing stairs.

My habits are pretty much the same as when I was young. To this day I still insist on eating every meal at the kitchen table, just like I was raised. Also, people with shitty table manners bug me.

Obese people are subhuman.

>> No.7941801

i'm pretty fat. probably about 200lbs at six foot.

my diet is very varied, and for the most part quite healthy, but i am an alcoholic and usually very sedentary.

i do watch what i eat. i was an obese kid and slimmed down when i was a teenager through both a growth spurt and a massive reduction in my diet. i've put in the time to learn how to balance a diet and i'm not a big lover of fast food or whatever. like it's good but so is an omelette with a salad. however i don't really watch what i eat in terms of calories, i just make sure i'm getting a varied diet and lots of green stuff.

my dad is fat. we both have a similar habit of eating small meals, but then fucking destroying the leftovers in repeated trips to the fridge.

yes my eating habits are very different to when i was a kid.

i am shit at sports and other forms of high intensity exercise, although i used to row and play badminton competitively. i like going for walks though. my current girlfriend is extremely active and it's somewhat rubbed off on me, but it isn't really affecting my weight cause i eat and drink more when i'm with her.

i feel bad for obese people and i understand that there's this whole layer of social interaction you just don't have access to when you're fat. like i'm on the verge now of being fat enough for people not to want to do nice things with me or be seen near me and that's very sad because i had that problem my whole childhood and it fucked me up quite a bit. that said, all i have to do is stop drinking so much beer and everything will probably get better. i don't know if i'm gonna find the determination to do that, and i wonder if truly obese people struggle with willpower like i currently am or they're just stupid on some level.

>> No.7941833

Yes I am. Not like pic, but still could stand to lose 50-75 pounds.
Blood pressure is high, don't eat out much, drink a little too much beers. Recently switched to light beer. Need to exercise more.

>> No.7941834

What's with all the essays?

>> No.7941855


>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?

I no longer drink pop at all, used to work for coke and had unfettered access to a fridge full of it for free cold anytime, its hard to turn down when you come back to the warehouse after moving heavy vending machines...

Now I just drink water, will have ocasional pop maybe twice a week, sometimes none. Don't snack, eat only meals, try to stick with protein as much as possible.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?

Twice a week, Mcdonalds, Chikfila, Cheddars, Outback

>Do you "watch what you eat"?

>Are you also /fit/?
I'm probably 50lbs overweight, 5' 7" 195lbs

>How about your friends and family?
Fat, Gf is landwhale but harpoon her so its cool love that bitch.

>Are your health + eating habits different than
when you were growing up?

Of course, my problem is sugar addiction, much easier to control that when your parents keep it in check, much harder when you're an adult.

>How do you regard obese people?

I don't know how you get to be 300lbs, I can see why I weigh what I weigh because I know what I eat, but how the fuck do you get to weigh 250lbs, 300lbs or more.

I see what my gf eats, she doesn't eat enough to maintain 300lb weight, in fact she eats less than me, I have another friend also female who eats more than my gf but she doesn't go above 210lb, I can't say its all on what you eat, theres got to be more to it.

>> No.7941885

First off, I was obese as hell since childhood. I'm 5'3 and weighed up to 370 lbs. I'm now down to 206 lbs. I'm still considered obese and getting lower, but this is even smaller than what I was in middle school.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
I haven't gone out in years.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Yes. I portion control and watch my calories.
>Are you also /fit/?
I'm getting there and /fit/ is my main board.
>How about your friends and family?
My mother is obese. 285 lbs.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Definitely. I ate nothing but crap growing up. I never ate fruit or vegetables and probably drank more pop than water.
>How do you regard obese people?
I just feel bad for some and angry at the assholes setting a bad example for children and their haes bullshit.

>> No.7941900

people vent, whats with the short attention span?

>our best places shares a wall with a gas station

hey, rural american bro, east ky here where are you? Don't you just dread any birthday parties or any kind of get togethers? You just know its always god awful pizza, boxes of it, 2 liter pop and chips.

>> No.7941911


>> No.7941966

>Are you fat?
5'9" and 240 lbs down from 250.
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
Shitty in both.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
A couple times a month, usually fast food.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
I try to be mindful. Some days I do really well. Many days I don't.
>Are you also /fit/?
>How about your friends and family?
Mom and brother are skinny despite eating nothing but sugar. Dad is pudgy. I'm the only actual fat one.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Growing up I was fed fast and frozen foods. I only pushed my parents to but healthy options after a mandatory health class in high school. I eat a lot more vegetables and whole grains now, I like cabbage and broccoli, but that doesn't mean I won't eat an entire box of cream cheese jalapeno poppers.
>How do you regard obese people?
I don't give a shit. I cannot stand fat activism though. It's pretty terrible that these young girls get on the internet and see all these bitches telling them that it's okay and healthy to be fat. I think part of being a happy person is being able to accept and be okay with yourself the way you are. I don't think that means ignoring bad habits you have or thinking you don't have to change for anyone or anything.

My biggest gripe with dieting is having to measure things out. I can deal with portion sizes and not feeling full because I know that will go away if I stick to the diet. I always tell myself that not being full isn't the same as being hungry. I like vegetables and complex carbs and water. I just hate having to pull out the scale and measure every fucking thing. I wanted to try meal planning but I dislike eating reheated leftover food.

>> No.7941977 [DELETED] 

At home, I eat better at my mom's than my dad's, since she buys healthier. I don't go out much (once a month maybe), but I usually either get a burger or pasta when I do. I usually watch what I eat, but mostly because I don't want to drive the grocery bill up. The closest I am to /fit/ is going on leisurely walks. Sister is not /fit/. My brother, mom, and her side of the family is /fit/. My dad is /fit/, but his side of the family varies. Same with my friends. Health/eating habits are the same. If obese people are actually trying to slim down, more power to them. If obese people let themselves get to that point and leech off of society, partake in "fat acceptance", and complain about their fatness, then they should be slaughtered and have their blubber harvested for profit.

>> No.7941998
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x1836, 2016-08-02 13.59.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not filling out a survey. It's a discussion. Who the hell want to just read a couple dozen short lists of peoples habits?

>> No.7942002

post pics of sister, crop face out

>> No.7942012

Not yet! But I was getting there! Then I started a six-to-eight week regimen last week and I'm sure to lose a lot of weight because of it.
After that, we'll see if I can get up there again. Wish me luck! :3

>> No.7942095

> Weight
6'5 and 218 pounds this morning. Was 250 in February. Aiming for minimum <200 as soon as possible, but progress is still progress.

> What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
At home I cook for myself and eat healthy, but tend to be pretty cheap, so it's a lot of the same kinds of cheap veggies and fruit (potatoes, corn, rice, bananas). Usually only eat one meal a day for work reasons.

At work I drink one $1 energy drink halfway through my shift but don't eat because I'm a night shift donut fryer so I don't get hungry, and huffing donut fumes is infinitely better than actually eating a donut once you fully experience how they're made. Being around a lot of heat and sweating means drinking more water, and that helps suppress hunger too. Usually only eat at night before shift, but sometimes I break and get Taco Bell breakfast on the bike ride home.

When hanging out with friends I eat like shit because they eat fast food and don't know how to cook and I don't want to fuck around in their pseudo-kitchen.

> How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Used to be a big sucker for the $4 lunch specials at my local chinese place. Don't eat out much anymore. Local Japanese place occasionally with friends to support the couple that own it and for nostalgia.

> Do you "watch what you eat"?

Are you also /fit/?
Gym twice a week, go running two other days a week. Wish I could do more but 40 hour work weeks get in the way.

> How about your friends and family?
Family is doctors and health nuts, friends are fucking slobs.

> Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
I was raised to eat healthy, really fucked my body up as a teenager, and am now working on fixing it to enlist in the navy.

> How do you regard obese people?
Can't stand the mindset that it's okay to live like that, or that it can't be helped. Secretly want a fit but slightly chubby girl.

>> No.7942104

That looksike a really fucking shitty day for eating outside like that

>> No.7942184

>How is your health?
Overweight/fat since childhood, otherwise fine.
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
Out where? Eat what I find at home so usually junk.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Never I'm poor. Occasionally a mid-market restaurant if parents are paying
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Again what I can find
>Are you also /fit/?
>How about your friends and family?
No friends, family are fat lazy cunts
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
I eat what' available
>How do you regard obese people?
I pity them. They're usually a bi-product of parents with very a limited understanding of nutrition

>> No.7942333

No. I actually have self control and respect so I don't eat crap food nor do I eat too much of it. I also exercise regularly.

>> No.7942352
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 1460496017837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That webm depresses me.

Seriously lady get help you are not mentally well if you eat to these lengths

>> No.7942441

>See subject. How is your health?
Obese. About to become overweight due to massive exercise each day. I either walk 25km each day or take a 50km bike ride in high tempo. At this rate I will reach normal BMI in about 20 weeks time.
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
Try to add lots of vegetables when eating at home. The same when eating out at a buffet. Trying to eliminate junk food entirely like McD but it's easy and convenient to grab a meal through the drive through when coming home late.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
About 6 to 7 times a week or more often. Eating lunch outside each weekday at typical lunch places (Northern Europe). When eating dinner outside with friends a weekday it tends to be the usual Cesar salad or cheesburger with fries (the only items under $20) with a pint.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Well I'm eliminating that extra sandwich that's not needed and decline snacks offered by other people.
>Are you also /fit/?
My extreme exercising has given me great VO2 max, leg muscles and endurance.
>How about your friends and family?
In my family only my brother is fit but his eating habits are really bad. The other family members may be normal weight but they don't exercise. All friends except one have normal weight. They all kind of have shitty eating habits but all exercise. I'm the fattest but at this rate I'm not going to be the fattest one in about a week or two.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
I've been overweight/obese my entire life. I blame my mom for letting me eat unhealthy snacks and didn't force me to eat the food on the table. She also always convinced I was fine the way I were. She enabled me being overweight through fat acceptance.
>How do you regard obese people?
Not greatly. Everyone has a story but if you are an adult you are lazy if you don't do something about it.

>> No.7943018
File: 526 KB, 930x713, vlcsnap-2016-01-05-09h00m59s613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Not fat.

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I eat very stereotypically "bro" at home; cottage cheese, vegetables, whole grain, mostly lean meats. I indulge a bit when I go out, but still gravitate towards healthier options on menus (say, grilled fish and a side of vegetables) over others, and limit drinks to just for taste.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
1-2 times a week. Usually I go for higher-end places, but I am also fond of cheap Mediterranean food as it's fast and I can get relatively healthy dishes.

>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Yes. I used to calorie count, but stopped when I developed an eating disorder. I try not to indulge too much in one period.

>Are you also /fit/?
It's my home board, /ck/ is my second. I lift 5-6 times a week, and also do BJJ for >5 hours a week.

>How about your friends and family?
Both of my parents are obese. My father is sedentary and depressed and doesn't care about that or his T2DBM, but my mother has been going to the gym a lot lately and has been losing weight. She had a real problem overgrazing before.

>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Grew up a picky eater, thankfully gained a lot of taste during adulthood. My staples in my teens were ramen and sandwiches, now it's chicken, brussel sprouts and cottage cheese. Thankfully was a skinnyfat lil girl as a teen with no appetite, and I've only grown an appetite once I built muscle and started eating better.

>> No.7943047
File: 732 KB, 926x460, c9tcDnT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be easier to get your eating under control than to do all that cardio and look like a deflated balloon?

>> No.7943062

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I eat smaller portions and healthier foods generally when at home. This is partly to balance out the larger portions and less healthy foods that I eat when I go out, and partly because I simply want to eat healthier and in appropriate portions.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Once a week on average. Sit down meals are with friends or family and could be pretty much anything - chinese, indian, thai, bbq, etc. Fast food is usually A&W or Wendy's and is only when I don't have time for anything else - such as when I am travelling for work and don't have time for any other food options for 12+ hours.

>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Mostly. I have never been completely strict about anything but if I do go overboard I will eat clean for a while after to balance it out. Nutrition is a continuous scale, not a discrete event.

>Are you also /fit/?

>How about your friends and family?
Varies widely.

>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Very different. When I was about 10-16 my eating habits were terrible - my parents only made one mediocre meal per day, and I consumed huge quantities of candy, chips and soda or juice basically daily. Now I have those things in much smaller quantities and less frequently. I eat more vegetables and a larger variety of foods than when I was young.

>How do you regard obese people?

>> No.7943107

5'11"; 242 pounds.

I'm obese. I know it.

I also absolutely loathe anyone who peddles the HAES bullshit, or anyone who even IMAGINES a world in which obesity is accommodated for any reason at all. There are obviously edge cases for metabolic or (legitimate) thyroid disorders, and if you have the documentation for it, then that's acceptable, but no one is obligated to indulge your genetics at their own expense.

I know why I got obese; same way just about everyone in the US did: overeating, lack of self-control, but more importantly, a lack of a good relationship with food. I just didn't really pay any attention to what I put in my mouth outside of "does it taste good". And that, I think, is the most important reason why so many diets or surgeries end up failing. People don't understand/change the nature of their relationship to food.

I used to be 291 last November, so I've made some progress at least. But I've got a ways to go. I've cut down eating out basically to special occasions, which is once every 5 weeks or so, and I stick with the most filling calories I can find on the menu. I prepare all my own food and haven't had a frozen dinner in 8 months. I buy fresh vegetables a couple times a week to make sure that I actually eat them and don't let them go bad.

It sucks to look at myself and the changes I've gone through, and realize how long and how shitty my eating habits were around for. It's not like I hit rock bottom, but I think it's more that I finally got around to taking responsibility for myself and my body. You can lose everything else in your life, you could be broke, homeless, in jail, disowned, whatever. But as long as you've got your body, you have a chance; I want to make sure I always have that chance.

>> No.7943125

Doing both just taking the walking to the extreme during my vacation so I can go from obese to overweight due to positive health benefits. I'm balancing to eating less and exercising less. I find it hard to just eat less suddenly so I take it in increments. It's where I've failed before and this method works for me.

All currently adds up to a 500 to 600 kcal deficit daily when working. During vacation I'm around a 1000kcal deficit. Not sure how a 500kcal deficit daily is going to turn me into a deflated balloon though. 500kcal deficit daily is kind of the recommended weight loss rate.

>> No.7943144


>> No.7943164


>It's discussion
>no discussion going on

>> No.7943175
File: 2.87 MB, 640x360, Queen Kisses &amp; King Muahs - Mukbang - In-N-Out Burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a discussion: fat people eating is so gross, hearing them wheeze and slobber over shitty food is just horrendous

>> No.7943176
File: 142 KB, 790x1053, D.M..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty skinny (5'10 135lb), but I don't really care as long as I can lift the bags of flour and sugar, and the batter/dough at work.

>> No.7943191

i dont go out. not that i cant afford it, im just jewish with my money.
my eating habits piss off my roommate because he likes eating junk food, i mainly just eat chicken, beans, rice etc.
i do watch what i eat, but i like desserts on occasion. homemade ice cream is fucking bomb.
im not /fit/ per se, but i am in good shape. borderline ottermode.
my friends and family dont really eat all that healthy tbqh, but that doesnt matter to me because they can have their own lives.
my habits are different now. i used to eat junk and processed carbs like crazy growing up, simply because thats what my parents bought. they did that because my brothers were really picky eaters, and i didnt have much say in the matter.
most obese people are fucking retarded for allowing themselves to develop that way.

>> No.7943194

>How is your health?
Quite fine. I'm on the skinnyfat side of things, I think I'm around 150 and am 5'11
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I don't go out because I'm poor af but I eat one or two meals a day, usually pasta or something with eggs and milk like pancakes, burritos, etc.
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Well maybe one a month or two and to like mexican or chinese places I guess
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Can't really afford to
>Are you also /fit/?
no, although I walk 4 or 5 miles a day
>How about your friends and family?
They're relatively unhealthy I suppose. Well we are all healthy but they're on the plumper side
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
They really aren't
>How do you regard obese people?
As people. What I think a lot of people on 4chan doesn't realize is that our eating habits come from our families, our culture, our own habit, and a bunch of other things. You really can't blame someone for not wanting to put in the effort to lose weight, they just have different priorities than you
In fact, they might have their priorities far more in order than you

>> No.7943203

When one's priorities make them incapable of basic mobility, drive people away from them, and severely complicate their health, I think it's fair to say that they are objectively worse priorities.

>> No.7943212

yeah ok granted but why do you feel the need to judge them in the first place? Why does it matter if some people are obese? It certainly doesn't hurt your life in the slightest.

>> No.7943232

Are you the donut guy?

>> No.7943251

It certainly does in the form of increased healthcare costs and taxes. The same applies to sexually frivolous people that result in single mothers and outbreaks of venereal disease. Prejudice has existed for a reason and because of that it will continue to exist, no matter how hard certain groups attempt to ridicule it.

I'll continue avoiding untermensch in the meantime.

>> No.7943293

oh thank you for doing that, now I can safely disregard everything you've said

>> No.7945004

denial detected

>> No.7945008


denial of what

>> No.7945046
File: 67 KB, 600x549, Die_Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like you would be doing really well, and alcohol is the only thing holding you back. What's keeping you from drinking less of it, or none at all?

Personally, I feel like I'm in the same situation (except I've been lifting for 3 years), but I drink the fire water because I need something to hold my hand when I'm looking for a misses.

>> No.7945070

man... the guy in that video is really gross to look at too. Made me lose my appetite :(

>> No.7945074


Stress I suppose. Family related mostly, but also uncertainty about the future.

>> No.7945090

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I usually eat more at home alone than with other people, but I eat "worse for you" food when I go out
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Go out for a meal once a week. Go out for drinks every other day sometimes more. Usually eat at places that taste good, and try to find new good ones (but no formal or fine dining places)
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Most of the time.
>Are you also /fit/?
I lift weights 1-2 times a week, and am within normal BMI
>How about your friends and family?
My family is pretty skinny for the most part, I don't have many friends. They are all in pretty good health, but exercise and eat in all different ways.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
I was obsessed with dieting and bulimic from age 13-23 so yes my health is much better now and my eating habits are very different. I eat more like a normal person and don't throw up or take laxatives, unless I have to.
>How do you regard obese people?
Like they are regular people, but sometimes I get nervous that they will be offended by something I say or do without me realizing. There aren't a lot of obese people around that I talk to, maybe strangers on the street but I just treat them like any other stranger (ignore them and get annoyed if they do annoying shit).

>> No.7945094

>See subject. How is your health?
pretty good, generally fit
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
fairly similair, though i generally eat slower when im out
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
once or twice a week. ranges from shitty fried hole in the wall food to amazing hole in the wall food
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
no, my metabolism is crazy fast so i eat whatever i want
>Are you also /fit/?
ont crazy, just generally muscular, low fat
>How about your friends and family?
slim, fit
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
i started eating a lot less premade food when i got old enough
>How do you regard obese people?
i disregard them, fat people are generally bitter and easily offended. but more importantly, i feel they slow me down in too many areas of my life. it takes them longer to eat to things involving movement. they also never have any sense of adventure

>> No.7945106
File: 584 KB, 1168x1000, burgerdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am fat, but not fat fat.
95kg @ 192cm

>> No.7945116

I'm 5'11" and ~130lbs
I generally eat whatever I feel like in fairly large quantities, though I do most of my cooking at home from scratch with good quality ingredients. I don't go out that often other than grabbing fast food or to-go stuff from the grocery store on my lunch breaks. I'm not /fit/ but I used to do martial arts a few years back and if I try I can get ottermode as fuck without much effort. I've pretty much always been this way, even when I was eating garbage most of the time back in high school.

>> No.7945136

How is your health?
Good, all my blood tests and shit come back great, heart rate is good. Got ental health problems but who doesnt in this day and age.

What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I tend to snack a lot at home DESU. Out I dont eat as much because I dont want to spend a lot of

How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
I try for once a week as a treat, generally fast food because it's cheap and I'm on a budget.

Do you "watch what you eat"?
I try to a certain degree, like limit snack runs or "stopping in" at a food place while out. I'm trying to break habits

Are you also /fit/?

How about your friends and family?
All very health conscious and have lost a lot of weight across the board.

Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
yes, had a bad up bringing that associated food with comfort.

How do you regard obese people?
as people like everyone else

>> No.7945174

Kind of went on a week long bender after an especially rough semester in school, back on it today though.

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I rarely go out to eat but I keep them as similar as I possible can. Plenty of protein, little carbs.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
Rarely eat out. When I do I usually choose BBQ joints since I can get just straight meat with nothing else, maybe some vegetables.

>Do you "watch what you eat"?
Track everything I eat in MFP

>Are you also /fit/?
Getting there. Lost almost 30 lbs since mid May. Workout 6 days a week.

>How about your friends and family?
They're all pretty healthy for the most part with a few exceptions.

>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Fairly different, I think I exercise more and certainly eat less garbage.

>How do you regard obese people?
If they are doing something about it then good for them. A lot of the time it seems to be more just making excuses, which given my progress of getting in shape I can't really have a whole lot of pity for them anymore.

>> No.7945234

159 kilos.

My main issue isn't watching what I eat, I just have terrible control over myself and can't stop eating whatever I have. I bought a box of jaffa cakes to take with me to work every day, and after doing just that for a couple days, I just ate them all. It's like some sort of B horror movie. I'm entirely aware i'm doing it but then my mind just says "nah it's all good man, eat it" and then they're gone. I have to literally have no food in my house otherwise I eat it. I've gone to therapy but it's not some sort of trauma, I just have terrible impulse control I guess. I mean, I will eat until the point of being physically ill, to the point of vomiting afterwards.

I started working out a few months ago, i've actually dropped about 20 kilos, which is good, but it's not gonna help me if I need to do it every day, I barely have the time as it is, working 60 hours a week.

>> No.7945505

obese as a child and teen and young adult, got put on an ssri 3 years ago and i went from 400 to 160 because i actually gave a fuck and realized i was slowly killing myself.

>> No.7945572

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out? How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
I go out very little, partially because of dietary restrictions and partially because I am generally very weak and going out is very exhausting. When I do go out it's usually for a special occasion and I don't watch too closely what I eat. I don't eat fast food or soda, with the exception of pizza delivery every now and again.
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
I try to. I don't eat very many animal products and I avoid buying sweets, junk food, and convenience foods. But I do occasionally bake cookies or cupcakes sometimes.
>Are you also /fit/?
No. I don't exercise very much. But I do count my calories. Ideally I'd like to lose 30 lbs or so. I'm a healthy weight but I've always wanted to be very thin.
>How about your friends and family?
Nope. My immediate family is mostly overweight.
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
God, for sure. My parents didn't stop me from eating junk/obscene amounts of food, and I'd just eat constantly because I liked food and to fill the emotional void. By the time I got to high school I realized I was fat and needed to change my diet. Stopped eating so much, counted calories, ate only when hungry, lost around 45 lbs. Never got to my goal weight of 115 lbs. however
>How do you regard obese people?
I don't care very much. I think it'd be in their best interest to lose some weight for their health, but it's not my body, so I don't care. The only time I'm really bothered is when one of my fat friends complains "omg I'm so fat and ugly :'(" and then proceeds to eat cake and ice cream. It's like they think they are just fat by magic

>> No.7945856

I look well-fed but no one would ever call me fat.
I mainly cook and eat healthy food and I watch my calories (to fit in delicious things); I don't eat out much, and if I do I skip a meal after. Usually I get pho, sushi, or ice cream. (Ice cream is a meal?)
My family are mostly fatasses except my father, however no one is really huge, just chubby.
I regular fathate threads. I fucking hate fat people and everyone who hangs out with me knows it because I publicly shame and ridicule fatties. I got set up on a blind date once and it turned out to be a fat guy, and ever since I have a burning hatred for all fatties.

>> No.7946072

fucking hell just take smaller bites would you

>> No.7946078

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
Unhealthy and even more unhealthy

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
I usually only eat out once every 1-2 weeks

>Do you "watch what you eat"?

>Are you also /fit/?

>How about your friends and family?
Even more unhealthy than me

>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Not really

>How do you regard obese people?
I don't make fun of them or anything. I mean they are there and they aren't going away.

>> No.7946099

6'1" about 170 lbs, eat like shit but ive recently startin getting some exercise due to pokemon go, ive always been decently skinny due to my metabolism tho.

>> No.7946212

>tfw fat, about 380 pounds
>doctor tells me I have to lose weight or my high cholesterol will kill me
>been working out for several months, watching my weight and exercising and eating healthy
>am now down to 357

Am I doing you proud, /ck/? Doctor said I should eat more chicken and fish and less bread and red meat and soda. Anything else I should remember?

>> No.7946229

To purely lose weight it doesn't really matter what you eat. It's how much you eat. You could eat mcdonalds or ice cream all day long and lose weight as long you are on a daily calorie deficit.

Also you may hit thresholds where it appears your weight is standing still. When that happens don't give up. Just keep at it and try to reduce portions even more.

>> No.7946230

buy a food scale, dl myfitnesspal and count your calories you monster

>> No.7946235

No. I am.

>> No.7946237

I'm a fat fuck.

>> No.7946450

Am I fat? Sort of. A lot better than I was. Still working on it though.

>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
Lately I've been trying to eat less carbs, and use less salt and oil. And limit my portions a bit. When I go out? It's pretty rare anymore, but when I do go out I tend to take a "I don't give a fuck" attitude.

>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
No more than once a week, for the most part. But when I go out it's the worst kind of food. I'm talking giant greasy burgers and pizza.

>Do you "watch what you eat"?
A lot better than I used to, but I'm a ways away from being perfect. I do try to be mindful of the calories in something, and if I feel like eating something I'll try and either eat a smaller portion, or choose something with less calories.

>Are you also /fit/?
I jog a bit. I joined a gym, but laziness so far has won in that regard.

>How about your friends and family?
My mom's side of the family is pretty healthy. My dad's? Not at all. Friends, a little bit.

>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Very much so. I went from drinking a 2-liter+ of soda a day down to none at all over the past 6 months.

>How do you regard obese people?
I hate them. Genuinely and honestly. They have wasted everything about their body and should be ashamed. And I'm no exempt from that either, 6' tall, started at 235 (205 now), and I regret all those burgers and fries I ate over the past 27 years. Shame on me for squandering something so easy to maintain, and making my life difficult to fix now.

>> No.7947369

>235 (205 now), and I regret all those burgers and fries I ate over the past 27 years.
as ex obese, it doesn't feel any better having lost a lot of weight, just trade one neurotic tendency for another

>> No.7947388

buy bulk popcorn kernels. air pop 1/4 cup of kernels is 110 cal (unsalted, no butter, no oil) pops into an impressive amount of popcorn. you can microwave it in a brown paper lunch bag. i lost 70lbs this year eating 3-5 bags of popcorn every day instead of other snacks/meals

finding high volume low cal food is the easiest way for fat fucks to lose weight

>> No.7947411

Develop an addiction to narcotic drugs. It will be fun and you will lose weight very quickly! I would suggest some sort of speed(Ritalin,adderall,meth, or even cocaine if you can afford). When you're high and hungry, just replace the food you want to eat with more drugs. Also drink lots of water!

>> No.7947449

>See subject. How is your health?
Good on the outside but my insides are probably horrible. I'm 6'6" 180 lbs pretty fucking skinny
>What are your eating habits at home vs when you go out?
I eat a lot
>How frequently do you go out, and what quality of places do you usually eat out at?
I eat out probably once a week, but usually just somewhere cheap
>Do you "watch what you eat"?
>Are you also /fit/?
Not since summer started
>How about your friends and family?
My family eats pretty well, but my younger brothers are stockier than me
>Are your health + eating habits different than when you were growing up?
Yes, I eat way more fast food
>How do you regard obese people?
They're pretty gross

>> No.7947465

those aren't narcotics, those are stimulants. narcotics put you to sleep

>> No.7948224

No. If anything I have trouble getting enough calories. If I didn't force myself to eat a set diet every day then I would barely eat anything.

>> No.7948542

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7948550

narcotic is parlance for "illegal" in the anglosphere, ie a "narc" is someone who sniffs out illegal substances, not genuine sedative or soporific agents