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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7940576 No.7940576 [Reply] [Original]

why does /ck/ hate him again?

>> No.7940579

He has some kinda fecal alcohol syndrome or something

>> No.7940580

we don't, it is what it is.

>> No.7940603
File: 179 KB, 366x392, 1447646894236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on reviewbrah
I seriously hope none of you do this

>> No.7940606

he shouldn't have insulted us 2 years ago

>> No.7940649

Some do. It is what it is.

>> No.7940666

he's being gangstalked by 4chan users as we speak

>> No.7940675

I'm always slightly irritated by the fact that none of his suits for properly

>> No.7940684

Because they are normalshits who want to talk shit about fast food while knowing jack all about it, and when a real fast food connoisseur comes along they become green with jealousy at his expertise, passion, and eloquence on the subject.

You stupid child! Reviewbrah has already forgotten more about suits than you'll ever know. You think you're irritated, he's irritated by your ignorant millennial preference for "fitted" suits.

>> No.7940839

Delete this

>> No.7940999

because he seems fake,pretentious and is also a horrible reviewer. all of the reviews that i've watched boilds down to "the X is good" and nothing else

>> No.7941105

I love him however I do have one complaint and that's that he always just seems to review plain pepperoni pizza, I wish that he'd experiment a bit

Also I wish he'd experiment with frozen food other than pizzas

>> No.7941116

Because no one gives a shit what some autist in daddy's old suits has to say about junk food and sugar water.

>> No.7941119

Ugly as fuck, long ass dirty fingernails and looks like a butt baby made by Corey from Pawnstars and Bobby Flay.

>> No.7941150
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>> No.7941154

Does he have really high estrogen production, or is he just low on testosterone?

>> No.7941172
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he's pretty cute in a proper suit desu

>> No.7941174

If he introduced himself to me as the store manager, I'd believe him.

>> No.7941176
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>> No.7941179

I just can't see past the Bobby Flay in his eyes.

>> No.7941226

>Because no one gives a shit what some autist in daddy's old suits has to say about junk food and sugar water.

His views and subscribers say otherwise, but I guess it must be fun to live a life where you outright ignore facts and make up your own reality

>But...people clearly do...

>> No.7941247

perfect bf

>> No.7941271
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>> No.7941272

>two pens
For all that hard work he's doing, right?

>> No.7941276

His videos are pretty comfy, haters GTFO

Reviewbrah don't listen to these knobgobblers keep doing your thing

>> No.7941515

because he's patronising and has that better-than-you attitude.
Your mum is sitting right beside you mate.
Also cut your nails. They're disgusting.

>> No.7941795

>because he's patronising and has that better-than-you attitude
I have never felt this. You must be projecting hard pal.

>> No.7941807

Seriously, what kind of massive insecure faggot watches a 90 lb twink in a cheap suit eating frozen pizza and thinks "HE THINKS HES BETTER THAN ME"

>> No.7941841

why is reviewbrah being posted so much all of a sudden?

>> No.7941848

Just fuck him already then, damn

>> No.7941863

I kind of like his awkwardness.

It's like you're actually watching some average schmuck from the 1950s, versus "Mad Men" where they're all well-spoken, confident, good-looking actors.

>> No.7941872

Is his mom really sitting next to him when he does his reviews inside the car?

I wonder what she did when that stalker started filming him.

>> No.7941873
File: 305 KB, 667x409, reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a link to the infamous video with his dad?
I wanna watch it so badly!

Pic related

>> No.7942404

How many receptions logs have you written lately?

>> No.7942497


no, he looks like the male lorde

>> No.7942729
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1410005320444s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that tie of a ghost blowing an old man as he is attacked by a jack o' lantern, while a dog blows the ghost?

>> No.7942748

I fucking hope so

>> No.7942759
File: 32 KB, 734x122, Autistic and awful voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a few years ago he came in here with a tripcode posting bullshit "AMA" threads and got btfo after he realized most people didn't even know who the fuck he was and the rest of them took one look at his videos and wondered what the fuck is wrong with him.

>> No.7942765

Absolutely nothing cuz there is no fucking stalker.
It was prob just a fan if the story is true at all.

>> No.7942766

ReviewBrah and Joey need to be autobans.

>> No.7942767

found the thread


>> No.7942777
File: 333 KB, 930x1060, 1467850124440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ really is the best board.

>> No.7942789
File: 82 KB, 840x672, 10150779_740114496041529_80393560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can see my mean posts

I'm proud of my 2 year ago-self

>> No.7942809

Good job anon.
We don't have space for more spergy trip fags.

>> No.7942811


>> No.7942819
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>> No.7942838
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>tie tucked into pants

>> No.7942842
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I totally see it now

>> No.7942848
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>> No.7942855
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>> No.7942869

I kinda like him.

I especially like the idea that hes taking the piss out of himself sometimes.

>> No.7942883

that seems like a really depressing looking store

>> No.7942904

have you never been to a secondhand store before?

when I was in college they were the best thing ever

>> No.7942909

>have you never been to a secondhand store before?

Sure. And they're depressing.

>> No.7942910

Hi Jimmy.

>> No.7942928

If you live in a shit area they're no fun to be in.

>> No.7942929

It's like they are clones.

>> No.7942949

k that just leaves the "fag" part.

>> No.7943095
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>> No.7943129

what's going on here?

>> No.7943242
File: 185 KB, 341x427, ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually don't like this guy

shit taste faggots

he's everything you'll never be cunts

comfiest and most suave guy on the planet.

>> No.7943263

first communion probably

>> No.7943273
File: 3.63 MB, 500x281, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want to be with him, men want to be him.

>> No.7943275

Fuck off, kiss ass. This disgusting austist belongs to /fit/. Unlike this loser, most of us have real jobs.

>> No.7943278


Sure you do cave dweller. Mommy bring you your tendies yet?

>> No.7943281

Good ole /ck/ showing that spammer a thing or two.

>> No.7943284

No, that reviewretard's mom's job.

>> No.7943429

>he's everything you'll never be cunts
good to know I'll never end up an aspie fetal alcohol victim

>> No.7944019

Mad Men era conceit