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File: 113 KB, 1250x548, veggie-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934553 No.7934553 [Reply] [Original]


Is this the future of meat?
Is there anyone on this board that has tried this shit and can comment on how it tastes?

Apparently they are serving it in a couple restaurants in NY and SF this past weekend.

>> No.7934574
File: 91 KB, 240x255, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a burger. Big whoop! Go to Halo burger or mcdonalds and get the same thing for probably $10 cheaper. And that woman in the video licking the burger off her lip was uneccessary and reminded me if a lizard. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7934579

>And that woman in the video licking the burger off her lip was uneccessary and reminded me if a lizard. Absolutely disgusting.

are you artistic?

>> No.7934581

>get the same thing
They serve meat products that look and taste like meat, but are made entirely from plants?

>> No.7934651

>Is this the future of meat?

no this is the future of meat


>> No.7934698


what does it matter

just because he's artistic don't necessarily mean he gay

>> No.7934960

>smashing your burg

>> No.7935050

bumping because I want to know what this shit tastes like

>> No.7935411

Wtf is this video showing.

>> No.7935434

I will never understand the need to emulate meat with non-meat shit. Look at the color on that thing. The outside looks mostly correct, but anything past the surface looks super red. And this is basically an advert, so I assume in person it's even more jarring.

>> No.7935446

a burger is a pile of condiment made to hide a tasteless slab of "meat" to begin with. that shit isn't going to replace any real meat anytime soon.

>> No.7935452

I don't get the point either. I can see having it patty shaped for obvious reasons but if you don't eat meat, why would you want it to look like it? That said, I've had some great veggie burgers before.

>> No.7935483

Livestock production has a enormous carbon footprint. If we can make burgers from plants that appeal to a meat-eater's palette, we don't have to waste resources raising cows.

>> No.7935494

After a bit of research I kind of understand why and more about this stuff. So basically they are using yeast to produce the same compound that gives meat the red appearance and "meatiness." Their buzzword is heme, but the actual patty is made up of mostly potato protein and wheat. The idea is it's marketed as an alternative to the "environmentally costly" beef. Which I mean with the right shit it very well could be, but this is really just one of those shitty school soy-patties on steroids or hell.

All of the taste testing I've seen has been super positive but have said the texture is too fine and it lacks the fat content which makes a greasy burger so fucking delicious. I have mixed feelings about it and feel like it's more of a smart marketing campaign than anything else, but assuming it's as good as people say, there may be some validity to eating them sometimes.

>> No.7935514

It's way more likely that the short term is if this is cheaper and people can't generally tell the difference, these will replace a lot of fast food. People are still going to want cuts of meat unless we have a HUGE cultural shift.

>> No.7935520

That's just as well. McD's already tastes like trash, it may as well be trash that's better for the environment

>> No.7935784

> People are still going to want cuts of meat
That company is working on not only cuts of meat, but also fish, cheese, and egg products made entirely from plants. I believe they recently turned down a 300 million dollar offer from Google

>> No.7935804

>turned down

Their products taste like shit and they know it. They don't want Google to be their enemy when they fail.

>> No.7935806

I saw nothing in that video that indicated that it was vegetarian.

In fact that video was entirely lacking in any factual content at all. As such, I no longer give a single shit about whatever it is they're trying to be clever about and will actively avoid their products in future. Whoever they are.

>> No.7935856

Every review of them I've read is either positive or neutral. The only neutral reviews focus on the lack of that "beef fat" flavor, but admit that if they weren't told it wasn't a beef burger they wouldn't have noticed.

If this is their first draft and if they're working on making it better, this is a promising technology.


>> No.7935861

>I believe they recently turned down a 300 million dollar offer from Google

You only turn down an investment round if you got a better term sheet from somebody else. So there's either a bidding war (which is no indication of the future of the company) or they're idiots.

>> No.7935883

Transglutaminase is not exactly new stuff. Ever eaten imitation crab sticks/kamaboko? They're made of surimi, which itself is made of fishmeat pressed together with this enzyme.

>> No.7935893

this isn't meat glue. This isn't even meat

>> No.7935897

okay i lasted no more than 23 seconds. why is she dressed like a 14 year old and why is she talking like a retard (food..gentlemen xDDD)

>> No.7935910

yeah that cunt is annoying, but the rest of the video has merit

>> No.7935926

yeah mate im trudging through it as we speak, its interesting when the professionals talk. also the title of the show annoys me (WEED LMAO)

>> No.7935934

Were you even paying attention to the video?



The concept isn't very nice, but you can achieve some really interesting results if you're creative enough. It's not even that toxic to handle or consume; breath masks are recommended simply because it's not wise to breathe any kind of powder in, no matter its composition.

>> No.7935989

Sorry homie. You're right. That video was all about meat glue.
That's like last generation Frankenstein meat. We're taking about 21st century Frankenstein meat in this thread, which turns out to be not even meat at all.

>> No.7936021

There's always the possibility that their product is the real deal and they feel like the company has tremendous value and growth potential.

>> No.7936033

Wow they have a fat hairy guy just like me that must mean good
Eve better they serve meat flavored meat grown in a farm and without 60 fucking ingredients,d not worry the cows are fed plants so it's just the same

>> No.7936039

Hey just realized vegans can eat it too

>> No.7936051


Ahh, I was wondering about the weirdly shaped cheap pork tenderloin cuts I was finding in the supermarket recently.

I must say though, if they use good quality off cuts then I really don't give a shit.

>> No.7936086

My favorite part about being an American is how integral the burger is to our culture. Even vegetarians don't really feel like they belong unless they can eat a good wholesome burger, and the lengths to which they'll go to fake it are extreme.

>> No.7936121


probably possible anywhere that isn't the United States

>> No.7936127

Because it's just as good and you would know it if you actually tasted it ughhh

>> No.7936136

Holy shit, Australia sucks!!

>> No.7936143

That's because only vegans bother to taste it and what do vegans know about meat in the first place?

>> No.7936155

Actually some vegans were freaked out by the burger since it is red and actually looks and tastes like meat.
The reviews were meat eaters. It's marketed to the conscientious meat eaters, not vegans.

>> No.7936470

Sorry but I dobut that, meat eaters have no real reason to buy them, vegan is both more expensive and has bad connotation for people who eat meat to the point we would rather avoid it

>> No.7936483

Many flat-chested women tend to adopt that leaning back posture.

>> No.7936532
File: 33 KB, 646x485, Donald-Trump-disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that woman in the video licking the burger off her lip was uneccessary and reminded me if a lizard. Absolutely disgusting.

Agreed, and she also left some of the sauce on her right cheek/lip.

Fucking pig.

>> No.7936541
File: 33 KB, 493x276, 1446963189781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spicy Black Bean burger with Avacado slices, Jalapenos, Onions, and Pickles, with sweet potato fries dipped in fry/fancy sauce.

Gosu sexy

>> No.7936649


News flash. David Chang likes his burger medium to medium well and states that there is no consensus on how a burger should be cooked.

Take that all you raw meat edgelords.

Also, the worlds best chefs standing in that video pressed down on the burger - because it turns out these fucking hipster fuck up celeb wanna be chefs fucking suck at life.

>kimchi on a burger during a taste test to see if the veggie burger tastes like a burger

how fucking retarded are these people?

I'm so excited about this though. I love the taste of meat. If I can get that without killing animals i'll be 100% on board.

The only people that will be against this are people that want to continue seeing animals slaughtered - when there is truly no reason to do so anymore.

Also... I am excited about this because it will give an option to the consumer - which generally encourages competition in sourcing and competition drives down price.


>> No.7936668

>lacks the fat content which makes a greasy burger so fucking delicious

Unless you want to be on statins long term to lower your cholesterol once you hit your 30s you are going to have to live without that greasiness anyway.

Might as well have a healthy option with good taste. Thats a better alternative than not being able to eat it at all - which is what most people would have to do if they wanted to eat healthy.

But hey... like 50% of America over the age of 50 is on statins and its causing an erectile dysfunction epidemic but who cares if you can't fuck so long as you can shove dead cow in your pie hole right?

some people would say vegetarian lifestyle is extreme... some other people think that boner killing statin use just so you can keep eating cow is extreme... other peoplel think that having to have open heart surgery where they split open your rib cage is extreme. you make your choices and live with them.

>> No.7936678

>but if you don't eat meat, why would you want it to look like it?

I fucking love meat, that has nothing to do with why I don't eat it.

>> No.7936679

>meat eaters have no real reason to buy them
while I haven't tasted the product and much of this speculation is predicated upon the fact that it actually IS what it claims it is, I would imagine that once economies of scale catch up to the product there will be an economic incentive since it will likely cost less than beef. That's not even mentioning the fact that it's better for you than a beef burger. So - tastes the same, costs less, better for you? That will be your reason.
The animal killing thing will never even factor in to the decision, and if the marketing team behind this company is smart that will know that it shouldn't even be mentioned. There's not a single meat eater, myself included, that wants to be guilted into eating a veggie burger. Nothing taints a product more than guilt.

>> No.7936684

>So - tastes the same, costs less, better for you? That will be your reason.
>The animal killing thing will never even factor in to the decision

This. Also, environmental factors. Don't underestimate the disposable income of hipsters.

>> No.7936685

I think alcohol will kill me long before anything else

>> No.7936710

>no one wants to be guilted

no one WANTS to be... but i eat boca burgers and morning star burgers and chipotle black bean burgers all the time out of guilt. of course they don't taste as good and cost more. those are still successful companies with a broad customer base.

There are millions of people being guilted out of dead cow today and there will be those people tomorrow. Many of them, myself included, will be ecstatic that we don't have to give up taste anymore.

Guilt is a powerful tool. Look at the christian church and the self hating closet faggots - like trump for instance...

>> No.7936732

I'm talking about die-hard meat eaters, meaning the people that will never eat a boca or morningstar burger.
Those people should be their target market. It's those people that will make their product mainstream. The people that already eat veggie burgers will just have another option.
I'm interested in seeing if this will be sold in the meat department next to other ground meats. I can imagine that vegans might not like that. I mean there's probably novelty in having the ability to purchase something in the meat department and still stick to your guns, but I can also see them complaining about it too.

>> No.7938043

Or, you know, you could exercise. Naw. Can't do that, gotta keep feeding the medical community.

>> No.7938051

Cheers. Just past 6 am and I'm about to head to the store to get some beer

>> No.7938072

>Is this the future of meat?

I hope not.

>> No.7938077


>but if you don't eat meat, why would you want it to look like it?

because you like it but you don't want to eat it for other reasons. how fucking hard is it for spergs to get this

>> No.7938083

I feel bad for you never having had a good burger

>> No.7938089
File: 631 KB, 715x579, 1469608694387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, meat is the future of meat.


>> No.7938097

It will never taste the same anon, it will taste vaguely similar and marketed aggressively as it's exactly the same stop being a baby by vegans like homosexual marriage was

>> No.7938100

>The only people that will be against this are people that want to continue seeing animals slaughtered - when there is truly no reason to do so anymore.
If I don't eat these animals then they'll die for nothing. I bring purpose to these poor animals' existence. If that's not meaningful, I don't know what is.

>> No.7938102

No, there is the group that caves into that bullshit and the group that hates your guts for trying to take meat away and you are deluding yourself if you think vegans are the majority.
Honestly all you fucking want is to drag everyone with you I never felt an ounce of guilt about eating meat not even while watching those """life changing""" Peta videos or playing with farm animals and you can't make me

>> No.7938112

They would have to lie to me for me to even taste it, I know what's up they are trying to find a way to feed the entire world population with cow feed to make a one world government sustainable, I never trusted a single person with power and I'm not going to start now. Go ahead and call me crazy but the nsa happened, the eu had plans for an army too

>> No.7938138

I just want a cheap decent protein patty. Doesn't have to taste or look like meat, just something palatable and savoury with similar structure.

Make it cheaper than cheap ground beef and I will buy it occasionally. Why can't vegetarians deliver this?

>> No.7938152

No thanks, I'm fine eating real meat.

>> No.7938166

>Why can't vegetarians deliver this?

Because you're inept in the kitchen. You can easily make your own patties from beans/legumes that will meet all your goals.

You can buy them, of course, but then they're expensive as fuck. I call that the "stupid tax". Too stupid to make your own? Just buy 'em from Morningstar for a higher cost than Prime grade beef....

>> No.7938181


they're going to force you to eat this stuff in the future and only millionaires will get real meat. they're already making fake shrimp and other chud for the plebes to garf down in the future.

>> No.7938375

Made from plants eaten by a cow and converted into cow meat ;^)

>> No.7938505 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 893x894, 1469418898716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? Us paleo advocates are so f*cked!

>> No.7938621
File: 89 KB, 611x578, guys big veggie bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au Contraire

>> No.7938628

high tech plant based ground beef = one world government?
What leaps of logic got you there?

I don't think anyone can say for sure that it will never taste the same. If the look, texture and aroma are 99% the same, most people will taste it as being the same regardless whether it actually tastes the same.


Are there people that actually believe this? I mean you DO understand the basic concept of supply and demand, right?

>> No.7938631

Global Rule 15, numbnuts.

>> No.7938641

>Because it's just as good and you would know it if you actually tasted it
the texture looks off
most of the color comes from a mailiard reaction, which means that the inside will always be "raw"

Also, the burger is falling apart after the first bite

I'll just wait for the vitro burgers

>> No.7938781

Can it stay refrigerated longer?
Is it less likely to be contaminated with bacteria or viruses?
How much sodium does it have in it?

These are my main questions. I eat ground turkey and chicken all the time because I just want to eat meat without spending a lot of time or effort or money on it.

Would love to substitute something like this.

>> No.7938791

>3 ounces
>470mg of sodium

Fucking disgusting. And that's just the meat itself.


>> No.7938894

I had a veggie burger out in NY last week, not sure if it was this one, but it tasted pretty good. Was more "burger-like" than most turkey burgers.

>> No.7938898


That's not a veggie burger. It's a normal burger. The joke is that it's "made from plants" because cows eat plants.

>> No.7939579

You sh*ttin' me, man? WTF