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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 931 KB, 2689x4781, MnBz7LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933896 No.7933896 [Reply] [Original]

So I made a sandwich before a friend came over, and as usual, i sliced it across the middle. Anyway when my friend got here, I still hadn't eaten the sandwich, but he flipped out when he saw it. He said I cut it all wrong, but I told him I'd been slicing sandwiches like this all my life (from left to right). What say you, /ck/? Is this wrong?

>> No.7933897

No, it's just personal preference.

>> No.7933904

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee delete this

>> No.7933907

Nigga u gotta slice it the other way. Top to bottom.

>> No.7933911

Wait a minute, that sandwich

>> No.7933914

Nigga did you put ur meats on the TOP of your salad as well. This has got to be a troll thread.

>> No.7933920
File: 65 KB, 427x700, 1407268835854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7933924

I don't even slice my sandwiches

>> No.7933967

>Doesn't cut into triangles

>> No.7933969

you didnt even cut it straight
its like a 40/60 ratio

>> No.7933997

I made sandwiches once for some people and they refused to eat it because I cut it diagonal instead of like op.


>> No.7934000

Once I cut off the crust of their sandwich and they refused to eat it.

They were so mad saying wheres their crust, I wont eat it without the crust.

>> No.7934002

You have terrible friends.

>> No.7934011
File: 128 KB, 580x516, correct slicing technique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the objectively best way to slice a sandwich is twice diagonally to form 4 triangles, giving you the maximum no-crust to crust ratio on every portion

>> No.7934012

>Coloured plate

I'm sorry you're poor, OP. Does it hurt you'll never have as much money as me?

>> No.7934030

What half did you eat?

>> No.7934053

seriously neogaf?


>> No.7934126

This is how I trick my daughters in the summer time. They don't like eating and are super skinny yet refuse to eat much so I will make a whole sandwich for each one of them and cut them like this and put it all on one plate for them to grab. Somehow they think because they are like mini sandwiches that they aren't eating a whole one after 4 mini ones. I tested out just giving them each a whole one cut in half on their own plates and they would barely eat half before saying they are full and throwing it away.

>> No.7934138

>no-crust to crust ratio

Assuming equal slicing, the ratio will always be the same. You have four crusts and four no-crusts. OP has two crusts and two no-crusts.

Why are you trying to make your kids fat?

>> No.7934139

Not fat. But doctor says they are under weight for their age and height and they need to eat more and they hate eating unless it's taco bell, mcdonalds and fast food and I don't eat that stuff, I make food at home so they refuse to eat or fake being full.

>> No.7934141

you fucking knob

>> No.7934142

>Assuming equal slicing, the ratio will always be the same.
not true because you increase the surface area of the edges the more you cut the but the amount of crust is always the same

>> No.7934148

I figured the sandwich area was included in the "no-crust." So you're just talking about the edges?

But in that case, there is no maximum ratio, it gets larger and larger the more you divide it.

>> No.7934150

I wasn't him that's just what I think he meant. plus there's no corners with crusts on both sides of the angle so you never get a full crust bite. its an important feature of the club sandwich

>> No.7934157

this lad gets it

>> No.7934164

You will always get a full crust bite unless you're holding your sandwich wrong.

>> No.7934215

Good man. The faster you can wean your kids off fast food and empty calories, the better. You could try making fast food a blue-moon reward for a month or so of healthy eating, just to get them started.

>> No.7934216

diagonal is superior

I don't know why.

>> No.7934225

Why even cut the sandwich?

>> No.7934229

Normally you get one sandwich length of not-crust

Diagonally, you get sqrt2 sandwich lengths of not-crust

>> No.7934236

Because best for last is a meme. You eat the best part first, when you're most hungry and most strogly craving the food, for maximum eating pleasure. In a sandwich, especially with shitty pre-sliced bread, the best part is the middle with the most filling and softer bread.

>> No.7934240

Cutting it like that allows you direct control over the crust/no-crust ratio for your first few bites. By taking a bite out of the center you avoid the crust completely, but by sliding the sandwich across a little, you can choose how much crust you want. Diagonal slicing doesn't afford you such luxury.

>> No.7934256
File: 10 KB, 960x540, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like photo I made. Cut diagonally, bite the corners off, then you have one large center section of pure bliss and no crust and it's so satisfying.

>> No.7934267
File: 6 KB, 447x493, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow your way if my sandwich comes cut. however I rarely cut them if I make them and I eat them in the order numbered. That way I have the huge area of full bliss in the middle but still have some crust to hold it from

>> No.7934274
File: 58 KB, 600x615, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly is my American friend.

>> No.7934275

I will try that later on today. It looks very pleasing.

>> No.7934278

I sometimes rip off the crust in the front and on the sides. Its very easy to rip the crust off and leave all the soft bread

>> No.7934282

But doesn't it fall apart if you do that?