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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7931655 No.7931655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He's not on a pescetarian diet
>He still eats red meat
>He wants his skin to be greasy
>He wants a higher risk for colon cancer
>He doesn't want rich Omega-3 filled protein
>He doesn't want to make his brain stronger

Why be an intellectually inferior savage anon?

>> No.7931752

Because white people think seafood is icky

Especially when there are bones, visible skin, or (eew YUCKEEEEEE) eyes. Basically whites think food that has recognizable anatomical features is Indiana Jones tier extreme eating, so the only ones who do it are "foodies" who like to brag that they totally know how to work the new chopsticks

>> No.7931757


>> No.7931760

If I could eat fish for protein every day, I would, no question. It's so fucking expensive here though.

>> No.7931763

In the interests of preserving quality across the boards please refrain from posting anime outside of /a/.
Thank You.

>> No.7931765
File: 41 KB, 156x129, 1461215783623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visible skin
Why do white people love chicken wings, sardines, and fermented fish then

Please stop ironically bashing your own race Timmy, not all of us are cuckboys like you

>> No.7931767


I'm with this guy.

If you don't live near a coast, then any kind of seafood is gonna be expensive. I suppose I could go fishing and eat the local fish.

>> No.7931772

What planet are you from? There's literally a thread in the catalog right now where one of you is raving about the new anchovies

>> No.7931774

>Please stop ironically bashing your own race Timmy

Since when is making a realistic observation considered "race bashing"?

Why do correct generalizations offend you? You do know they're generalizations, right? They're not aimed at you specifically.

>> No.7931775


>> No.7931781
File: 120 KB, 446x459, 1458797689714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your generalization is just shit you made up

It doesn't make sense or hold any truth, maybe if you were talking about American women you'd be right, not white people

>> No.7931787

i am though op

the brain stuff is a myth btw

>> No.7931788

Then why do Chinks get so mad when people call them barbaric?

"Oh rook I ha to keel a frawg and eat it twee second afta it die cas my deek dont getta hardo anymoa"

It's not a generalization at white people as much as it is westerners. I went to a sushi place and a white friend and I ordered shrimp heads and his yellow girlfriend thought it was gross.

>> No.7931789

You realize that countries like Britain eat a fuck load of seafood, right? Or even states in the US like Maine, and Eastern Canada have huge fishing industries, right?

I'm not sure if you're baiting or if you're just going to a weird place mentally to express your inferiority complex.

>> No.7931796

Whites? Flyover yes. Theyre scared of fuckong everything that hasnt been touched by corn. But white overall? The major seafood eating regions in the US are mostly white.

>> No.7931797
File: 12 KB, 880x131, 1457887906411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not on a pescetarian diet
>He still eats red meat
Thanks 70s mom
>He wants his skin to be greasy
>He wants a higher risk for colon cancer
This is a moderation issue. The flipside would be getting mercury poisoning
>He doesn't want rich Omega-3 filled protein
The studies that show benefit from omega-3 are regional dietary on groups with consistent diets because it's extremely hard to do lifelong studies on the effects of a diet. Unfortunately for most people inuit have genetic predisposition to being far more able to use omega-3.
>He doesn't want to make his brain stronger
>Why be an intellectually inferior savage anon?

Pic related

>> No.7931801

>Then why do Chinks get so mad when people call them barbaric?

The same reason why some white people get pissed off when people generalize and say they don't like spicy food. People have a hard time separating themselves from generalizations.

>>as much as it is westerners
Which are mostly white. Same thing, really.

>> No.7931812

when their women even choose white cock over tiny asian shrimp insecurity runs rampant.

>> No.7931820

Asian girls like white guys because they're generally the happiest medium.

Blacks - Loud and violent
Asians - Short and timid
Indians - Same as Asians
Hispanics - Short and lazy

Whites are the perfect balance between a hardworking gentleman like an Asian guy, but they're generally taller and better looking.

Most Asian girls I know like either tall blonde guys or Jews.

>TFW Italian
>TFW only appeal to Middle-eastern women.

>> No.7931822


He buys into nutritionism

>> No.7931826

>posting animu on a food and cooking board.
Yet another retarded weeb.

>> No.7931835
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>> No.7931837
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>> No.7931844

because eating a big fat steak rarely like once or twice a month aint gonna do shit healthwise.

seafood is delicious, but your ass needs to stop baiting and realise that absolutes are not the solution here.

>> No.7931847

Because whites can't handle the slightest derogatory remarks about their ''''food''''

>> No.7931850

You tell them, Tyrone!

>> No.7931851
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>He's a stupid anime poster

Stupid anime posters.

>> No.7931855
File: 78 KB, 848x480, [Wasurenai] Yumeiro Patissiere - 09v2 [H264 848x480] [6B8566C5].mkv_snapshot_09.01_[2016.05.16_16.48.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these cucks complaining about anime on an anime imageboard


>> No.7931858

>/ck/ is an anime image board
I told you, weebs are fucking stupid.

>> No.7931861

Tyrone is a black name though, are you confused? Black food is just white food with Tabasco dumped on top, you're not different

>> No.7931863


Stupid weeb.

>> No.7931864

>he's not a pescepescetarian

>> No.7931867
File: 80 KB, 443x388, 1331524407492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's on a "diet"
Nice meme, dumb weeb

>> No.7932224
File: 89 KB, 346x613, 1469871931940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am a pescatarian.

>> No.7932236

Judging by that pic you're also a child molester lol

>> No.7932244
File: 62 KB, 685x474, 1461171194327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because seafood is expensive and most of the shit "health" fucks eat are endangered. you don't see any people mass fishing for asian carp even though we need to get rid of them because "ewww, I want my cod and salmon and tuna"

>> No.7932245
File: 143 KB, 900x1284, __suzukaze_aoba_and_takimoto_hifumi_new_game_drawn_by_tokunou_shoutarou__1bb63094d3286e4ed0adc11ca116893f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7932313

It also a french name.

>> No.7932324

>all white people

>one of you

so which is it genius? all white people or just one?

>> No.7932346

seriously go fuck yourself op

>> No.7932353

>mommmeeeeee! the mean man said something that makes me unhappy!
>just tell him stereotypes are unfair, son. that always makes them shut up

>> No.7932848

>eating fish sticks every day

No thanks OP

>> No.7932986
File: 11 KB, 337x171, reddit posters .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7933005

Blacks are theives and murderers. Just my realistic observation

>> No.7933583

Get mad kiddo

>> No.7933979

I thought i was the only one who watched this. It encouraged me to be a pastry chef

>> No.7933983

Everyone here is by definition a cu/ck/.b
>Captcha was food

>> No.7934485

Someone have a tough week at school?