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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7928119 No.7928119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop talking food that only exists in America

>> No.7928122
File: 40 KB, 348x348, diet goza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example?

>> No.7928125

You're on an American website fucboy

>> No.7928132

Most junk food chains exist outside america too though.

>> No.7928151
File: 49 KB, 780x438, Thomas-Salbey-Anwohner-vom-Dach-Augenzeuge-Schiesserei-Amokla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's most peculiar though, is the little differences. You won't find gravy in German KFCs. What marketing research deluded reasoning robbed our palates of the heavenly umami-laden gravy? These goings-on need systematic study.

>> No.7928153

This is a Japanese website

>> No.7928154


nah bra, that's 2chan.

4Chan is all American.

>> No.7928155

There's no Tacobell in our city. Sad

>> No.7928156

>founded to discuss japanese things
>owned by a japanese gentleman

Face it bud, this is a japense website.

>> No.7928172

Fuck off loser
Either come to America or stop being so jealous

>> No.7928184

Mashed potatoes and gravy are readly available here.

>> No.7928242

No and no

>> No.7928277

>Stop talking food! That only exists in America!
FTFY, my hungry third world friend.

>> No.7928282

cuts of meat is the worst for me

where the fuck do i get skirt steak in the netherlands without paying a billion

baka baka baka

>> No.7928295


>4chan was started in 2003 in the bedroom of Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City whose 4chan handle is "moot". Prior to starting 4chan, Poole had been a regular participant on the Something Awful forums. He intended 4chan to be a place to discuss Japanese comics and anime.
>On January 21, 2015, moot stepped down as the site's administrator.On September 21, 2015, moot announced that Hiroyuki Nishimura had purchased from him the ownership rights to 4chan, without disclosing the terms of the acquisition

So in reality: yes and yes. 4chan was founded for weebshit and is now owned by a japanese man.

>> No.7928306

>skirt steak is expensive

Europe is truly cucked

>> No.7928307

yeah but that doesnt change the fact that it's an american website though.

>> No.7928308


>>7928282 is a false-flag post made by an american. You really think there is no skirt steak in Europe?

>> No.7928309

Try being from a country with nineteen primals compared to America's twelve and living in the US. It's impossible to get the right cuts to make dishes you grew up with.

Living in the US is great. They're generally kind, pleasant and friendly. They're helpful and talkative. But they don't know SHIT about cutting beef. In fact, most of the animal goes to making mince in the US because they don't know how to cut it or even what to do with the cuts once they do.
The average American goes through 23kg of mince in a year. Just mince! This doesn't include steaks or roasts, just burgers, meatloaf and shit like that. 23kg. Per American. Holy fuck, how is that possible? So far this year, I've only eaten about 1,5kg of mince. I don't expect to go higher than 5kg and even that's a huge ask.

I guess when you eat so much of the stuff, you care more about availability/quantity than you do about quality/versatility.

>> No.7928323

>Holy fuck, how is that possible?
Nobody knows how to cook meat that isn't steak, if they do it's a huge mind-blower and it ravages the internet like wildfire, that's how. Anything that isn't tenderloin or ribeye gets ground up
>that's a huge ask
Good god, I come to 4chan to get away from those horrible corporate euphemisms, please never use that term again

>> No.7928336
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That feel when pork meat costs 13 francs/dollars a kilo here in switzerland and beef minimum 40 fr per kg

>> No.7928337

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you might even call me a butt hurt American for saying this but how dumb do you have to be to actually believe in in such sweeping generalizations?

In a country as large as Europe that contains a great deal of pride for our meat productions (all thesefucking bbq and steakhouses) do you REALLY believe Americans don't know how to cut meat or are you just being a little stuck up?

Would you think it's intelligent if I said Europeans can't drive well because I went to Napoli and tried to drive?

Whatever though, whatever strokes your ego. Enjoy not eating mince like the rest of us so clearly love.

>> No.7928346 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 800x600, In-N-Out_Burger_triple_cheeseburgers_and_fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when americans talk about fast food chains that only exist there


>> No.7928348

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

>> No.7928415
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>> No.7928435

>a nationally standardised system for doing X is followed throughout the whole country
>yet asserting that they follow this nationally standardised system for doing X is somehow wrong and you're a jerk for saying that they do
>but saying that because one city can't drive, fifty whole countries can't drive, either, is completely valid
O... kay.

>> No.7928440

Are you actually this retarded?

>> No.7928465

There are many other websites that you are welcome to go to, friend.

>> No.7928476
File: 18 KB, 500x500, Jif!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tis truly the food of the gods

>> No.7928485

if it isn't perishable, you should get a US foodie friend to send you things and you do same from your country.

>> No.7928489

That is terrible. I buy nice pork loin at US Sams Club for $1.79 per pound. Angus beef is starting ~$5 per pound for anything nice but mince but your prices are so high, wow.

>> No.7928504

Perhaps it's because I'm a filthy Ameriboo and not USican, but I like Skippy All Natural better. Shit, I like even Aldi's storebrand all natural better than regular-ass Jif.

>> No.7928518

>Stop talking food that only exists in America

Why? You have the internet and these days we have fast worldwide shipping. You can buy whatever you want from whatever country you want.

Amerifag here, I regularly order food from foreign countries that looks interesting, and for better versions of ingredients that I can't buy locally.

>> No.7928573

you're the retard

4chan servers are american

american laws apply

4chan is american

>> No.7928582

> created in America by an American
You seem to be the retard here.

If a German buys a Ford, does the Ford turn into a German car?

>> No.7928668

>implying moot is american
moot doesn't even sound like an english name never mind american. sounds serbian or something

>> No.7928673



>> No.7928980

No. You clearly haven't been to worries.

Most of Europe has the following:
Burger king

That's pretty much it. In London you can go to five guys.

>> No.7928983

Where are you from and where do you live now? I'm from Paris and I want out. Not sure if the USA would be a good decision or not.

>> No.7928986


>> No.7929016

Not knowing how to cut meat isn't a standardized way of doing X. I think you're just being generally ignorant of the situation and would rather try to asset some kind of cultural superiority when in reality there's no evidence to support your claim.

But seriously, try a little harder to find a good butcher and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7929037

You know that American abattoirs/slaughterhouses and butchers cut beef into twelve primals, right? You did, didn't you? And that other countries have more primals than that, right? And asking a butcher or abattoir for a primal that's not one of those twelve means you'll have to buy a rather large chunk of beef, right? Because what's considered a primal in one country could actually comprise pieces of several primals in another country?
Of course you knew all this.
Wait... you didn't?

So you have no idea what you're talking about, then? Oh. That's okay.

Well, then it's better to be quiet about it rather than growing indignant about things you don't understand. That makes you look very, very stupid. Like you do now. Tough break, kiddo.

>> No.7929057
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False. Incorrect. Forever wrong. America owns this shit. Christ, we have our boot resting upon the throat of EVERY single country on this miserable planet.

Deal with it!

>> No.7929061

yeah, but the stupid french consider the tongue and the tail primal cuts as if everyone else just throws them in the garbage

>not arguing, just saying france and op are retarded

>> No.7929075

Go to a euro chan if you don't like it

>> No.7929106

im talking about the netherlands and i have never seen it at any butcher

>> No.7929155

It's probably best if you stay in whatever country you're from. You're not ready for the rest of the world.

>> No.7929161

I've heard beef is hard to come by out there.

If it makes you feel better, you've got better cheese options!

>> No.7929171

This Ameriboo thing is funny. When did this start?

>> No.7929192

So...an American made a website in america, but just because it was initially for the discussion of anime, that makes it Japanese?

>> No.7929234
File: 364 KB, 1024x1249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a terrible thread and all but is there even anything you can get in America you can't just make somewhere else? It's not like you don't have a grocery and the internet.

>> No.7929244

>a skycar

after all these years that shit just about makes me cry laughing

>> No.7929287

If you consider head, tongue and tail, then we have twenty-two primals rather than nineteen. I didn't think of them.

Some of our primals, like 'bell of beef' (direct translation), are easy to come by. The bell is the front muscle of the hind-shank, so you can just buy one shank and separate the front muscle from the back yourself. We use this in stews and as a braising cut.
Other primals we have make up parts of several US primals, like inside topside (literal translation), so to have them specially cut means having to buy three whole primals, if the butcher even knows how to cut the section you're asking for out of them. That can get expensive.

>> No.7929332

>saying "kiddo"
Wow what kind of queer talks like that
I bet your butthole is like 5 feet wide

>> No.7929355


>implying you don't furiously masterbate to gay porn
>then realize men don't want to fuck you either
>then cry
>then use your tears as lube and continue masterbating

>> No.7929358
File: 128 KB, 500x280, 1465220529495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fampai, i only jack it to anime girls

>> No.7929364


>implying you actually have erections

>> No.7929389

Only when im masterbating to anime rofl

>> No.7929394

you're a really insecure faggot

>> No.7929395


>> No.7929482

>this exchange
Either one of you two is trolling or both. Otherwise this place is doomed.

>> No.7929495

How the fuck is that even possible? Isn't NL basically just fields full of crops and cows?