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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, In-N-Out_Burger_6481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7927410 No.7927410 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>live on the east coast
>get hired by a company on the west coast which requires me to move to commiefornia
>new town
>need food
>see in-n-out burger
>think "oh all of my west coast friends and every west coaster raves about in and out"
>get doubledouble and fries done animal style
>burger is mediocre
>fries taste like cardboard
why the fuck do californians like this place so much? it's overrated garbage. the burger sucks, the bun is shit, and the fries are literally (figuratively) made of cardboard

>> No.7927412

What food do you like then OP let's keep this thread positive.

>> No.7927415

>it's yet another "greentext story starts with >be me" episode
Why the fuck do dumbass newfags pouring in from other hellholes like this meme so much?

Also your fries are cooked unsalted you have to sprinkle it on yourself.

>> No.7927416

generally if i go out to eat i try and stay local, so it's mostly small mom n' pop stores. i did have whataburger for the first time when i was driving through texas which i really enjoyed

>be you
>getting hurtmad over a shitty greentext

>> No.7927419

That is good you don't have to like everything OP for example I hate Dunkin Donuts.

>> No.7927427

yeah dunkin donuts isn't very good, neither is krispy kreme. the good donut places are the one-or-two-location places in whatever town
there's this dope donut place where i used to live where the owners got up at 3am every day to start making donuts. tastes goodman

>> No.7927444

You sound like you are upset that you had to move across the country and are displacing your stress on whatever national chains are in your area now rather than objectively judging the quality of the food.

>> No.7927446

Trips of insight and wisdom

>> No.7927453

the field i work in tends to uproot me and put me in a new place at short notice anyway, so im used to it. in n out was just plain bad

>> No.7927461

I'm a Californian and I unironically enjoy In-N-Out. Their burgers are OK, but here's a trick for really good fries. Ask for unsalted fries, animal style. Unsalted will mean they'll have to made fresh for you. And the animal style just makes them really good. Give it a shot, I think you'll like it.

Also, please don't use "be me". It identifies you as a redditor, and it goes against directly chan culture.

>> No.7927566

>and it goes against directly chan culture.
and that is how I know you are a reddit fag

fuck this bait

>> No.7927575

I came to LA from Australia

The burgers are nice and taste like a real burger but the spread gets too runny

My friend told me to swap the spread for ketchup and mayo

The fries are shit desu even if they are "freshly cut" there.

They are plain and sometimes aren't cooked enough

>> No.7927583

Ask them to make them well done they will cook them longer.

>> No.7927751

This isn't a steak, you fat redditor.

>> No.7927754

go to a yelp well-rated burger place in la instead of in-n-out please

>> No.7927796


I hate to tell you but people have been starting greentexts with "be me" on here since at least late 06/early 07 when I started coming to 4chan.

>> No.7927808

Ive had them a few times on vacation. It's just ok.

>> No.7927814
File: 261 KB, 1078x1070, don_t_speak_to_me_or_my_hot_doge_ever_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a commiefornian born and raised.

The burgers are OK nothing special. The reason why I at least like the place is that it's good, is cheap compared to the quality, and the fries taste like fries, not oil and salt.

Also animal style is disgusting and only stoners and obese people get that shit

Also I get chopped chili's on mine which give it a kick. I don't praise it but I eat there about once every couple of months

Compared to other chains, it's better than five guys since its greasy as shit there. I had whataburger once and it was ok, and I feel my reaction to it was similar to what you had to innout

Also on another note, I hear it here a lot, why do people diss their fries so much? I enjoy their fries a lot with pepper in my ketchup, moreso than any other place. What exactly makes them taste like shit? Their potatoy have a nice crispness, a little salt but not overpowering amount and have a smooth soft inside

Regardless 4/10 bait, would rank higher but I'm drunk

>> No.7927823

you mean newfags

>> No.7927843

I've never had in n out but as a east coast fag who has had five guys a dozen times this is all true. Burgers are meh and instead of ordering their fries just save a few bucks and open your mouth and pour a bag of salt in it. I have ate a lot of fast food but five guys fries is so easily the most over salted nightmare ever. Absolute dogshit.

>> No.7927848

The guy said its used by "new people pouring in from other sites" but that's kind of hard to justify when people have been doing it on this site on a very regular basis for at least a decade now.

>> No.7928056

In-N-Out is good for a cheap fast food burger but far from mind blowing.
I also like their fries, I've never gotten soggy ones before but I guess it might be because the one I go to is always really busy so they just constantly make new batches of fries.

>> No.7928065

I'm guessing you didn't get grilled onions
In n out is pretty average without them. The main draw is you're getting a genuine hand pressed beef patty burger made to order for a fair price.

>> No.7928076
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Look I am by no means saying in this that in-n-out is the best burger of all time, but to me as someone who has gone across country and had to spend his time on the road it is the best for my money.
>five guys
>over-priced tons of greasy floppy shit on even their most basic of burgers, immediately got shits from the one I ate at in georgetown.
>burgers=shit-tier fries =god tier, but im here for the headliner not the undercard so fuck fries as a point system
>whataburger, god tier but over priced and sometimes too much for me as I am not obese and don't want to eat it all
>rally's overpriced and kind of the same thing as in-n-out but $11 for a burger instead of $4
>steak and shake top tier burger, shitty bun
>sonic top tier everything. but also sometimes to fucking much, I don't need an 11 way gangbang burger with everything on it
>culvers, what is their to say, perfect I just wish they were in nor-cal cause that's where I am for the time being
>white castle, shit that gives you diarrhea for $1000 alex

look for where I am and for what I like in-n-out is the best, I just love burgers, burgers that hold together and eat the same from the first bite to the last, and I always find that at in-n-out, and like 2 other places, and the rest of them can eat dicks including five guys.

>> No.7928077


Good fresh cut fries are supposed to be double fried but they don't know that.

>> No.7928257

>why the fuck do californians like this place so much? it's overrated garbage.

literally answered your own question, pal

>> No.7928318

I like In-N-Out, not so much for their food, but because I like to BTFO athiests when I point out that In-N-Out is owned by devout Christians and that every cup and wrapper has a verse from The Holy Bible printed on it.

>> No.7928347

I really enjoy that picture.

>> No.7928382

I live in Texas and had to listen to ex-Californians wax on and on about this place for years. Then a few open up in Texas, one near me. Im hyped
To try it out finally. For like a two months straight it was totally packed. Lines of cars at the drive thru. People were driving like an hour plus to go there. I finally get around to trying it and it was so disappointing. The fries by themselves barely taste better than undercooked frozen grocery store fries and aren't much better animal style. Burgers are pretty good and cheap though but the parties are small. Fast forward a few months and now it's a ghost town. Everyone just goes to Whataburger again.

>> No.7928410

The fries fucking suck compared to other burger joints. I recommend asking for fries cooked "light well" so they're not as floppy and adding a little salt.

>> No.7928424

In N Out came into popularity during a time when all the local burger places had been pushed out by Wendy's, McD, BK, etc and all you really had were crap burgers. In N Out burgers are priced to compete with that and made with ingredients that let them be competitive in that space. They are better than them, but now consumers are willing to wait a little longer and pay a little more for places like 5 guys, and they are obviously going to be inferior to something like that

>> No.7928669

It's just another meme place that people like to brag about because of exclusivity. Same as Krispy Kreme or White Castle

>> No.7928697

>move to california for school
>figure I'll try in-n-out for shits
>burger is indistinguishable from McDonald's

it's really nothing special. I unironically prefer five guys or fatburger

>> No.7928722

I've been here since late 05 and I can assure you, "be me" wasn't a thing til much later. It's superfluous in every sense of the word and is used by morons who don't understand story telling.

>> No.7928731

>meme place
Enjoying summer?

>> No.7928829

In-n-Out fries are shit, but it's a great fast-food burger

Five Guys are a sit-down restaurant quality burger served relatively quickly

Whataburger GOAT

Shake Shack is a decent burger on a garbage potato bread bun

Smashburger is like a better Five Guys

I must admit that I'm a sucker for getting 4 or 5 McDoubles when I'm bulking

>> No.7928912

>west coast over hypes themselves to try to appear better than east coast when they're not
wew lad nothing new under the sun
been this way since tupac

>> No.7928936

Native Californian who hates In&Out reporting in

>> No.7928954

>Be Californian
>Grow up eating Val's Diner burger in Hayward, CA
>Or Mom's onion, garlic, parsley burgers grilled by Dad
>Rarely find a restaurant burger that I enjoy
Not sure if spoiled or blessed

>> No.7928966

What? As soon as the fries come out of the fryer we season them with salt and pepper.

I work at in n out and the fries are really hit or miss for people. The freshness is insane but it's a type of fry a lot of people are unaccustomed to so they tend to at opposite ends of the spectrum with them. I absolutely love them though.

t. In n out employee

>> No.7928969

The fries are always fresh you autist

>> No.7928977

Yup, they dig the potatoes when you place your order.

>> No.7929051
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>> No.7929097

animal style is a garbage option that puts cheese, 1000 island dressing, and onions (?) on them

makes cardboard fries into fries with some shit on it

>> No.7929108

Who else would you be?

>> No.7929226

They also mustard fry the patties, and put grilled onion for the burger.

Anyway inn n out is fine it's not the holy grail of fast food but it's a pretty good place to eat for cheap without settling for McDonalds quality.

Personally I prefer an Animal style burger without spread or cheese, add chopped chilli's and a well done fry.

>> No.7929256
File: 459 KB, 300x225, 1469579591596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People with shit palates who can't distinguish between McDonald's and In N Out.

Further proof East Coasters are pleb animals.

>> No.7929260


Uh no, fucktard, we have Shake Shack. So it's hard to come down to your level.

>> No.7929269
File: 125 KB, 640x496, 1469570372957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of the state then. Maybe you'd be happier eating NY cardboard tomato bread.. I mean pizza.

>> No.7929274
File: 26 KB, 377x390, 1467487870068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is a "shake shack"?

>> No.7929280


>I like In-N-Out, not so much for their food

This helps me to understand In-N-Out culture.

>> No.7929282


Actual good fast food, and no bible verses. Started by Danny Meyer.

>> No.7929313

Californian here, I don't understand it either. Everyone I know loves it but the burgers taste like grilled cheese and the fries are bland as fuck.

>> No.7929331

>The Whataburger shills are getting clever

I still see you though, fuckface.

>> No.7929399

As a person who's lived in both Jersey and Nevada, Krispy Kreme and In-N-Out are hyped for being actually good. White Castle is genuinely just a state-wide Jersey meme, like Wawa (which is weirdly advanced for a convenience store but it's really nothing all that great).

>> No.7929619
File: 29 KB, 474x535, 1464457833645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Bible verses
Oh I bet that makes a huge difference. You're so enlightened.

>> No.7929644


It doesn't. The fact that Shake Shack is better, and kills In N Out in every taste test, does matter.

>> No.7929665

These threads are literally just bait by butthurt retards outside of california that dont get to taste Gods gift that is In N out.

Stop bumping these obvious bait threads u retards

>> No.7930724

I'm in the opposite boat,

Moving to the east coast from the west coast for work in about a week.

Going to miss In-and-Out.

>> No.7930728


What part of the east coast?

>> No.7930733


not really east coast east coast,

Moving to Memphis, Tennessee, got a job as a Java programmer.

Driving out there from southern Cali on the 4th.

>> No.7930749

there's a shake shack in LA you mong

>> No.7930770


That's not east at all, that's the south. Had a family member who lived in Memphis, can't really recommend it.

Especially for a coder - yeah, the cost of living is low, but there's not going to be the quantity or quality of opportunity you'd get elsewhere.

>> No.7930772


Then why the fuck are you idiots bothering with In N Out?

>> No.7930776

you are not on enough drugs.

>> No.7930777


I don't have a college degree, and they are offering me 51k/year starting.

Most companies won't even look at my resume since I don't have a degree.

>> No.7930778

Depending on what company he works out, he may get recruited out West. So not that big of a deal.

Source: I work in recruiting

>> No.7930867
File: 142 KB, 600x600, 1469749225452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look its another one of these threads.

>> No.7930870


True, after 2 years experience you can go lots of other places.

51K is really low for a coder these days, even without a degree. Having gone back for a degree after working for one, I'd advise you to take data structures via correspondence. After that you can lie and say you have a degree from some small school back home.

>> No.7930898


Yeah, it's a starting off point,
plus guaranteed 14% raise every 6 months for the first 3 years.
after 3 years I'll start looking for another job.

This job is doing Java programming, and I actually hate Java programming.