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7926711 No.7926711 [Reply] [Original]

Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901. They created DDT and Agent Orange. Many people aren’t even aware of their existence and that needs to change ASAP. They’re absolutely huge and own a majority of agricultural production WORLDWIDE (India currently having many legal issues with them). (See link-http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/make-monsanto-pay-for-swindling-farmers-in-india)) (yes source is a blog, but she’s a doctor and you can easily google her). I’m sure many of you have heard of GMO… guess who made those? MONSANTO. They are the ones who directly poison our food and encourage the use of chemicals in/on our food.
More than just health effects, (see link by New York Times about lawsuits against them) [http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/business/monsanto-could-benefit-from-a-chemical-safety-bill.html] this company bullies and threatens farmers into producing their GMO crops. (see free doc- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvkNda-_jdc)) . It’s important to note that GMO crop are to be made on a mass production scale and require heavy and expensive machinery (in order to keep up production) that poor farmers- especially 3rd world farmers- cannot afford. Unlike normal, natural plants, GMO crops (seeds) do not come back every year and must be repurchased from Monsanto with money that farmers do not have! There was a mass suicide among farmers in India over a ten year span that started in 2005 simply because they, as poor, 3rd world farmers, could not meet Monsanto’s requirements and fell into financial ruin! The farmers that produce food don’t even have enough to eat themselves- this is so sad!
To make things worse, Monsanto has sued farmers and have won in court! Monsanto has patented (copyrighted) GMO seeds, making them illegal to use/ sell unless paid for. Many crops, such as corn, are wind pollinated and can easily contaminate a neighbouring farmer’s organic crop (via wind).

>> No.7926713

When their crop tests positive for GMO and they don’t pay Monsanto- they sue the farmers and succeed in doing so! See how they can scare farmers?!
These crops, because of how large the sale is, must be maintained with the use of chemicals. (Chemicals synthesized by Monsanto as well). As stated before, Monsanto’s use of pesticides and fungicides contain chemicals that are very harmful to us and the environment. It’s odd how a chemical can kill all the plants (weeds) around the crop but not the actual crop itself. When it rains on these crops, its causes a toxic runoff that drains into bodies of water and pollutes them! Hence why it’s only recommended to eat fish once a week, as their mercury levels are so high (and for some reason we take that as fact and we’re all okay with it!)
The only financially reasonable way we can help is to spread the word and raise awareness of this company and what’s its doing to us and our planet. As a company that only cares about revenue, when people become aware, their sales will go down! When more people find out, Monsanto will only have two choices: either change their ways or go out of business.
I’m not debating whether GMO crop is good or bad. My focus is on the health effects of pesticides on us and the environment. And also, the hardships of famers (especially 3rd world). Here are some scholarly articles that are a better source than the blog (Blog is written by a doctor though).

>> No.7926714

Cool story, bro.

>> No.7926715

www.researchgate.net/publication/7302066_Aquatic_Toxicity_Due_to_Residential_Use_of_Pyrethroid_Insecticides (click on PDF, is 8 pages).
Thanks everyone for your time reading this and perhaps together we can discuss environmentally sustainable agriculture such as polyculture (see google lol)! I appreciate everyone’s feedback, negative or positive. A quick reminder that not everyone will agree (even some farmers), so remember to be patient and respectful of everyone’s opinion… as change does not happen overnight!

>> No.7926882

Nice blog family. Subscribed, can't wait for more updates.

>> No.7926919

You know GMO crops are safe, right?

>b-but muh monsanto men in black death squads!

>> No.7926930

You realize GMO's are LITERALLY exactly the same as regular plants, right? Not even the libcucks documentaries I watched in AP human geo tried to claim otherwise.

>> No.7926931

Monsanto are so based.

There're not many selfless companies out there anymore.

>> No.7926942

No. There is no unanimous decision to if theyre safe or not. some very famous scientist dislike them. david suzuki for example

>> No.7926948

gmo are not the same as regular plants lmfao. theyre GENETICALLY modified

>> No.7926956

>someone dislikes something

Oh, he must be right!

>> No.7926965
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all plants are genetically modified

its called biology hope that helps

>> No.7926979

alright motherflipper why don't you educate little stupid old me on how different they are since you're so sure of yourself.

>> No.7927011
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>Blatant bullshit, fear-mongering and links to articles that aren't even close to reputable or scientific
wew lad

>> No.7927036

How much was Wolfe and whole foods paying you to post this?

>> No.7927041

>selective breeding nigger

>> No.7927058

When a gene from one organism is purposely moved to improve or change another organism in a laboratory, the result is a genetically modified organism (GMO). It is also sometimes called "transgenic" for transfer of genes. There are different ways of moving genes to produce desirable traits.

The argument was that by developing pesticide and herbicide resistant crops, farmer's would be able to increase their yields and decrease their costs. This has not proven to be the case. Instead, bugs and weeds have become increasingly resistant to the widespread applications of these chemicals, leading to increased use of both. More spraying means more costs for the farmers, more damage to the environment and more health concerns.
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On the flips side, it means more product purchased from the seed producer. The companies that develop and patent GMO seeds are the same companies that develop and patent the pesticides and herbicides to which the unique seeds are resistant. Monsanto is the largest seed company in the world and owns about 86% of GMO seeds sown globally. It is also the parent of Roundup.

The safety of GMO foods is unproven and a growing body of research connects these foods with health concerns and environmental damage. For this reason, most developed nations have policies requiring mandatory labeling of GMO foods at the very least, and some have issued bans on GMO food production and imports.

In Canada we do not.

Canadians are often unaware that the foods they choose contains GMO ingredients. It is this basic right to choice that is behind the growing movement to have GMO foods labeled. While environmental and food advocates lobby for labeling, other groups, like The Non-GMO Project, have created voluntary non-GMO certification to facilitate consumer information.

there you go :)

>> No.7927065

When will this trend end? And when will people learn that GMO is just a quicker version of selective breeding / processing

Although, I don't really like the privatization of crops

>> No.7927107

i dont like that either

>> No.7927120

Holy shit no one on this board (and possibly this website) cares about your crap.

Better luck somewhere else.

>> No.7927333
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>I've seen Food Inc.

Samefagging for schnitzngiggles
>We get it, they suck dick. But unless you wanna start a film crew and expose these losers for who they really are, fuck off.
Do you have any idea what will happen to American tax payer dollars if foreign companies didn't buy and sell American made products jam packed with 3rd world country sugar and by-products and modified by other 3rd world country scientists into contributing on a global scale to epidemic obesity and addiction so that the 0.01% can enjoy their risk free, luxurious lifestyles? People would riot!

>> No.7927548

I care. And that's why I'm bumping the thread so I can read it later when I'm on a bigger screen.


>> No.7927827
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>Monsanto puts chemicals on food
Food is chemicals
Water is chemicals
Everything is chemicals

>> No.7927865

bleach is chemicals. drink up!

>> No.7927889

I think it's more important to note how much they disrespect farmers. I understand that a capitalist business must step on some heads but that's my food nigga
They're making people not want to farm
I understand it's not a "fuckin sick" job but farming is culture in a lot of places

>> No.7927947

did you know that uber is worth more than monsanto?

fucking uber.

>> No.7927955

Way to miss the point. The problem isnt the plants themselves, but rather the ever escalating use of pesticides that the plants are designed to survive.

>> No.7927988

Genetically modified organisms are the key to solving world hunger but assholes like Monsanto are using it for shitty patent lawsuits that benefit nobody.

>> No.7927990

The big issue isn't the genetic engineering so much as that they engineer them to take more pesticides, and then spray even more pesticides on them to the point they are completely saturated to the core
This is what is dangerous.
Also the rapidly grown food is unhealthy and tastes lousy, not to mention it hurts farmers by copyrighting seeds

>> No.7928038

most pesticides are destroyed in processing, canning or cooking or freezing. just quit being a raw food hippie and you'll be fine.

>> No.7928040

>key to solving world hunger
Letting them starve is the solution. As conditions have deteriorated in post colonial Africa so have fertility rates.