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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7925325 No.7925325 [Reply] [Original]

> munchie box btfo

>> No.7925361

is it safe to eat the black part of it? Looks burnt.

>> No.7925367

Kill yourself shitbird

>> No.7925369

I know you're trolling but for real the bark is considered to have the highest level of carcinogens on the meat

>> No.7925382

>eating burnt food
fucking americans

>> No.7925394


>the highest level of yum on the meat

Gotta die of something.

>> No.7925400

no, it is a carcinogen. maliard reactions almost always are for the most part

>> No.7925403


If it's black it's gone way beyond the malliard to "burnt".

>> No.7925413

"burnt" from smoking is much different that "burnt" from leaving it on the pan too long

>> No.7925419


2/10, no dessert

>> No.7925423

That's just the starter m8

>> No.7925424


Sure, I agree. My point was that it has nothing to do with the malliard. Especially if smoking is involved--the meat never gets hot enough for the malliard to take place; the color comes entirely from the smoke.

>> No.7925488
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> comparison

>> No.7925493

Do you pronounce it like that irl?

>> No.7925498

>more different types of meats
>two types of sauce
>onion rings
>soft drinks

DING DING DING! We have a winner

>> No.7925499

You realise you could have a munchie box that included barbecued meat, right?

>> No.7925504
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1463775631362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're comparing top-of-the-line bbq to a cheap-ass fast food selection?

>> No.7925507

Its spelled MAILLARD knobend

>> No.7925522

>>corrects other people's spelling
>>fucks up it's vs. its

Also, shouldn't there be a period at the end of your sentence, dickleech?

>> No.7925540

>eating raw food
fucking westerners

>> No.7925544

I agree that looks better but it probably isn't £6

You're missing the point of a munchy box - you get one when you're completely legless when you just want grease and cheese and 'meat'.
Using nice stuff like in that webm is a waste.

>> No.7925549
File: 96 KB, 480x320, flavormayor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u sound mad, knobend

>> No.7925596


>no gloves
>makes tiny burger
>cuts it in half
>puts meat into little paper tray
>paper tray suddenly gone, puts meat just as is onto paper
>no gloves again
>utterly impossible to transport that thing as it is shown

>> No.7925630

If that costs less than $10 I'll eat my own shit. Sorry lad, it's not comparable.

>> No.7925666

People wearing stupid plastic gloves is such a pet peeve of mine.

Pisses me off in Subway how they put a new one on for each new customer as if the person ordering the sandwich somehow contaminated yours while looking at his being made.

>> No.7925676

*Knob end

>> No.7925796
File: 43 KB, 550x412, lastsupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7925832

>Satanic laughter when he walks away with his sandwich

>> No.7925850

that looks like shit

>> No.7925993

have you seen the people who often work at subway? I'd like more gloves and maybe a hazmat suit at some subways

>> No.7926157

It's not burnt
It's the spices being mixed into the fat that looks black

>> No.7926174

Yeah, but that's not something you get to go. Also, munchie boxes are cheap and that amount of food at La BBQ probably was a shit ton, I don't wanna do the math, so someone else can.


>> No.7926177
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>eggs btfo

>> No.7926201
File: 109 KB, 1660x955, burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk btfo

>> No.7926217

>all sandwiches served on a bun/roll are burgers

>> No.7926235

That OP doesnt have atleast 10 words

>> No.7926262

Helluva spread there

>> No.7926267

Hi, I post images I found on Google.
I have nothing original to add to this really.

>> No.7926302

Is this proof that "Chefs Knives" are a meme?

All anybody need is a good serrated blade.

>> No.7927139


>That'll be $143.58

>> No.7927146


>onion rings
>there's literally three in there

>> No.7927178
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 368237952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrap a sandwich in paper
>cut sandwich in half through the paper
>proceed to remove the paper to eat

>> No.7927320

I've asked this before, and I'm going to ask again, why do people consider meat this lean to be good?

>> No.7927330

plus tip

>> No.7927366

It helps keep everything inside the bun, you dumb frog poster.

>> No.7927407


>> No.7927509

>le hip new age chef with full sleeve tattoos

I'll pass.

>> No.7927512

>this lean

>> No.7927519

I don't understand what you are trying to imply.

>> No.7927530

He's saying the meat isn't lean, ya dingus.

>> No.7927533


>> No.7927536
File: 298 KB, 690x327, Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 11.04.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the green sewer water he dunks the pork slabs?

>> No.7927540

ninja turtle water

>> No.7927541

Juices from resting the roast would be my guess.

>> No.7927546

Why does the meat look like garbage?

>> No.7927549

Have you or has he ever had good brisket? I did and it wasn't as lean as the video. The bbq in video probably tastes bland, with good texture.

>> No.7927554

The bark comes from the layer of fat. I'm not sure what you want, brisket doesn't have marbling like a NY steak.

>> No.7927577

Layered fat inside the meat, I know some has because I ate it. It tastes significantly better than fat on the surface. So if you want to claim this is the ultimate brisket video, then it is wrong. Which is what I said earlier.

>> No.7927879

That's turkey you dip

>> No.7928164
File: 128 KB, 672x801, lamb doner kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7928191

The bun is supposed to keep things inside the bun. That's the point of the bun. If you've put stuff in a bun and it doesn't stay in the bun, you've fucked up.

>> No.7928199


Americans want more food than the bun can manage at this rate the bun is just traditional.

>> No.7928259

It looks like garbage because it comes from this.

Those are the lamb doner kebabs that are sold here in the UK to drunkards at 3am.

It is lamb meat ground into a fine paste with a bunch of additives which is then formed onto the spit.

Think hotdog meat on a skewer (made from lamb).

>> No.7928271

what's the stuff at 0:50?

>> No.7928275


The best part of that .webm is the little knife tap right at the beginning.

Like "Let's fucking do this"

>> No.7928276

Moist brisket

1.5 pounds of beef ribs

Pulled pork with housemade tangy sauce

Pork ribs

El Sancho Loco sandwich

Housemade Texas Hot Guts

Smoked turkey

House pickled spicy pickles

Red pickled peppers

Pickled red onions

House pickled okra

Southwest black bean salad

Chipotle slaw

Potato salad

>> No.7928383
File: 3.24 MB, 2725x1835, 20160724_145229-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ate this the other night