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File: 94 KB, 498x280, cow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7923841 No.7923841 [Reply] [Original]

If I accept vegan ethos then shouldn't I still be allowed to eat variety meats? organ meats are usually discarded now because people think it is beneath them to eat those parts. by purchasing these typically wasted parts I don't actually generate any demand on the breeding and slaughter of new animals. In fact I just prevent waste.

>> No.7923843

by directly paying money for them, you're contributing. no mental gymnastics will counter this. it's not like they were just given to you.

but, you should try to minimize meat consumption and support the development of cultured meat. this is a better long-term solution to the problem of animal cruelty.

>> No.7923851

Try to be a little less emotional. Reasoning is not called "mental gymnastics" where I come from.

>implying I want to live in Bladerunner land

>> No.7923871

>Reasoning is not called "mental gymnastics" where I come from.
paying for animal products and then trying to come up with reasons that you're not contributing to the slaughter of animal products doesn't seem like logical reasoning. just feels like someone who wants to eat animal products and is trying to come up with ways to justify it to make themselves feel better.

>implying I want to live in Bladerunner land
current farming methods are pretty bad for the planet, human health, and animal welfare. if the technique for cultured meat can be perfected it'll be healthier and better for everyone.

>> No.7923902

ironically most vegans are making it worse by persuing crazed farming standards.

fuck, just look at how much water alone goes into almonds, like its somehow better than cows.

>> No.7923913

Roadkill should be fine desu

>> No.7923928

yeah a lot of vegans have good intentions but they want to go backwards or stagnate technologically, which isn't the answer.

it's like people being anti-gmo and pro-organic while there are organic pesticides that cause parkinson's.

>> No.7923930

well considering u don't raise and feed water it's a bit better anon unless u live in shithole California, where a great portion of the drought was due to livestock needing water anyways, plus you need farmlands to grow food to feed animals to become food, more than you'd need if people just stopped eating animals. imo vegans just make it worse with expecting everyone to follow the diet 100% I say I eat 80% vegan with dairy a couple of times a week and meat or fish or whatever I want when I go out to a dinner and it's much more reasonable and would get rid of factory farming over time leaving small farmers to provide most meat, at a higher cost but miles better in quality. plus meat is subsidized anyways it's all a sham I don't want to pay for Walmart tier meat left out in water vats for 3 days so it can soak up as much extra weight as possible

>> No.7924068

The animal "products" are not slaughtered you stupid asshole, the animals themselves in total are. If there is not enough demand on organ meats (and there isn't) to actually slaughter new animals to produce those cuts then I am not culpible in the breeding of new animals. I think you may just be too stupid to understand the argument here. And "spiritually" I am not against the idea of eating meat. I am just thinking about how to reform my life now that I have a massive hard-on for antinatalism. How I can live according to those utilitarian principles, not just some buddhist woowoo.

>> No.7924102

Actually a lot of vegans have nothing against throwing out animal products that are usable. It's not considered "wasteful" because this implies that the animal only has value if you gain something from its having been alive rather than it having value because it was a living being.
People are always quick to bring up things like almonds, soy, and the conditional of agricultural workers that harvest produce to justify their perhaps less than ethical eating habits. Do you never eat almonds? Even meat eaters are drinking almond milk nowadays. The point is not to be 100% ethical in every decision you make (which is honestly impossible unless you live like Thoreau or something) but it's to be mindful of the decisions you are making and to make your best effort to help.
>imo vegans just make it worse by expecting everyone follow the diet 100%
While I have to disagree that it's unreasonable to completely "completely" vegan if that's what you're getting at but I do think that a lot of vegans are unreasonable by expecting meat-eaters to become vegan right away. I don't think they realize just how scary it is to a lot of people to think about giving up all the foods they love and are used to just like that. It's much more reasonable to ease into it gradually and without any formal commitment to becoming vegetarian or vegan.
>"spiritually" I am not against the idea of eating meat
I'm not sure you completely understand the "vegan ethos"

>> No.7925574

This to be honest

>> No.7925581

Stop making oxtail all expensive and shit

>> No.7925775

People go vegan for different reasons. You'll still get militant vegans cursing you but eat whatever the fuck you want. I guess it is a good way to prevent waste.

>> No.7926092

>The animal "products" are not slaughtered you stupid asshole, the animals themselves in total are
duh, what's the point of saying something like this?

the point is that unless you're eating organ meats that are about to be thrown away and aren't paying for them, you're still giving money to the people slaughtering animals for slaughtering animals.

why are you so angry?

>> No.7926136

Almonds use significantly less water and land to produce vs. livestock.
The California drought really exposed how brainwashed people are by blaming almond trees for water consumption instead of the meat and dairy industry out there.

>> No.7926354

The money is even less relevant. Its not like "voting" with your dollar is a thing when it comes to whole industries or even a large corporation like Walmart or for that matter the US election. The only question I am asking is: Is a new animal going to be slaughtered on my account? Am I tipping the scales leading to the sale of another cow? Besides which even if I buy produce at the grocery store it is still going back into funding the chain which does sell meat.

>> No.7927122
File: 30 KB, 305x525, vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vegans suddenly started eating animal 'waste' they would increase the total price an animal was able to be sold for, which in turn would increase the quantity supplied by farmers who can now command a higher price when selling,

Unfortunately for you, no market action you can take will end the sale of meats as there is invariably going to be some demand.

>> No.7927510

Yes I explained myself here


>> No.7927526

Obviously you've made your mind up so go eat your offal.

I think voting is a rather good analogy here though~

>> No.7927531

>Almonds use significantly less water and land to produce vs. livestock.
WTF kind of nonsense have you been reading? The almond council?? I'm surprised it didn't compare odds of being struck by lightning vs something else utterly unrelated as well. Statistics are fun like that! No one would suggest that land that isn't used for almonds should be for livestock or would be for livestock by default instead. The almond business started out as a 20lb yield per acre industry into a 1000lb yeild with automation. It's a giant water hog.
Only agricultural scientists would identify a better crop or relationship among crops putting almonds back into a symbiotic relationship with other plants in the same field (such as we do to shade coffee or tea), or use methods like how they irrigate in Israel by drip, and other high tech science that conserves water.

>> No.7928368

Please Google how much water it takes to produce one pound of beef compared to one pound of almonds. Just straight water, not even the water it takes to produce the food that cows also need.

>> No.7928387

You shouls go vegan for the environment.

>> No.7930335

Proof? They can use that shit as feed for other animals, they wouldn't throw it away.

>> No.7931083

There is no proof, this person is either a troll or full retard.

>> No.7931086


They don't throw it away. There is a market for offal, first off. Second, a lot of common and popular processed meat products such as hot dogs are made from offal (a fact that not a lot of people seem to realize).

I dunno why people get all grossed out to know their dogs n shit have "nonstandard" meat in them when that's kind of the purpose of them existing

>> No.7931700
File: 125 KB, 238x238, 1390526470521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ew you eat heart/liver/lungs/kidneys/tripe/chittlins/snout/ears/ttail/trotters anon. I could never eurgh, gross
>Inhales cheap hotdogs, chicken nuggets, mystery burgers from a van, "free flow" mince


>> No.7931720
File: 588 KB, 2336x3554, 1362688122867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organ meats are usually discarded
This is the whitest post I have ever seen other than the twice weekly "how do you eat stuff with onions in it? It is too spicy and I get explosive diarrhea"

>> No.7931725

Might aswell make an account on reddit and blog about it, gendervoid scum.

>> No.7931749

>this is the whitest post I have ever seen
>intended as an insult
Tell me how this isn't racist.

>> No.7931759

Trump will save you

>> No.7931766

Yeah, no, don't write me off.
I'm not a conservative, I am in fact mixed race, and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Explain to me how stereotyping and putting down someone for their race isn't racist. I'm waiting.

>> No.7931783
File: 438 KB, 640x453, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but who gives a shit if it is racist? I'm not sure why this matters. Are you surprised to find racism on 4chan? Fuck, man. Think about where you are.

Mind you, I'm not saying that racism is right. It's a fucking plague upon the bard just like the frogposters, the memers, the fast food apologists, and so on. I'm just wondering why you appear to be so surprised to see it here. That's like going into a bad part of town and being surprised to see litter and graffiti.

>> No.7931795

Is that even a word?

>> No.7931804


Probably not. But I'm sure you know what it refers to, so it got the point across.

>> No.7931818

Lol, no I'm not surprised. IMm not even offended.
I'm just sick and tired of self-righteous people being complete racists and denying it. The same people are probably offended by any other form of racism.
Ok, maybe I just have a backlog: see above about living in the Bay Area.

>> No.7931856

Why are people so unprepared to handle racism against whites? I can rave all day about shitskins and no one bats an eye, but if I say whites get diarrhea about fifty neckbeards drop everything to say "oh boy don't you know das raciss"

No shit cumface, vote trump for he will save you

>> No.7931901

>blah blah blah
Look, if you accept that you are being racist and you are fine with that, more power to you.

If you are self righteous and pretending to yourself that it is magically ok to be racist against one group, then you are the fellow I have a problem with.

Also, I hate racism in general, only one race, the human race and etc.
But I get that it is just part of the 4chan chaos.

>> No.7931918

>Look, if you accept that you are being racist and you are fine with that, more power to you.
How brave of you to say that here on 4chan of all places!

>> No.7931927

Prepare your anus

>> No.7931932

I got banned like 3 different times in a month for saying nigger

>> No.7931996

Kill yourself you pathetic pussy

>> No.7931998

Enjoy your ban.