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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7917658 No.7917658 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get my stupid boyfriend to cook better meals for me?

He whines that he has to work 12 hours a day and blah-blah but that's no excuse.

How do I fix him, /ck/?

>> No.7917661

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7917665

I'm happy to cook for my bf, maybe you shouldn't be so ungrateful.

>> No.7917671
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>> No.7917691

r u singel

>> No.7917696
File: 11 KB, 390x129, sajay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck his dick more. Mandatory swallowing. And sage, sage in all fields.

>> No.7917697


>> No.7917698


>> No.7917719

you're not even trying. 2/10 best i can do

>> No.7917751

Does this thread even deserve a spot on /ck/?

>> No.7917766

This is true. Early on I taught my gf that she could get me to go along with pretty much anything she wanted as long as I was never wanting for a blowjob, ever. Now we've been married for a while, and I cook every night. Take a guess why I have no complaints about it...

>> No.7917774

Not much worse than the fast food shill threads and jack/joey/etc threads really

>> No.7917782

doesn't you/she worry that your relationship is based on sexual favors that will become increasingly less appealing over the years?

>> No.7917787

>he lives a fantasy life on a chinese internet forum


>> No.7917803
File: 35 KB, 546x453, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously responds to a post on a Thai Bicycle Club image board about relationships between women and men

>> No.7917804

is she single?

>> No.7917821

>those shorts
>in public
is she a professional sex worker? inb4 that degenerate who thinks that women should walk around with specula showing off their cervixes and if you don't agree that this is totally normal you must be sharia law muslim

seriously though, sometimes when a rape happens, the only victim is the guy who was criminalized for normal human behavior

>> No.7917829

>it's a pathetic mra christfag episode

>> No.7917831

>>those shorts
>>in public

To be fair it looks like she's on the steps to a beach cabin. It OK to dress like that around the beach IMO.

>> No.7917834

women should walk around with specula showing off their cervixes and if you don't agree that this is totally normal you must be sharia law muslim

>> No.7917835

but she is wearing a watch anon, nobody wears a watch in a situation like that unless she charges by the hour
or a christfag or a REEE /r9k/

professional hookers will literally bend over backwards or forwards (whichever way the customer likes) in order to justify dressing like a prostitute

>> No.7917838

>but she is wearing a watch anon

Well fuck, okay forget it.

>> No.7917843


>normal human behavior

ok you can have your (You) now

>> No.7917848

In a way I see it as maintaining sexual interest in the relationship as the years inevitably undedrcut it. If you establish the exchange of sexual favors as part of your pattern that pattern will be well established by the time age causes desire to wane. Imagine making it to your 50's, neither of you are as good looking or horny as you used to be, but you still get along fine and you're still getting blown on a regular basis. Doesn't sound like a bad plan to me. Sounds like a way to still appreciate her when age is starting to work against the both of you.

>> No.7917853

>I can't control my horny level because I am a wee lad

>> No.7917861
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>> No.7917865


Oh man, I really hope your mom gets raped for bringing something like (You) into this world

>> No.7917867

I'm 43, but if you leave your cell phone on a park bench overnight you can expect it to get stolen, and if you go out and get blackout drunk while wearing hooker clothes and no underwear, you can fully expect to wake up with a sore pussy. Sorry if this upsets you, but apparently I have to explain to you kids what your parents failed to explain to you.

>> No.7917868

Triggered virgins.

>> No.7917884

phone doesn't equal a living breathing human with the ability to talk and feel. if u can't keep it in your pants or desist when a girl says no u have a problem mate

>> No.7917886


43 year old virgin by the sounds of it. If you have sex with someone who can't even provide verbal consent then it's clearly you who raped her, not she who forced you to rape her with her clothing.

But you've never actually touched a woman, so I can understand why you let your imagination run wild.

>> No.7917889

Why would she say no when all of her inhibitions are loosened? The no comes later, with the hangover.

People seem ok with the idea of holding drunk drivers accountable for their actions, but somehow women are above accountability. And more amazingly still, this somehow makes me a misogynist.