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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7914929 No.7914929 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you overeat? To a point where you start sweating and must lie down?

>> No.7914935

I'm an ex-fat and am always hungry no matter how much I eat, like I get stomach pain before i get satiated. i try to control myself but every month or so i'll go on a couple day binge that ends in self loathing

>> No.7914986

I know that feel bro
The only way I can cope is to eat one huge fuck off meal a day.
Its weird but eating makes me even more hungry.
If I don't eat anything, I'm hungry but I can manage it.
But if I eat something, and I don't get completely full up, I'll be eating non stop for the rest of the day.

I've also learned that my appetite bears no relation to how much food I need to eat to maintain a healthy weight.
If I eat what my appetite would lead me to believe is the right amount of food I would still be 240lbs.

>> No.7914998

>To a point where you start sweating and must lie down?

Even when I was a fatty I didn't go that far. I'll have a cheat day where I go 500 over my usual calories.

>> No.7915008

you absolute madman

>> No.7915010

Yeah it snowballs, i've managed to gain 20 pounds during one binge.
Don't lie, you're among frens

>> No.7915078

That is quite a lot.
Most I gained was 10 pounds in 4 days.
Took 6 weeks to lose it.

>> No.7915085

a couple times a week

I'm one of those hungry skeleton guys who can't gain weight though.

Although in the past few months I've actually started to get the whole "skinnyfat" thing going on, so i could be treading on a slippery slope

>> No.7915089

how much did you eat over how many days? what did you do while you were eating?

>> No.7915123

I was fat as a kid, like 215ish I think, I tend to binge and purge. So I won't really watch what I eat for three months, then for the next three months I'll count calories, eat healthy, and do cardio/lifting daily. Just got off my most recent binge a few weeks ago post breaking up with my girlfriend, I'd gained like 15 pounds. Now I've lost like 8 of it.

I also fluctuate one what I feel like doing. Sometimes the thought of eating like shit is really off putting to me, and sometimes I want to dive face first into a five guys and get some ice cream after.

>> No.7915127

I know that feel.
I'll come home from work and eat dinner and then the hunger sets in and I can clear out the house on a food rampage.
Ex-fat is suffering.

>> No.7915171

I just eat a lot, all the time. worst that happens to me is when I eat a lot of carbs and then drink soda, it churns in my stomach causing harsh pain for like 15 minutes.

>> No.7915172

The worst I have felt since losing weight has been going out to eat with friends and they couldn't finish their 20oz steaks and I had to step in.
That left me bed ridden for a few hours after from over 50oz of food.

Other time is just eating all the cereal I have. Box of wheat-abix and oats and corn flakes which is over eating.
Most degenerate thing though is eating sweetened condensed cream from a can with a spoon

>> No.7915323

Jesus Christ you all need to learn how to eat right. How does this happen? How many of you fatties ever eat vegetables or fruit instead of sugar or grease? Your bodies are broken.

Recaptcha: select all the food.

>> No.7915334

I eat right and I know what's good and what's not so good. I just choose to eat like a trash compactor because I want to sometimes. Majority of people probably don't know shit about the nutritional value of what they eat.

>> No.7916660

to be honest i'm on a low carb diet most of the time so half of that is water but most of my binges involve baking something and eating it, last time i managed to get through a 9x9 dense as fuck brownie in 3 days and that was with eating other things. If i could manage to make myself vomit i'd be bulimic instead of just having a binge eating disorder

>> No.7916661

I eat right 99% of the time, the 1% my willpower is broken and the hunger overtakes me.

>> No.7917013

>eat fruit
whoops this has 400 extra calories you did not budget for

>> No.7917173

I'm sorry friend.
I do have a legimitimate thing you could try, eat very few carbs.
Seriously, they usually end up making you more hungry.
Try it for a month, almost exclusively eat fats and protein and get your carbs from something very voluminous like spinach and broccoli.

That goes to any fats in this thread, for satiety
Volume lasts for less time though, so a large meal with these three things (and as I said before a shitton of some low calorie carb is good for volume, you would be surprised how much 200 calories of broccoli is) will get you satiated.

This isn't even for the people who want to lose weight necessarily, I know how it feels to feel hungry all the time and it sucks.

>> No.7917347

Doing Intermittent Fasting.

So almost every day.

>> No.7917392

>must lie down
I never understood how people can do that. I always feel like walking or riding the bike for an hour after overeating.

>> No.7917396

I.......have never done that, and anyone who does probably won't be around very long.

>> No.7917564

I enjoy starving myself as much as I enjoy eating except recently I've found myself not eating much so that doesn't bode well for my weight.

>> No.7917640

>ate 3 hot dogs even though I wasn't hungry
>brushing teeth afterwards
>really scrubbing tongue
>accidentally make myself throw up with toothrush
>felt better since I had just eaten that food I didn't even want
>make myself throw up the rest of it
>did it again today

i get the feeling this isn't healthy

>> No.7917690

lol same thing has happened to me before (not hot dogs though).

I also went to the Wicked Spoon buffet in Las Vegas. All you can eat and all you can drink package for a wedding. The food was amazing and I felt obliged to drink to get our money's worth so I ended up making myself vomit at one point.

I opened the stall and there was a few people waiting who clearly heard me.

I felt like a Roman though, and was ready for another round.

>> No.7917734

I hate that feeling you get when overeating.

>> No.7918010
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I am 130 pounds, 6ft tall, and a tad muscular.

I eat until I'm full at pretty much every meal. I'm about to go to lunch and order a brisket platter and two sides, which will stuff me very well.

Being comfortably full is one of my favorite feels

>> No.7918194


>> No.7918228

I've tried low carb.
I didn't feel satiated at all without rice, potatoes, or whatever.

I tried the protein sparing modified fast. Awful, just awful.

>> No.7918229

Me too. I never want to eat again after a big meal. And I usually don't eat anything for the rest of the day.

>> No.7918232
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>I am 130 pounds, 6ft tall, and a tad muscular.

>> No.7918234

So do you fat fucks eat Thanksgiving Dinner until you want to die, then immediately eat 3 pieces of pumpkin pie? I have a fat uncle who always wants to eat pie right after dinner and everyone else wants to wait until night.

>> No.7918264


>> No.7918272

yes even the children
we are growing stronger everyday :)

>> No.7918551

I eat as much as possible, sleep for 3 hours, and then eat as much dessert as possible.

>> No.7918561

Hello Mr Skeletal

>> No.7918962

Probably because the lack of volume, like I said a large bowl of spinach or broccoli is a god send since it is so low calorie but has so much volume.

>> No.7919072

Every chance I get which depends on how much money I have at the time

>> No.7919088

How poor are you guys that struggle to feed yourselves?
What do you do for work?

>> No.7919110
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>To a point where you start sweating and must lie down

>> No.7919142

I'm south american so very

>> No.7920293


>I'm an ex-fat

yes, we can see that.

>> No.7920333

Mashed Potatoes. Every fucking time I eat mashed potatoes.

Why can't I control myself

>> No.7920356
File: 109 KB, 500x566, at-ζ-l-mlady-liberty-2981793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, couple years back
>went out of town
>hotel fucks up reservation
>hotel: sorry about that anon - here is a 50 dollar gift card to steak house
>out to dinner with m'lady to celebrate anniversary
>had so much food at a steak restaurant
>order apps
>order wine
>order steak
>order sides
>waiter: oh, anniversary - here is free dessert
>ohGodPleaseNo(); //this is happening
>lady wants to get freaky later on
>ate soo much that I am feeling sick
>unable to perform my m'fellow'ly duties
>be next morning
>hotel is 2 hours from home
>have to ask lady to drive
>still too sick
>onOurWayHome.mpeg layer 4
>please stop i have to puke
>please stop again i have to puke
>please stop at next exit i have the sloppy shits
>please stop again
>shits++; //sloppier
>shits++; //sloppiest

Have never over eaten to that degree before, and haven't since.

Still not 100% convinced it wasn't also food poisoning on some level.

>> No.7920609


Too often. Stopped counting my calories, then some girl I'm sleeping with told me I started getting a bit of a belly. Im vain as fuck so checked the scale, got 15lbs on me since some months. Trying to lose it but rugby season is off and its too hot for running, so I have to watch my gaping hole of a mouth. I can easily eat 8000 kcal daily and rarely feel satiated when eating healthy so its gonna suck.