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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 296 KB, 1280x960, egggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7914092 No.7914092 [Reply] [Original]

post those eggs, you cu/ck/

>> No.7914095 [DELETED] 

eggs a shit

>> No.7914105
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>> No.7914107

>not sunny side up

>> No.7914110

This tbqhwy senpai

>> No.7914117

>the current decade
>consuming chicken periods

>> No.7914128
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>he can't flip an egg without spilling the spaghetti
>he tries to hide this by preferring sunny side up

>> No.7914146

post preferred egg seasonings

>garlic and chili powder

>> No.7914160


>> No.7914176

Different anon.

You're right that I can't flip worth a damn, but do you not enjoy mopping up runny yolk with your toast?

>> No.7914184

Powdered garlic and oregano

>> No.7914187

It is the only reason to eat eggs.

>> No.7914306
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>> No.7914309
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>> No.7914313
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>> No.7914315
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>> No.7914320
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>> No.7914325
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>> No.7914327
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>> No.7914329
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>> No.7914331
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>> No.7914335
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>> No.7914338
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>> No.7914345
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>> No.7914347
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>> No.7914348
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>> No.7914353
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>> No.7914356
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>> No.7914359
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, thisiswhatapizzalookslike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7915565
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>> No.7915644

What is this /k/?

>> No.7915653

>little bit crispy
>runny yolks just waiting to burst
>whites fully cooked
>salt and pepper
>nice darkness to toast

Perfect eggs

>> No.7915669

i've never poached eggs before but love runny yolk
someone tell me how to do it perfectly

>> No.7915673


>> No.7915674
File: 591 KB, 2172x2223, 20160721_110923-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade Japanese marinated egg

>> No.7915715

Cured egg yolks went into the fridge an hour ago. Are they any good or is it another meme?

>> No.7915724

great vid, ill have to watch more of this guy

>> No.7915765

You can do that with over easy eggs as well.

>> No.7915851


>> No.7915874

isnt that just a soft boiled egg...

>> No.7916917


>> No.7916919

depends on the kind of eggs
scrambled its sriracha
omelette its tapatio or if I have it some taco bell sauce
boiled just a pinch of salt and pepper

>> No.7916920

Nigga the yolks in over easy are still runny.

>> No.7917169


i've noticed you get a fuckload more replies if you start a thread with your legs or hands in the frame. either you get hit on by the gays or berated for having fat hands. sometimes both

>> No.7917482
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>> No.7917520

I crack my eggs straight into a little bit of olive oil and cook them solid, flipping once, or I scramble them with some soft cheese and cook them solid.

Never understood why everyone eats them runny and almost raw. Doesn't taste any better IMO and it gets cold and mixes with everything.

>> No.7917546
File: 967 KB, 2048x1536, Full English Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do so many people conflate runny with raw? It's like people who'll only eat well done steak because anything less is "raw".

It's fucking been cooked, the yolks have been heated up and aren't raw, just because they weren't cook solid.

>> No.7917550


>> No.7917557

Smoked paprika on a poached egg laid on top of grits and hot sauce.

>> No.7918479

oh shit whaddup

>> No.7919118

green onion, black pepper and garlic powder

>> No.7919136

salt, pepper, dash of hot sauce

>> No.7919181


Nothing. If anything some sriracha sometimes.

>> No.7919189

This doesn't look bad, but wtf is that

>> No.7919218

Never heard of green eggs and ham?

>> No.7919231

Looks like moldy shakshuka

>> No.7919244
File: 822 KB, 600x366, 1469316596025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, I thought that was just the whites

>> No.7919338


it's shakshuka with a green chilli and yogurt dressing.

>> No.7919363
File: 96 KB, 625x411, Dairy-free-Provencal-quiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago style omelette

>> No.7919491
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, LAUGHING_DUDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>'go style omelette

>> No.7919546

if you arent eating scrambies your a faggot

>> No.7919789

who /poached master race/ here?

>> No.7920253

no you dumbass it's marinated with water duh

>> No.7920278

Onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne.

>Never understood why everyone eats them runny
I find that it does taste better, though that could just be me.
>the yolk mixes with everything
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Never been served a poached egg as a dressing?

>> No.7920390

Don't judge

>> No.7920411

>Tfw when I always break yolk when trying to make over easy eggs

>> No.7920459
File: 116 KB, 1532x2464, 1469551493715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried egg "omlette" (only filling was yolk)

>> No.7920465

Did you try lifting ne side of the pan so its less of a hard hit when you flip egg

>> No.7920468

How do I flip without ruining everything?

>> No.7920482

Quickly but gently. lift left side of pan up, let egg start to roll off spatula, once yolk touches pan, finish flip

>> No.7920512
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1460774524048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this really fucked me up.

>> No.7920569

At last, something to satisfy when I want both over easy eggs and an omelette

>> No.7920579

Ew, a big hairy man!

>> No.7920583


>> No.7920584


>> No.7920588

Why'd you make a bacon olive benis?

>> No.7920591

Doesn't look nearly as good as ' '

>> No.7920596

All of these posts were mine

>> No.7920926

looks like a clogged toilet bowl that's sat for 3 days to develop a ring of shit around the edge before the water drained a bit, then someone cracked some eggs into it

>> No.7920934

sweet and salty soy sauce

>> No.7920941
File: 148 KB, 1057x1072, balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7922568


>> No.7923113


>> No.7923136
File: 198 KB, 750x1066, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean?