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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7912950 No.7912950 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight I'm going to teach you kids how to make some other stuff as well. We will start with taco.

Here is what you will need for taco.

sea salt
garlic powder
onion powder

>> No.7912954
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Also you need a beef/chicken/veg broth.

Mix up all your spices
pic related.

>> No.7912960


can i use a bowl to mix the spices or do i need a plastic cup

>> No.7912962
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Put your beef on and chop it up real nice, let it brown while you chop up your jalapeno, tomato, and avo'

>> No.7912967

You can use whatever you want, however the plastic cup is nice. I also whisk eggs in these things using a plastic fork, super fast.

>> No.7912970
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after you have browned your meat, add the jalapeno, and your spices, and the broth, mix it all up and let it simmer for a while.

>> No.7912972
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looking good, at this point I'll give it another 3 minutes or so; we don't want it to be dry, but we also don't want it to be wet.

>> No.7912977

And that's about it for the 'co's. Just pull out a tortilla put the cheese/tomato/avo down first to suck up juices, then put the meat on top and roll it up. A nice easy ta'

Next I will be teaching you how to make a sirloin steak dinner with potato salad, aspergers, rice, spinach and mushrooms, and maybe some other things too. Coming in a couple of hours.

>> No.7912999

So you didn't drain the beef?
Also that is the most basic fucking taco. Why don't you show an interesting recipe with marinated pork tenderloin and cabbage or some shit.

>> No.7913353

Why don't you stfu,
Starting on the steak dinner now. Also I was just out walkin around playin pokemon go, this little bunny ran across the street, I was like ok leme go walk up to that guy, so i did, and he kept running away, eventually I just sat down and he came up to me and ate doritos cool ranch w/ me.

>> No.7913357

no point in draining the beef, that gets rid of all the flavor. If you are draining your beef no wonder you are looking to 4chan for cooking tips.

>> No.7913366

35 minutes left on my dishwasher then I will start steak dinner.

>> No.7913397

Keep going with your boring ass recipe OP

>> No.7913417
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It's important that you have a plan. I'm getting ready to cook steak dinner.

I'm going to steam the aspergers over the rice while cooking the sirloin in a small pot.

>> No.7913419

where's your cat

No cat no deal op

>> No.7913423

oh ffs, I just fell up my stairs again and bruised my shins, then when I came back to inform you I stubbed my toes on my chair before sitting down.

12 minutes left on my washer going to go do more prep.

>> No.7913424
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I did the same OP. tacos.

I used slow roasted pork with a cooked salsa for the filling. Your pics are awesome : )

>> No.7913425

I don't know anything about a cat

>> No.7913432
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cooking is under way, basically I'm pro at cooking. and you will see why soon.

>> No.7913445

has anyone figured out how to drink champagne from the bottle yet without it being super bubbly?

>> No.7913457

remember that it's important to rest your steak on the same plate you will be serving the meal on, and that it's slightly heated.

>> No.7913465

also remember that a medium to medium well steak provides the most flavor. All of you rare fags don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.7913472

We cookin now!, got about 10 more minutes on the rice and aspergers.

>> No.7913498
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Alright lets get started here.

>> No.7913506
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>> No.7913512
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>select all images that are a storefront.
are you fucking w/ me? what if the front isn't actualy a store or what if the store is not actually a store but a place where some one lives showing pottery to hold the lease, fuck these capchas, you need to fuck off capcha fairy.

>> No.7913548

And don't get me started, how am I supposed to know if some random body of water is a river / lake / ocean?

In some shot, there likely are trees but they are so small you can't quite distinguish them. I know my geography.

The worst are the traffic signs, an edge of the sign clearly extends into a block but somehow it's incorrect. IT FUCKING EXTENDS INTO THE BLOCK SO HOW COME IT DOESN'T COUNT?! What sort of blind or lazy people have beed used to train the program?

And don't get me started about "commercial trucks"! How am I supposed to know if someone's van or pickup is commercial? Or a constriction vehicle! Once there was as clear as a day logging truck and I didn't tick it and the fucking captcha engine went like "nuh uh, clearly a construction vehicle. You are a bot, aren't you?" So it went into S&M mode: "Lakes! Boats! Store fronts! *whiplash* More!"

>> No.7915620

>plastic fork like a degenerate imbecile who didnt have the privilege of knowing his mother.
>teaching you
Please dont.