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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7912667 No.7912667 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7912673


>> No.7912692

No seriously

>> No.7912698

The fact you had to ask.

>> No.7912702

I can't get enuff

>> No.7912708


>> No.7912718

If u eat dem through your butt

>> No.7912729
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Seriously yall, he's gotta good point. My Hebrew vegan friends eat tots every morning, and they're a very health conscious family... They even eat tofu scramble

>> No.7912763

Yeah, they're a vegetable

>> No.7912771

[greentext]95% of Americans think yes[/greentext]

>> No.7912774

Do you seriously think tater tots are a flyover thing?

>> No.7912784

They kinda are. You don't see them in NYC or LA.

>> No.7913042

Literally just went to sonic. Got me a mother effin large tot and asked for two scoops of vanilla. The girl says literally, "We don't serve soft serve" so I whipped my dick out and I said, "Alright, well I came here yesterday and got a vanilla frosty, so can I get a vanilla milkshake." and she said yes!

>> No.7913120


>anything besides LA or NYC is flyover

lol enjoy your shitty crime ridden overpriced cities. LA is the worst part of the California coast

>> No.7913165

>They kinda are. You don't see them in NYC or LA.
Wtf are you talking about? They're all over NYC. That totcho craze is fucking still a thing there.

>> No.7913168

>are fried potatoes healthy

>> No.7913171 [DELETED] 

they are no more or less healthy than any other format of fried potatoes

>> No.7913178


Was going to post the same thing word for word.

>> No.7913184
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Roughly half of the calories come from fat.

Kind of like toast and butter.

It's not that bad, all things considered.

>> No.7913187

>cooked in vegetable oil

don't listen to them Nathan

>> No.7913199

Mm post more pics

>> No.7913204 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 500x500, that's not how it works you little shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local sports bar offers tots as a side item option
>only place I've found anywhere close to my neighborhood that does so
>regularly patronize this restaurant
>food is good, service is usually good, business doesn't seem to be terribly lacking at any point
>owner closes restaurant for no apparent reason, directs patrons and gift-card holders to his stupid upscale steakhouse restaurant on complete other side of the fucking city


>> No.7914539

Post tots.

>> No.7914564

>are deep fried potatoes healthy?

>> No.7914594

Not in any serious places. I'm in the restaurant/wine business in NYC and I just had to google "totcho" to find out what the hell you were talking about. But yeah, I could that being served in an ironic Williamsburg bar that plays 80's rock and also serves tendies, leaving the customer to decide whether the place is ironic or not.

>> No.7914600

I find them disgusting. I don't understand, I fucking love potatoes and served any other way to me is a god food. But this, this is not going into my mouth ever again.

>> No.7914622

This. Tots are doing the same bullshit to p[otatoes that chicken nuggets do to chicken - take a fundamentally good ingredient and render it disgusting in an attempt to please 5 year old tastes.

>> No.7914623

Who cares? They're a top-tier fried potato

>> No.7914648

You're so cultured. Where's your favorite spot to eat?

>> No.7914704

Recently I've enjoyed meals at Mission Chinese, Pok Pok NY and Au Za'atar. But I love some cheap shit, too. DFepending on my mood I'd be just as happy with a sandwich from Ba Xuyen, felafel from Taïm, Papaya King's recession special, samosa chaat from Punjabi Deli or tacos from the El Bronco truck.

I'm not hifalutin. Just not gonna eat trash made for fussy children like tots or nuggets.

>> No.7914719

most food is not 100% healthy or unhealthy, except for things like trans fat.

tater tots are fine, the problem is it's easy to eat too much and they're usually fried meaning you'll consume too much fat.

but at the same time, consuming too much water is also bad for you, it's just easier to consume too much fat.

high fat food isn't necessarily bad, and low calorie food isn't necessarily good. you need a balance.

>> No.7914738

>Americans make fun of Britbongs for having gay names for stuff


>> No.7914755

>most food is not 100% healthy or unhealthy
Good point. The problem with tots is that they're a pretty reliable indicator the rest of your meal is going to be trashy as well. Their presence on a menu is a pretty sure sign the place doesn't give a fuck about the quality of ingredients they use. And when someone is serving them at home it's because they don't give a fuck about cooking.

Other similar indicators include Kraft dinner, canned corn, chicken nuggets and canned chili. The appearance of any of these things on a plate is a good sign the rest of the meal will be unhealthy, because the person putting the meal together doesn't give a shit (or doesn't know any better).

>> No.7914804

No, you'll just eat trash from other countries. Makes sense to me.

>> No.7914829

When you live in a place where the whole fucking world comes to you it would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Also, all-beef hot dogs are about as American as it gets.

>> No.7914867

Yeah they have a food called faggots. There's no comparison.

>> No.7915879

>>>7913165 (You)
>Not in any serious places. I'm in the restaurant/wine business in NYC and I just had to google "totcho" to find out what the hell you were talking about. But yeah, I could that being served in an ironic Williamsburg bar that plays 80's rock and also serves tendies, leaving the customer to decide whether the place is ironic or not.
I've done high end FD there too. While those kinds of places probably don't offer tots, tons of NYC bars and pubs do. Sounds like you might be isolated from it because you're probably in FD

>> No.7915886

The fuck are you talking about, I'm from NYC and I've literally never heard of this

>> No.7915919

Leave your basement sometime.

>> No.7915938

Ok I just googled it, apparently it's at a lot of these scummy sports bar type places. The kind of places that used to serve a big plate of slimy chicken wings boiled in tabasco sauce and a bowl of celery sticks and ranch on the side. No wonder I've never seen it. I hate that kind of shit.

>> No.7916013


hey a non-mom actually posted in this thread

what's it like not having children? I couldn't ask this question to anyone else ITT.