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7910515 No.7910515 [Reply] [Original]

Is it at all possible to get European-grade food (fresh food, no artificial garbage etc.) in the US?

I'm going to be staying in the New England area for one semester (three months)

>> No.7910531

No. The fda has everything fucked up here. Every state, every town. I hope you're rich.

>> No.7910536

Have you not fucking heard of Whole Foods? Their high prices should remind you of Europe.

>> No.7910537

>I hope you're rich.

I'm a student

>> No.7910542

lol yeah, artificial is bad! I only eat meme natural stuff like foraged wild berries and roadkill

>> No.7910558
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>European-grade food

>> No.7910561

>foraged wild berries

I forage 4-5 kg every year. Blueberries, lingonberries, raspberry and black/redcurrant. How did you turn this into "meme natural stuff"?

>> No.7910572

Well he asked for 'natural food' conveniently ignoring how any farmed food is entirely unnatural. Natural is now being used as a meme marketing term to sell the exact same shit at higher prices.
There is nothing good or desirable about being natural, plenty of natural things will fucking kill you and plenty of unnatural things are great for you

>> No.7910578

New england? seafood.

>> No.7910583
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>European-grade food

>> No.7910584

>Well he asked for 'natural food'

Who did?

OP didn't.

>European-grade food (fresh food, no artificial garbage etc.)

American food is full of artificial sweeteners (you even use HFCS for fuck's sake) and preservatives that should be illegal.

>> No.7910587
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European-grade food

>> No.7910588

Fuck off, shitposter.

>> No.7910589

He said 'no artificial' stuff,, please note that artificial and natural are antonyms, so he explicitly stated that he wants natural stuff

>> No.7910592

How the fuck is corn sugar more or less natural than beet sugar or cane sugar?

>> No.7910593
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>European-grade food.

>> No.7910598
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>European-grade food,

>> No.7910605
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>European-grade food

>> No.7910610

If you conveniently leave out the "high fructose" part it isn't. Otherwise it is.
>High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) (also called glucose-fructose,[1] isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup[2][3]) is a sweetener made from corn starch that has been processed by glucose isomerase to convert some of its glucose into fructose. HFCS was first marketed in the early 1970s by the Clinton Corn Processing Company, together with the Japanese research institute where the enzyme was discovered.

>As a sweetener, HFCS is often compared to granulated sugar. Advantages of HFCS over granulated sugar include being easier to handle, and being less expensive in some countries. However, there is also debate concerning whether HFCS presents greater health risks than other sweeteners.[4] Use of HFCS peaked in the late 1990s; demand decreased due to public concern about a possible link between HFCS and metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes.[5][6][7]

Most importantly it doesn't take like real sugar, and should not be used as a substitute for it. American Coca-Cola doesn't taste anything near the original for instance.

>> No.7910623

Short answer, yes. There is a lot of variety in the US. I've spent a lot of time in Europe and didn't notice any real difference in the produce. Just like Europe, you'll get better produce if you can find an open air market (called farmers markets here).

Every grocery store will have a fresh produce section, even the shit stores in the ghetto will have one. Pretty much every grocery store outside of the ghetto will have an organic food section as well.

>> No.7910627

Stop using meme terms like 'real' sugar. HFCS is almost identical to honey, the original sugar. Its just as fucking natural/artificial as sugar from other commodity crops.

Also, keep in mind that glucose isomerase is a natural enzyme, just because it sounds like a scary chemical to you doesn't make it bad

>Most importantly it doesn't take like real sugar

It tastes very fucking similar to other common forms of sugar, its rather silly to say its better or worse tasting. The whole cane sugar soda is better is 100% marketing meme to get americans to pay extra for "mexican coke"

>> No.7910637
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>European-grade food

>> No.7910640

>The whole cane sugar soda is better is 100% marketing meme to get americans to pay extra for "mexican coke"
Except I am European and found Coca-Cola to be distasting in the US

>> No.7910647
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Look for farmer's markets and local food coops in your area.

>> No.7910651

probably because you heard it was worse beforehand. It was surely all in your head

>> No.7910666

HFCS soda tastes worse. Hence why people buy Mexican coke, "throwback" varieties from pepsi, or botique sodas.

Personally, for the calories there had better be liquor in it.

>> No.7910670

It didn't because you were probably getting it out of a plastic 20 oz bottle. The glass bottles taste the same on both sides of the ocean. Although, Mexican coke trumps both. That added caffeine makes a difference.

>> No.7910675

>Hence why people buy Mexican coke, "throwback" varieties from pepsi, or botique sodas.
Yeah, and people buy Bud Light because it tastes better than regular beer.
Its all marketing bullshit. People in bind tests do not prefer meme mexican versions of soda

>> No.7910685

I notice. You sound like the worst kind of idiot, the one who thinks he's smart but to everyone else is an obvious fuckjaw.

>ooh I'm so smart, you sheeple are falling for marketing!
Yeah, and Evan Williams tastes the same as 4 Roses single barrel. Pepsi beats coke in a blind taste test too, but people still like coke.

>> No.7910695

>Pepsi beats coke in a blind taste test too, but people still like coke.
I think that pretty directly speaks to my point that advertising is more important than how "real" the sugar is, or any objective taste quality. HFCS and cane sugar, and honey, and beet sugar all taste almost exactly the same when used in soda

>> No.7910706

Or, you know, personal preference.


>> No.7910709

>tfw americans cannot taste haggis


>> No.7910713

You literally just said that people prefer the taste of pepsi to coke yet buy coke anyways, so obviously there is more to it than the taste you prefer

>> No.7910726

Because taste differs on an individual basis, and the study was done via sip test when most people drink glugs from a bottle. There are a lot more facets to individual taste than what's been mentioned, let alone the myriad of other variables that influence preference.

But I don't want to go into detail, because you sound very stupid.

>> No.7910727

European food quality is typically better than that of American food, however the meat in the Netherlands was pretty shitty when I've visited.

The EU practices hardcore protectionist measures under the guise of public health. GMOs aren't banned because of potential health reasons, it's to prevent N. American exports.

Same reason they have very stringent mycotoxin regulations... which they are now starting to regret.

>> No.7910749

Don't they have fresh reindeer, though?

>> No.7910779

Go live next to the amish and buy their produce

>> No.7910806

In the Netherlands?

That's Sweden/Norway/Finland

Also horse meat

>> No.7910809
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>European-grade food

>> No.7911125

where in new england?

>> No.7911140

I personally love british food. pork pies, pies and mash, fish and chips, mushy peas, roasted potatoes, jacket potateos with coleslaw. lve it all

>> No.7911183

get beef imported from canada, don't eat chicken or pork and get your produce from farmers

>> No.7911189

Not for long m8 :^)

>> No.7911194 [DELETED] 

>t. non passport owner

>> No.7911198
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> european grade food

>> No.7911199


almost every variety of food is available with far higher quality in the USA than anywhere else in the world.

european quality? like your fake chocolate and horse meat, or vegetables and fruits that you either import from us or from china?

>> No.7911215

>i am so cultured because I am from New York and have a passport from that one time in high school my parents took us to Mexico for spring break

>> No.7911222

Also haggis is amazing
>impyling that is bad

>> No.7911226

lol @the clueless americans posting.

>> No.7911256


lol @the constant obsession

>> No.7911268

lol england isnt in europe anymore they voted to leave.

>> No.7911274

>Never had a passport
Fruit and veggies in the US have no fucking taste compared to the fruit you'll find in other countries. I dont travel much through Europe but the fruit in Asia is seasonal but the grocery store fruit taste better than any fruit I've had in the US even in fairly high end places. Ask any immigrant or person who has spent more than a week outside the US and they'll tell you how awful melons, strawberries, tomatoes, etc are in the US. East coast farmers and Cali farmers all want to brag about their crops but the only thing worse than them is the crap we import that wouldn't sell in other countries.

>> No.7911287 [DELETED] 

Morbid curiosity is not obsession, anon.

>> No.7911293

anon most people who are well traveled would pretty much universally agree that the us has the world's best produce. it isn't even a question

>> No.7911327

everything is better in canada

fucking mcdonalds is better in canada

>> No.7911337 [DELETED] 

>the us has the world's best produce
Bloody hell.

>> No.7912314

surely you must be joking

>> No.7912662


Not that Anon, but I'm not sure how could honestly claim that. You need to be able to take criticism if you ever want to improve at anything.