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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7910151 No.7910151 [Reply] [Original]

what are some high-effort /fit/ recipes? it seems like all /fit/ food is incredibly simplistic because it's mostly made to appeal to men and men are fucking children.

>> No.7910165

Sup, OP. Today I'm making some black beans and split pea soup to eat throughout the week. I usually eat black beans +quinoa for lunch every day. I could post a recipe if you wanted?

>> No.7910170


>> No.7910191

Bulkin' beans:

Ingredients: 5 cans of beans (Any mix of garbanzo, kidney, and black beans)
3 limes
half a pack of bacon
mushrooms (optional)
kale (optional)

In a big pot cook the bacon until it's done.
Drain off excess (Keep a decent amount) grease.
Add beans, stirring.
Cook for ~1 hr.
Add in spices (Salt, cayenne, paprika)
Squeeze in the limes.
Add sauted mushrooms.

Bacon makes it. It's about 25% protein by calorie, so good for bulking.

>> No.7910224

thanks. you eat beans every day? somehow they tire me quite quickly, maybe because I have had to rely on them in my poorest times, but it's worth a try.

>> No.7910232

>men are children

No, it's more like /fit/ fags are fucking retards, and usually only look at food as no more than fuel.

>> No.7910242

I'm unfamiliar with memes from /fit/, but I hope you understand that, when discussing the nutritional properties of food, it's usually a lot more efficient to disregard questions of taste, since "it appeals to me" doesn't require explanation, whereas "it has the following physiological functions ________" often does

Then again most of you are ham planets that genuinely think vegetables are a liberal tyranny, so what else should I expect but wishful thinking and "it's genetics"

>> No.7910246

that's a lot of assumptions. we are talking recipes here, of course we want something that tastes good and has good nutritional value for fitness activities, it doesn't have to be either/or. Too much /fit/ food is incredibly boring and simplistic.
the hamplanets are in the fastfood threads

>> No.7910265


Wow. You're both new as fuck and also an idiot.

>> No.7910267

Not overly familiar with /fit/, but this kinda makes sense. If your eating purely for nutritional value then cutting out all the garnish (and most of the flavour) and making meals out of base healthy ingredients (lean chicken breast, beans, veggies) with just enough preparation to make them edible is probably the way to go.

I think most of us here strive for a middle ground where we eat food that's not optimized for nutrition but is reasonably healthy with occasional indulgences of things that entirely arn't.

>> No.7910270

>If your eating purely for nutritional value then cutting out all the garnish
yes why would you do that though? it's not like fucking oregano is gonna ruin your cut, or sweating vegetables, etc.
why are there no good entirely health oriented recipes that are actually competent cookery as well?

>> No.7910292

A lot of that is intrinsic though, you don't really need to have a recipe that's basically:

- add seasoning to chicken breasts
- put in oven at 350F for 20 per side

Any more than a recipe that basically says "properly cook some onions and green beans and serve on the side". These arn't really recipes so much as skills.

Anything more elaborate (and deserving of a written recipe) usually involves sauces, breading, etc which usually adds little nutritional value and/or amps up the carbs/sugars/etc.

>> No.7910294
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you think that's the only thing you can do with chicken breast?

>> No.7910297

Oh there's plenty you can do with chicken, but almost all of it is less healthy than cooking it in the oven for 40 minutes and eating it.

Not saying you _should_ live like that, just from a /fit/ perspective that's what makes the most technical sense.

>> No.7910309


What I find confusing is why those other cooking methods are shunned so much?

I get it--you don't want fried chicken with a rich gravy since that would involve too many "empty" calories from a /fit/perspective. But what's wrong with grilling the chicken? Or sauteing it? Those would be much more flavorful than the boring-ass baking option, and would not add any appreciable amount of extra calories.

>> No.7910315

Right, so replace "bake in oven" with "put on grill" or "cook in pan with some oil". It's the same problem.. not really a recipe so much as a basic culinary technique.

>> No.7910325
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I don't consider myself a great, or even good cook, but a big part of the weight loss thing for me was getting into cooking and trying to make my favorite dishes healthier.

I did the whole spiralator thing, I tried the various cauliflower substitution things (majorly meh btw, kinda sorta subs in for mashed potatoes, don't even bother with all the dough things), I figured out how to make a damn good approximation of curry chicken using cashew milk in place of coconut milk, and did stupid stuff like pic (which while I wouldn't call it pizza, is imo really good as it's own thing). I also got into a lot of stir fries, soups, stews, chili, etc..

Anyway, no idea what my point even is any more.. I guess that if you meet the world half way and accept the goal of eating better and not like a monk, you can still have fun. I'd love to see more discussion on making weird healthy frankenstein versions of things and/or making things that are healthy in their own right.. but while the second one sometimes happens it doesn't really fit into either /ck/ or /fit/ for whatever reason.

>> No.7910405

>cutting out all the garnish (and most of the flavour) and making meals out of base healthy ingredients (lean chicken breast, beans, veggies) with just enough preparation to make them edible is probably the way to go.
No it's not.
You'll cut out sugar-based glazes and sauces, use less butter, and use more herbs and spices for dem dere micronutrients.
The dishes WILL be straightforward, and usually low effort but not bland or tasteless.
A good stew, an omelette, grilled fish, meat or vegetables... you can make some good stuff while keeping it /fit/.

There's a good reason why usually /fit/izens keep it bland: it's easier to standardize your diet, if your bland repetitive meal hits all the nutritional bases. Then you can focus on hitting the right caloric goals, which is quite hard if you don't already have good eating habits.

>> No.7910412

>not really a recipe so much as a basic culinary technique.

Oh, I agree with you there. I was raising a separate question: why is the default 'fit' recommendation always baking, whereas there are plenty of other cooking methods which are more flavorful yet do not interfere with the nutritional aspect of the meal.

>> No.7910416

Most people have an oven.. not everyone has a grill (and/or it may be raining and so forth).. and pan frying tends to require more oil.

>> No.7910429

>Most people have an oven

Sure. That means that in addition to normal baking they could do a pot roast or broil it.

>>pan frying requires more oil
Not enough to matter. I wasn't proposing deep frying, just a basic saute. That uses very little oil, most of which is discarded anyway.

>> No.7910442

You also have to keep in mind a lot of these guys are calorie/macro counting.. and keeping meals simple makes that way easier (1x 150g boneless skinless chicken breast is way easier to count and portion than a complex chunk of meat).

>> No.7910704

Hey, sorry i was off making those beans. I do eat them every day. With eggs, with quinoa, with whatever. Obviously super healthy, and I like to combine them with lots of things.

>> No.7910723

Except for the fact that the food they make has shit taste, and looks like it was thrown together by a mongoloid. As a whole, they just can't cook.

Just do something simple like pan seared salmon. Salt, season, fry in a little butter or olive oil. At the same time, roast some vegetables. Rule of thumb is 425 degrees, salt, season, toss in olive oil, then put on a foiled pan for 20 minutes. Works on broccoli, asparagus, and more. I go longer for things like cauliflower or root vegetables.

If you peel, slice slits into, cut on the bias, salt, season with smoked paprika and onion powder, toss in butter/pinch of brown sugar, then roast at 300 for an hour or more, it takes on a real meaty flavor. Good shit, but try to find some fat-ass carrots, because they reduce in size by half.

>> No.7910769
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>"obviously super healthy"

>> No.7910911


>> No.7910936

Playing devil's advocate here, but I'm guessing gym people's food is more about the nutritional content than the look or taste. Also, calories and nutrients are harder to account for the more complex a recipe becomes.

>> No.7910942

>As a whole, they just can't cook.
and /ck/ can?

>> No.7910984

better than /fit/, yes. i say that as someone who posts there.

>> No.7910984,1 [INTERNAL] 


Why would you want this? Food is about tasting good and looking appetizing, not "effort".

Yeah I can apply loads of technique to my tuna, broccoli or whatever but why should I?

Also if the focus is on making something tasty (like for special occasions or w/e) then you generally need some of that less healthy stuff like fat, sugar, cream, etc.

If you want to make something fancy and healthy then just make a salad and plate it up nicely. That or just google something needlessly complex some chef has done, like some deconstructed greek salad or something.

>> No.7911016

Considering you are retarded enough to burn out all the nutrients in the vegetables for food that's designed to make you healthier I doubt your skills and intelligence.

>> No.7911064

It's also about the simplicity of making it since they would rather focus on working out instead of spending hours making something they would only eat a few times.

I used to be a /fit/ fag and made everything quickly and in bulk. I didn't give a shit about taste because I was too busy doing other things I wanted.

Weightlifting requires a ridiculous amount of eating. You also spend a lot of time in the gym. I don't want to waste the remainder of my free time on senseless bullshit like impressing some weeb autists on a cooking board when I'm the only one eating it anyway

>> No.7911064,1 [INTERNAL] 

>cooking broccoli at 425F for 20min

You either boil or steam if for 3-4min. Anything more and you will lose nutrients, taste and texture.
This is just the broccoli.

You don't understand the chemistry behind cooking.

>> No.7911090


>> No.7911098

There's half a point in there.

/fit/ tends to be about the every day grind whereas /ck/ is about individual meals.

I doubt /ck/ is having complex meals every night that take 2 hours to prepare.. I mean maybe some people do, but I tend to only do real cooking maybe 2 or 3 times a week.. most of the time I'm microwaving leftovers or making something really basic (like a chunk of meat with some rice) because yeah.. just got home from work and I've got other shit to do.