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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 900x900, bodum-chambord-chrome-3-cup-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7907928 No.7907928 [Reply] [Original]

Regarding breakfast. Mine: I need my coffe, so boil some some water, let it rest some so it's below boiling temperature. Pour some in my cafetiere to heat it up. Pour that over in a cup for same reason. Couple of spoons coarse ground coffee, whatever brand and taste I happen to be into. Water in. Stir. Wait 4 mins. Press piston down slowly. Enjoying every sip.
Pretentious? Moi?

>> No.7907944

How you explain it makes you sound like a dick head

>> No.7907950

A Dickhead? Moi?

>> No.7907958

So you make coffee in the morning, how is that special or noteworthy?

>> No.7907975

He does it while feeling very, very proud of himself

>> No.7907976

Did I say it was? I was describing my morningritual.

>> No.7907984

How is making coffee even considered to be a morning ritual? I wake up every morning, is this now a morning ritual? Or he is my personal favorite, I eat breakfast in the morning - I open my mouth put food in it, chew it a couple of times and swallow it, this is my personal favorite morning ritual.

>> No.7907994

A ritual "is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and performed according to set sequence."

>> No.7908002

That dude is still just making a cup of coffee.

>> No.7908042

>makes regular coffee
>implies he's pretentious
Fucking americans

>> No.7908080

I also make coffee every morning, but it's been so hot this last week (100+ degrees) and I don't feel like dumping sugar in my coffee to make iced coffee so I've been drinking coke every morning this last week.

>> No.7908246

I make coffee literally the exact same way with the exact same press and I'm a gigantic pleb and now, you're a gigantic pleb

>> No.7908258

Maybe so, but then I'm a pretentious pleb. You're just anaverage joe pleb.

>> No.7908865

>doesn't even grind his coffee
>thinks he's special


>> No.7908875

I chug a glass of ice water, sip on mug vodka, and watch whatever show I'm currently watching until I'm confident that nobody's in the kitchen. Then I usually go make a sandwich, refill my water glass, and go back to drinking vodka and watching whatever show I'm currently watching.

I'm in my 30's by the way and haven't lived with my parents since I was 18.

>> No.7908926

That is actually my next project, and roasting the beans.

>> No.7908942

Unless you're willing to shill out some serious cash, you can't make a big enough batch for roasting to be consistently worthwhile.

>> No.7908946

>you are in a bedroom. the sun shines in through an eastern window. there is a doorway to the south leading into a hallway.

>you have:
>no coffee

>"go hallway"
>you're in the hallway. To the north and west are doors that seem to lead to bedrooms. To the east is a closed door. There is a stairwell leading down.

>"go downstairs"
>you are in a small dining room. there are several pairs of shoes lined up by a windowed door to the west. you can see through that door's window that it leads outside. there is a breakfast nook in the northwest corner. the table holds fruit and potatoes in a basket. to the east, you can see a kitchen.

>"go kitchen"
>you are in a kitchen. there is a small table in the centre and a windowed door leading outside to the north. there are two refrigerators in opposite corners, northwest and southeast. atop the southeast fridge are several drinking glasses.

>"open fridge"
>which fridge?
>"open southeast fridge"
>there are numerous things in the fridge, most notably a bottle of coffee concentrate and a carton of milk.

>"pour coffee concentrate and milk into a glass."
>you don't have coffee concentrate
>you don't have milk
>you don't have a glass

>"get drinking glass"
>got it

>"get coffee concentrate"
>got it

>"get milk"
>you're holding to many things already

>"pour a little coffee concentrate into glass"
>poured it

>"put coffee concentrate into the fridge"
>put it

>"get milk"
>got it

>"pour milk into the glass"
>poured it

>you have:
>milk coffee

>"drink milk coffee"
>quest complete
>score: 67/100

>> No.7908968

really makes you think

>> No.7908974

>count leaves
>get ye flask

>> No.7908982
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I do the same thing, except I rub one out while the coffee is cooling down

>> No.7908999

I chuck 1 litre of water, then I take a shit while smoking a cigarette. Finally I take a shower.

You sound like a fucking faggot.

>> No.7909033
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1460177614390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, french press is garbage tier.. no ground beans, no drip, no ph calculation on water. OP you might as well kill yourself

>> No.7909036

To be American and think you're special if you don't get your morning coffee from Starbucks
Ah what a great nation

OP, all things considered, it probably is special
Good for you

Next up: super try hard mode if you make your own breakfast AND eat it at home instead of picking up McDonald's at the drive through

>> No.7909050

>I chuck 1 litre of water
Where do you chuck it? Out the window, or over the neighbor's fence or...?

>> No.7909061

Just to set it clear, I'm not american. Never been to a starbucks and try mcd once in 5 year.
I don't think my method is particularly special, just a little timeconsuming.
Just my little routine/ritual.

>> No.7909072
File: 480 KB, 1280x960, cold-brew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill coffee mug halfway up with water
>dump that water into kettle
>plug in
>pour back into mug
>top off mug with cold brew

instantly at a drinkable temperature and I could do it blindfolded, which is a plus for first thing in the morning.

>> No.7909080

but cold brew tastes like dookie

>> No.7909282

I consume some k-cup breakfast tea and some sort of sandwich or wrap and proceed to work. Gotta make that bank.

>> No.7909516 [DELETED] 

Every Sunday evening, I roast a new batch of beans. This ensures freshness for the following week's coffee, and I never keep the roasted beans longer than 10 days at absolute maximum.

Before anything, immediately when I wake up, I start the machine machine. It's a double boiler, but I rarely use milk, so I don't pay too much attention to the second thermostat. Crucially, the first thermostat (the one used for the water to go through the ground coffee) is set to 94°C.

When the temperature crests its peak, I run an empty shot through the machine, discarding the water. This warms all of the components and ensures that my water temperature will be precisely what I intend. This causes the loss of a few degrees of temperature, which gives me time to grind but not enough time to lose flavor.

I load 20 grams into the grinder with attached filter, then grind it extremely finely - slightly finer than a normal espresso grind. The goal is to restrict water flow slightly more than a regular espresso, as I prefer a doppio ristretto. I discard any excess grounds above 16 grams. Grinders always have some amount of leavings between the doser and burr, so I grind more than I need to avoid coming short.

I level off the puck, then tamp it evenly across the entire surface. I use a 32 pound tamping force to ensure consistent, ideal results.

When the temperature reaches 94° for the second time, I begin my pull, wasting the first drop as it contains a huge amount of oils that I prefer to avoid. I find that the flavor is more to my liking if I waste that first drop.

I end extraction at 23 seconds, then turn off the machine, remove the puck and tap out the grounds. I clean the puck immediately, while I wait for the crema to separate out of the opaque liquid.

I enjoy my doppio ristretto with a pastry or other light breakfast.

After the machine has cooled sufficiently, I clean it thoroughly. I also clean the grinder during this time.

>> No.7909518

Every Sunday evening, I roast a new batch of beans. This ensures freshness for the following week's coffee, and I never keep the roasted beans longer than 10 days at absolute maximum.

Before anything, immediately when I wake up, I start the espresso machine. It's a double boiler, but I rarely use milk, so I don't pay too much attention to the second thermostat. Crucially, the first thermostat (the one used for the water to go through the ground coffee) is set to 94°C.

When the temperature crests its peak, I run an empty shot through the machine, discarding the water. This warms all of the components and ensures that my water temperature will be precisely what I intend. This causes the loss of a few degrees of temperature, which gives me time to grind but not enough time to lose flavor.

I load 20 grams into the grinder with attached filter, then grind it extremely finely - slightly finer than a normal espresso grind. The goal is to restrict water flow slightly more than a regular espresso, as I prefer a doppio ristretto. I discard any excess grounds above 16 grams. Grinders always have some amount of leavings between the doser and burr, so I grind more than I need to avoid coming short.

I level off the puck, then tamp it evenly across the entire surface. I use a 32 pound tamping force to ensure consistent, ideal results.

When the temperature reaches 94° for the second time, I begin my pull, wasting the first drop as it contains a huge amount of oils that I prefer to avoid. I find that the flavor is more to my liking if I waste that first drop.

I end extraction at 23 seconds, then turn off the machine, remove the puck and tap out the grounds. I clean the puck immediately, while I wait for the crema to separate out of the opaque liquid.

I enjoy my doppio ristretto with a pastry or other light breakfast.

After the machine has cooled sufficiently, I clean it thoroughly. I also clean the grinder during this time.

>> No.7909520

Yes. And since he does it everyday then it qualifies as a "ritual". How do you not understand? Brushing your teeth every morning is a ritual as well. You're not clever or insightful by trying to debate semantics and frankly it makes you come off as a 'sperger.

>> No.7909523

Am I the only person who enjoys espresso here? Drip, pourover, vacuum pot, k-cup... it's all garbage. Flat, lifeless coffee that is nothing but muddy caffeine-water.

Learn to operate the machine that will provide you with the best coffee you've ever had in your life. It takes a lifetime to master, but even a month in you'll be doing better than the Stumptown hipsters.

Just don't buy a fully automatic machine. Manual is best, but not everyone is ready to spend the $800+ on a decent machine. Even semi-automatic machines will do, though they prevent you from varying the pull pressure to reach perfection.

>> No.7909532

>wake up
>take a piss
>take a swig of milk
>grab a banana
>go to work
>eat banana at work

That's my morning ritual

>> No.7909581
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 9_11 rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the gods
someone with non-entry level knowledge of the coffees

>> No.7909585


What's with all of these idiots making Starbucks-tier swill? That's not how you start a day.

>> No.7909590
File: 191 KB, 1600x1067, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let us pray together

>> No.7909612

A wide variety of excellent coffee, both single-source and blended, is one reason why it's great to live in Oregon. It's always harder to find green than roasted beans, though... most people are too lazy to roast their own. Shameful.

>> No.7909620

Even if you work directly with the manager at the local roaster?

>> No.7909623

Also, Chicago is god-tier for coffee. Previous pic is related

>> No.7909624


>> No.7909625

That's where I get most of my beans. They roast a new batch daily, but they don't officially sell green beans.

There are a few roasters around that have excellent sources, but it's still a pain compared to just walking in and buying them. I'm good with people, but it drains me, so making friends with the managers is non-ideal. Oh well, life is full of compromises, and you have to work for what you want.

>> No.7909626

It's a one-time investment. And for coffee autists like you and I it's worth the initial effort. What grinder/espresso machine are you using?

>> No.7909657

I recently upgraded to a Pharos. I considered the K10 and Robur as the cost isn't really an issue, but wasting money isn't something I'm interested in, and I have enough time (and enjoy the ritual enough) to weigh the beans myself. The Pharos does have a bit more leavings, but the incremental cost of a few grams per day will take a long, long time to add up to the $1800 difference in price. The Pharos really is the value king: only $300, and absolutely outstanding grind quality. Fit and finish leave something to be desired, but I adjusted and aligned it as soon as I received it, and it's been a treat to use since. I've tried Baratza Vario and some other high-end grinders, and I have to say that my $300 Pharos outperforms almost anything on the market.

I had been using an Elektra for several years, but I purchased a La Pavoni a while ago, and I'm very happy with it. It's a direct lever machine rather than being sprung, which allows me to vary the pressure much more easily, though it does require more finesse to use properly. Elektra build quality is also honestly slightly better, and of course aesthetics go to the Elektra any day. Still, I recommend the Pavoni very highly as an upgrade.

>> No.7909662

I've considered the Cremina, but I'm happy enough with my La Pavoni. Any thoughts on the two, and which might serve me better? What setup do you use, for that matter?

>> No.7909682

My morning ritual is not knowing whats going on and going to the kitchen and eat leftovers, maybe make some coffe if i fwel like it, when i used to work at the city hall i had a smoke and a cheap coffee before getting into it

I dont belong here, kek

>> No.7909689

People do that? It sounds depressing

>> No.7909833

About how much time was wasted writing that?

>> No.7910022

I don't even live in the states and I know two people there that actually like the idea if getting coffee from Starbucks in the morning and maybe picking up a sandwich on the way. Not McDonald's because they're basic grills/bitches so they can't get fat, but still
These people genuinely think it's really special and potentially weird to cook for yourself
They exist and they come in no small numbers

>> No.7910048

Chicks like that think it's a treat to eat out. It's 'special'. For the same reason they love to be taken out for dinner/lunch by guys. Kinda sad really.

>> No.7910076

Well, both of them are westernized Chinese so it's really no wonder

>> No.7910097

As a coffee snob, you sound like a dweeb m8.

As some people already mentioned though you're still a special snowflake in 'merka because all the mouth-breathers here use Keurigs, cheapo Mr. Coffees, instant coffee, or they stop by a Starbucks every morning.

>> No.7910101

I usually just grab and Iced Cafe Latte~

>> No.7910104

>implying "cheapo" mr coffee machines don't make better coffee than you could ever hope to make
I'm doing a photo exhibit at this bar in Greenpoint later today on poseur dweebs like you.

>> No.7910119

Hah, tell me more about us poseur dweebs.

>being this much of a flyover, even if just an honorary one, to use a french word when an English one could have sufficed

>> No.7911951

I just imagine a guy making cup of coffee in the name of Satan.

>> No.7913544

>couple of spoons coarse ground coffee

please grind that shit only when you wish to drink it. I hope you don't have a big thing of ground coffee somewhere.

>> No.7913546

You will probably die from liver failure.

>> No.7913558
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>> No.7913577

I don't eat breakfast.

>> No.7913823

Batch size isn't crucial for consistency. Sample roasters can be quite good. Serious cash still, expect to pay about 2k for one, but batch size has nothing to do with it.

>> No.7913853

I mostly drink espresso, use a manual machine too. Great shot this morning, 16g of natural process Ethiopia Hambela in, 18g shot out.

Still enjoy a nice brew too though. They're different.

I'm really not a fan of my Pavoni. Temperature is a bitch on it. Personally I'm a big open boiler advocate, really love my Strietman and Caravel. But not really for you if you ever want to use steam.

>> No.7913922

usual work day
>wake up around 6:00
>get out of bed at 6:50
>turn on PC
>walk to the kitchen and turn on the kettle
>hit the bathroom
>finish around 7:10
>make a cuppa instant coffee
>sipping infront of the PC and chill until 7:40
>get dressed
>leave for work at 7:50
>arrive at work around 8:00
>drink another cuppa, freshly brewed this time
>start working at 8:15

>> No.7913961

Im doing intermittent fasting so my morning ritual is the following.

2 glasses of water and a b12 vitamin pil.

>> No.7913968

No, I mean it's a pain in the ass that you can only make enough for a few cups at a time using a popcorn popper.

>> No.7913973

I can't remember the last time I ate breakfast. Probably around 2005. These days, I just drink booze to start the day.

>> No.7914060
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1464639246445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not now, but in the last summer before my last year at high school I had the best morning ritual ever.

>wake up
>house is empty
>go downstairs
>make oats
>a few spoonfuls of oatmeal, a spoonful of cocoa, just enough milk to cover it
>2 minutes in microwave at highest setting
>comes out with texture and taste almost like chocolate pudding
>grab a peach to go with it
>go outside to the garden, sit under willow tree
>As I start eating, Mr. Kitty inevitably shows up every morning
>Pull out a chair for him
>He sits next to me, and I pet him as I'm eating
>The sun shines through the willow leaves just enough to warm, but not enough to burn
>Everything is quiet and beautiful, and I'm all alone, save for Mr. Kitty
>After breakfast, have a wank, then study

Also, almost everyone in this thread sounds like pic related

>> No.7914323

The bigger problem is that popcorn popper coffee is shit. Need a drum roaster to get anything decent.