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7907720 No.7907720 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, how can people be alcoholics?

I always considered myself a borderline alcoholic but have definitely crossed the border and started drinking a bottle a day. Big problem is the heartburn/indigestion though. It's fucking insane. I feel like I'm sucking up sulphuric acid when I'm just breathing and when I'm drinking it feels like hydrochloric going down. I'm in constant pain and antacids only do so much. I don't know how alcoholics do it.

>> No.7907737

how do you differentiate the feelings of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid?

>> No.7907742

What are you drinking mainly?

>> No.7907744

I can't, I just wanted different adjectives for the resting burn versus the drinking burn. They're both intense in their own way.

>> No.7907756

Wild Turkey, Baron Samedi, Absolut or Smirnoff Black with Coke Zero.

>> No.7907784

my man tums is not going to do it, you need maximum strength famotidine or ranitidine, or omeprazole if you take it every day

>> No.7907789

Maybe try mixing it with something a little less acidic

>> No.7907800

I was the same when drinking too much. I'd have heartburn all day and just breathing made me gag and cough. Could not eat, always popping tums. Sometimes in the morning I'd puke yellow bile then dry heave all day. Alcohol in moderation is fine but drinking a bottle a day is literally poisoning yourself, in every sense of the word.

>> No.7907808

I used to take omeprazole and it felt like it dried me out from the inside. all my shits came out looking like they'd been dessicating in a litterbox for a week.

this would be perfect for OP though, since the way he's going, he's going to have permanent splattershits from his alcohol consumption if he doesn't already.

or he could, y'know, quit drinking.

>> No.7907821

Heartburn from alcohol can be affected by whatever foods you are taking it with. For instance I've read that fatty meals with alcohol will produce an especially strong reaction.
Aside from changing your diet you could also try diluting whatever is in your stomach by with sips of water, since the % concentration of alcohol can have effects detrimental to you which are independent of the total amount in your system.

>> No.7907831

I find it strange its not referenced at all in any media. So much of alcoholics in different media stories yet I'd never once come across any dealing with indigestion and heartburn. This shit is insane and was a complete surprise to me.

>or he could, y'know, quit drinking.

I have to, I simply can't live like this.

>> No.7907852
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>tfw quit drinking yesterday

>> No.7907854

I guess I haven't seen anything much mentioning acid reflux in connection with alcohol, but alcohol is a well-known risk factor for ulcers and stomach cancer. so yeah, if I were you I'd consider cutting back or quitting.

>> No.7907865

Sorry for your loss

>> No.7907929

It's alright. I had a good run.

>> No.7907997

i thought i was an alcoholic, but alcohol all of a sudden stopped feeling good.

no more euphoria. no more relaxation. no more enjoyable buzz.

i just feel dizzy and sick. then suffer a wicked hangover.

i haven't drank for months.

>> No.7908004

Actual alcoholics have bigger fish to fry than fucking heartburn.

>> No.7908347

I average about a liter of Jim Beam every 36 hours because I self medicate as my pain management meds don't cut it, have no access to a dedicated pain management doctor and my primary care physician is a fucking asshole.

>> No.7908393


"self medicate"

yeah dude i'm sure your physician is so much of an asshole that he won't give you necessary pain meds, you definitely aren't just a pussy or an alcoholic or anything, you definitely know more than him about an appropriate dosage

>> No.7908486

Yeah its fucking hard, lately i've also been getting this annoying gag reflex if i have slight gas in the upper portion of my stomach after drinking something that will literally cause me to vomit if i can't burp it up. I drink about 4-6 beers and 375ml of whatever i decide a night. Go team depression !

>> No.7908505
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Guys dont drink too much okay

>> No.7908536

Can't help it man otherwise i get crippling anxiety and can barely eat or sleep at all.. Prob need help soon desu

>> No.7908555

They don't, it's just a way of suicide.

>> No.7910330
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We'll see.

>> No.7910912

get SSRIs

>> No.7910970

I have the same. I just discovered that that's a major warning sign for Ulcers. I've cut back to 3-4 days a week and it's gotten mostly better.

>> No.7910998

I know what you mean. I've finely managed to cut back after just forcing myself through a few weeks of sobriety. The crippling anxiety goes away after a few days when you remember what it's like to live sober. It's replaced by regular anxiety, but it's better than it was. My appetite came back pretty quickly, just a few days. Sleep was the hardest. After a few miserable attempts with no sleep for days, I was able to start sleeping a bit, and then all night.

Couldn't stay sober, but now I can take multiple days off without suffering a panic attack and I feel much better than when I was drinking everyday.

>> No.7911400

I blacked out for the first time last night. I walked out of the shower into the kitchen, not the toilet next to the shower, ass naked and started puking in the sink. And for some reason I took shit out of my closet and piled the shit on the floor. There's no reason I'd ever go into my closet. I ain't sure if I should feel embarrassed or not. I mean, my dad saw my cock and balls.

>> No.7911520

try drinking diff kinds of alcohol; prolly were having something shitty

>> No.7911655


>> No.7911671

Depends on where he lives, in some places they hardly give them out due to fear of pill abuse.

>> No.7911693

Alcohol doesn't help me with anxiety even if the reputation says it should, if anything it gets worse because i have less control over my facilities, however wed was an interesting drug, as the last time i tried it i literally couldn't stop fucking talking.
Shit was wack.
Not to hijack the thread but are munchies a meme?

>> No.7911739

You've never gotten the ravenous hunger that comes from wed? It ain't a meme, boy.

>> No.7911749

You've actually got it backwards. Anxiety, loss of appetite, and insomnia are symptoms of withdrawal. You're just entrenching those reactions harder in yourself when you medicate against them. Just staves off the inevitability of having to deal with it.

You're using something to medicate against the effects of what you're using as medication.

>> No.7911755


Listen to this man.

>> No.7911781

People become alcoholics because the heartburn hurts less than the bad memories and pain

>> No.7911854

a friend of mine drank heavily but he would only drink vodka and bud light. was on deaths door for a long time. got a dui. got his shit cleaned up though. for some people its different i guess. i get drunk maybe 2 times a week but for him it was daily blackouts and shit

>> No.7911887

>be alcoholic
>get heartburn
>drink more
>don't care about heartburn

fucking millennials goddamn.

>drink highly acidic shit
>complain about burning

>> No.7911920

I drink about 1.5 litres of rum a day, every single day. I have the morning pukes of bile, usually after I start smoking my first cigarette or after my first sip of water. It causes me to gag and it's on for the next 20 minutes until I'm shaking, bloodshot eyes, mouth and nose full of bile and running. Then I start my drinking. Usually around 4 am because I wake up early to make sure I have enough time to drink it in the day. I do some fucked up shit about mid day like dishes in a bathtub instead of sink. If I eat anything, I immediately start shitting my ass out, literally. I've wiped fresh blood several times. The heart burn is unbelievable but zantac 150 has helped a lot with it. Tums stopped working long ago. If I burp and it gets caught, I start puking. If I choke from a cigarette, I start puking. I have zero appetite and barely eat anything and I know I'm lacking all kinds of nutrients and other things. I'm a 8 year Veteran of the Army, 36, married with 3 kids and a great job. Doesn't stop me. I don't know how to stop it really. I don't want to die like this though but it's been 6 years now.

>> No.7911938

Ever consider rehab?

>> No.7911940

You're actually already dead, the alcohol is just keeping you alive. If you stopped drinking you would die, even if you pretended to manage a tapering scenario.

See ya!

>> No.7911966

Perplexes me too OP. Drinking too much just makes you feel so bad, and do stupid things and is very bad for your health, that it seems crazy to do so all the time.

My worst is having drunk a 750ml of 40% over the course of 3 days maybe 2-3 times in a row, and that's a pretty awful experience. I couldn't imagine drinking more than that over a much longer period. The pleasure of alcohol doesn't come close to making up for the hangover, stupid decisions, etc.

I can understand being a heavy opiate user--that stuff makes you feel like you're floating on a cloud.

>> No.7911971

once you become alcohol you don't have hangovers. You feel sick if you DON'T drink it.

Yeah but insurance won't cover it and the shit is expensive. Some gay 12 step WOO HOO HERE IS A COIN thing won't help any.

>> No.7911975

I once finished an entire bottle (70cl) of Smirnoff, I was smashed off me bonce, my friend got worried and came to take me for a walk. She's a good friend.

>> No.7911976

To give an idea, a 4 month program was $135,000 out of pocket

>> No.7911989
File: 33 KB, 500x375, it sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink 12-15 beers a day and the only GI problem i ever have is diarrhea

>> No.7911990

Any Scotchfags?

>> No.7912006

Dude, alcohol doesn't only affect the GI tract, it also affects your brain, liver, heart and cholesterol, I'd say rearing it back a bit, maybe 8 a day

>> No.7912018

well yeah my liver is fucked
but i was just speaking to the topic of the thread

>> No.7912076

You really have nothing to contribute to this thread. Nice blog post, though.

>> No.7912171

I always liked drinking ever since I started at 17, but I couldn't get to the point of abusing it due to being broke as a joke for a long time. Then I got a steady job, which meant I always had booze money! Woohoo!

The heavy drinking for me started about two years ago. I steadily went from downing 6 beers every other night to around 8-12 beers every night (or the equivalent in liquor). For the most part I was fine, until one day in March, when I went to work with a mild hangover, which all of a sudden escalated into crazy heart palpitations. Then I started feeling extremely faint, and I started sweating like crazy. I felt like I was gonna die. I went home early and the feeling eventually subsided, but I didn't stop drinking. It had to be something else, I kept deluding myself.


>> No.7912203

The heart palpitations and faint feelings resurfaced several times after that to lesser extents, and still I kept drinking. Then sometime in April I had another episode at work just like the last, at which point I had a blood analysis taken, which revealed possible liver damage. And STILL I kept drinking, though I kept telling myself I would cut back.

Now new complications have arisen. My arms and hands end up feeling numb if I drink for more than two days straight now, it sometimes hurts around my chest area when I swallow food, and I sometimes feel aches near my left armpit/chest area. To the surprise of hopefully no one, these problems massively subside the more time I spend not drinking. I've since taken to drinking tons of water throughout the day, and to eating less greasy food (which now sometimes brings back the aforementioned palpitations and faint feelings), and I'm trying to go for several days between each drinking days. I'm feeling a lot better now.


>> No.7912220

Hope you feel better, glad to hear you're finding improvements. Keep it up!

>> No.7912500

how the fuck do you maintain a job and family doing that? You're the definition of a non-functioning alcoholic.

>> No.7912626

Men are good at providing even in the face of adversity and personal problems. It's a give-in that we must do it, and we accept that burden. One probably exacerbates the other though which isn't helpful at all. Nigga needs some help.

>> No.7912696

I knew I had a problem the moment I started buying 1.75L bottles of various assorted liquors and finishing them within three to four days, and without any mixer. I didn't get thinking about possibly stopping until I started having my palpitation episodes and random body aches. And I didn't actually start to do anything about it until I started having really depressing thoughts and going through my days feeling like an empty husk. The latter is what I couldn't deal with, and what got me to try and actually go says without drinking. It's one thing to feel physically ill, and a whole other to start to wonder what the point of living is even if you live to your 80's if by that point, the next day might be your last and you wouldn't know it. Shit like that.

Thankfully, those thoughts have eased down ever since this makeshift regiment.

>> No.7912706

>tfw just finished the one beer I promised myself tonight
>was super tired, and now I'm woke as fuck from the beer
>want to kill the 18 pack I have but have work in the morning

>> No.7912733

The thoughts have eased down, but the reality of what you were thinking about is still true. Is it better to be ignorant of such truths, or be aware of them even if it effects your mental well being?

>> No.7912740

If a bottle of beer a day does that to you, maybe you shouldn't be drinking at all, anon.

>> No.7912749

>Sometimes look at al/ck/ threads to cheer myself up about my own occasional binge drinking
>End up getting depressed at the thought that even 1 of these stories might be true

>> No.7912757

Nah m8, I've been aware of such realities for a while now. I don't believe in an afterlife or anything like that. Sure, it's a little scary to think that one day, you just will lose consciousness and that's it. But even so, I've been ok because regardless, the life I'm living right now is very real and so are the things I feel and think about from day to day, and I intend to make my mark one way or another. Call it what you will, but it cheers me up and helps me cope with the reality and eventuality of death.

The thoughts I was having were anything but hopeful, and made me feel empty inside. It scared the shit out of me. Which is why I decided to try and tone shit down. And it's been better so far.

>> No.7912767

Well at least you have a kid, that should make you feel a bit better about death considering you'll have genetic material that carries on. Do you find such thoughts to be based in self pity, or a burden you put on yourself to ponder such things?

I'm not too worried about being dead, but dying is going to fucking suck. Alcohol isn't killing us fast enough, but we're guaranteeing ourselves a bunch of shitty nears on the verge of death. These two scenarios are incoherent, and I think we'll regret this all pretty bad.

>> No.7912776

I don't have a kid yet. Not sure where you got the idea. I do intend on having them sooner or later, though.

And yeah, I just hope my death isn't slow and painful. I recently lost an uncle to cancer, and it was slow and agonizing, to the point he couldn't even speak. Worst of all, his family didn't tell him it was terminal even until the time of his death, apparently because he was afraid of death. It was pretty fucked. I don't wanna go through something like that.

>> No.7912786


Oh right, sorry. I thought you were this guy >>7911920 for some reason because you know, drinking. Sorry to hear about your uncle. Maybe it's because I've never experienced seeing something like that, but it seems that would be favourable to some traumatic death out in the world. Like a car crash, work accident, shit like that. It sucks thinking about things like that, but it all seems to stem from an irrational burden of self pity. It all ties into drinking because you fee bad, then feeling bad because you're drinking, feeling bad about yourself. It's all pretty selfish.

>> No.7912801

I used to be a functioning alcoholic. I started drinking around 14 and was what I consider to be addicted to alcohol by 18 during my junior year of high school.

I'd drink a 5th of evan williams daily. Got drunk before school every day and would sneak out to my car between classes and take a few swings. I would drink after school while with my friends and get another 5th before heading home(to have fresh for next day) and finish off the previous bottle at night.

I eventually realized I had a problem when I started developing major depression that only subsided when I was drinking. My body ached at the joints, I would randomly cry, severely dehydrated and malnourished, and couldn't asleep without whiskey.

At this point I decided to start doing drugs to replace the booze. So then I slowly phased out whiskey with the help of Lyrica, xanax, oxycodone, and weed of course.

So anons, if you're struggling with alcohol addiction and want to quit, i suggest Lyrica. Just take 750mg. Just do it. (Or if neurontin is more accessible, 2000mg+). Stay away from the xanax though, it's satan.

>> No.7912838

you made the right decision my friend

>> No.7913906

Try that. Use it as preventative.
I have GER and take it regularly anyway, so it's not enough while drinking sometimes. Feels like a god damn acid volcano is in my stomach, or the back of my mouth starts burning unbearably trying to eat anything.
I've been using Alka Seltzer on top of that if it gets particularly bad. Seems to work out ok.

>> No.7913911


>> No.7914573

Saliva is the best mixer.

>> No.7914808

I have a 'weird' question, that I don't know how to feel about. I'm quite depressed, unmotivated and have hard time focusing or enjoying company, but when I drink about 0,06-0,1l of gin/vodka I suddenly want to sort out everything that is on my mind and become happy.

I was thinking if drinking 2-3 shots in the morning could be beneficial, since it would motivate me to do stuff. I don't drink or smoke, but I've noticed that I'm doing extremelly better when 2-3 shots are done.

I'm bartender so.. Despite me not really drinking, I do sometimes make myslef 2-3 gin tonics and I feel as if I could do anything and am happy about myself again, therefore also enjoy company and talk with strangers about nothing as much as they want.

Any personal experiences with this?

>> No.7914841

Because he made that post up to get attention on an internet forum.

>> No.7914864

Daily drinker for 10 years. A fifth a day of bottom shelf vodka with some jack daniels sprinkled in every once in a while when I have the extra cash. Yesterday was a Sunday and I didn't plan ahead so I was left with a half pint, it didn't do anything except make me mad. Took me forever to fall asleep. Heartburn is not something I get everyday maybe once a week and I take a nexium, they work wonders. The main thing I noticed since I started drinking is I shit a lot more, like five times a day compared to maybe once every two days before that (seriously). Drinking is fun, it's relaxing and makes everything better. That being said, I've tried to quit multiple times, not even a month ago I was off the sauce for five consecutive days with no withdrawal symptoms then just decided to get a pint. Next day another pint, before I knew it I was buying fifths again. The main reason I wanna quit is because it's disrupting my gains and I would like to avoid having any serious health problems associated with drinking alcohol. I also chain smoke when drinking which is causing me to wheeze a lot the next day. This is the road I went down and haven't seen a U-Turn yet.

>> No.7914865

Yes. When I first start drinking I feel alive and wonderful. I'll read and make plans. I love it. The strokes have a song with my favorite lyric of all time.

"I wish two drinks were always in me"