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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7905804 No.7905804 [Reply] [Original]

Why is salmon so delicious? Is there a better fish?

>> No.7905843

I don't know why. I get sick of most foods pretty quickly, but I have yet to get sick of salmon.

>> No.7905882


Yellowtail, a good tuna steak and corbina are some local ones off the top of my head.

>> No.7906051



>> No.7906079

Is there a way to reduce the amount of water that seeps out it while it cooks?

I wrap all of my meat in a paper towel before cooking it, to soak up as much water as possible, but salmon always tends to leak water while it cooks and often it will be stewing in a pan half full of water when it's nearly done. Spitting and splattering all over my stove and bench top.
Is that normal?

>> No.7906099

do americans call it "salmon fish", like how they call tuna "tuna fish"?

>> No.7906101

No...granted I live in a salmon area so maybe the stuff I get is better quality or s/t but that sounds bizarre

>> No.7906111

Sockeye salmon is amazing, still can't find a fish I like as much, it's a shame it's only available a few months a year

>> No.7906117

Your question overwhelmed me, trying to decide between 100 different possible options.

Honestly, every country that does some form of smoked/cured salmon is amazing. A fresh bagel with lox and cream cheese is probably my favorite food in the world, but there are also a few dozen types of sashimi that I could eat every day and never get sick of.

It's crazy that my parents grew up hating fish because their parents didn't know how to cook it and made the entire house smell "fishy" on "fish night". I can't imagine going through life without fish (both salt and fresh water) and shellfish. I could go without baked tilapia flown in frozen from a farm in who knows where, but good quality fresh fish is just about the best thing in the world, and picking a favorite would be almost impossible.

>> No.7906131

Thx. But the weird thing is that the super-expensive sashimi grade salmon that I get from the fish mongerer tends to leak much more water than the cheaper supermarket stuff.

I dunno. Maybe I need to cure it with salt or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7906154

No you just wrap it in aluminum foil and bake it.

>> No.7906166

But that might explode! Are you trying to kill me?

>> No.7906185

No I do this all the time. You leave a small opening for the air to escape if you're so scared. I put some quinoa inside as well.

>> No.7906195

Not really. Salmon is the best.

>> No.7906208

No one that I know in my state calls tuna, "tuna fish". I think you're looking for New Zealand.

>> No.7906224


>do americans

No. "Tuna fish" is kind of an anomaly, and is rarely used these days now that flyovers have access to tuna that doesn't come in a can.

It's sort of like how non-Americans get confused by "grilled cheese" because it's not really cooked on a grill, but was originally a diner dish made on a flat-top grill and the name just stuck. Baby boomers grew up with canned food and that led to canned tuna being called "tuna fish", I'd guess to distinguish it from cat food. Since the 90's people have been eating fresh tuna regularly and calling canned tuna "tuna fish" is just kind of a hold over from an older generation.

>> No.7906495
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Thanx for the tip and I'll try that next time. About to search some recipes now.

This is the shit I'm talking about, btw. Did it just now.
But nvm because I'm never buying that sashimi crap again. It's too messy and taste like crap. Too pungent.

Was just wondering if this water leakage is a normal thing or not.

>> No.7906575

sounds to be frozen stuff... not fresh one
i never had fresh one loosing water when I cook it... or they made water injection in salmon, like in poultry ,now in the us?!!

>> No.7906578
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This is the most delicious fish ever, period.

>> No.7906584

>sashimi crap again. It's too messy and taste like crap
you are in a flyover state seen you?

>> No.7906591

That could be possible, though I didn't freeze it. I'll ask the store tomorrow if they freeze their fish.
>water injection
Never heard of that but I'll do some enquiries tomorrow.


Straya. I'm enjoying watching your electoral circus act, btw. Trump playing the role of the jester. Hilarious stuff!

>> No.7906605

>That could be possible
some fishmonger sell thawed fish as "fresh" ... and sushi grade fish had to be blitzfrosen in some states to kill the parasites (but not the bacterias) ...

and I am not from the us ... Europe here

>> No.7906607

Nope, never happened to me

>> No.7906608

you have salmon farms down there? or in new Zealand maybe? if the fish is from Norway, chance is that he is frozen

>> No.7906612

Ain't got shit on catfish.

>> No.7906616

I'm so mad. I used to adore salmon but ever since this so called chef at Kobe served me undercooked salmon I cannot eat it without violently puking. I wish I knew how to stop this.

>> No.7906620

This explains a lot. Thanx! The fact that it's 'sashimi grade' suggests that it's most likely "blitzfrozen", as you say, to kill what needs to be killed.
If that's the case then I just won't buy the stuff again. Unless I plan to eat it raw which will never happen.
Thanx again.

I think there probably are fish farms and that's probably what they sell in the supermarkets. Though that salmon doesn't produce nearly as much water as the 'Atlantic Salmon" I get from the mongerer. Dunno.

Plus the supermarket salmon doesn't have bones, unlike the sashimi stuff. So there's that advantage too. Cheaper as well. No brainer, really.

Thanx /ck/!

>> No.7906623

Get a Japanese girlfriend with a puking fetish?

>> No.7906624

>served me undercooked salmon
the only way to server it properly!
overcooked salmon is dry garbage

I eat it raw mostly (sashimi, ceviche) or as gravedlax.. in winter cold smoked

>> No.7906633

Out of all the fish Salmon is the one I don't eat. It tastes like feces and that is because they are fed feces. And you can taste the feces. I ate wild salmon once and it didn't have the taste of feces much much better but too expensive in most parts of Europe. So we're stuck with salmon from Norway and Sweden which is not wild and full of feces. Let me say this again feces feces feces oh and food coloring. It's like a feces tumurous mutant colored to appeal longer that it is fresh which it is not.

>> No.7906683

>Almost done

>> No.7906697

Why do you know what shit taste like?

>> No.7906722


>> No.7906739


Step up, nigga

>> No.7906741

Wild salmon is not even the same species as farmed in 99.9% of cases. "Salmon" is not a species.

>> No.7906749

Why would you ruin it by cooking it?

>> No.7906806

also costs about 10 times less

>> No.7906838

looks like you are overcooking that salmon

>> No.7906850

Salmon is pretty good, but the best is mackerel.

>> No.7906854


>> No.7906863
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>> No.7906902

holy fuck you ruined it

>> No.7906906

Anchovy, not the shit in a jar or a tin.


>> No.7906984

eugh :^(

>> No.7907032

I'm no culinary expert, but aren't you supposed to fry fish on the skin first and only turn it over near the end?

Or is this one of those ironically bad cooking meme pictures

>> No.7907044
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>skin side down first
>skin goes crispy in the oil
>flip it
>skin on top stays flat so the bottom doesn't have even contact with the pan

>> No.7907051

fish isn't seafood

>> No.7907063
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swordfish is god tier

>> No.7907065
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and cod is cod tier

>> No.7907081
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You're right, and that's how I normally cook it, peeling the crispy skin off right after I flip it. But today I wanted to try something different and, as expected, it broke up a bit.

I never claimed to be a suis-side chef, tho. Just a guy who eats stuff.

>> No.7907087

>peeling the crispy skin off right after I flip it.

what the actual FUCK is wrong with you if you said that to my face you wouldn't be having no open casket funeral boi

>> No.7907093

If I leave it on the moisture prevents it from staying crispy. So I peel it and eat it right away while it's still warm and crispy, like your mum's piss flaps.

>> No.7907098


>If I leave it on the moisture prevents it from staying crispy.

you're probably way overcooking your salmon if that happens.

>> No.7907099

Please don't tell me its meat.

>> No.7907103

Okay then I won't tell you that.

>> No.7907115
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I dunno. Maybe.

>> No.7907118

it's flesh. you eat the flesh.

>> No.7907119


I grew up with salted cod. So have a deep love for it.

Recently I have started eating filleted fried robin, which is a bait fish and while it takes time it is fucking delicious.

>> No.7907129

Rainbow trout is essentially salmon but superior in every way.

>> No.7907162

>unmatched cutlery
>garish as fuck plate
>unseasoned things just placed on a plate

You've been American'd

>> No.7907219

Nah, mate. I just see food as fuel fro my temple and if seasoning adds no nutritional value then I don't see the need to put it into my body.
And I like my plates. They have a rustic charm.

>> No.7907221

Rainbow Trout

>> No.7907239

I wish I knew the proper way to do sashimi. My cuts are always shit compared to the ones you get in good sushi bars

>> No.7907406

>too pungent
It pains me to read this. You don't really like salmon. Or fish for that matter. Consider eating bean burgers instead.

>> No.7907426

Sometimes too much flavour can be a bad thing.
For example, if you like cinnamon then try eating a whole cup of the stuff and then see how how much you like it.
Pro tip; you might want to wash it down with some milk.

>> No.7907445

>Nobody has even mentioned Bass yet

Do you guys even fish?

>> No.7907450

Large/smallmouth/rock bass taste awful and I've never had Striped. I just stick with trout when the season opens up for my fish.

>> No.7907471
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Largehead Hairtail and Sardines

>> No.7907581
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Ugliest god damn fish, best god damn tasting fish.


>> No.7907705

Stop using a shitty pan? Try cast iron...

>> No.7907717

>Why is salmon so delicious?
it's fatty, it's versatile, and it doesn't taste like a goddamn fucking lake.

>> No.7907728

>I'm going to cook this animal that was born in the water and spent its whole life in the water
>why is there so much water in it

>> No.7907746

you don´t wash the fish either since he lived in water his entire life..

>> No.7907755
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I like bass just fine, but it's just a small and bony version of zander.

>> No.7907766
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>> No.7907775

Also the reason you only ever boil fish. You never take fish out of its natural habitat. Ever.

>> No.7907863

Escolar is delicious but you can't eat too much of it without getting orange oily shits

>> No.7907881

Grouper is wayyyyyyyyyy better.

>> No.7907894


You're probably dealing with frozen meat and most of the water is coming out of your veggies.

Why would you ruin it like that anyway?

Poaching is more than enough and preserves all the oils and nutriments.

>> No.7907930


>Frying fish

>> No.7908330

coat it in olive oil

>> No.7909179

>most of the water is coming out of your veggies.
there are no veggies in the pan, tho. look at the pics.

>> No.7909266
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>someone did this just to troll people

>> No.7909278

I hear this shit is parasite heaven, but tastes like knock off lobster. pretty sad since lobster is delicious but I dont want to get parasites...

>> No.7909285

yes dumbass, that's how it works, and it does work because you cook most of it on the bottom. You can, of course, cook it in the reverse way, but only if you aren't an idiot and know what you're doing. It certainly shouldn't turn out like the picture that guy replied to.

>> No.7909289

>salt has no nutritional value
>herbs and citrus don't either
Stop blaming america for this. we're not this stupid, we practically invented eating fish (for the purposes of enjoying it anyway instead of whining that it's not beef)

>> No.7909298

Bluefin Tuna.

Too good for its own good. It is going extinct from all the over fishing.

>> No.7909343
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How do you seasoned your salmon?
cant be just salt and pepper right?

>> No.7909366

Cod is the healthiest fish there is and if considerably less expensive than salmon.

>> No.7909421

>skin side up


>> No.7909437


I've been eating salmon an average of 4 days per week for the last year. I still love it.

>> No.7909443

holy fuck that's a lot of salmon

>> No.7909464

I love the eel they use on sushi, but salmon is godly. My grandma pan-fries strips of salmon in olive oil with a light coating of flour and lemon pepper and it's my absolute favorite thing she makes.

>> No.7909471

Fried crappie is God tier

>> No.7909476

I usually marinate them in bag with sweet chilli sauce, a couple of limes and ginger. Sometimes I go a little bit more oldschool and use sweet ray's.

>> No.7909482
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Tai (a snapper-like deep Sea Bream) is pretty fucking tasty and versatile. Raw, grilled, fried, charred, in soup, bone stock, and so on. It can be like heaven herself is all around when done right.

The Japanese practically revere it.

>> No.7909493

southern boy detected. and fuck yeah, almost as good as fried flying fish sammich

>> No.7909514
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That's quite the name.

>> No.7909527

I've found steelhead trout to be a superior salmon.

>> No.7909579

Bluegill - but only when freshly caught. I'll take a fresh bluegill over any other fish.

Mahi-mahi is also an excellent fish. Great texture, great flavor, and not too expensive.

>> No.7909605

It's hard to beat fresh caught rainbow trout

>> No.7909646

Catfish, swordfish, mahi-mahi, etc. Salmon is the one fish I don't really like.

>> No.7909650

What's it taste like? From pictures it always looks more like turkey then a fish

>> No.7909654

Your plates are fine but seriously seasoning is pretty easy and makes your food taste a lot better

>> No.7909665

>being so narcistic that you take photos of your food

Millenials are the worst

>> No.7909707

pronounced croppy
It's weird

>> No.7909742
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I have a bag of thawed flounder to eat how should I prepare it pls give ideas

>> No.7910506

You have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm a salmon farm manager from Scotland and our fish are not fed feces.
I hate this fucking board sometimes..

>> No.7910560

is this a joke lmao

>> No.7910673

If i was stuck on a desert island with a salmon stream. I would swim out in the ocean till a fucking shark ate me.


>> No.7911028

It honestly has the texture of chicken and lobster. But the flavor is unmatchable. I ate it hundreds of times in Korea and never got a parasite so idk

>> No.7911036

You know what fish i enjoy? A nice fresh grouper.

>> No.7911094

Marinade in 3 pts lemon juice and 1 pt olive oil for ten minutes.

Shit is good desu

>> No.7911143

You're disgusting.

>> No.7911399

I preffer Hake (strange way to say it, the spanish versión is merluza)

>> No.7911629

Just came by to say your salmon looks unnaturally red, basically shit tier

>> No.7911634

smoked haddock is my personal fave.

>> No.7911662

what's your IQ?

>> No.7911674


Maybe Swordfish, it's the steak of the sea.

But you're right, you would be hard pressed to beat broiled salmon with lemon and basil.

>> No.7911847

All these replies and no one has given the right answer yet..

1. Thats not water, its fat. Its because salmon is very fatty.
2. You are overcooking your salmon at too high heat and thus rendering all the fat out of it

>> No.7911861

Love it.

Also, Norwegian here.

Salmon is goat, but Halibut and flounder can be better

>> No.7912103


>> No.7912137

fucking amazingly, people on /ck/ still don't know how to cook salmon. somehow.


has never been anything less than perfect and has been better than any salmon prepared for me by anyone else, ever. every time i've made it.

>> No.7912236

I fish for my own salmon. The stuff in the store just the same, the rivers always have the best salmon. The color is a beautiful red, and it tastes so good. I still like silver salmon, but pink salmon is best for the dogs or smoked. The texture of the flesh is practically mush. So u cab definitely see how some people hate it or love it. Depending on where it's from and what variety, it ranges from really good, to really bad.

I agree that overcooking and high temp will be a big factor for baking your salmon. I actually slightly undercook it and allow it to finish with a covered rest.

>> No.7912259


>Loosing the skin on salmon

That's much less than perfect

>> No.7912267

sockeye is more red than typical salmon

>> No.7912270

Ginger and red pepper flakes, then coated in an orange sauce.

>> No.7912364

Swordfish and Tuna are probably tied for first
Then rainbow trout, red snapper and haddock (Arbroath smokies are incredible)
Monkfish tail is nice too

On the other end, shark was a bit underwhelming, which surprised me.

>> No.7913094
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Anyone saying swordfish needs to watch their heavy metal consumption. It's not good. If your a woman, you probably should not eat swordfish at all.

>> No.7913104

This. Normally I would say not worry about the mercury but the top hunters of swordfish and sharks have a shit ton. You need to eat it only a few times a month and avoid eating other seafood in the process.

>> No.7914311

>British cuisine

>> No.7914321

>Doesn't season his food

You're British aren't you?

>> No.7914387

canned sardines and anchovies and nice , i eat them a fair bit because im a poor boy

>> No.7914392


every single time you say you look something some dick comes in saying 'don't eat too much or you will die!'

i never said i ate it too much you bellpiece

>> No.7916235

Why do you ask?

>> No.7916252

I have found this very useful.


>> No.7916263

Ditto. It's passable with a sweet glaze or marinade, but it doesn't really have the nice salty-fishiness I expect when I take a bite of fish

>> No.7916292

Shark fins.

>> No.7916361
File: 8 KB, 275x183, thanx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't thank you enough for this. THANK YOU!!

>> No.7916410


>DAE flyover xD