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7903949 No.7903949 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else doing this?
I've lost 20 lbs in 70 days.

>Nb4 hurr not a long term diet
I'm going to stop once I hit my weight goal but I will continue to track my calories and nutrition.

>> No.7903964

Enjoy early death.

>> No.7903967


Did it a couple years ago for three-ish months.

Had a hard time sleeping properly because of high stress levels so I switched back to a normal diet.

>> No.7903977

lost 15 pounds for 2 weeks
currently 178 pounds
Just have some soya milk/ a fruit/veggie every day and chug down 1.5l of water

oh and exercises + cardio really help

>> No.7904014

what the fuck did you eat?

>> No.7904045

Perhaps you didn't consume enough green veggies?

>> No.7904064


I did more than a pound of veggies a day, though admittedly I didn't specifically target leafy greens.

What's the argument for them helping me sleep?

>> No.7904086

>Wanting to get so old you can't take care of yourself

>> No.7904092

From what i know about ketosis you need to balance high acid foods like meat with alkaline foods.

>> No.7904098

>high acid foods like meat with alkaline foods.

Anything to do with "Acid foods" or "alkaline foods" is utter bullshit. Might as well start reading up on crystal healing.

>> No.7904153

The diet is based on ketosis, not ketoacidosis. Never mind that you can't change your blood pH by what you eat.

>> No.7904177

I've done little exercise besides walking, and I'm not a lardass (5'4, 200 lbs). The weight has still been coming off.

>> No.7904183

>not recognizing that living a long life is a privilege few people enjoy
>not having a loving family to help in your old age

>> No.7904192

the only advantages of keto are higher satiety and reduced insulin resistance if youre a fatty

people get encouraged by the water weight drop due to getting rid of glycogen stores

literally retarded if you think you're losing more fat weight than the same type of caloric restriction otherwise, and it definitely should only be temporary (unlike those lean idiots who kill their liver staying on it)

>> No.7904195

yea I'm doing keto to fix my eating habbits, not great at coming up with meals tho, anyone got ideas for dinner tonight?

>> No.7904197

>not realizing everyone dies and it doesn't matter when you die
>not being shoved off somewhere for being a burden on your family

>> No.7904199

you basically just eat eggs, meat and vegetables

>> No.7904213

Not everyone has the same nutritional needs, and not everyone can be successful on the same diet.

>> No.7904219

>thinking everyone's life is shit because your life is shit

>> No.7904225

You forgot nuts, olives, pickles, some veggies and dairy.

>> No.7904235
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>Not everyone has the same nutritional needs, and not everyone can be successful on the same diet.
you honestly have to be either 1. lazy 2. uneducated about nutrition or 3. greedy to manage to be overweight on basic dietary recommendations

how hard is it to cut caloric intake by eating mostly vegetables and lean meats

>> No.7904237

yea, you can still eat most things, just no bread potatoes, rice, noodles or sugar

>> No.7904313

Nutrition is not that black and white.

>> No.7904316

step 1: eat below your tdee
step 2: congrats you did it

>> No.7904330

Everyone has different nutritional needs. The amount of calories you need varies depending on the individual, their lifestyle, metabolism and genetic factors. Past nutrition can also play a role. People who chronically eat less than they need, then return to a normal diet tend to need fewer calories because their bodies hold onto more calories.

One article on the subject-

>> No.7904336

>the only advantages of keto are higher satiety
so you feel full longer than in other diets? Sounds like a great idea to me, why would I want to be hungry all the time when I could be on keto instead?

>> No.7904340

>64 inches
>200 pounds
>not a lardass
bruv your bmi is in obese range

>> No.7904343

it will kill your kidneys before your liver due to diuretic effect.

>> No.7904345
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wow, no shit, tdee changes between people -- it's still easy to eat appropriately less based on basic nutritional guidelines, especially if you're overweight and your maintenance tdee is high. the answer is still the same, man

alright, bro, do it forever

>> No.7904348

It's not easy. And to make a blanket statement like that is naive and stupid.

>> No.7904352

fats who go on crash diets that don't focus on lean body mass preservation will have a severely lowered BMR

>> No.7904366

nobody is saying to crash diet, how hard is it to eat at a modest deficit and learn eating habits like a normal person?

>> No.7904370

BMI is inaccurate. Medical professionals are moving away from it.

>> No.7904372

there is no way one can look anywhere close to acceptable at 5'4" 200 especially when they don't lift

>> No.7904379

First you have to learn what your body needs. That generally not an easy process. When I started this diet I just tracked what I ate using an app (MyFitnessPal, I recommend it and it's free). I cut my calorie down to 1,700 a day. I lost at first but I have had to periodically adjust my calorie intake and my macro percentages to manage my hunger and weight loss. I'm now eating 1,300 a day and loosing steadily. I know I will continually need to make changes.

To just say
>hurr eat less
Is not helpful or truthful

>> No.7904382

Nice try but you don't know me.

>> No.7904383

congrats on your weight loss bro

but you are eating less so... it is?

>> No.7904384

Bullshit really just another way to eat less food = calories. Carbs are the most calorie dense food humans can eat which is why they are a staple food. Removing carbs you can substitute the 200-500 calories from carbs to proteins or fat which have less calories and more food.

>> No.7904389

incorrect, carbs are 4kcal/g and fats are 9kcal/g

but carbs have less satiety/highest gastric emptying rate

>> No.7904399
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>I'm not a lardass (5'4, 200 lbs)
Americans will continue to surprise me to the day I die. Madness

>> No.7904401

nigga I'm 6'2 and I weigh less than you, and I'm still chubby

no way you're not fat, lardo

>> No.7904404


Yeah no >>7904389 is correct, carbs and protein are 4kcal per gram, fats are 9kcal per gram and alcohol is about 7kcal per gram i believe\
no bro he's jacked you don't understand his manlet body is swollen with muscles

>> No.7904412

I didn't say I wasn't fat. I said I'm not a lardass. You're reading comprehension is poor.

It's not just a matter of eating less. You can eat less and if you are eating the wrong food your body will just hang on to the calories.

>> No.7904416
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>It's not just a matter of eating less. You can eat less and if you are eating the wrong food your body will just hang on to the calories.
if you are eating less than you expend how do you have a net increase of energy? you can't

>> No.7904421

>being young and edgy

>> No.7904427

Ketosis is a state of illness that causes clinical anorexia and long-term health problems. Other good illnesses to cause anorexia and weight loss are AIDS and cancer. Give them a try too, fatties.

>> No.7904434

>reduced insulin resistance
That's hilarious since high-fat and keto diets can directly induce diabetes in just a few weeks. Americans are a fucking shitshow

>> No.7904437

Ketosis is not an illness, and it's not anorexia.

>> No.7904438

Then why do doctors suggest the keto diet to diabetics?

>> No.7904439

>It's not just a matter of eating less

>> No.7904440
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>being this incorrect


>> No.7904444

That's a loaded question, so I see no reason to respond to it. If you want to make an argument, do so.

It's a starvation response with features of an illness. "Anorexia" means loss of appetite and is a clinical symptom of illness which you find in ketosis.

>> No.7904447

Tips for losing weight:

1) More protein
2) More fiber
3) More caffeine
4) Caloric deficit

Do the above and you'll have an easy time. I don't give a shit if you want carbs or if you want fat.

>> No.7904448

The article you linked claims that ketogenic diet are effective at combating obesity. The post you responded to talks about diabetes.
Furthermore, linking an article of several thousand words is not an argument. You have to make an argument and you may choose to quote segments of other sources that you find relevant.

>> No.7904456

It's a valid question. Many doctors suggest a keto diet specifically for diabetics. You're just butthurt because you are wrong.
And I'm not starving myself. There is a health range of calories I need. I stay within that range (1,000-1,500 calories a day for me is healthy).

>> No.7904457

If loosing weight was easy everyone would be skinny. But I'm sure that hard to understand when your life experience is limited to what you and other 20somethings experience.

>> No.7904461

So you argument is "Some doctors suggest a keto diet for diabetics, therefore keto diets do not cause diabetes".
This is not a very good argument. I do hope you'll be able to figure out the flaws yourself, there are several.

By starvation response I mean that ketosis evolved to prevent death during periods of starvation, so it is a response to starvation, particularly glucose starvation (glucose and glucose-based energy substrates are what fuel mammalian cells, in case you didn't know) Of course it is possible to induce ketosis without energy starvation.

>> No.7904462

it is that easy, actually. that's literally all there is to it, and it's sustainable

people just think you can go back to eating like a fatass after that (which is all of /ck/ and their fast food addiction i guess)

>> No.7904465


It's a lack of education problem. The 4 tips I listed come from my knowledge in nutrition and medicine. But you're right considering that your average fatty probably doesn't even know what a carbohydrate is, and thus they don't have the arms necessary to defend themselves against shitty nutrition articles/fad diets/etc

There is also the mental side of things. I would not be surprised if fat people had psychiatric disorders. Obesity might be the somatic expression of a mental problem.

>> No.7904467

You're mistaking anorexia with satiation.

>> No.7904482

It is that easy. Not my fault that fat people are lazy and stupid.

>> No.7904499

Type 1 is caused by an autoimmune response that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Type 2 is caused by the body losing sensitivity to insulin like it can any other drug when overused over a long period of time, usually in response to being a big fat fatty.

Now explain to me what ketosis or ketones have to do with EITHER of those.

>> No.7904508


A ketogenic diet on an uncontrolled type 1 diabetic is asking for diabetic ketoacidosis. A type 2 diabetic might get away with it since there's still some insulin going around.

>> No.7904515


>At baseline, summed items from the Lack of Self-control scale were rated highest among all participants, on average. Researchers who used a modified version of the diet barriers questionnaire used in this study similarly found that a majority (>60%) of prospective weight loss participants reported that self-control and motivation barriers were “somewhat” or “very” important barriers to healthy eating (12). High perceived lack of self-control in this sample may reflect the tendency for obese adults to lack dietary restraint and to overeat in response to environmental cues (20, 21). Furthermore, perceived diet barriers are likely shaped by previous experience with weight control. Overweight and obese individuals often make repeated attempts to alter their diets in an effort to lose weight (12), and the inability to achieve or sustain new diet behaviors in the past may be attributed as a problem of self-control.

>> No.7904517


lol ok I'm a 5'10 200lb man and I'm a lardass.

>> No.7904524

Insulin is not a drug when it is produced by the body. Insulin is just a hormone, like many others.
Cells do not generally become resistant to hormones due to exposure to said hormones. That's not how things work. Also, the body does not generally become resistant to drugs used over a long period of time. Some drugs can be used at the same dosage for a lifetime and never lose efficacy.

>Now explain to me what ketosis or ketones have to do with EITHER of those.
High dietary fat intake causes insulin resistance. Of course in pure theory a ketogenic diet could be a low-fat diet but that's not really what we're seeing in practice. So a ketogenic diet is a high-fat diet and therefore causes insulin resistance and diabetes.

>> No.7904534


Yeah, I don't understand the whole idea with keto = 17 strips of bacon. Why not just eat lean protein, fibrous vegetables and/or carbs, good fats like olive oil or avocado, etc?

>> No.7904546

>Yeah, I don't understand the whole idea with keto = 17 strips of bacon
The reason that keto is so strongly associated with overconsumption of animal products is that meat and dairy industries push a lot of it.

However, a low-fat keto diet isn't really practical because there is an upper limit to how much energy can be extracted from proteins in a day, and it's not very high.

>> No.7904558

>>not having a loving family to help in your old age
The only family members younger than me live in Australia, brainless.

>> No.7904562

Your life will def be shit when the dementia and incontinence kicks in.

>> No.7904563

avoid keto it will fuck you up with galstones

>> No.7904887

if the type 1 diabetic can't make any insulin at all then yeah a ketogenic diet will cause them to have high glucose and ketone serum levels but if their body still makes some insulin the small amounts of glucose created by the liver won't get out of control.

>> No.7904898

high protein low fat/carb diet will not get you into ketosis as protein after a certain amount gets turned to glucose via gluconeogenesis therefore making a high protein low carb diet a more expensive 'normal' diet

>> No.7904900

Carbs are shit so you should reduce them long term anyways. If you take a 'fad diet' or 'goal weight' mentality then you're just gonna gain that weight back anyway. Keto for life

>> No.7904915

That's the point of keto retard. All food that's digested gets turned to glucose eventually, but protein and healthy day takes LONGER than carbs, refined sugars, and other foods high on the glycemic index. It keeps you FULL longer so you don't feel the need to stuff your fat gullet all the time

>> No.7904918

>protein and healthy FATS

Fuck autocorrect

>> No.7904972

you're an idiot, too much protein will get enough glucose in your blood so your body uses that rather than converting lipids to ketones.

>> No.7906800

Could have lost 20lbs in 70 days with standard caloric reduction, no need to go full dubs

>> No.7906810
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Fucking told

>> No.7906930

I'm a type 1 diabetic. I eat a ketogenic diet because it makes it far easier to control my blood glucose levels. Eating lots of carbs or proteins (all with varying GI and insulin indexes) makes life a fucking nightmare to constantly titrate insulin dosages, meaning your life goes one of two ways: poor blood glucose control, or OCD disease management that leaves time for little else in life. Since I want to enjoy my life, I choose ketosis over ketoacidosis. You normals can argue all you want, but it works for me.

>> No.7907586

My uncle has one of them insulin pumps, if you've got the money/insurance for it you should try it out.

>> No.7907762
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>losing weight by eating
lmao dumb low willpower healthcucks.
I just lost near 50 pounds in 2 months by only eating on weekends.
>m-muh health
Its not like I was healthy before anyway.

>> No.7908547

Gimping yourself culinarily instead of taking the easy route or at least the fun route (excess).

>> No.7908574
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My buddy has been doing Keto for a while now. I'll admit it works p well, but it takes a lot more discipline than portion control in my opinion so I wouldn't do it.

He's been doing it for a year and he's probably lost ~120 lbs. He also picked up cycling, so that probably helped him out as well. /fit/ may be a better place to get advice on keto OP.

>> No.7908597

>Asking /fit/ for advice on anything

Don't be stupid.

>> No.7910377

I had been cutting calories for a year with no weight loss. 1,700 a day and I was hungry all the time. When I switched to keto I started out at 1,7000 as well, but lost 20 lbs in about 65 days.

>> No.7910428

You were either underestimating your intake or you defy physics, but anyways 8-10 pounds of that 20 was water from glycogen stores.

>> No.7910569

I'm 5'11 and weighted 250lb. I lost 40lb in 3 months by simply eating less, not drinking high fructose drinks, light 30 minutes excersice straight out of a cellphone app and eating brocoli when I got the munchies. Loosing weight is easy, people just dont want to stop eating and excercise a bit.

>> No.7910758
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>massive fat shit
>eat a normal varied diet that hasn't changed too much for years
>minimal junk and processed food
>lose job and can't get a new one
>an alcohol so the calories keep tumbling in as I tumble down

>> No.7910766

Ketosis isn't exactly something you want to encourage as a long-term body state.

>> No.7911392

6'4" 212lbs

I got a proto beer belly or some shit

Am I gonna die, /ck/?

>> No.7912599


I've been chronically obese to healthy multiple times. Every time I have lost weight it was by counting calories and everytime I gained it was by not doing so and eating whatever I want. There is a mild challenge in finding what calorie point to start at, but losing weight is that easy people are just weak willed as hell.

>> No.7914671


Everyone is going to die eventually, anon.

>> No.7914946

1 squats
2 front lunges
3 side lunges
4 deadlift
5 donkey kicks
6 hip bridges
7 flutter kicks
8 froggy glute lifts
9 extensions

+ 35-40 min cardio

all of the exercises you do for 30 seconds each (try to do as many reps as you can, but don't push yourself too much mr fatty)
do this everyday and you're bound to lose weight quickly

>> No.7914967
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It really doesn't have any benefits over a regular low calorie diet. I've lost roughly the same amount of weight in the past in the same time span just watching my calories.

I think it's just an excuse for fatties to stuff them selves with red meat and feel like they're accomplishing something before they yo-yo back to obesity because it is in no way a sustainable diet, nor does it teach good eating habits.

>> No.7914972
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>It's not just a matter of eating less. You can eat less and if you are eating the wrong food your body will just hang on to the calories.

>> No.7914975

the yoyo effect is caused by people not slowly increasing their calorie intake after they've achieved their goal

this yoyo meme has to stop
only retards fall victims to the yoyo effect

>> No.7914982

>only retards fall victims to the yoyo effect

Exactly, people who do keto.

>> No.7915712

I wasn't underestimating my calories. I don't estimate, I measure. I track everything I eat. I have been trying to lose weight for the last three years. Last year I couldn't seem to lose any weight. And I have been under the supervision of my doctor. He doesn't understand why I didn't lose either. The keto diet was his suggestion.

>> No.7915944
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Switched to keto about 3 months ago. I eat mostly leafy greens and proteins, but most of my calories come from the fats that I cook with. When you start off, you start off eating almost the same amount of calories as you would non-keto, but your appetite adjusts quickly. You just naturally adjust and require less and less to be contented.

The worst thing about keto isn't cutting out starchy carbs or staying physically satisfied--that part isn't even remotely hard--it's trying to keep your meals interesting. Sometimes I just feel like every one of my meals is the same over and over (veggies and a protein). Sometimes I try a recipe that uses a vegetable substitution in places of a starch (like portobello mushrooms in place of burger buns), and it just makes me feel sad and empty.

There's only one thing I've tried that satisfies my carb cravings and fills me up without me cheating and ruining my progress (pic related, it's shirataki noodles). It's pricey as fuck though. I eat it for about 2 meals a week with a sauce of my choosing. My favorite thing is making carbonara with it.

BMI went down from 25 to 22.5 so far, losing about a pound a week. I have no muscle bulk and I don't lift or exercise aside from 1hr walking a day so the BMI measurement should be accurate and relevant. Switching to keto isn't so much a diet as it is a lifestyle change. I don't expect to eat bread, pasta, rice, etc. regularly ever again, except on holidays.

>> No.7916006

get your RMR tested then