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7890648 No.7890648 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, do you enjoy alcohol for the taste?

I enjoy tasting different beers and wines, because the alcohol is low enough that you can discern different flavors. But with liquor, I honestly feel like there is just too much damn burn to discern differences other than "cloyingly sweet" for rum and "bitter as fuck" for tequila, etc.

Is it something that you have to force yourself to do for a while until you can stand it? I just don't understand how there are people who can stand to sit down and just drink whisky/ey straight and actually tell me how good it tastes. It tastes like gasoline and exists only to get people drunk.

Sometimes I feel like they're faking. Deep down they know it tastes like petrol, but they lie and tell people about all the "notes" they can taste to seem pretentious.

>> No.7890655
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x1000, alcohol fag gets taken down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's degeneracy tbqh.

>> No.7890661

kek, I want to become a police officer now

>> No.7890662

Not a fan of rum or tequila, but to be fair I have never really tried it besides the cheap shit you get at student bars.

I like whisky, the trick is to drink it slowly and sip it. If you take a mouthful of it straight it is just going to burn and you aren't going to get anything from it.

I have a couple of whiskies on my own most evenings because I like it, never really order it in bars though. I stick to beer or gin on nights out.

If you just want to get drunk, there are cheaper and easier drinking ways of doing it.

>> No.7890666


try drinking good liquor instead of captain morgan and jose cuervo.

if you don't like it neat, add ice or water. some liquors are better for mixing than others. I don't know anyone that drinks rum straight, and I've only sipped on tequila when the bottle was real fancy. I'd cycle through the different liquors until you find one you like, then try different brands of the same style until you begin to enjoy them. I tend to drink bourbon on the rocks (less ice if the quality is higher), and I definitely enjoy it.

>> No.7890668

It's not that I just want to get drunk. I really do wish that I could enjoy spirits for the taste, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It tastes too fucking awful.

It sucks because I feel like I'm missing out. Sometimes when I'm cleaning up from the night before or something, I'll grab the glass that I was drinking some rum out of and smell it. That's when I can smell all those undertones people talk about. The molasses, the caramel, fruitiness, etc. But I can't taste any of that when I drink it because all I can focus on is "holy shit this tastes terrible, spit it out or throw up"

>> No.7890671

I've tried this. I don't drink swill. I've tried everything from anejo tequilas, to dark aged rums, to single malts, to """premium""" vodkas. It just burns too damn bad.

Maybe I'm drinking it too fast or something.

>> No.7890677

>Maybe I'm drinking it too fast or something.

One thing that matters is how much air you draw into your mouth when you sip it. If you inhale at the same time that you sip the "burn" is greatly enhanced. Sip the liquor only and don't inhale at the same time.

>> No.7890683

>inflict indescribable pain on another human rather than running a few metres


>> No.7890685
File: 60 KB, 360x492, enter the gungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>running from police
>committing crimes
What are you, a nigger?

>> No.7890691

Captain Morgan private reserve is pretty good desu.

>> No.7890700

this is me acknowledging your terrible bait and moving on

>> No.7890703
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, niggers and cops.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bud.
>he actually doesn't like cops

>> No.7890707

Do you actually think that you should somehow be treated gently when you're actively fleeing arrest?

Fuck off, retard. If a cop tells you to stop, you fucking stop. If you don't, as far as I'm concerned, he has full authority to do whatever it takes to stop you, dead or alive.

That fucking idiot was lucky he didn't get mag dumped.

>> No.7890716

>>7890703 (You)
>>7890707 (You)

>> No.7890720

>hurr I don't have an actual reason as to why criminals resisting arrest should be detained by force, so I'll just meme my way out of this argument so I can maintain my moral high ground

Don't you have some student loans to repay, kid?

>> No.7890724

Don't worry, someday you'll grow out of your teenage angst and have a healthy respect for authority

>> No.7890727

I find that the burn has dulled with age/experience. Is that because I drank too much of it and "pretended?" I don't know. I drank to get drunk in college enough on shit stuff that I can appreciate the finer things.

This may just be a case of some people being different than others though... I can't remember the last time I felt like a burn was a significant barrier to drinking, but there certainly have been some things that just plainly taste like shit.

Like Popov. I swear that's the taste of someone liquifying an old tire. Ugh.

>> No.7892405


>Indescribable pain


>> No.7893079

Yeah, you get used to the feeling of warm on your throat.

Also, eating pancakes with bourbon it's my favorte comfort food, I really like that you posted pancakes while making the thread.

Subtle, good thread.

>> No.7893085
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Call me a pleb but I love a nice cold Bud after a hard days work. I don't care for no fancy pants IPAs.

>> No.7893091

>it's okay for police to shoot and torture people doing no harm to others

the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

>> No.7893133

>running from police no matter how petty means you should be shot and killed

topkek. no wonder you guys live in a police state. you literally support being cucked by your own bobbies.

>> No.7893135

Detaining by force is fine, but you seem to think it's fine they should use more force than necessary, even killing the suspect.

>> No.7893142

I've never been a heavy drinker but I could enjoy decent whiskey, vodka, ouzo etc. But then something happened and now even just the smell of alcohol makes me nauseous.

I think my body just decided to reject getting strong alcohol for some reason.

I still like stuff like beer, wine, cider and all that. But not the really cheap horrible ones which are diluted crap with added spirits( not too uncommon here)

>> No.7893146

I'm not American but I actually don't mind Bud every now and then. I probably prefer it to the standard ubiquitous brands of my country. I'm not a booze snob though. Can and will drink anything.

>> No.7893148

It's from a "comedy" video

>> No.7893170


I am the same, a cold Bud every now and then is perfectly pleasant and sometimes exactly what you want.

I like Miller too, but stopped buying it because here in the UK you only get it in tiny bottles. 300ml tops, sometimes 275ml which is bullshit

>> No.7893180

The burn you're getting is from taking in oxygen wtih your drink. If you can exhale while drinking and not gulp it down, you should feel little to no burn. That way I can taste the liquor and it's pretty good. Of course the burn also goes away the more you've had that night (SEE: the drunker you get), and it goes away, I THINK, if you become an alcoholic.
Hard liquor is a dangerous game. I love tequila and rum. Try Captain Morgan's Cannonball Blast, from what I remember (no I didn't black out, it's just been a long time) it had little to no burn. Pretty sweet, if that's your thing.

>> No.7893181

Goddamn, that fucking webm is trying to make it out like it's the cops fault.

>> No.7893220

Also yes, cheap liquor will just taste like alcohol. Do not buy Jim Beam or Jack Daniel.

>> No.7893243


Jim beam is perfectly fine with an ice cube or two in it and at £13 a bottle you really can't argue with it.

JD is a total rip off though.

>> No.7893283

Jim Beam is pretty nice imo, I like the maple one

>> No.7893308

I'm like this, but even with beer. To me beer tastes shitty and while it doesn't have that "burn", it has a heaviness and dryness I don't care for. I always feel like I'm forcing myself to drink it.

It makes me sad, I wish I could get into alcohol or at least beer.

>> No.7893313

A combination of age and practice leading to tolerance tempers the burn. I fucking hated hard liquor's burning starting out but now it's more of a tingle or warmth, like moderately spicy food.

>> No.7893314

Who cares? Its literally a criminal. Also you're obviously guilty if you run from the police

>> No.7893320

>cucked by own bobbies
Then explained why like 10 cops have been brained by niggers this month retard.

>> No.7893419

that cop was just trying to get rid of the retards in the gene pool.

>> No.7893465

wtf, i hate paper crowns now

>> No.7893898

The only thing wrong was it wasn't white people doing it and we had to let niggers take the lead.

>> No.7894059

Trick is to drink it slower. Have very tiny sips my dude, you'll get it.

>> No.7894073

grow up and get some big people tastes

>> No.7894089

You build up a tolerance to the burn the more you drink, unlike spicy foods. I can drink 151 like it's water at this point - not that I'd want to.

So yeah, there are definitely lots of different flavors and nuances to alcohol that are enjoyable. Even vodka, which is supposed to be flavor neutral, tastes completely different depending on the brand.