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File: 48 KB, 570x570, o-COKE-ZERO-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7888928 No.7888928 [Reply] [Original]

There's literally nothing wrong with drinking diet soda

>> No.7888942

Except it tastes like shit is actually worse for you than regular. Try again faggot. Only reason to drink it is if you're diabetic, even then it's retarded.

>> No.7888944


thanks for letting me know op. i prefer normal, but im glad this option now exists.

>> No.7888949

No there isn't.

But I'll keep drinking my regular soda anyway.

>> No.7889056

>is actually worse for you than regular.
>0 carlories
>0 carbohydrate
>0 sugars

how is it worse for me, fatass?

>> No.7889076

Tricking your body into thinking it's consuming sugar when it isn't has to have some downsides. I drink a fair amount of artificially sweetened stuff but I try to keep it under control.

>> No.7889110

>has to have some downsides

Which are... (great argument btw)

>> No.7889137

relax, anon is right it isn't the best. I am pretty sure he can have any soda he pleases.

>> No.7889147

>is actually worse for you than regular.
I... don't think you guys quite understand how chemistry works.

There is no solid argument against diet soda so the fear mongers fall back on the "well, it makes you use to sugary things" which is bullshit. I drink bubbly water mostly but when I do drink soda I will always choose a diet soda not because of the calories but because it's considerably less sugary tasting.

I tried to drink a regular pepsi once and I could get that shit out of my mouth for hours. It was absolutely disgusting with how sweet it was.

The only bad thing about diet soda's is the acidity. Which isn't even all that bad considering some of the shit people consume. Even then just use a straw and it will never touch your teeth. Unless you have acid reflux triggered by acidic foods/drinks, the levels of soda aren't going to do anything. Still, like everything, drink sodas in moderation as caffeine in too many levels (and other ingredients) are all things that dehydrate you.

It's retards that see scary words or chemicals they don't understand that freak the fuck out. Just saying "chemicals" associated with food will freak out most dipshit soccer moms. I did a google for "diet soda" and this is one of the first things.

"Well, the third ingredient on the list is phosphoric acid, or H3PO4 as it’s known in the world of chemistry. You might be thinking, “An acid?! In MY beverage?” or maybe you’re thinking, “Well if it’s in here it must be tested, and safe to consume.” Let me start by telling you that phosphoric acid is used to break down rust, and can dissolve a nail in four days"

"this hazardous ingredient"

>> No.7889154


>elaborating this much for a couple of shitposts

honestly, you and your shit thread are as bad as all the other shit on this board

>> No.7889176

not even op dipshit.

If you think it took more than a minute to type that... well holy shit. You're dumber than I thought.

Not everyone has a difficult time forming coherent thoughts like you anon. For some of us it's actually quite easy.

>> No.7889302

I love how everyone's just disregarding that diet soda still tastes like shit whether it's healthy or not, as if they actually prefer the gimped flavor

>> No.7889316

soda is poison

the fact that you have to create a chemical potion to imitate the hellish concoction that's not safe for consumption is proof enough

>you shouldn't drink coke, so take this and PRETEND like you are drinking coke!

>> No.7889332

anon caring about things makes you butthurt havent you figured out the teenage nihilists and twitter fags have conquered the internet?

Just post nonsense and trolls because nobody gives a shit anyway. The internet had such promise once.

>> No.7889368

considering aspartame and ace k have 0 glycemic impact your body doesn't give a fuck

>> No.7889378 [DELETED] 

coke zero is great. I drink vodka and coke zero to keep my girlish bosdy

>> No.7889426

Honestly, I can't tell the difference anymore. I've been diabetic since I was 13 and my tongue has gone dead to the aftertaste. Kind of dangerous when I get a shitty or overwhelmed waitress actually.

>> No.7890760

Its very acute, unless all you drink is diet soda or always have it with a meal, the mild orexigenic effect is insignificant.

t. Used to work in a lab on the neurobiology of ingestive behavior and metabolism where my PI drank a can of diet soda daily.

I don't drink either.

>> No.7891533

Just because someone has a preference of sweetness doesn't mean their preference is any less retarded as yours. And once you exclusively drink diet sodas you can't even tell the difference cuz you've become accustomed to the sweetness. Plus you're not consuming an extra 400 calories a meal, so that's also satisfying for some people.

>> No.7892232

Sweetness has nothing to do with it. It has an odd aftertaste, almost a metallic quality to it.

Of course you wouldn't know about that because you've probably been chugging it since you were 6 and have no point of reference anymore

>> No.7892992

>went to jimmy johns for lunch today
>got a soda
>started to fill with diet coke but the syrup was running out
>too autismo to tell them about it
>got regular coke instead
>it tasted way better
>i can have regular coke now because i play pokemon go, right?

>> No.7893001

as long as you play pokemon go and consume no more than 2000 calories a day, you will be fine

>> No.7893030
File: 72 KB, 194x214, constanza2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke Zero is to Coke what Vaping is to Smoking.

It's healthier but still unhealthy and people try to justify their bad behavior with that.

Drinking diet soda may be ok for you if you see it as soda substitute and not as water substitute

>> No.7893161

IMO it tastes better than regular coke. I've heard some people say that the artificial sweetener is even worse because in reality it's a hidden Jew poison that makes you 3 times as fat as ordinary sugar while the Jew is rubbing his hands, but this is only a myth I'm hoping.. or?

>> No.7893169


I completely agree. I drink zero because regular coke leaves a sour taste on my tongue for hours because of the sugar and why would I drink empty calories if there is an alternative that tastes pretty much the same.

>> No.7893174


The thing is that the artificial sweetener can make you hungry but it's up to you if you stuff your face and drink diet soda, actually the first time I lost a lot of weight I drank a 2 liter bottle of coke zero almost every day and smoked a pack of cigarettes while still exercising and eating mostly salad and boiled chicken, it might not have been the healthiest thing but I lost about 15 kg in 3 months

>> No.7893179

I had to start Keto because of diabetes, and instead of drinking soda super often, I now drink water almost always and maybe a bottle of coke zero once a week.
After feeling the healthier side of living I don't understand how some people can live off soda

>> No.7893193

Except the body still reacts to the artificial sweetener as if it was sugar anyway.

>> No.7893194

Don't sweet flavours still cause insulin spikes?

>> No.7893381

So how does it feel to be a retard?

>> No.7893394

It tastes like shit, but then again so does all soda with corn syrup. Thank god real sugar is the norm here

>> No.7893414

Just drink some fucking water.

>> No.7893454

aspartame gives me bad acne

>> No.7895151

Diet pop is magic.

>> No.7896398
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your aspertame faggot.

>> No.7896402

it's addictive and slows your metabolism

also metabolizes into a poison

>> No.7896547

Chemfag here. You're a retard. Yes, the chemistry is no different, but the psychology is. Fuck off.

>> No.7897607

are people actually this retarded?

>> No.7897664

I wouldn't presume to know better but I have been drinking 2 liters Coke Zero daily for years without any ill effect that I know of.

>> No.7897907

null from the kiwifarms drank in excess of 8 liters of coke zero a day for years and years, and now he is the proud owner of a website devoted to mocking and ridiculing a dimwitted autistic man.

>> No.7898253

Whoever mentioned that a downside of Coke Zero is that you get hungry, I'm maybe starting to agree. I've been trying an occasional can the last few days (I bought myself a 6-pack. I'm not a big soda drinker at all in general) and I'm starting to see a pattern. It seem to make me crave food more so than other calorie free drinks like tea or coffee does. A shame I'm not so sure I'm going to continue buying this stuff.

>> No.7899368

Just don't have it with a meal, or while you have access to a meal if self control is an issue.

It does increase orexigenic signaling but unless you chug it all day you will go back to homeostasis within a few hours.

>> No.7900501

I think if you drink 8 liters daily of anything you will have a very serious renal problem.
Our bodies cannot process such quantity of liquid without some serious deficiency on sodium and other biochemical shit. Serious sport nutters (marathon tier ones) already risk it by drinking up to 6 liters of liquid and most of it must be with sodium added. A normal person will die pretty quick if drinking 8 liters coke zero or any other liquid. So this null guy is lying.

>> No.7900672

sugar > artificial sweeteners > dogshit > corn syrup

>> No.7900690

>I think if you drink 8 liters daily of anything you will have a very serious renal problem.

Utter bullshit. I regularly drink 2 gallons of water a day when I'm working out. I have consumed even more than that while working in the heat of summer, and I've never had any kind of medical issue from it. And that's just beverages on their own; I'm not counting drinks with meals. Mind you, I'm talking about drinking that much over the course of a day--not chugging all of it at once.

Marathon runners drink a LOT more than 6 liters of water during a day.

>> No.7900706

"""diet""" soda

Pretty sure half the people who drink that shit pick them up along with a triple cheeseburger so they cut off some calories :^)

>> No.7900711

This is a reasonable way to view diet soda. I only drink diet, but I also have maybe one a day and drink water constantly.

>> No.7900716

It generally contains a shitload of alcohol, at least in my experience, so it's kind of bad.

>> No.7900736

>tfw I'm a fatty and I've had to cut out soda from my life altogether

How do you guys deal with this? Drinking water all day sucks.

>> No.7900784

You kill yourself, you mental defective.

>> No.7900826

But what if i like the taste of coke zero more?

>> No.7900837

This is nothing but an assumption. Meanwhile, we already have abundant proof that consuming lots of regular soda is unhealthy. Thus your conclusion is literally stupid

>> No.7900894
File: 121 KB, 615x1731, clear-water-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As if not being able to taste is something to be proud of

Pic related, it's what you should replace all that nasty shit with

>> No.7900901

Will diet soda help me lose weight?

>> No.7900910

Kind of, if you're a fat ass who needs your sugar syrup that bad.

Fake sugar doesn't make you dump insulin like regular sugar, so if you consume a lot of fat right now diet soda would help you not absorb as much of it. At least, it would make you absorb less than you did while guzzling the full sugar stuff.

>> No.7900980

Correct. By the way, I seem to have a difficult time finding a diet grape soda. Does anyone know where I could find one.

>> No.7901000

yes but putting chemicals like this in your body cannot be great :)

>> No.7901021

I thought it was pot smoking to tobacco smoking.

Whereas regardless of the 'MANY' benefits of pot, you're still shredding your lungs, but in an easier, comfier way.

Unless you eat edibles, but that's a different ballpark altogether.

>> No.7901047

It will, but try to cut out sugar and sugar substitutes as well.

Seriously, I cut out sweetness years ago and food has become at least a thousand times more vibrant and delicious. Having an over-sweet preference seriously keeps you from enjoying and liking a lot of foods.

>> No.7901055

His argument is wrong but he's right that diet soda is not worse for you.

The argument against diet soda is that it somehow tricks you into eating more sugar.

This is only a problem for fat fucks with no self-discipline.

The retards who tout this idea are tacitly admitting they have no self-control and are too lazy to keep track of the nutrients they consume, i.e. that they are retards.

>> No.7901062
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Even though this looks like used engine oil, I love it so much. I'm addicted to it. I think it's a problem.

>> No.7901087

Diet Sodas Artificial Sweetener causes cancer
>INB4 everything causes cancer

>> No.7901100

No it doesn't

>> No.7901170

all u diet soda freaks are gonna die of ass canser at the age of 30 from getting ur guts ate up by asspartame, that's the crap that old grandmaws and fat chicks in the 80's used to drink, REAL MEN drink REGULAR soda, why i dirnk regular soda and im not all taht fat and im not dead yet ok also drinkin wussy baby diet soda is like playin with yourself to some old moth eaten lingereie mag you found in the dumpster, and makes u feel like crap, but drinkin REGULR soda is like fugging some attractive hooker that gives you a deep discount so your fugging for pennies on the dollar and you feel satisfied afterwards tahts how regular soda is ok

>> No.7901303
File: 55 KB, 485x409, 4088633_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggered. Aspartame is fucking poison created by Monsanto. It was even on the list for biochemical weapons till 1980 or so. One of the toxic ingredients of Aspartame is wood alcohol. When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in the
Aspartame is converted to formaldehyde, and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis and it can make you blind.

Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of poisons as Cyanide and Arsenic

>> No.7901638

Literally a myth

>> No.7901897

That is extracted from a conclusion of a research on rats.

>> No.7901925

>Yes, the chemistry is no different, but the psychology is.
Explain the difference of fuck off.

>> No.7901934

Bullshit pseudo-science.

>> No.7901961

no thats actual science
the amount of the stuff in a diet coke is so laughably small that it would have no effect on your physiology whatsoever

However people need to realize that diet coke is bad for you socially because it makes you look like a pussy

>> No.7902027
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No, but your misuse of the word "literally" is wrong.

>> No.7902913

depends on the glycemic index of the sweetener used, typical sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, etc) don't have a very high GI but stuff that's got sorbitol or maltitol will cause a reaction.

>> No.7902921

everything has an LD50, everything. most low calorie sweeteners are extremely sweeter than sucrose so very little is required however there are several that are less sweet than sucrose as well.

>> No.7902924

>implying any part of that post was true

If you believed it you got trolled