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7882484 No.7882484 [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay to substitute baking soda for baking powder if you're cooking but not baking?

>> No.7882490


>> No.7882532

Why not? What effect is it going to have?

>> No.7882578

>too lazy to Google
>wants the answers spoon fed to him

fuck off

>> No.7882584

Nigga they do two completely different things. Also >>7882578

>> No.7882591

fucking lazy shitposting faggots you could have just answered me in the time it took you to shit post

fucking american pigs

>> No.7882611

and you could have googled it and already had your answer instead of whining about it

>> No.7882844

You're not me. Kill yourself samefagging piece of shit

You think I hadn't fucking googled it already? There are a lot worse questions being asked on this board and I don't see you giving two shits about them.

>> No.7882852

Such as what? Google already told me baking powder is nothing more than baking soda with a bit of acid, but I still don't know what different EFFECTS they're going to have on this: http://seonkyounglongest.com/kung-pao-chicken/

>> No.7882859

what are you using it for

itll affect the taste if youre making something delicate. if you are using it to thicken a sauce, why not just make a roux

>> No.7882882

OP, they're really right. This is a pretty simple thing to google. Please put more effort into searching for an answer before getting angry on the internet, as no one is obligated to help you.

But because you asked, baking soda and baking powder differ in composition, and thus how they operate is different as well. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate; it releases carbon dioxide gas when mixed with an acid, which in a cooking context is probably buttermilk, fruit, or yogurt (can't imagine a case where you'd put vinegar with baking soda). Baking powder otoh already has acid in it along with NaHCO3. But unlike baking soda, these acids are what you'd call a "delayed" reaction. They require something like heat or water to trigger, which then begins a reaction with the HCO3. This is useful to extend the length of the gas release, e.g. to make a cake fluffier while baking inside of an oven, where you can't touch it.

So you'll have to decide which is more suitable for whatever you're cooking.

>> No.7882900

Make a funnel and a high conc. solution of both and give yourself enemas with them. You'll be able to feel the difference and will be better informed about how to use them.

>> No.7882901

See >>7882852

>> No.7882903

In regards to that recipe you posted, baking soda will act as a tenderizer for the chicken when used in conjunction with alcohol and soy sauce. Baking powder won't do the job of tenderizing very well, as the reaction won't really take effect until you've hit the stove. That means there will probably be a weird metallic and soapy aftertaste, so I don't recommend using baking powder.

>> No.7882912

>as the reaction won't really take effect until you've hit the stove
Why not? Won't soy sauce and wine act as the catalyst?

>> No.7882915

Will aluminum free baking powder not leave the metallic taste you mentioned?

>> No.7882927

I believe he meant that if you're using baking powder then the second hit of co2 won't happen until the temp reacts 120 F (or somewhere in that neighborhood). that's why some baking powders will say "double acting" on the front

>> No.7882929
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Can I use banana peppers in my banana bread instead of bananas?

>> No.7882944

Maybe. Can't say I've tried using it before; don't use baking powder nearly often enough to experience that.

Ah, I may have misspoke. If the bicarbonate doesn't fully react, it'll leave the weird aftertaste as it is chemically a base. But yeah, soy sauce and wine will react with the sodium bicarbonate just fine. The issue is the rest of the acid inherently present in baking powder. because as >>7882927 mentioned, powder that double acts will first release CO2 with the liquids, but won't have that second release until the heat hits. By then, not much is left to neutralize the acidity (although I suppose you could add some sugar to the recipe while it cooks to fix that). Here's a link that explains it in a bit more detail: http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2015/06/11/baking-powder-vs-baking-soda/

>> No.7883247

>think that baking soda is just what the american cook books call baking powder
>make cornbread
>add baking soda instead of powder
>put it in the oven
>come back to see it's risen to the top of the oven about 2x the size of the pan
>tastes like complete shit

The times i've baked with baking powder there is always a slight chemically taste regardless. Self raising flower seems to never have that taste.