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7880388 No.7880388 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americans like to put bacon on everything?

>> No.7880395

There are only put on burgers and BLTs. Otherwise they are a breakfast side if you are trying to get fancy. Bacon is popular but rarely eaten.

>> No.7880397


>> No.7880398
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>Why do americans

>> No.7880401
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It's literally a real life meme. Americans love memes.
They eat memes, they vote for memes into office, they spout memes daily on social media, etc. It's a meme country, simply.

>> No.7880403
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Why does American chocolate have this vomit kinda taste to it?

>> No.7880407

I've only experienced that with Hershey.

>> No.7880408

anything wrapped in bacon is shitty garbage

i was so disappointed to see gordon ramsay keeps making meatloaf wrapped in bacon. how is it possible for that bacon to get crispy without overcooking the loaf.

>> No.7880413

Thin strips of meat would cook faster than the loaf they surround.

>> No.7880423
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What's so fascinating about mayonnaise? This American Youtube chef has several videos on recipes mainly based on mayonnaise on his channels. Judging from his huge subscription numbers, a lot of Americans seem to think like him. Why is that?

>> No.7880428

Because I can kill everything and anyone, fry em up, and chop em down. Im a terrible fucking animal and love what horrible fucking things I do.

>> No.7880430

american bacon sucks so bad. i want the real loin.

>> No.7880439
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Do "craft beer lovers" actually like IPAs? I severely doubt it. I think it's one of those peer pressure things. Nobody likes to admit these kinda beers are abysmal because they would get bullied by their friends.

Debate me.

>Hardcore mode: Don't say that not all IPAs are shit.

>> No.7880442

its thin, crispy, salty, and fatty which makes it really easy to add to most things while having a noticeable presence.

>> No.7880449

It's our way of triggering Muslims. Hopefully we're keeping enough away so none of them try to drive a truck through a nice 4th of July celebrating

>> No.7880452

I'll drink an IPA if it's the only choice that's not some shitty light beer, but I'll reach for basically anything else first

>> No.7880458


agreed, our whole culture has been pretty fucking cringey lately

>> No.7880461


i fucking hate IPA's

>> No.7880553

Because we aren't a part of an archaic religion that prohibits the consumption of pork.

>> No.7880558

where is that burger from?

>> No.7880568

I'm not a craft beer guy by any means but i really dig ipas.

>> No.7880570


I've had many good ones and quite a few shit ones.

>> No.7880571

Why do all Americans do this one thing I heard about some Americans doing?

>> No.7880573

Double IPA's can be good. Regular IPA's are for masochists who somehow enjoy bitter tastes.

>> No.7880582

corn syrup, baby. sugar costs too much.

>> No.7880625

I seen it on a donut...

>> No.7880694

OP didn't even say ALL.

>> No.7880699

I really don't get the huge bacon hype.

>> No.7880715

This. Bacon can be nice with some foods sometimes but fuck this "lol bacon is just the BEST, bacon lol, i put bacon on everything, bacon is just so fucking AMAZING who with me bacon flavored water with bacon flavored bacon lol" meme. Kill yourself faggots.

>> No.7880725

Fuck off, there isn't a "huge bacon hype" unless you're a pre-teen who learned about the world from youtube
This isn't a thing, you probably also think there is some huge vegan conspiracy. Think about this for a second: how can there be a huge vegan conspiracy and yet everything has added bacon? Get your head out of your ass and go outside for once.

>> No.7880735

Literally what the fuck.

>> No.7880842


im not even american, but these "WHY DO BURGERS DO X" threads trigger me still

fuck off

>> No.7880843

They like cancer.

>> No.7880854

yes. it tastes good.

>> No.7881035

It's good to counterbalance highly spicy, salty, or acidic foods, but you can also mix it with other things. I like to use a little chipotle mayo as a dipping sauce.

>> No.7881185

Because it hurts your butt, achmed.

>> No.7881321

IPAs are good if you get a good one. Lagunitas is terrible.

Wicked Weed's Pernicious is incredible.

>> No.7881334

outside of soup and maybe stuffin bacon has no real use tho

>> No.7881348

I Like high IBU sorry to bust your bubble.

>> No.7881373


>everyone else is just pretending to like it to fit in

And everyone likes IPA's, not just beer nerds.

>> No.7881409

because its delicious you pretentious cunt.

>> No.7881419

Really? Because I AM a beer nerd and it's my least favorite so I figured a normie would spit it out

>> No.7881429

IPA is fucking garbage. Avoid at all costs.
I drink every day, all day too.

>> No.7881438


If you were a beer nerd you'd have some sense of what's popular, and what other people enjoy.


>all ipa's are the same
>don't even try this hugely popular style of beer because i personally don't enjoy it

Sure is Summer in here.

>> No.7881443

I'm pretty sure non-americans don't understand bacon because bacon as in american bacon as in strip bacon is fucking delicious, unlike canadian bacon, back bacon, etc. because those are fucking ham not bacon goddamnit.

>> No.7881452

Are you fucking retarted

>> No.7881485

Canadian bacon is a canadian thing you stupid fat fuck.

Everyone besides them knows what bacon is.

>> No.7881490

It's butyric acid, retard.

>> No.7881531

>Nobody could possibly dislike a class of beers based entirely on the parameters that created the class in the first place

>> No.7881554


Outright rejecting an entire class of a popular food is called being a picky eater, and nobody likes a picky eater.

>> No.7881759
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shut up nerd

>> No.7882342

why are you a fucking idiot everywhere?

>> No.7882348

No U

>> No.7882468

mosaic is the only ipa i've enjoyed. Personally I prefer Belgian beers in their numerous styles. (biased due to Belgian ancestry)

>> No.7883030
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im moving to america

>> No.7883643
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Yes. They're my favorite. The hoppier the better(hopsecutioner /torpedo ect, even those are pretty mass produced at this point) but pic related is by far my favorite. It has some great florals.

>> No.7883685
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>Belgian ancestry

>> No.7883995

most IPAs taste like someome just dumped horseraddish in coors light I hate them

>> No.7884002

Maple bacon donuts are actually great.

>> No.7884027

You're right it is a meme country. A really tiny life compared to other countries and nations yet even goat fuckers in a desert talk about it.

I think that's the very definition of meme. A super sized one at that since it spans the globe.

>> No.7884033

Why do americans always need this special crap? What the fuck is an IPA? Why not just drink regular beer brewed german/belgian style?

>> No.7884051

to me enjoying an IPA is no different than enjoying a strong espresso or something similar. I can see how they might be a little too much for certain pallettes, but that doesn't mean the only people enjoying them are ironic beard fucks

>> No.7884054

Because we're better than you European fucks

>> No.7884078

Why do americans get so defensive about their country whenever somebody talks shit about it.

>lul we helped u win tha war if not for my grandpappy u wud b speekin' commie by now


>> No.7884093


why do yuros still pretend like they are a superpower

>> No.7884097


>someone simply points out that it's a shitposting thread
>anon proceeds to shitpost even harder

>> No.7884104

It's not being defensive or talking shit. It's just these threads are usually asking about shit other people do outside of America or it's just an asinine question. Is bacon on a burger really that outrageous?

>> No.7884107

Why is the rest of the world so obsessed with america? Just marry us already jeez

>> No.7884151
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Can I get a survey going?

>do you like IPAs

I want to weed out the <21 age group and find people that are over 21 and STILL decide to shit on IPAs on an anonymous image board.

>> No.7884201

because americans always feel the need to overdo everything. see big gulp, sandwiches with a full inch of cold cuts, hamburgers with 9 patties, etc. obviously beer had to fall victim to it too.

>> No.7884270

22, I really don't like IPAs. Don't drink craft beer that much but I like stouts that's about it. Besides that I'm a Budweiser kind of guy.

>> No.7884273


>do you like ipa's

That's like asking if you like onions. People who seriously don't like IPA's either haven't tried a good one, are picky eaters, or simply don't really like beer to begin with and only put up with mild lagers to fit in.

>> No.7884290


Because your yuropoor mom just tastes better with bacon, go to bed son.

>> No.7884300

You sure showed him

>> No.7884303

i don't like ones that are just hop strength competitions, but the ones i've tried that are paired with a citrus and not hoppy beyond reason are quite good. example: abita's grapefruit ipa. i can demolish that stuff, great summer beer

>> No.7884308

I don't like bacon very much, also what the fuck is wrong with those patties?

>> No.7884314

Pretty much this.

t. 25

>> No.7884318

two are doused in cheese and one is a breaded patty of something else

chicken, maybe chicken fried steak

>> No.7884931

23 and no. I don't hate them either, but I find that they're all pretty hoppy and smell like weed.

>> No.7885000


I want to know why in the UK everyone has started putting pulled fucking pork on everything. It seemed to just appear on every menu as a side and there is loads of shit in the supermarkets that come with it that wouldn't normally.

>> No.7885016

>Why not just drink regular beer brewed german/belgian style

Because your beer is shit.

British beer is where its at.

>> No.7885018

I am a catholic fag so when I drink stuff besides lite beer I like to drink trappist ale to support the monks

>> No.7885024


I would drink an IPA over cheap lager (bud, fosters etc) but would usually pick something else if it was available.

They really aren't that bad, wind your neck in a bit an accept some people like things you don't.

>> No.7885030


>what the fuck is an ipa
>why not just drink a regular beer

If you knew anything about the US you'd be making fun of people who adamantly stick to their favorite macro lager, and then realize you sound exactly the same as them.

>> No.7885041

>what the fuck is an IPA
>The term IPA is commonly used in the United Kingdom for low-gravity beers, for example Greene King IPA and Charles Wells Eagle IPA. IPAs with alcohol by volume of 4% or lower have been brewed in the UK since the First World War,[22] when taxes on beer ingredients greatly increased and brewers responded by lowering the strength of their beers.

>this is the knowledge of continental cuckposters

>> No.7885162

Because any american recipe must include at least 2 of the following ingredients:

A POUND of butter
Raw meat

Those are the staple ingredients of american high cuisine.

>> No.7885167



Never had one but I hate them.

>> No.7885187

what a fat

>> No.7885196

So my cheapo malt liquors have more APV% than expensive meme beers

>> No.7885203

>APV is the only thing that matters
Off to bed lad, this site is 18+

>> No.7885375

>Because the medical industry dosent make much money off vegans.