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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 771 KB, 2478x1392, Beer-researchers-look-for-the-secrets-behind-the-perfect-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7873763 No.7873763 [Reply] [Original]

why do people COMPLAIN when they don't get foam on their beer?

that shit literally is a scam. some tavern owner somewhere must have said 'ill make out like the foam is the best part' so he could charge the same price for LESS beer.

The foam tastes disgusting. Why the hell do people WANT it?

>> No.7873768

I like foam.

>> No.7873786

You don't like to get good head? Fucking fag.

>> No.7873796

IPAs are best with a head IMO, really brings out a lot of underlying flavors. with a nice stout its a must as well. you would know all of this if you drank more than coors light.

>> No.7873810

Their is a line. The one in your pic, too much foam. especially for lager. You want about 1/2 inch of head to make sure all the aromatics are going.
What you have there is a bad pour and are losing all the delicious aromatics to the air.

You don't drink the foam you smell the foam.

>> No.7873815

you sound like a pleb to me. beer is for getting wasted. it doesn't even taste good. if you want a patrician alchohol go for wine or one of the fine spirits. beer is literally bottom grade and you couldn't be more of a pleb if you tried. trying to glamorize beer as though it actually has nice flavors is retarded. inb4 you post some obscure german larger that is made of kiwano melon and romanesco.

>> No.7873820
File: 511 KB, 642x479, 1467747065288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.7873823



A lot of what you perceive as taste is smell.

The bubbles in the head release fumes to your nose hole as they burst. Same reason they have all the funny shaped glasses.

>> No.7873829

IPAs and Stouts with head? What kinda fizzy shit you drinking anon?

>> No.7873831

>he's never paid more than $5 for a bottle of beer

>> No.7873832

OP, just FYI, you're an idiot. Try harder at life.

>> No.7873835

i swear to christ if any of you respond to this bait....

>> No.7873836
File: 904 KB, 3096x1741, 20151209_171710_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some obscure german larger
>obscure german larger
>german larger

Please, do go on.

>> No.7873845
File: 18 KB, 462x260, 5409825_gal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>australia complaining about bubbles in beer

Do you even realize that the thing you're most famous for in first world countries is a fictional account of how Einstein changed the world by discovering how to put bubbles in beer by splitting the atom?

>> No.7873853

australia is the first world you fucktard amerifat

>> No.7873867

>prison island
>first world

>> No.7873868


Most of the world thinks of Australia the same way they think of Thailand: it's a nice place to visit but you'd never want to live there and have no idea what they contribute to the world aside from being a tourist destination.

>> No.7873893

thats why pokemon go was released first in australia and the us? thats why australia has one of the highest GDP? thats why australia has a government synonmous with the first world? thats why australians get healthcare?

fuck off with your demented idea that australia is on par with thailand.


>> No.7873911


>we get the new pokemon first

Australian pride, ladies and gentlemen.

>sage for off topic

>> No.7874229

You got it because you have so many asians, dude.

>> No.7874236

o i am laffin

>> No.7874246

Guinness is a stout.

>> No.7874298
File: 236 KB, 910x478, Press1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you don't know what beer is.
Beer, like men, needs head. It locks in the flavour, like a good piece of Tupperware. It also prolongs carbonation.
Beer has tons of flavour. Try living in Belgium for a while. Quality beer is like tap water here.

>> No.7874305

Oh hey! It's this 19 year old idiot again! Hi dumbass!

>> No.7874323

>You don't drink the foam you smell the foam.
Not OP, but that explains why I never cared for it.

My sinuses are completely shot and I have nearly no sense of smell. I'd rather they just filled the glass with more to drink.

>> No.7874342


>your average foam enthusiast

>> No.7874344

>that neckbeard who thinks beer is only obscure if it's 99% alcohol
No passport: the hobby

>> No.7874347

>your life will never be so shit that polygon is an essential element of your pride
Not even going to bother to fix the autocorrect

>> No.7874349

ITT: Americans talking about """beer"""

>> No.7874529


>> No.7874536
File: 16 KB, 293x323, 1468340469405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis gonna be good

>> No.7874578

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.7874587

He didn't blow anything out, that was my first post in the thread and I'm from somewhere that has had more than just IPA and Coors for a long time

Face it: you'll spend the next fifteen years getting over "the new craft beer" and then, possibly, come to your senses

>> No.7874593

A little bit of head is objectively perfect. A lot of head is irritating.

>> No.7874601

Why is /ck/ unable to wrap their minds around the idea that people like different things?

>> No.7874606

Don't you have weights and measures laws? Beer is served in glasses with enough volume for a full pint of liquid along with the head.

>> No.7874608

/ck/ as a whole is fine with it, a few posters aren't. They start threads which end up 80% of people disagreeing with them.

>> No.7875017

Spotted the Anglo.

>> No.7875020


It's trolling bro.

>> No.7875080


I swear this better not get a shit ton of replies

I work my ass off everyday to try and post something that gets nowhere close to 10 (You)s
I try and be the first poster to every new thread to get the perfect sarcastic remark
But this fucker posts this shitty bait and you guys just poor (You)s and reaction images

Come the fuck on /ck/

>> No.7875113

>being such an alcoholic that you're whining over 1 extra mouthful of beer
Jesus mate, seek help.

>> No.7875119

>still using archaic categorisation for countries that no scholar has actually used for decades

>> No.7875120

Spotted the third worlder

>> No.7875397

Australia is one of the best run countries on the planet, and they have much in common with us culturally as any country but Canada. Australia = ultimate bros.

>> No.7875444

>You got it because you have so many asians, dude.
Which is fucking ironic considering Japan doesn't even have it yet.

>> No.7875643

saved for future pasta

>> No.7875658

Japan and US were supposed to get it the same day and NZ and Aus were first since no one lives there and they thought they would be a good test of the servers. They immediately stopped the roll out after America because they have shitty infrastructure engineers

>> No.7875662

You're not supposed to drink the foam, it's there to protect your beer. It helps lock the flavor and carbonation in, while releasing aromas. Of course, if all you drink is shitty mass made lagers, foam doesn't really serve much of a purpose.

>> No.7876211

I like some head on my beer, but not too much. There's a normal amount for certain beers, and then there's just the "you can't pour a beer or any carbonated drink right" amount, which is a waste.

Guinness is a nitro beer. The head on it and any of such beers is inevitable.

I don't want to visit Australia. I'd be too worried about being bit by some venomous creature on the nutsack while taking a shit.

>> No.7876248

>why do people COMPLAIN when they don't get foam in their beer?
Because they're drunk.

>> No.7876294

If you regularly purchase the same beer, you get to know how much foam is normal for that particular brew. If someone pours a pint of that beer and there's no foam, that's indicative of it being flat. In general, it's all about consistency. Some people prefer more/less foam than others. That's just life and good bartenders will cater to their customer's needs.

>> No.7876305

>lock the flavor and carbonation in
Oh look, another old wive's tale on /ck/

>> No.7876550

maybe you should find enjoyment in not being such a fucking faggot?

>> No.7877837

Czech bartender reporting in.
The foam...
>prevents beer from oxidation (metalic taste)
>keeps aromas in
>works as insulation
>if mde properly (thick foam made on purpose, not that soapy shit, which disappears in two minutes) it actually adds another flavor, makes beer sweeter and adds creamy texture - search term "šnyt"
>In summer it actually helps you fish out any debriss or flies, that might get caught in your tankard, if you're drinking outside.
>also most of the pubs use nitrogen or carbon dioxide gas to keep pressure in the barrel and pipes. The beer can be too fizzy if you don't drive out the gas by proper pouring. It's the inkeepers expertise of pouring a good beer.

I'm speaking only about lagers/special lagers. I'm not experienced with top-fermented beers, since we don't serve those.

>> No.7878156

If you can't shitpost just accept it you edgy babby