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7863808 No.7863808 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here remember when elementary school teachers tried making you try new foods?

I remember in 6th grade, my teacher had us do a project on Mexico and to demonstrate this, she made us guacamole. She got some probably moldy avocados, dumped in jarred Tostito's jarred salsa, added in Tabasco, and mixed it up.

I thought I hated guacamole until I actually had it when I was older.

>> No.7863823

Never happened.

When I took Spanish in high school we took a field trip to a real Mexican restaurant for lunch, but that was about it.

>> No.7863824

I'm actually triggered by what happened to you.

>> No.7863825

Substitute 'Mexican food' with any other subject under the sun and realise how much damage a bad teacher, and by extension a broken education system, can do to a generation.

>> No.7864160

I'm kind of sad that was her guacamole recipe.

>> No.7864167

That sounds so depressing.

>> No.7864206


Every day, I thank the Lord for not being white.

How do you people get by with such horrid food?

>> No.7864228

shut up retard


>> No.7864265

My friend's mom would always make Irish soda bread for St. Patrick's Day. Does it always taste bad?

>> No.7864274


How is that depressing?

>shitty elective class nobody cares about
>lets go on a field trip for lunch and pretend to do work by reading the menu

>> No.7864292


hey, she tried you haters. you know how hard it is to get up every day and teach you ungrateful brats? she used her own money to buy that food to try and broaden the horizons of a bunch of amerifats who'll never leave their couch much less visit another country and realize there's more to life than mcdonalds and mindless amerifat tv.

>> No.7864294

Fuck off nigger

>> No.7864296

French teacher regularly made pain au chocolat for classes that did well on exams. It was amazing.

>> No.7864311

I'm Mexican and that shit op described is an insult to guacamole.

>> No.7864379

Yeah, but she could have saved money by buying tomatoes and jalapenos instead of jarred salsa.

It is true though. Teachers are pretty undervalued. Dated a kindergarten teacher. She even got a masters. Underpaid and bought supplies and snacks with her own money.

>> No.7864400

This actually happened to me a few times. Once in second grade where i was going to a elementary school for a native reservation. They made us eat cut peppers with various cheeses and fruits not normally at the grocery story lime papaya, starfruit and pomegranate. Keep in mind this was like 96. Then in 7th grade we had a culture class and everyone brought foods from different countries. France was baguettes and nuetella, mexico was fajitas and salsa, china was fried rice and censorship, japan was sushi and milktea and so on. In high school it happened again in Spanish class. Everyone phoned it in with cheese quesadilla and salsa or tacos.

>> No.7864427

>japan was sushi and milktea

But milk tea is Taiwanese. Someone fucked up.

>> No.7864431

My teacher was from Georgia (the state) and she made us cheesy grits one day

I ate like 5 servings of that shit and my teacher looked at me funny. And that's how she found out we didn't eat at home and my only meal was the free school lunch.

Thanks Mrs. Moye I still think about you whenever I eat grits

>> No.7864432

Those types of teachers are the real MVP

>> No.7864436

She brought in dehydrated fruit from her trees and I remember she'd make it a point to leave a large bag in my desk for me to take home to my siblings every time.

She was a great and truly influential teacher.

>> No.7864458

this happened to me in highschool except the teacher made amazing guac and so me and my friend made some a few days later and it wasnt as good.

>> No.7864464

socalbro here, we were taught california history. we had field trips to "old town" where made our own masa and tortillas. Helped render pork fat in a big cauldron. made our own chicharones. made churros and watched a old lady fry them for us. shit was great.

>> No.7864489

Ayy i went to expensive kindergarten, dunno why my parents sent me there cuz they too broke&dead to send me good college

Anyway these kindergarten teachers actually cooked some exotic shit everyday to feed and teach us lil kids, for ex: some african sticky liquid kind of bread(probably corn starch and water), baumkuchen, tom yam, coq au vin, more african shit, ratatouille, naan and curry etc etc

My First lesson on multiculturalism and it made me adventurous on foods.

>> No.7865736

Foreign language isn't elective, and it's important. I'm almost fluent in Spanish now, largely because of what I learned in school.

>> No.7866494

>Teacher made chocolate cake for everyone
>I wasn't allowed a piece because I was fat
>Told me loudly so everyone could hear
>fast forward
12 years of anorexia and counting :)

>> No.7866501

Damn. Right on Ms. Moye.

>> No.7866506



>> No.7866520

God damn, what a cunt.

I don't know why people think teachers don't have a significant influence on children's lives and development.

Reminds me of a teacher I had in 5th grade. (Still food related)

I grew up in an incredibly poor neighborhood full of immigrants. Of course, the elementary school I went to was like 95% kids who were on free lunch. I remember there being some initiative or something to raise taxes to fund the schools. This would directly impact the school I went to because it was severely underfunded. I know this, because my 5th grade teacher kept talking about it.

Well, the day after everyone voted, it failed. I know this because my teacher went on an hour long spiel about it. She berated us about how because our parents were all immigrants who were too poor and dumb to vote, it failed. She said it was our fault for not wanting a better school. She said it was dumb that we all got free lunch where she had to pay for hers. For many of us, the free lunch was our meal of the day. We depended on it. She of course didn't realize this so she called us lazy and stupid. This went on for an hour, just endless berating of us and our parents.

I'll never forget that. Fucking cunt.

>> No.7866531

Uhh if you and your classmates told your parents and went to the school board you probably could've had one less crotchety teacher on the roster. Probably wouldn't have known that as kids though. You can always push her old ass down some stairs though.

>> No.7866534

I remember when i was a little kid they had these optional math flashcards and if we finished them they would give you an ice cream sandwich. I was like fuck that im not doing this math shit, i think i was the only kid who didn't do it, still got an ice cream sandwich

>> No.7866539

Jeez, bro. It's seriously uncool that a human being that scummy was able to have any effect on your life, let alone leave you with such a horrible memory that's been with you all this time. Don't worry about her dude.

>> No.7866538

How are your math skills now?

>> No.7866548

I'm good at arithmetic but i can't remember much beyond that

>> No.7866555

The magic of tenure

>> No.7866594
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It pisses me off when teachers don't know their shit and yet still pretend they do. If they don't know it, then fine, but the ones that make lil ones think stupid shit simply because they themselves are stupid.

Story related
>4th grade
>'World Day'
>Teacher brings in food from her "country" (she's from toronto but apparently her ancestors were Polish)
>"GIN-KOO-YAY class, i got some special Polish treats for ya"
>excited, love me some tripe and cabbage rolls (I'm half Polish)
>she pulls out pirogi
>well ok still good
>"ok class, these are pee-ro-gee. They take inspiration from italy!"
>take a bite
>fucking bolognese inside
>ask teacher if she made them
>"no my boyfriend did, he's the chef, teehee"
>ask her if she has tripe
>"what's that?"
>explain it's cow stomach
>"oh honey you can't eat that kind of stuff"
>we had it for dinner the previous week
>say ^^
>she gets up
>writes the word "offal" on the board
>gives the class an impromptu lesson
>"offal is all the icky parts of an animal that we don't use. Imagine eating brain, ew!"
>kids all make "ew gross" statements
>"you see anon? The stomach's part of the offal. We don't eat it"
>mfw I'm half British as well
>mfw steak and kidney pie
>mfw liver and onions
>mfw sweetbreads
>mfw good ol tripe

>> No.7866699

In middle school, our Spanish class went to a Spanish restaurant a few blocks down from school. The catch was, we had to order in Spanish...and any conversations we had? Also Spanish. (Incidentally, that was the first time I ever had a milkshake. God damn are those things delicious.)

Later on, in high school, we'd have a party on the last day of Spanish class for both the fall and spring semesters. Each person in the class had to make a Spanish or Central/South American recipe. This was a thing at both high schools I went to (moved states halfway through).

I always made the same Spanish recipe for baked apples. Every single time. I made it for the first of these parties and it disappeared in like five minutes, so every time afterwards, I had people demanding I make it. Same thing happened after I moved.

>tfw kitchen would smell like baked apples for two days
>tfw hair would smell like baked apples for two days no matter how many times I washed it
>tfw I don't actually like baked apples at all

My brother went to the same school, half the time he got away with bringing in Marinela cookies. One time after we moved, he decided to bring in Goya arroz primavera:

>11 PM
>senior year, about to go to sleep after studying for finals and working on AP stuff
>"Hey, can you make this rice? Our Spanish class is having its party tomorrow."
>pleased, since Goya rice is slightly less lazy than Marinelas
>follow all the instructions on the box to the letter, go upstairs to brush my teeth while rice is cooking
>crazy-ass broken stove apparently decides the "low" setting actually means "high" sometime between my getting upstairs and getting the toothbrush into my mouth
>come downstairs to find a blackened mass stuck in the pan, the kitchen full of smoke, and my mom standing there looking really pissed off
>brother ends up bringing in Marinelas

>> No.7868106

>Foreign language isn't elective
>I know the curriculum at your high school

>> No.7869100

oops I meant to say it's not elective in my state

>> No.7869134


I think two years of a foreign language were required at my high school. It was a public school and the only two options were Spanish and Japanese; try to guess which state.

>> No.7869163

California or Washington?

I live in New York and the options are Spanish, French, and Italian. I think 4 years starting from 7th grade are required, I took 6 years though because I actually liked the subject, it was one of the only classes I paid attention in.

>> No.7869213
File: 22 KB, 307x485, 1417593292285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baguettes and nutella
>Fried rice and censorship

>> No.7869224

I remember having a Christmas unit in French class back in 8th grade were we could bring in food. Some people brought in food. Me and a more popular girl both ended up bringing in buche de noels. Everyone wanted to try hers but I don't think anybody had a bite of mine.

I remember a couple years later in highschool French hearing some people talking about buche de noels and a girl I recognized from the class after mine way back in 8th grade complimented a guy on the one I had left in the class back then. I guess she thought he had made it or something. I felt really worthless about it all because he didn't even go to our school.

I also remember a food unit we were doing where we had a project to find a french recipe, make it, and then bring it into class and explain it, and everyone would eat each other's stuff at the end. I made a quiche lorraine but nobody wanted to try it that time either.

>> No.7869235

In one of my spanish classes we had a food day and a girl made guacamole, but this was years before guac became a big thing so everyone thought it looked too weird to eat. She had me and another classmate try it and it was good.

Another spanish teacher at the same school had us try fried plantains and nutella. I forgot the name of it but he also recommended that dish that's a mix of seafood and vegetables.

>> No.7870232

Fried plaintains are so good with ice cream

>> No.7870271

So your saying letting one moment of relatively light shaming is justification for having major body issues for over a
decade? That's bullshit and you can take your victimizing mentality right on back where you came from you little bitch.

>> No.7870299

I brought in calamari as a fav food and most of the kids thought the idea of eating squid was gross.

>> No.7870308

Me too, bro. That's just fucking WRONG on so many levels.

>> No.7870336

Same homie

>> No.7870348

Sounds like a golden field trip to me.

>> No.7870653


>> No.7870666

I'm mexican american but in high school spanish class every holiday or first friday of the month we'd have tostada potlucks. Everyone would bring tortillas, rice, beans, meat, ham, cheese, pica de gallo, avocado, sodas, etc. Listen to music. Only rule was you couldn't speak english, had to speak spanish. Shit was great. Someone would bring some different chili every time trying to out spice whoever brought the last chili.

We all just about spoke spanish already. It was just required IB extra language. The class itself was just making sure we could speak formally and read/write formally and kicking back otherwise. Cool spoopy spanish novels and movies.

Once before christmas break we had a tamale party where we all just made tamales in class for most of the day. Another time for a field trip we went to the market square. Had to write about it after. Ate at some tourist trap mexican restaurant. Fun stuff.

I remember in elementary a teacher taught us how to use chop sticks and gave us fortune cookies but no actual food. He just went on for the day about how different there food was and what real chinese food was like.

>> No.7870668
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Either she's lying or she's extremely entitled.

Probably both desu.

>> No.7870689

Oh and when I went to college I went way up north in pittsburgh. Few mexicans besides labor workers from NY.

I picked up a job waiting at the one kinda legit mexican restaurant for a while. One lunch shift in come a dozen middle schoolers and a teacher saying they were here for a cultural field trip. The teacher assumed I was related to the owners, uneducated, and spoke no english. So being a bit of a dick back I just refused to speak any spanish to the kids when she wanted. Taught them a couple swear words but also fake slang. She kept bothering me to speak spanish and that the kids couldn't order in english. I didn't have the time to deal with it all. Couple little boys were being little shits so I told them the best lines for hitting on a girl and it was essentially them calling themselves faggots and calling the girl a mother fucker and asking to suck her dick.

Another time a group of teachers came in, asked if they could come in later the next with some students, explained their attempt to teach them spanish, talked it out with the owner. Owner had me specifically working them since I was the only waiter that spoke spanish (other waiters were a black girl, old white lady, and russian student my age). Kids came in a bit rowdy, calmed themselves down, enjoyed some jarritos, attempted some formal spanish, asked a lot of questions and were cool. That school came by about 3 times a year with different students and were usually chill.

>> No.7870805

I think she was both. She was kind of a bitch. Her parents paid for her 1500 dollar a month apartment and probably paid for everything else.

>> No.7870818

>she used her own money to buy that food
she didn't use a lot of it

>> No.7870957

i like guac but now when i eat it i feel sick to my stomach, even if its just a tiny finger tip amount. whats wrong with me?

>> No.7871016

Poblano detected

>> No.7871029

>fried rice and censorship
das a gud 1

>> No.7871693

We had a Chinese culture day in 3rd grade where we had shitty Chinese food and tea. The tea was burning hot, constant comment and I remember being repulsed and burned by it. I didn't eat Chinese food again for 10 years and I hated tea for a long time.

>> No.7871856

>China was fried Rice and censorship
My sides

>> No.7871864

Lo más gracioso es ver adolecentes estado unidenses intentar hablar español

>> No.7871873

Normal people have the tendency to remember bad things they had in childhood you autistic funk
Funk out
Overpowered by funk

>> No.7871882


La palabra es "adolescentes" bro.

>> No.7871893
File: 43 KB, 612x365, Heston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heston Blumenthal visited our school and made us eat a meteorite

>> No.7872140

Kinda related
>Be 6
>Dad lets friend's grandpa babysit us
>Makes disgusting mashed potatoes
>Refuse to eat
>Threatens to put duck tape on my mouth if I don't
>End up telling father about it and he tells him off
>Still can't eat mashed potatoes to this day
I should probably get over it by now but that wasn't cool man

>> No.7872171

My spanish class had a series of asides on the cultures of various spanish-speaking countries, all of which were nothing more than an excuse to order catering for the class instead of suffering through the trash they served in the cafeteria.

Esp good stuff:
Grilled anything from the argentinian place.
Peruvian potato salad
Tacos al pastor and tacos arabes
Jamon serrano

Esp shitty stuff:
The refried beans that came with the mexican order. They blew their whole wad on the tacos and the salsas and somehow managed to make watery refritos.
Moors and Christians. They royally fucked the beans up on this one too. They were so undercooked I almost didn't notice the pebble they missed when they were picking them over.

>> No.7872804

Nah, I worked in an irish restaurant that shit was delicious.

>> No.7872809

Its a shame that the only job left after the post specialization economy for the incompetent is education of youth. Stickers for everybody.

>> No.7872818

It's true. Throughout mandatory schooling, I thought that "social studies" was fake and gay and a terrible subject.

College rolls around and now I'm an aspiring social scientist.

>> No.7872832

You're giving me feels anon. quit it.

>> No.7872838

stop being a bitch. buy some nice potatoes and fantastic whole fat cream pick the best recipe and go to town.

you probably on team instinct you bitch made mother fucker.

>> No.7872856

does anyone else miss those days? It seems like nowadays there's this huge focus on everyone being so worldly and everything being super authentic.

>> No.7872874


>does anyone else miss those days

There are many changes that have happened in the world in the past 20-30 years that make me both mad and nostalgic, but good food becoming mainstream is definitely not one of them.

>> No.7872994

My French teacher cousin brought her class mini-macarons. I was taken out for empanadas in Spanish class, on our field trip to a Spanish dancing performance

>> No.7873005

or maybe people are so used to things like OP's teacher that they want food that tastes good

>> No.7873048
File: 146 KB, 537x452, 1451675114427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to German-esque neighborhood for "field trip" for our high school German language class
>have to cram ourselves into half full public transportation buses
>despite the field trip spanning all the German classes in our school
>after dicking around in the hot sun all day, get to eat "authentic German food" for lunch
>pay out of the ass for a huge empty plate with two dry wieners and some mashed potatoes
>at least I didn't get the vegetarian meal
That was the only field trip I got to go on (twice)

>> No.7873161

H-how did you know that?