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File: 27 KB, 640x400, vietcoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7862618 No.7862618 [Reply] [Original]

What's your usual order? I know very little about coffee so going into a local coffee house is always an intimidating experience. Is that pathetic? Anyway, coffee thread I guess.

>> No.7862725

>dat pic
Since when does Viet coffee have a foam like that?

>usual order
I don't buy coffee out often enough to have a usual, but latte macchiato was my order the last couple times. Frothed milk, like for a normal latte, then the espresso is pour into the centre, creating a spot (macchia) of brown in the middle of a field of white. 'Macchiato' literally means "stained" or "with a/many spot/s."

>pathetic to feel intimidated?
Nah. Wine, coffee, tea, beer etc create an air of snobbery about them so as to separate the knowledged, classy, refined Us™ from the ignorant, trashy, low-brow Them™ in order to get Us™ to fork over Our™ hard-earned shekels on things that are at best only minimally better, yet somehow exceedingly costlier, than what They™ are drinking.

>> No.7862729

>going into a local coffee house is always an intimidating experience.

stop being beta and just ask the barista instead of 4chan. If it's a respectable place, then 1) whoever's serving you should know what they're talking about and 2) they won't be pretentious faggots who turn their nose up at you for not knowing the exact pressure at which Pavarotti liked his shots pulled at.

Apart from that a double espresso is what I get. It's simple and it gets the job done. But just ask them, seriously.

>> No.7862734

When I go out I usually get a flat white because I can't yet make one properly at home

That or a double espresso

What i like about a flat white is that you can still taste the coffee in it, unlike with most cappuccinos which are just a ton of milk

>> No.7862736

And run the risk of other people thinking you don't know what you want to drink in a cafe ARE YOU INSANE???

>> No.7862789

It's something called egg coffee, sounded interesting to me so I was reading about it/looking at pictures. I liked that one.

So how's that different from a regular latte or macchiato? Sorry, like I said, I know very little.

Thanks man. I sometimes will if I'm one of a small crowd of people in the place, but if it's busier, one, I don't want to seem stupid in front of a whole lot of people, and two, I don't want to hold up the line.

I feel you on the flat white. The place nearest me makes cappuccinos with way too much milk for me.

>> No.7862804

>I don't want to seem stupid in front of a whole lot of people, and two, I don't want to hold up the line.
Fuck that. Just ask questions when you don't know what different kinds of coffees are, what makes them different etc. Chances are half the people in line behind you don't know either.

>> No.7862810

>Chances are half the people in line behind you don't know either.
Never really considered that. I've kind of always just assumed that everybody knows more than me.

>> No.7862931

>different from regular latte or macchiato?
As explained, the word 'macchiato' just means "with a spot" or "stained." I don't know what you mean by 'regular macchiato.'
Without a noun before it for it to modify, such as 'latte' or 'caffe,' I'm not sure exactly what's being stained so I don't know how latte macchiato might differ from whatever you know of as 'macchiato.'
'Latte macchiato' literally means 'stained milk.'
'Caffe macchiato' means 'stained coffee,' and is the reverse of a latte macchiato wherein a shot of espresso is stained with a small bit of frothed milk.

As for the difference between latte macchiato and caffelatte, caffelatte is espresso and milk mixed together, with the frothed milk poured into the coffee in such a way that it mixes and churns as it's added while latte macchiato has the espresso simply poured into the centre of the milk froth with no special technique to it at all and that's it.

>> No.7862937

Okay, thanks, that clarifies things. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.7862953

>When I go out I usually get a flat white because I can't yet make one properly at home

keep your pulls short. like the first half of the pull, way before blonding.

>> No.7863008
File: 575 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hit up Saint Frank and Wrecking Ball in San Fran... Really solid stuff.

Warning: Shit ton of hipsters, but the coffee is great!

>pic related is for my Instajew account.

>> No.7863077

I'm on the other coast, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind should I ever make it that far.

>> No.7863308

Coffee can be intimidating, especially if the shop you frequent is a bit stuck up.
Finding a shop that's willing to guide you is nice.
Of course, some shops cater to specific types of coffee drinks. 3rd wave roasters will want to show off the coffee without much in the way. American espresso bars will likely have many drinks that are a mix of many ingredients.

My favorites (if at a 3rd wave place):
- espresso
- Chemex pour over (I like clarity > body)
- V60 pour over (If there's no Chemex option)

If I'm at a more general coffee shop, generally I get a cortado or breve, depending on how palatable I assume their espresso will be

>> No.7863316

ITT retards who dont know shit about coffee

I dont order it, I made my own coffee with my espresso machine

>> No.7863326
File: 1.04 MB, 2275x3000, PopChartLab__Expresso_Large506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a chart of what proportions you need for specific drinks

>> No.7863364

I get a cortado

>> No.7863375

Now, if something like that or any other drink really isn't explicitly written out on a place's menu, is it reasonable to expect a barista to make it anyway? Or is that some sort of coffee faux pas?

>> No.7863398

If it's something similar to a Starbucks seasonal drink best avoid it. Most baristas know what a cortado is, and it won't be rude to ask for one. Dirty Chai would be similar. If they have a Chai latte and espresso on the menu, they'll make your drink.

>> No.7863401

for a flate white you want ristretto not a regular espresso pull

>> No.7863412

Depends on the drink and on the place. If it's a hyper hipster-y joint, they won't be able to because the people that work in and run those sorts of places pretend to know what coffee is, but don't know how to do anything beyond making latte art and how to pour hot water over ground coffee by hand.

>> No.7863422

I've ordered a flat white twice (from different places)
Both times I received a Latte, and both were so ridiculously scaldingly hot I got burned on the mouth bit.

>> No.7863431

Alright, thanks guys.

>> No.7863434

I'd say it's reasonable as long as they have the ingredients (I've, for example, gotten affogatos off-menu from restaurants I knew had vanilla ice cream) and it's nothing too labor intensive. Really, I wouldn't worry about it.
And a cortado is just the Spanish name for a cafe noisette- the milk shouldn't be foamed. But these are all stupid and full of misinformation, aren't they.

>> No.7863443


>> No.7863482

Iced Cappuccinos.

I've been making them at home with instant coffee, milk and cream, sugar/syrup, and ice

Saves a ton of money and tastes great.

>> No.7863487

>instant coffee

>> No.7863504

Ok so you have two options:
A) Just ask the cashier or someone at the bar what they recommend, you should expect something weird, with milk, probably expensive
B) Maybe you are a grumpy old man like me so just ask for a ristretto or an espresso, if you like milk just ask for a cortado. Btw if your goal is to sound classy or something like that, which seems to be the idea of most people in coffee shops, just say the preparation of the coffee instead of its name. "I want a 3/4 concentrated espresso without milk, in a little cup"

>> No.7863511

Now this is sad, but i understand, sometimes homemade coffee isnt that bad

>> No.7863522

Oh I'm not out to look sophisticated or anything. I just don't want to look inept. I like coffee. I'd like to have a better understanding of it. That's all.

>> No.7863576

Oh then you are going to do alright, after all, everyone in that store started just like you right?

>> No.7863587

Thanks man. Yeah, I guess everybody has to start somewhere.

>> No.7863610

>What's your usual order
the free stuff at work because coffee isn't worth spending money on

>> No.7863711

Sorry to hear that anon. I also ended up with overly heated milk a few times

But if you noticed the difference between a bad latte and a flat white then I don't need to tell you those were some bad Batista's that made 'em.

I've had flat white in a few places and I've gotten some pretty good ones. You could really taste the espresso in it but it was also kinda creamy/soft. At least it's more relaxing than a double espresso (which I also enjoy by itself)

>> No.7863730

Nigga that looks like a rootbeer float.

>> No.7863742

>cappuccino with cream no sugar masterrace

>> No.7863749

I always so it doesn't fucking matter as long as it tastes good to you. If you want to eat shit, go for it. I have bitch mouth and can't stand bitter coffee so I add sugar and cream and I don't give a shit what others think cause they aren't drinking my fucking drink. Best way is to take a risk and try a new coffee each time until you figure it out. Food is like 99% personal choices.

>> No.7863768

i usually order a flat white unless i can get a "small" cappucino. milk hates my guts but soy doesnt make very good coffees.

dont worry about being nervous, though besides social anxiety and people who think coffee houses are ok to bring their kids, you've got nothing to worry about. every coffee place has 4 or 5 regulars who only drink breakfast tea and complain about everything.

what other people said about asking is good. if you interact with your server a little beyond addressing them as a drinks machine, they'll care a lil more about you while they make your order.

i used to be very into my cafetiere and cold pressing but right now im a fucking pleb and drink this stuff black at home. its not bad desu.

>> No.7863774

next time, drink coffee using your boipussy

>> No.7863796

whats your setup senpai

>> No.7863814

Triple espresso with ice, sweetened cream and sugar occasionally

>> No.7863826

Marc Maron?

>> No.7863900

Guess again.

>> No.7863930
File: 109 KB, 500x500, nani-questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? They both taste and look the same to me. I just generally see lattes ordered in the morning and cappuccinos ordered mid afternoon or after dinner.

>> No.7863946

How do I into coffee?

No seriously. I add milk/sugar and it still tastes bitter as fuck. I'm not a big coffe guy (for you) but I crave it once in a while. French vanilla is great. What do I do to achieve that sweet vanilla flavor?

>> No.7863949

Cappuccinos have way more foamed milk, whereas lattes are majority steamed milk.

>> No.7864370

Cappuccino is 1/3 espresso 1/3 steamed milk 1/3 foamed milk. If you change the ratio of steamed:foamed it is wet or dry.

Latte is 1/5 espresso 3/5 steamed milk 1/5 foamed milk.

Obviously measurements don't have to be exactly on the mark it's just a rough idea of what the ratios are. Basically cappuccino has less milk.

>> No.7864761

Thank you. That explains when I can't tell the difference.

Is my assumption that more people order lattes in the morning and cappuccinos in the afternoon/evening correct?

>> No.7864770

Reminder that a flat white is not a real coffee and if you think it is you're delusional or poorly educated

>> No.7864786

I love coffee but think I am sensitive to it as it makes me feel off, dizzy, headachy, sleepy etc.

Shame as I'd easily just drink and drink it.

>> No.7864818


Poor quality drip coffee is usually going to be very bitter and acidic. If you're using a drip machine, invest in some better equipment (there are tons of options -- aeropress, french press, moka pot, etc.) and pick up some decent coffee. I'd recommend buying a cheap grinder so that you can buy whole bean coffee. Pre-ground coffee can sometimes taste stale or even rancid, depending on how well it was packaged.

If you like sweet vanilla coffee, just add milk + vanilla extract + sugar. If you want to get used to black coffee eventually, start slowly adding less and less of those things. Black coffee is an acquired taste, but very enjoyable once you do acquire it.

>> No.7864824


You might have a poor tolerance for caffeine. Try a cup of decaf sometime and see if it has the same effect.

>> No.7864827

my usual order depends on how tired i'm feeling and how hot it is.

if hot:
cold brew
else if tired:
double espresso macchiato
flat white

>> No.7864841

I did and think it actually made me feel worse.

Was the 0.3% moccona stuff.

>> No.7864853

Then it probably isn't the caffeine that's the problem, maybe something with the oils or some kind of allergy to the beans? I'm pulling that out of my ass but if less caffeine made you just as sick feeling, likely wasn't the caffeine.

>> No.7864857

> if hot
> cold brew
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7864879

Depends on where you live, I think. Where I'm from originally, the opposite is true but where my family moved to later in childhood, your scenario was 100% accurate. However, where I live now, people seldom to never drink cappuccino at all.

If the weather is hot, Anon orders cold brewed coffee.
This is because he hates himself and wants to die but is too much of a pussy to ever pull the trigger. Cold brewed coffee's disgustingly awful flavour is his self-inflicted punishment for living.

>> No.7864942

Cold brew is fine dude, calm down, edgelord.

I drink simple, drip, black coffee. I prefer Ethiopian Yigracheffe when I can get it.

>> No.7866782

There is literally nothing wrong with instant coffee

Prove me wrong

>> No.7866860

1. It's nearly 100% made from cheap shit, no one wastes the nice coffee on it
2. All oil-based esters are lost in the process so you get literally zero fruit flavours or anything remotely interesting
3. It's often stale as fuck just by nature of the process so half of the remaining flavours have oxidised

In the end it just tastes like shitty coffee. It's okay if that's what you're after, but I don't drink coffee to taste coffee, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7866873
File: 1.39 MB, 2448x3264, 2016-07-11 11.59.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this at the supermarket, gonna try it

>single origin coffee in a bottle

What could go wrong?

>> No.7866878
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, 2016-07-11 12.00.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus titsfuck this is weird shit wew

>> No.7866890

It's like cheap cold drip

it's kinda gross not gonna lie

But then again I'm not a big fan of cold drop coffee anyway

Fucking weird shit tttt, feels like a bit of a waste of a single origin. Doesn't even say where the single is from either

>> No.7866903


with a shot of espresso if i'm extra tried, hungover, cold etc.

>> No.7866907
File: 2.25 MB, 2516x3543, baristachartexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iced miel
>cafe mocha/mocha latte

Or a small black if I'm on the road. I rarely go out for coffee because of my past jobs serving free coffee for employees and it's pretty expensive anyway (though often worth the splurge).

I can understand the intimidation. A lot of non-Starbucks, locally owned businesses are run by aging hipsters. You almost have to go often enough to gain their trust/get comfortable in that environment. In spite of that, it's ok to be honest about your lack of knowledge; lots of places are more than happy to guide you, otherwise, you can look at charts like this.

>> No.7866912

lolwtf is with that description. What is this? Wine?

>> No.7866915

>newfriend hasn't seen single origin coffee before

The blurbs are at least 200% more fluff and more garbage than even the most pretentious of wines.

>> No.7866954
File: 778 KB, 2580x1932, 100_3635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this and dont add sugar or any shit

>> No.7866994

Re: What's your usual order?
Sweet Tea
Or Soda
...then I watch them go (?_?)

>> No.7867950
File: 352 KB, 612x380, You keep using that word I do not think it means what you think it means.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man just said Iced Cappuccino and all you notice is the instant coffee part.


>> No.7867963

Ethiopian Yigracheffe is amazing.
I love the stuff in espresso. But brewed is always so acidic that I regret it drinking it later.

>> No.7868001

I was wondering how long before somebody noticed desu

>> No.7868193

Espresso or cold brew, with an equal chance for either drink, if it's a proper coffee shop. Iced caramel macchiato or whatever frappuccino I haven't tried yet if I'm at Starbucks.

No it's fine. It depends what coffee shop you go to, but many baristas will actually be really happy to have someone new to coffee, especially if it's not that busy. I have seen a barista or two who appeared snobby but it was a meh coffee shop.

>> No.7868212

Usually goes like this
>Hi can I have a Regular coffee
>what type?
>just a plain coffee
>Oh so the house brew or the yada yada yada
>Uh the house brew I guess
>What size sir?
>Uhh small
>So that would be a venti
>uh ya haha a small
Fuck I hate going to coffee shops Just brew your own OP

>> No.7868230
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That will be $3.85

>> No.7868245

Double espresso no sugar. I'll go a triple if I'm particularly tired and don't have access to better stimulants.

>> No.7868374
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>tfw I just have a shitty drip machine and all the coffee I make tastes like shit
>dont even know how to add milk or cream to make it tastes better, always makes it end up tasting worse

I can't into coffee. I just follow the instructions on the package: 1 tablespoon of coffee for every 6 fl oz of water. I can't do shit on my own.

>> No.7868463


Although at least here it's getting a bit better. If I want a normal coffee I'm obviously not saying I want a fucking espresso. Just a cup of coffee.

It's at a point where I'm already happy with the service if they manage to understand such a simple thing without extra explanations

>> No.7868477
File: 89 KB, 594x396, 50421054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot the culturally at-risk flyover who feels insecure going into a mcdonalds-tier coffee chain because it's too fancy

>> No.7868582

or the dipshit hipster who can't afford a keurig because he wastes all his parents money on overpriced things he might be able to figure out himself, if he could buy a vowel and rub two sticks together, in an attempt to gain some kind of credibility in his hollow existence to other hipsters who could give a shit less he's in a starbucks buying a $6 cup of coffee.

>> No.7868597

>the price keeps going up
Looks like I hit a little too close to home

>> No.7868629

As a barista who works in a local, non-Starbucks coffee shop in Seattle, let me just tell you about the single most annoying mistake people make when trying to order their drinks.
The one thing you have to know is that a macchiato from Starbucks and a macchiato from a real coffee house are two VERY different things. A traditional macchiato is just espresso shots with a little bit (like 2oz) of milk foam and its served in a little cup.
If you go into any respectable coffee shop and try to order a 'caramel macchiato', they may not outright laugh in your face but they'll definitely think your an idiot. If you want a 'caramel macchiato', order a caramel-vanilla latte, because that's what Starbucks is really serving you. Calling it a fancy Italian name just gets them more customers.
That said, a 'latte macchiato' is a joke. Again, Starbucks is just trying to come up with fancy ways of saying latte so they can get more people to buy their drinks. Yes, the espresso shots are often added on top, but it's still just a latte and you will still be considered an idiot for ordering one from a local coffee shop.

>> No.7868640

>americans in charge of defining italian terms
see >>7862931 and >>7862725
"Macchiato" can refer to either coffee with a spot of milk or milk with a spot of coffee. Macchiato is an adjective, not a noun, and needs a noun to modify, hence 'caffe macchiato' and 'latte machiato,' meaning 'stained coffee' and 'stained milk,' respectively.

>> No.7868757

How can you not know >>7868640 and work at a coffee shop? How dumb are Americans? Holy shit

>> No.7868765

What's the difference between espresso and coffee? Is espresso just strong coffee (made with a stronger bean or less water?)?

I like Cuban coffee and they always like hammer the beans it is so dense.

>> No.7868910
File: 213 KB, 1280x768, IMG_0059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Espresso is a grind-fineness, darkness-grade and brewing method of coffee. In Italy or Malta, if we go to a bar and ask for coffee, ten times of ten, we're served espresso. Around the corner from my parents house is a bar (pic related) that specialises in drip style coffee. Even there, though, just asking for coffee will earn get you an espresso.
Elsewhere, espresso is just as common or nearly so while elsewhere still, if you ask for coffee in whatever the local language is, you may receive something else entirely.

Really strong drip coffee will lack some of the characteristics of espresso, particularly its body, but is a perfectly good substitute in mixed coffee drinks if you don't have access to an espresso machine. When I visiting family in Australia a few years back, we went camping. We brought a ground coffee, some sugar and a litre of milk in the cool box and brewed the coffee using a large-type Vietnamese drip pot. Because the coffee was to be mixed with milk, the lack of crema and body wasn't much noticed.

Don't be a dick. I'm not sure if you're trying a dig at me or a dig at him, but my greentxt in that post was gentle ribbing. You're just being rude. And if you meant to make a dig at him, keep in mind that it's a different country and he's in a part of it that doesn't historically have a large immigrant Italian population. Americans are not meant to know Italian terms, really, because they very rarely, if ever, encounter Italians. I was just trying to clear up that macchiato can mean more than his singular definition.

>> No.7869026

I occasionally like to order a cappuccino just so I can get a fancy mug, but typically I just order a double espresso or a pourover of my favorite beans. Matcha tea lattes are awesome too, but that's not really coffee.

>> No.7869070

How do you pronounce that?

>> No.7869092



>> No.7869095

Mah Chah

>> No.7869128


>> No.7869138

Not quite, darkness of the roast has absolutely nothing to do with espresso. It's all in the grind and method.

It has to be pretty fine and has to be made in an espresso machine, but it can be as light or dark as you like. Personally I'm fond of shots made with beans than are on the light side even for brew.

>> No.7869186

Maybe it's just in Italy, France, Switzerland, Malta and so on, but to us, espresso is a particular darkness. It's darker than how the French tend to roast, but not as dark as how the Turks/Greeks tend to. I've never in my life seen 'light roast' or 'medium roast' espresso.

Also, French roasted coffee gives me a tiny jolt while espresso doesn't at all because espresso is roasted darker and caffeine is volatile, evaporating into the ether the longer, hotter and darker the bean is roasted. For this reason, I can drink espresso all day and not feel a thing, but if you give me a single cup of American coffee, I'd be vibrating like that box in your parents' nightstand.

>> No.7869689

Isn't espresso just made under pressure and regular coffee not? I'm not a coffee expert but always thought espresso just described a process of making it.

>> No.7869696


Yes, espresso is made under pressure. But that's only part of it. The grind and roast of the coffee is also different than that used for other methods.

>> No.7870019

Black or irish.

>> No.7870350

>I know very little about coffee so going into a local coffee house is always an intimidating experience. Is that pathetic?

Nope. That's a failure of the industry.

>> No.7870358

Ha, it's like I'm time travelling to the distance past.

Disregard this guy's post. "Blonding" is meaningless, and not a relevant benchmark for anything. While some coffees may taste better in milk if they are lower in extraction, and higher in TDS%, this isn't a rule. Really, you probably have a lot of work to do in regards to finding good coffee, getting/making good water, and sorting your recipe and method out.

>> No.7870365

Do you go to a restaurant and expect to be able to order something that is not on their menu?

>> No.7870371

Fuuuuck places like this.

I'm all for having single origin and all the purist, nerdy shit. But if someone asks for a regular coffee is should be easy as fuck to make that happen. Have a coffee that you give to people who want a regular coffee.

>shop has 3 single origin offerings on pour-over
>1 offering for batch brew
>person asks for a regular coffee
>no more questions asked, money is exchanged, person is handed a 12oz of the batch brew and sent on their way

>> No.7870379


Where are you going that a small regular coffee is more than two bucks? I've never paid that much literally anywhere on the west coast.

>> No.7870382

I'm going to guess you live in my area because that's exactly what one cafe right near me does.
I could be wrong, though. It's just that I've never seen any other place do it like that except this one place.

>> No.7870384

That's a failure of your menu design, training, and attitude of staff.

You're making fucking coffee you dickhead. Why in the world would you expect that ANY of your customers would have the same level of knowledge that you do?

It's like going to the dentist and being like "my tooth hurts" and him laughing in your face, calling you an annoying ignorant piece of shit, and say "NO YOU DUMB FUCK IT'S A FUCKING DISTAL CARRY OF THE PREMOLAR P3 JESUS"

>> No.7870386

Espresso is just any coffee made with an espresso machine. The roast/origin/processing method/grind size/pressure/size/duration/varietal/etc etc have nothing to do with what it is called, despite their importance to the end quality of the drink.

>> No.7870423

I was memeing, but, I'm old enough where I remember regular coffee being less than a buck.

>> No.7870573

>can't afford a keurig

Keep digging yourself deeper into your culturally-anorexic hole, Hank. Hipsters shell out many Keurigs worth of money on grinders, espresso machines, and other gear. Only people like you actually believe that Starbucks is some sort of untouchable elite hipster coffee shop. It's mostly filled with soccer moms and teenagers who like coffee with their sugar, and I suppose the typical business man that comes in for his drip coffee with some cream and sugar.

>> No.7870623


Hey, you sound like a dentist. I've got this molar that gets sore once a year or so. Like, pressure sensitive, deep in the jaw. After a couple of weeks it goes away, but I wonder if something is brewing down there. I've heard that infections can permanently erode and weaken your jaw bone. On the other hand, it crops up so infrequently I'm not sure I should worry about it. What do you think?

Also, can you recommend a good floss for someone with tightly-packed teeth and sensitive gums?

>> No.7870696
File: 210 KB, 800x536, _DSC0278_edited-1-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i order coffee. decaf only cause i cant tolerate caffiene. Peets only (image is shop i worked at in 80s). top with half and half. i may try an espresso again, and a cappucino again. thats it. i could drink a latte as long as there is nothing but coffee and milk/cream. I would also try a turkish coffee for the hell of it. you try to order me a mocha latte frappucino, i will tear your head off and shit down your throat.

>> No.7870712

I usually get drip, sometimes drip with espresso in it, or a breve latte if I want to treat myself.

Say what you want about milk aeration and how to properly pull a ristretto shot, if a coffee shop fucks up a cup of drip, then they can fuck up other things as well.

>> No.7870885
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x1998, coffeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in one of the biggest coffee producers in the world
>everyone loves it and uses it as sugar
>hate coffee

how the fuck do I turn this muddy water into something delicious? I really wanted to have a coffee shop but I can't if I don't learn to love it. I'm a big fan of infusions in general, I just can't deal with how bitter coffee is

>> No.7870894

what espresso machine should i buy

>> No.7871463

i don't go outside for coffee
i buy k-cups of storebrand dark roast
then i drink it black

>> No.7871465

a stovetop kettle

>> No.7871472

It's easy to make and it taste good. Baristas will love and remember you as the guy who made their day less fruity.

>> No.7871492

>I just can't deal with how bitter coffee is
When your balls drop you'll start loving bitter things in general.

>> No.7871496


>> No.7871528

Just got a white chocolate mocha for the first time at the local coffee place just down the road.

It's pretty sweet, and I like it, plz no bully.

>> No.7871634

OP just order a fucking coffee you dumb ads.

>> No.7871663

Decaf black coffee with a shot of espresso.

>> No.7871679

long macchiato if i'm sure the place actually has good coffee, otherwise just a cappuccino.

>> No.7871711

When I go to a coffee shop I usually just get espresso or a dirty chai, depending on how I'm feeling.

Idk how /ck/ feels about starbucks but that double shot over ice is a lot of espresso for your buck, I get it with some combo of chai/mocha/hazelnut/vanilla and soy.

>> No.7871714


>> No.7871755

Barista here, can confirm.

>> No.7871783

This creates mustard gas

>> No.7871816
File: 432 KB, 1160x730, best-espresso-martinis-metropolist-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americano is usually my go to,
espresso with hot water.

A Shot in the Dark is amazing if you like flavorful coffee
Dark Roast with an espresso shot.

Tip! Dark roast has more flavor less caffeine than blonde roasts

Flat whites are good for a smoother more mellow flavor, still has the espresso flavor

Cappuccinos dont have much flavor unless you add Kahlua. Which adds so much and makes it delicious.

Last and favorite, not a coffee house drink but if you like coffee Espresso Martinis are unreal good.

>> No.7871822

I like a médium size normal coffee

>> No.7871876

Kahlua is great in all coffee if you want an extra sweetness to it.

Way better than sugar.

>> No.7871884

>A Shot in the Dark is amazing if you like flavorful coffee
>Dark Roast with an espresso shot.

that's called a redeye senpai. please don't replace a cool sounding name from the 50s with a faggy mixed drink sounding name that takes too long to say.

>> No.7871907

t. 17 yr first time drinking alcohol

>> No.7871925

>dark roast has more flavor

That's just plain wrong. Maybe more charcoal, but that's about it.

>> No.7871934

I was in Denver earlier this summer. Had one of those there for the first time and really liked it. Not something I would order with any kind of regularity, but it was a nice change.

>> No.7871938

I personally can't stand Kahlua. Or pretty much any coffee flavored liqueur.

>> No.7871945

You are a retard, most young people dont know shit about alcohol, much less coffee flavored alcohol.

>> No.7871953

Kahlua is entry level alcohol here. But then again my country is on top of the list of coffee consuming.

>> No.7871965

>Kahlua is entry level alcohol here.
As much as I hate the terminology, you're not wrong. At least from what I've observed. It's not necessarily a bad thing, more or less everybody is at that level in the beginning. Anyway, it's just not my thing.

>> No.7871993

I asked the coffee shop owner what he suggested and that's what he called it. Who cares what its called at different places it tastes great.

Guy even offered "ll buy your next coffee when youre in if you don't like it"

>> No.7872020

Woah lots of hate on Kahlua here, I said if you wanted something to sweeten up your coffee, I personally think it tastes great when I want something sweet.

Fair enough if you guys don't like it, don't need to bash it though.

>> No.7872275

i like kahula straight in the morning

>> No.7872353
File: 229 KB, 510x510, lenin-cat-meme-generator-you-ve-chosen-a-battle-you-cannot-win-7b418d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me and sexy tatted hipster gf
>buy her a nice Bodum French press and cheap teapot for boiling water
>spend 3.50$ on cheap Kroger brand preground coffee
>2.00$ for cream
>no need for sugar BC we actually like coffee
>fuck her sexy ass every morning
>she cleans the press and boils water every morning (winter) or just grabs the press from the fridge in the morning IE cold brew (summer)
>pours me a cup and adds a couple drops of cream
>brings it to me in bed while I check /b/
>costs like 5$ a week
>drink two cups everyday
>save hundreds of dollars per year

>> No.7872381
File: 119 KB, 655x578, 1466575193686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking coffee for the taste
I never understood this, just like the existence of cocktails.

>> No.7872382

For what purpose?

>> No.7872397

>tatted gf who adheres to some kind of cultural group

>> No.7872398

That's daft man. Couldn't handle it if my life depended on it. Just tastes nasty to me. I'll put all manner of alcohol in my coffee on a cold winter morning. But that shit just fucking slays me. More power to you, you're an absolute madman.

>> No.7872437
File: 460 KB, 1080x1080, InstaSize_2015_4 _ 277343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealous much, desu? Obviously. Cuz you don't have a sexy lady to make your coffee and bring it to you after sucking your dick clean. Let's see your local Dazbog pull that shit off.
Inb4 hurt Durr all sexy tatted girls are sluts

We can smell your sweaty fat bubbles and jealousy from here anon

>> No.7872444

It looks good, I've seen far far far worse.

>> No.7872458
File: 385 KB, 1080x1080, InstaSize_2015_4 _ 286434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a baker and brings me home cute, delicious doughnuts like these creme filled panda bears to enjoy with my coffee before she goes to work and I grab the bong and turn on the Xbox.

>still winning

Yes, id say so

>> No.7872470
File: 263 KB, 500x505, 1468001332817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least you got trips, maybe that will get you laid.
>but prolly not

>> No.7872484

I'm married anon, so of course I'm not getting laid.

>> No.7872492

>What's your usual order?
Long Black

>> No.7872494


>> No.7872507

my dick is also long, thanks for asking.

>> No.7872519

Yum. Seriously though, what does long refer to? The length of the pull? Sorry, I don't know much about coffee.

>> No.7872528

A long black is a double shot with about 60ml of hot water.

Very simple. Its like having a cup of good strong plunger/french press coffee. Nothing fancy, just coffee and water

see the pic >>7863326 looks like they call it a Doppio or Lungo

>> No.7872538

Oh okay, I knew that, I'd only ever known it to be called a lungo. My bad. Thanks man.

>> No.7873236
File: 46 KB, 382x552, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cappuccinos dont have much flavor unless you add Kahlua.

>> No.7873377

>black eye



>> No.7873600

Just ran outta beans. Where should I buy a new bag from?

>> No.7873762


>> No.7873765

put more coffee in for a less bitter taste, use anything except a mr coffee (go to goodwill and get a french press), watch the relevant good eats episodes.

>> No.7873788

You've never had good coffee or cocktails I see.

>> No.7873795

end your life. You spent money poorly.
> Kroger
Oh I see, you have not money. at this point coffee enema's are preferable.
Make sure to drink the enema coffee so its not wasted.

>> No.7874248
File: 26 KB, 500x375, impossibru 1308900528401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be reverse coffee snob
>best friend and his wife are traditional coffee snobs
>they come round for brunch, so i brew a pot
>make it in a mr. coffee brand machine
>pour it out of the carafe into a vac pot to keep it warm.
>have brunch
>both comment on how fantastic the coffee is
>"i made it with the mr coffee."
I'm convinced that there is very little, if any at all, difference between coffee brewed by manual drip and coffee brewed by automatic drip.

>> No.7874252

And, actually, that's not far off from his wife's actual face since she's a zipperhead.

>> No.7874351

Yep, discouraging new customers is a terrible business model. It's like those restaurants that only put the Italian names of a dish with no description, and expect everybody to just "know".

There's a coffee/tea house close to me that has a menu with all of the names and pictures to help, accompanied with brochures on each table that provide a description. They have over 80 different drinks so it is a very "friendly" place for everybody.

>> No.7874356

Sounds like you managed to get yourself saddled with alveolar osteitis, although that normally happens after an extraction. It's a life sentence, so there's no need to get checked.

For flossing, most dental floss is a meme. What I use and recommend to all patients is the high E string of an electric guitar coated in toothpaste. Works wonders.

>> No.7874373

To clarify, the string is coated, not the guitar

>> No.7874376

>What I use and recommend to all patients is the high E string of an electric guitar coated in toothpaste. Works wonders.
I like that idea

>> No.7874386
File: 78 KB, 640x917, 3435465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a proper bunch of faggot niggers in this thread. Its about time you cunts man up and order a proper drink.

>> No.7874401
File: 411 KB, 580x412, Dbsezt9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Filthy subcontinent+BR-huggers, take your disgusting obsession with condensed milk and shove it up your unwiped asses.

>> No.7875016


>> No.7875056

Looks like you got a bunch of shit already in there.

>> No.7876690
File: 92 KB, 934x900, djhabeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most people can tell the difference between absolutely shitty coffee and decent coffee, but decent coffee to """"great"""" coffee is mostly mental.

At work we have this fancy coffee machine people see and think that's where the coffee comes from, when really we are too lazy to use it and just use that Nspresso crap. Then people talk about how amazing our coffee is and how it is the best coffee they have ever had when all we did was use a Nspresso tab. Sometimes when we are low on the regular tabs we'll just double up on the espresso tablets and jack them up on caffeine.

>> No.7876701

>There's clearly a dopio espresso in that


>> No.7876927

>milk with a spot of coffee
Are you retarded? No matter how you try to explain it, it's no different from a fucking latte. You can "mark" your milk with espresso all you want, it doesn't differentiate the flavor or appearance from that of a latte. Go drink your shitty Starbucks caramel """"macchiatos"""" made from burnt beans, you fucking faggot

>> No.7876945

My go-to drink is an Americano. I like it and all of my faggot friends who get sugary coffee abortions hate it so they don't ask if they can taste it and drink half the damn cup.

>> No.7876977
File: 45 KB, 800x800, Perfect-Espresso-Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink my espresso shots plain like a normal person with a good taste in coffee. You faggots wouldn't understand the proper taste of a finely pulled shot if it ran off the crack of your asses. I have spent years refining my method, and the epitome of flavour that I managed to produce is absolute perfection, You retards wouldn't understand why I use the finest organic Jamaican geisha bleu green coffee beans, which I then roast in my steel Rotisserie, making sure to go at a pace slower than 20rpm to ensure I achieve a smooth roast. Unlike you retards, I make sure the beans have a bold, but yet petite color, not dark, but more of an atramentous tone. I use my quamar hand grinder, triple ground to ensure the finest texture, the equality of brew, the emulsification of all the needed oils to ensure the brew is as Bold and proportionate. I move to my mechanism, where all the magic happens of course, I tamp my shot, using an even 35 pounds of downward pressure for the perfect compression, and set the temperature for my brew to exactly 93.455 degrees C. I proceed to pull my shot by hand, forcing a perfect 10.45 bars of pressure, the shots will take exactly 15 seconds to brew with the ABSOLUTELY perfect tri organic plastering of the Crema, Body, and heart

Aboslutely perfect

fuck off faggots

>> No.7876985

i have more money than sense or space

i should buy a 500 dollar one with a burr grinder and set it in on a table in the corner like the sims

>> No.7877019

Nespresso pods in particular actually fare very well in blind taste tests

>> No.7877024


espresso starts going baf after 5 seconds

your heart in that picture is already rising, plebeian.. looks bitter as fuck

>> No.7877480
File: 34 KB, 450x450, latte macchiato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know what thing is and that makes me angry!!!

>> No.7877677

Also, to add to this guy, a tiny pinch of salt before you add water will kill the bitterness quiye a bit if you have really bitter, acidic coffee.

>> No.7877684

Large dark roast, black

>> No.7878175
File: 432 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-14-12-19-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Being retarded as loud as possible

It means stained with a dollop of milk you fucking moron

>> No.7878177

Small black coffee

Usually enough to get me through the day.

>> No.7878190

Dunkin donuts hot coffee, cream, no sugar. Small because I don't trust hot liquid in styrofoam.
Is this respectable or still normie-tier?

>> No.7878198

Normie tier, but not disgusting

>> No.7878200

Just mark it with a splash of urine and call it a macchiato then.

We're talking about English use of the word macchiato which only refers to espresso with a little milk unless you're starbucks and use words for no reason like venti

>> No.7878326

Flat white from a 2 cup moka pot, 60% hot milk. tfw you nail the brew and the milk temp and the whole thing fizzes up.

>> No.7878387

Please tell me you're only pretending to be this retarded
>Caffè macchiato sometimes called espresso macchiato, is an espresso coffee drink with a small amount of milk, usually foamed. In Italian, macchiato means "stained" or "spotted" so the literal translation of caffè macchiato is "stained coffee", or coffee with a spot of milk.
>Latte macchiato is a coffee beverage; the name literally means stained milk. This refers to the method of preparation, wherein the milk is "stained" by the addition of espresso.
Newsflash: whining about Starbucks doesn't actually make you an expert on coffee

>> No.7878550

To be authentically Italian the latte macchiato would only be available on the kids menu.

>> No.7878595

Are you actually Italian or is this one of those "real eyetalian coffee" memes that ignorant Americans who don't realize they're ignorant Americans because they constantly complain about ignorant Americans love so much?

>> No.7878620

Shit argument. Coffee shops will probably have all the ingredients needed for most drinks, and it's not difficult assemble them differently. I wouldn't go into a restaurant and ask for duck in place of fried chicken though.

>> No.7878628


It's not about what they have, it's about whether or not they even have a means of ringing up your order.

People don't use old-fashioned cash registers anymore. Everything is digital in point-of-sale computer. If you ask for something that doesn't appear on the menu list then you're creating a lot of hassle for them to even ring you up.

>> No.7878710
File: 314 KB, 489x540, orzo bimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear me. Had I known mentioning latte macchiato and explaining what it is would have caused such butthurt, I never would have.

Not him, but I am. It's not true. latte macchiato is a morning drink, is all, and rarely to never ordered after breakfast.
What is often served to kids, however (and one of the most popular marks is literally called the Italian word for "kid") is barley latte macchiato. Grains of barley are dark roasted and ground and brewed the same way as espresso is, the resulting brew poured over milk froth as I described elsewhere ITT with regular coffee.
Barley and milk was a staple of my childhood as it was for many other kids, as well. Many Italians enjoy it from time to time well into adulthood or even old age, often for nostalgia, the same way American adults might enjoy PB&J from time to time.

>> No.7878730

i like my coffee same how i like niggers

i hate coffee

>> No.7878748


>> No.7878752

Most places have a misc charge button so unless it's a chain place with strict rules and inventory issues they should do whatever for you

>> No.7878753

>Dear me. Had I known mentioning latte macchiato and explaining what it is would have caused such butthurt, I never would have.
No, you did a good thing. These people are basically the equivalent of hardcore weebs. Someone has to sit them down and explain that qt virginal waifus don't grow on trees in Japan any more than in the west and that shitposting on /a/ plus a semester of community college Japanese doesn't qualify them for a job in the anime industry or they'll never learn.

Plus, I didn't realize latte macchiatos were a thing outside of Starbucks, so it wasn't a complete waste of time on your part

The rest is really interesting, by the way. I had no idea barley coffee was a thing.

>> No.7879052
File: 174 KB, 625x415, starbucks-is-launching-nitro-cold-brew-2-3859-1464716044-0_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried Starbucks' new nitro cold brew, pretty nice, I usually cut cold brew with milk or water but this is pretty good on its own and not acidic or bitter.

Anyone else try this?

>> No.7879071

What's the advantage of cold brewed coffee? Please spoon feed me. I generally prefer a cup of black around 110° American.

>> No.7879077

While it isn't all encompassing, it highlights a key idea.

Why are you choosing to treat the two establishments differently?

No matter where it is, it should be your first inclination to look at what they have to offer. Not all coffee shops have (or should have) the same offerings.

Now, if you came into my shop and asked for something off the menu that I could make, I would do so gladly. I would inform you that it may not be exactly as anticipated, but so long as you are willing to risk that I will do my best to make it for you.

>> No.7879091


Cold brew is as the name implies, brewed cold while iced coffee is brewed hot and then cooled down. Due to the process, it's less acidic, less watered-down, and has more caffeine, though I've never noticed a huge difference t b h.

Nitro cold brew takes this a step further by infusing it with nitrogen, and I would honestly mistake it for a beer if not for the coffee flavor.

>> No.7879095

Fucking eww at that "crema". That is definitely from a "crema enhancer", and not from the coffee itself. There is not a combination of things that would produce that crema without some sort of artificial fluffer. To get crema that light, you would have to use a VERY light roast. Light roasts do not produce as much crema, so to get that amount of volume you would need a very dark, very freshly roasted coffee. But then the crema would be much darker. Either way, determining the quality of a shot of espresso from a snapshot of its parts at an arbitrary time is ridiculous.

You're even worse than that picture. Espresso does not go bad after 5 seconds. That is absurd. First of all, look at some competition routines, and watch how long it take for the espresso to be tasted. Usually a minute or more. Next, just taste some fucking espresso - it does not change flavor over 5 seconds significantly, and is too hot to drink within 5 seconds. Next, think about the mechanics of it. There is no way that within 5 seconds there will be a meaningful change in composition without some kind of massive energy or chemical input. The most likely reason it tastes like shit after 5 seconds, is that it tasted like shit before 5 seconds. Heck, there is a strong argument for it actually tasting BETTER after 30 seconds or a minute or so, as the carbonic acid will dissolve out fairly quickly at 1atmosphere of pressure and it adds a bad flavor. Watch Ben Put's routine from last year's WBC in which he uses a vacuum chamber to remove the carbonic acid even more thoroughly/quickly.

>> No.7879104

Oh wait, this was a troll post. Nearly all of the information here shows that you are clueless about the last 10 or so years of espresso and coffee research and knowledge.

>> No.7879110

Nice. So can you get this stuff just at their stalls or do they sell it in the refrigerated section too? I don't like the staff at my luck Starbuck's, they are all rather surly.

>> No.7879123


For regular cold brew, yeah they should have them wherever since they just pour it out. I've seen a few pre-made cold brews at my grocery but I can't speak to their quality. It's also apparently pretty easy to make at home.

As far as nitro goes it's limited to a few stores at the moment I think.

>> No.7879191

Looks like Guinness, which is also bubbled with nitrogen

>> No.7879214

Guinness is poopoo water

>> No.7879236
File: 317 KB, 900x596, cbc-6613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, a lot of marketing/news compares it to Guinness/stouts. I don't drink those so I can't really comment on the 'velvetyness' or whatever but texture/consistency-wise I'd say it's like a draft beer.

>> No.7879345

Guinness is GOAT, my go-to whenever I go to the pub

I haven't tried the coffee, not sure if it's here in the UK but if it is I might give it a go because I love the feel of Guinness

>> No.7879969
File: 650 KB, 640x348, no.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americano considered coffee

>> No.7879990

shot in the dark
i dont like coffee or diabetes drinks

>> No.7880584
File: 687 KB, 1360x1813, harhar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diabetes drinks

>> No.7880920

Just black coffee mostly, or a cappuccino if I'm in the mood for something sweeter.

>> No.7881031

Don't even try

>> No.7881223

>double filtered water in kettle
>kettle on
>beans in modified hario skerton
>clean french press on scale
>grounds in
>25g of coffee
>water 200 degrees
>poor slowly in french press covering all grounds
>cover and let it rest
>wait 6 minutes
>poor in a clean warm cup

>> No.7881271

Double tall breve latte with ristretto shots

>> No.7881280
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw coffee in the west is just some kind of flavored syrup drink with cream

I'll stick to tea thx

>> No.7881287

keep your superiority up while you smother your tea in milk and sugar you cuck

>> No.7881530

Milk and sugar as a requisite to tea is also a western thing.

>> No.7881534

Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice

Every time.

>> No.7881569


>> No.7881648

Just had a cafe miel for the first time. Shit was pretty nice.

>> No.7882106

We currently buy pre-ground beans from walmart /other supermarket, and use them in a Mr Coffee machine.

If we got a good quality grinder, and switched to buying whole beans from the walmart / supermarket, grinding them for use in the Mr Coffee machine, would it be a noticeable difference?

I see here professed all the time that this grinding is so important, but would we need to also go out of our way to get different beans, make trips just for that?

>> No.7882317

Should have never admitted to using Mr. Coffee. People here are going to shit down your throat.

>> No.7882333

Grinder>brewer. You'll get better results switching to whole beans than getting a nice brewer but using the same crap

>> No.7882390

I guess what I'm asking is, is it worth getting a grinder if just going to buy whole beans at the supermarket? Don't really want to make trips just to buy beans from a roaster

>> No.7882405

>I guess what I'm asking is, is it worth getting a grinder if just going to buy whole beans at the supermarket?
Yes. If you get a decent burr grinder it should still be a major improvement

>Don't really want to make trips just to buy beans from a roaster
You can always buy online- it's what I do. Happy Mug has some great stuff that, even with shipping, only costs a couple bucks more than grocery store beans.

>> No.7882438

I don't drink coffee so I get what you're saying about being intimidated. However, I have absolutely no desire to drink coffee or even step foot inside some Hip! and Trendy! coffee shop.

>> No.7882443

Big back coffee or double espresso.

Everything else is for addicted people who don't actually like coffee.

>> No.7882444

Then why are you posting in a thread about coffee?

>> No.7882454

Because it took about 15 seconds to make that post, plus another 15 or so to make this one. It's inconsequential really.

>> No.7882476

Because she subsists almost exclusively on attention. And I know it's a she because the only people who need attention like that are women, faggots and Donald Trump and I'm sure the next Exalted Emperor isn't posting to a cooking forum on a Palauan throat singing website.

>> No.7882721

What the fuck is a Mr.Coffee and why does everybody hate it?
I'm not American and I've never seen one, I just assume its a popular coffee maker for offices and shit?

Isn't that what Keurig is for?

>> No.7882727

Trump doesn't even drink coffee so that definitely excludes him

>> No.7882770

Sort of.
The Bunn-O-Matic corporation introduced the first automatic coffeemaker to the American public in the early 1960s. .

Mr Coffee is a rival manufacturer of automatic drip pots, first introduced a decade after Bunn-O-Matic, that specialised in the home market while Bunn-O-Matic targeted the restaurant industry.
Mr. Coffee's marketing was a great success and automatic drip became the most popular brewing method in American homes, displacing what percolated coffee as the most popular, although some drip methods were also common, such as Melitta, Chemex and the various systems descended of the French drip.
The Chemex method was quite popular in the 60s and early 70s and can be seen in a number of American television programmes from the period, notably the Mary Tyle Moore show, where her use of a Chemex brewer was a common sight in the show.

While, as >>7874248 pointed out, there's little-to-no discernible difference between coffee brewed by automatic drip v manual drip, the current climate in the American coffee-making world is to completely eschew automatic drip in favour of manual for its imagined, though non-existent, benefits.

>> No.7882865

Black coffee. Literally ANYTHING ELSE is for faggots.

>> No.7882866

Mr. Coffee is garbage. Drip brewers can be good (better than manual for sure), but Mr. Coffee isn't anywhere near it needs to be for temperature or water distribution.

>>7874248 is making shit up for his anti snob snob narrative.

>> No.7882892

>Oh god please my masculinity is hanging by a thread please won't somebody tell me I'm cool and manly for anonymously shitposting my unnecessarily purist opinions on the internet or I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight

>> No.7882905

He's not making shit up and I know it for a fact.

As for "it doesn't get hot enough!!!," I'm wondering when this bullshit will end. Any idea? Seems to have no end in site. Optimum brewing temperature is 90-96° (195-205F). Automatic drips heat coffee to exactly 97° (207F) because a degree or two will be lost during the transport from the reservoir to the spray and the spray to the top of the coffee. There is no difference between the two methods, auto v manual, in regards to temperature.
>it doesn't pour the right way!!!
It sprays rather than pours. I don't see how this could make much of a difference, but perhaps you know more about it than I do. I doubt it, since you think manual is somehow leaps and bounds better than automatic even though the two result in brews that, once again, have little-to-no discernible difference between them.

>> No.7882918

Water drops way more than a few degrees, you should be pouring boiling for the optimal 200f brew temperature.
Furthermore a Mr. Coffee doesn't get anywhere near 207f.

There's nothing wrong with spraying. Lots of great machines (Fetco, Bunn, etc) spray. But it absolutely needs to evenly saturate the coffee. A Mr. Coffee oversaturates some areas and leaves others relatively dry. Manual isn't perfect, but it's miles better than the abysmal shower heads on those machines. A machine like a Fetco is better than a manual pour, unfortunately these machines are usually set up for very large batches only.

The quality of a cheap dripper isn't anywhere close to a pourover by a skilled user or a commercial drip machine. If you can't tell the difference, you're incompetent with a kettle or burnt your taste buds off from drinking coffee from a warming plate.

>> No.7882953

black. no sugar.

>> No.7882974

>Water drops way more than a few degrees
Yes. In F. In normal people temperatures, it's only two or three.
Also, we're not talking about low-quality Sunbeam and Rival coffeemakers here. We're talking about Mr. Coffee.
Mr. Coffee's thermocontrolled pump starts to pump water up when it reaches, using your units, 205-207F (depending on model; vac carafes use the lower temperature). By the time the water is sprayed onto the coffee, it has cooled to 200-201F. That's a change from 96-97° to 94°. This is how every single Mr. Coffee functions.
As for "Mr. Coffee is bad!" Gourmet magazine doesn't seem to think so. Neither does Heavy. Nor Consumer Reports. Nor the New York Post.


In fact, Mr. Coffee manufactures three of the top ten brewers.

But please: tell me more about your amazing insight into how your zen-like coffee-brewing process is superior to the plebeian automatic drip.
You clearly know better and any evidence contrary to your claims is obviously created by the evil automatic-drip manufacturing lobby in order to prevent us from using The One True Method™ that brews coffee of the exact same quality as automatic drip but with much more involvement and hassle.

>> No.7882985

Consumer reports is worthless on this topic. Look at reviews by relevant groups like the SCAA. Or tests preformed at speciality coffee expos. If we're talking about getting the most out of a cup of Folgers, anything is going to be similarly garbage that brew quality isn't really a factor in reviewing. With fresh roasted fresh ground specialty coffee the little variables matter a lot more, the reviews made for the average coffee consumer are less than meaningless.

And the coffee slurry is supposed to be 200f. If the water hits the coffee at 200f, the slurry is way too cold.

>> No.7883020

>the scaa
You mean the organisation that's actually a cadre of interconnected retailers who sell manual pour over systems and sell classes on how to use manual pour over systems and are therefore incapable of being impartial on the subject? /That/ SCAA? Cool, bro. Tell me more.

>200f is the optimal temperature!!
>well, actually, it isn't the optimal temperature because the optimal temperature is higher than that so that it can cool down to the optimal temperature eventually!!!

>folger's is garbage!!!
>implying anyone mentioned any brand of coffee at all whatsoever and not exclusively discussing the method by which its brewed
Nice strawman, bro. Build me another.

>reviews made for the average coffee consumer are less than meaningless.
>i'm superior to you "average coffee consumers!!!"
>i totally didn't get roped in by marketing that was geared directly towards me to believe that, against all evidence and logic, how water is poured over the ground, roasted seeds of an african fruit bush makes an enormous difference in the resulting brew
Cool story, bro. Tell me again about how you're so much better. I really wanna know.

>> No.7883032

Whatever ground up shit is in the house really. Maybe Mocha creamer or just hope that my roommate didn't decided to eat all the sugar cubes again.

>> No.7883034

I might as well be arguing against someone who thinks microwaving a steak is an acceptable way to cook it because it works for their beef hot pockets at this point.

Speciality coffee brewers don't tend to have features beyond "brew coffee". Mr. Coffee types do. They also do a shit job brewing coffee, but it doesn't matter since 98%+ of people buy coffee that won't taste good on anything anyway. There's just not much to get out of it. So the features win out. If you buy decent coffee and grind immediately before brewing, the features aren't nearly as important as the ability to get the most out of the coffee.

And I never moved the goalposts. Coffee is supposed to BREW at 200f. The brewing temperature is the temperature at which extraction takes place. That's not when water first contacts the bed. That's slurry temperature.

How about you tell me how deconstruction of what a food is is actually relevant. Breaking coffee down to "seeds of an african fruit bush" to make the brewing process sound less important is as absurd as calling steak "processed cattle carcass" to justify microwaving it.

>> No.7883185

>I might as well be arguing against someone who thinks microwaving a steak is an acceptable way to cook it because it works for their beef hot pockets at this point.
Well, I asked ya to build me another strawman and by golly, you delivered! Good job!
Sadly, you're completely ignoring the fact that manual drip v automatic drip yield brews that have little-to-no difference from one another by comparing a steak to a hot pocket. Bad show, Anon.

>Speciality coffee brewers don't tend to have features beyond "brew coffee". Mr. Coffee types do.
No. They don't. They have a switch that turns off and on. When on, it heats water and drips it over the coffee. That's all they do. That's all they need to do.

>They also do a shit job brewing coffee
Again, Gourmet magazine, NY Post etc etc etc disagrees with you
>but it doesn't matter since 98%+ of people buy coffee that won't taste good on anything anyway.
Building a whole strawvillage now, ain'tcha, fella?

>There's just not much to get out of it. So the features win out.
Yes. Heat and drip win out over heat and drip. Totally makes sense.

>> No.7883193

>If you buy decent coffee and grind immediately before brewing, the features aren't nearly as important as the ability to get the most out of the coffee.
Again, there are no features and you're making things up. That's okay, though.
AND what's stopping me from grinding coffee just before brewing if I own a Mr. Coffee? Does the SCAA have secret police? Will they raid my home if I grind coffee fresh and brew it by any method other than manual drip?

>And I never moved the goalposts. Coffee is supposed to BREW at 200f. The brewing temperature is the temperature at which extraction takes place.
>That's not when water first contacts the bed. >That's slurry temperature.
So... lemme get this straight...
According to you, the water poured over the coffee should be boiling (see >>7882918). Your precious SCAA disagrees.
You should know that since you know oh so much more than us "average coffee consumers." According to that SCAA you just love, but clearly know nothing about,
>temperature shall be 200°F ± 2°F (92.2 – 94.4°C) when poured on grounds.
See http://www.scaa.org/?page=resources&d=cupping-standards
Sadly, we can't use SCAA's brewing standards because, surprise, surprise, they have none. They've been in business 34 years, you think they'd standardise the brewing by now.

Anyway, ya either moved the goalposts or you have no idea what you're talking about to begin with. Neither is a good look, Anon.

>How about you tell me how deconstruction of what a food is is actually relevant. Breaking coffee down to "seeds of an african fruit bush" to make the brewing process sound less important is as absurd as calling steak "processed cattle carcass" to justify microwaving it.
You've got a whole strawnation at this point. Good for you.

>> No.7884084

I don't understand how its a strawman to mention how the majority of Americans buy instant , freeze dried, bulk brands of coffee and therefore or not interested in how the coffee tastes. You'd have a better survey of what the favorite flavored creamer is, or the best "deal" at Costco. These aren't the people I want deciding what's "good" about coffee, the same way I wouldn't want people who drink JD decide what whiskey to buy or people who get Pizza Hut telling me about the best pizza toppings.

>> No.7884491

Cupping takes much longer than regular brewing, so yes it uses a lower temperature. Just like how espresso uses a lower temperature since the pressure also speeds up extraction.

If you look through SCAA's certification for drip brewers, they do in fact talk about a 200f slurry temperature (based on the location of the probe). Only a few consumer devices meet the standards.

I have to use these "strawman" examples since you can't seem to fucking understand than imperfect saturation caused by the shower screens on most drip machines leads to both massive overextraction and massive underextraction across the brew bed. The one singular reason they can do well in tests on places like consumer reports is that the test are designed for an ordinary consumer. Going and getting a Fetco would be stupid for grocery store coffee. Something "good enough" makes more sense for that. It's the delicate coffees with notes of citrus and stonefruit that the nicer machines are needed for. Manual is popular since it works pretty well once you've learned it and it's way cheaper than a Fetco.

I will say that a Mr. Coffee with fresh lightly roasted beans ground with an EK43 or similar will outperform even the best Fetco brewer with Eight o' Clock coffee or even quality coffee with a lesser grinder. Coffee > grinder > brewer. But put the same quality coffee and grinder in both and the Mr. Coffee is blown out of the water.

>> No.7884623

>I don't understand how its a strawman to mention how the majority of Americans buy instant , freeze dried, bulk brands of coffee and therefore or not interested in how the coffee tastes.
But that's false.
Around two thirds of all retail coffee sales in the United States are ground coffee from supermarkets. That's more than take-away single cup coffee, like Keurig, and instant coffee, like "freeze dried crap," as you call it, combined.
>About 63 percent of sales were ground coffee at $2.83 billion, followed by single-cup servings and instant coffee each at 11 percent market share, and whole beans with 7.6 percent, the figures show


Why make things up?

>> No.7884644

Nearly every point you made in this post has been made (and refuted with evidence) already.
Why do you insist on repeating yourself when you've been shown to be wrong numerous times?

>SCAA has standards on brewing
Yeah? Show us. Because I can't find any.

And you don't have to resort to strawman arguments if you could refute the points made. But you are unable to refute the points so you instead argue against minutiae and points no one made or brought up. That is the definition of a strawman. It's a diversion tactic, not an argument

>> No.7884726

I NEVER mentioned instant coffee. Anything already ground isn't any good. Anything whole bean past a month old isn't any good. Basically anything less than $15+/lb single origin beans isn't relevant to the point I'm trying to make.

Where in the fuck is your evidence that the coffee bed saturates perfectly evenly?

http://www.scaa.org/?page=cert2 are the brewer standards. Look in the temperature category. The RTD probe which must stay between 92c and 96c for the duration is submerged once water is added.

I'm not personally a big fan of the scaa, but it's the closest thing to decent guidelines for coffee brewers designed for excellent coffee. The testing fee does bother me, but it's pretty negligible for a large production company.

>> No.7884763

> Extra hot

Fuck off retard, as a former starbucks employee, we had no actual way to make that drink

Every time

>> No.7884804
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 20160715_095803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im new to latte art, and have been wokring on it for about a weis this any good?

Also ignore the streak, I was being autistic and used all of the foam.

>> No.7884808

>talks about freeze dried coffee
>doesn't know what it is
That's instant coffee, bro. Instant comes in freeze dried ("Folger's Crystals" being a popular. though horrific, brand) and spray dried ("Nescafé" is the predominant brand). Why are you deriding something when you don't even know what it is?

>http://www.scaa.org/?page=cert2 are the brewer standards. Look in the temperature category. The RTD probe which must stay between 92c and 96c for the duration is submerged once water is added.

> Automatic drips heat coffee to exactly 97° (207F) because a degree or two will be lost during the transport from the reservoir to the spray and the spray to the top of the coffee.
>Mr. Coffee's thermocontrolled pump starts to pump water up when it reaches, using your units, 205-207F (depending on model; vac carafes use the lower temperature). By the time the water is sprayed onto the coffee, it has cooled to 200-201F. That's a change from 96-97° to 94°. This is how every single Mr. Coffee functions.

Finally, once again, the SCAA is in business to make money (non-profit my ass).
They sell things at you, including getting a brewer its certification, which costs $1300 and is "available for purchase from the online store." AND the manufacturer has to supply the brewers to the SCAA themselves.
Sounds pretty fishy to me, Anon, being able to buy the endorsement.
Consumer Reports, on the other hand, buys the brewers, tests them themselves with no input from manufacturers, and passes their verdict without pay from anyone involved in the industry. It's completely impartial. The SCAA is not. It's a scam and a sham and I suspect half of Wham! (and I don't mean George Michael).

>not a fan of the scaa
Then why did you bring them up as a challenge to Consumer Reports, which is completely impartial?

>> No.7884817

Better than what I can do! But then again, I have Parkinson's. I make a great martini, though. Shaken, of course.

>> No.7884904

Yes, I never mentioned instant coffee. That was another poster.

97c is not hot enough to result in a brew temperature never dropping below 92c. The massive bed of room temperature coffee sucks up much more heat than that. It needs to be poured right at boiling.

I brought up the SCAA because consumer reports writes for the standard consumer. The standard consumer does not always brew $15-$20/12oz bags of freshly roasted single origin coffee (or roasting their own in a gas drum roaster for much cheaper) ground with a large burr grinder with a unimodal distribution immediately before brewing. Grocery store coffee is a wholly different product. The reports from CR are for something with a wholly different consumer base.

>> No.7884932




>> No.7885003

If you never mentioned instant coffee, why reply to a post that replied to a post that mentioned instant coffee?

>97c is not hot enough to result in a brew temperature never dropping below 92c.
True. It drops to 90°C at the lowest, which is within optimal range. (90-96°C). I very, very highly doubt you can notice a difference in coffee brewed at a constant 92° and one that dips to 90° occasionally. I very, very highly doubt anyone can.
Actually: I know they can't.

>cr is for a different consumer base
"Everyone" is a different consumer base? Different from whom? It's literally everyone.

CR independently tests things with no outside input.
SCAA gets paid to test things by the manufacturer's of the things they test.

CR gives unbiased verdicts according to the results of their independent testing.
SCAA recommends manual drip over all other methods. Also, it was founded by an interconnected cadre of retailers who sell manual drip systems nearly exclusively.

CR has no advertising in order to maintain its integrity so that it may not be swayed to this opinion or that by a company threatening to pull its advertising.
SCAA sells advertising space on its website, in its newsletter, at its shows and even mixed into the things they sell at you through their online store.

SCAA doesn't sound remotely trustworthy to me.

>> No.7885019
File: 40 KB, 650x650, 1455601167226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're american so you know absolutely nothing about coffee its ok

now skip the starbucks and get yourself a rancilio silvia to begin a lifetime of quality milk based drinks

>> No.7885029

that logo is really nice and it sucks having only starbucks in the south but i would probably hate the excessive liberalism and shit

>> No.7885049

When "everyone" is 98% people with a wholly different quality of coffee and a largely different set of goals for their coffee. CR would be wrong to recommend an expensive drip brewer that makes excellent tasting coffee and does nothing else to most people.

Someone drinking grocery store coffee, the vast majority of people, will be served better with a cheaper machine. There just aren't delicate flavors there to extract. Furthermore, a large percentage of people are of the "can't do shit in the morning till coffee" mindset. These people require a drip machine with a built in timer. AFAIK, no scaa approved machine has one.

CR is right to recommend what they do to the bulk of people, but someone looking to get the most out of very quality coffee above all else (and especially someone planning to do that with a drip machine) is such a small subset of people that the group is irrelevant to their review. The recommendation is not for specialty coffee.

On another note, these "manual drip systems" top out at like $20. It's ridiculous to think there's some conspiracy trying to sell something half the price of even a cheap drip brewer.

>> No.7885062

Actually, where do you live? I'm willing to bet $500 I can tell the difference, double blind, between the best I can make in a commercial Fetco machine versus the best you can make in a Mr. Coffee. Same beans, let's use a Panama Gesha, and same grinder, preferably a Mahlkonig EK43.

>> No.7885111


>> No.7885117

Chemex > Aero >>>>>>> Folgers > French Press

>> No.7885155

If you never mentioned instant coffee, why reply to a post that replied to a post that mentioned instant coffee?

>all this conjecture on what CR recommended and how it reached its conclusion
Rather than having your knee-jerk reaction, why not research it because, once again, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

The rest of your post is a nice strawman, but you'd do better to stay on topic instead of presuming to know what such-and-such percentage of people do and what CR is right to recommend.

> It's ridiculous to think there's some conspiracy trying to sell something half the price of even a cheap drip brewer.
And the proprietary filters.

The reality is coffee shops and roasters recommended by the SCAA must buy their supplies from the SCAA, pay their membership fees and provide discounts to other SCAA members or be removed from that list.

Assuming Fetco is a drip brewer, I'm quite sure you won't be able to tell the difference at all.
You can taste the difference between different methods, but gravity dripped is gravity dripped is gravity dripped is gravity dripped.

>> No.7885175

Ok, great. If you're that confident, let's do the bet. I'm 100% confident it's a free $500 for me. Hell, let's even say the loser pays the airfare too.

>> No.7885214

All this arguing over semantics

>> No.7885383

You don't know what semantics means.

Meet me at the intersection of Sathon and Saladeng Rds in BKK. Give me a bit to get there. I'll be traveling from Prachachuen Rd in Bang Sue, so it might take a while.

>> No.7885447

Are you a sexpat?

>> No.7885513

That is going to make things tricky. I personally talk with third wave shop owners across most of the US and Canada, plus a few European countries, but not much in that corner of the world. Not many come around to the channels.

Hows the third wave scene in Thailand? If you happen to know any shops that might be willing to host that'd be the best. Probably not going to be able to get decent commercial gear together off the local classifieds like I can here.

>> No.7885698



>> No.7885803
File: 1.52 MB, 10000x8600, extra super really flustered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking coffee