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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 431x407, hotsaucebefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7861102 No.7861102 [Reply] [Original]

Who else takes as much silverware and hot sauce packets as they can from their local restaurants?

I always take several fistfuls of fire sauce until the little plastic bag at taco bell can't hold out anymore. I also take entire boxes of straws and plastic silverware and saurkraut from Cosco since it's included in the price of my hotdog and drink.

>> No.7861108

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7861115
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>Being Black: the Thread.

>> No.7861120

I'm Indian but nice profiling.

>> No.7861123

even worse

>> No.7861125

I had a bad meal at chipotle and took a few things of Tabasco in my hoodie

>> No.7861126

Youre both brown.

>> No.7861131

Not helping your case, buddy.

>> No.7861140
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>im Indian

>> No.7861145

sick with no power
forced out of apartment to not freeze to death
go to mcdonalds because its the nearest thing
get a mountain of napkins for mocus
have to shit
mcdonalds employee threw my shit tothe trash
i order another mega soda and grab like 300 napkins and sit elsewhere
probably got around 30 kids sick through the day

>> No.7861147

Nah, i'm not a scummy leech.

>> No.7861149

>have to shit
>mcdonalds employee threw my shit to the trash
did you shit on your tray?

>> No.7861157

i mean the tray with napkins and 2 empty burger boxes

>> No.7861163

Reminds me of the photo of that nig nog filling up a gallon bottle of Hawaiian Punch at a Subway soda fountain. It's literally the same shit and it's going to end up with restaurant's charging for condiments and refills.

>> No.7861170

This is why fast food places charge for sauce now

>> No.7861175

So you're complaining because an employee dumped what was obviously trash?

>> No.7861178

Niggers ruin everything and this is why they should be gassed or sent back to Africa, whichever is cheaper

>> No.7861179
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When I was in the Boy Scouts we had a scoutmaster who had what looked like a fishing tackle box full of condiments from ketchup to McD's pancake syrup. He's bring that thing on the camp outs to supplement our silver turtle-hobo meals.

>> No.7861316

>black from asia
Same difference.

>> No.7861354
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>> No.7861368

Why can't I find bottled fire sauce at the grocery store? i've checked every one in town they only have mild and hot, it sucks

>> No.7861786

>gf's birthday
>invite her family and my family for a surprise dinner eating sushi
>after meal is done her mom lags behind collecting all the unused chop-sticks, wasabi, and ginger at the table
>she even took the little plates the wasabi comes on
>felt incredibly bad/embarrassed but at atleast i had tipped very well
among this kind of stuff she also fills ketchup bottles with packets from restaurants
she never buys napkins
i mean being crafty is one thing but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, man

>> No.7861787

Dot or Feather?

I'm thinking dot as your kind are notoriously cheap.

>> No.7861794

Hey, hey.....

Why did Hitler kill himself?

>*stifling chuckle*

Know why?

>*about to break*

He got the GAS BILL!


Still cheaper than shipping them out imho.

>> No.7861819

why not just use a bidet? shitfuck


>> No.7861829


The only ones I do are at Arbys because Arby Sauce is divine and the local place has no problem with giving me "an assload of Arby Sauce" whenever I ask.

>> No.7862163
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I work at Taco Bell and I always see you fucking dotheads steal all the fucking sauce. You have the nerve to fucking ask for another bag, and just load the whole container into a bag. Manager says I can't stop you, but sometimes I want to find the door your family floated in on and beat the all to death with it.

You got 5 bean dollar items, calm the fuck down.

>> No.7863282
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>> No.7863289

I'm not living in batshit poverty so it's more worth my time and quality of life to spend $1.50 on a regular bottle of hot sauce instead of using fast food packets.

>> No.7863337

also having worked at Taco Bell, you need to calm the fuck down or you're not gonna be getting any VOCs, buddy
Taco Bell continues to make money hand over fist despite their extremely liberal policies concerning the sauce. Why the fuck do you care? Rising minimum wages are a bigger threat to your personal bottom line. I quit when the minimum wage went up a dollar and literally 50% of everyone the local franchisee employs got raises, because they cut EVERYBODY down to 30 hours. I was already at 30 so they cut me down to 20, which got cut to 15 because they'd send me home early at least once a week.

>> No.7863351

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7863360

>I also take entire boxes of straws and plastic silverware and saurkraut from Cosco since it's included in the price of my hotdog and drink.

i legitimately laughed out loud.

>> No.7863461


>But raising the minimum wage is a good thing! $15 for everyone!

>> No.7863464
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like sure i'll grab ONE fistful, but what you're doing is fucking pathetic, OP

>> No.7863476

>yeahya flavor

is that what they call it?

>> No.7863698


> indian
> at taco hell

The poo must be impossible to contain

>> No.7864498

Why the FUCK do all Indians always want everything either free or at a 90%+ discount? There are no exceptions.

>> No.7864513


>> No.7864540

Why do you care so much as an employee? You don't buy the sauce. You get paid the same no matter how many shitskins take bagfuls of sauce. Why get worked up over it?

>> No.7865592

While my friend and I were trying those mac n cheetos at burger king, some kid just walked in, grabbed a fistful of straws, and took off running down the street and kept running until he was out of sight.

It was pretty funny.

>> No.7865606

I usually take a couple extra forks, spoons, and knives from Wendy's and keep them in my center console in case I went somewhere else and they forgot to put it in. Napkins too.

>> No.7865615


>> No.7865626

>Why do you care so much as an employee?
>Why does it bother you that fellow human beings are selfish thieving scum taking advantage of everyone and everything whenever they can and you have to share society with them?
Oh, I dunno anon...

>> No.7865861
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>taking advantage of the place you work at shouldn't bother you
yeah well it does

>> No.7865870
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also, as >>7865626 pointed out, this behaviour isn't limited to just stealing as many sauce packets as they can

this awful cheapness applies to every aspect of their life

they will haggle and barter, to everyone's chagrin, at any non-corporate place. likely small businesses who have to charge a little more to get by

they are fucking scum and every customer service person's worst nightmare

my store repairs cellphones for a living -- you realize how much money i'd have if i got paid for every time someone mentioned a flea market? if i got paid for listening to retarded haggling, where you'll quote a price and they'll quote it back $10 cheaper? if i was given a fucking PENNY for every time they fought me on a $100 screen repair?



>> No.7866034

Stupid fuck. Thought you knew something but you didn't bitch???

>> No.7866185 [DELETED] 

actual nigger detected

>> No.7866212
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>nuking the middle east because you don't like indians

>> No.7866221

implying india is not part of the middle east
implying i give a fuck about telling the difference when they're all this cheap, be it from saudi arabia or pakistan

they're awful, cheap people, and they need to be erased

>> No.7866223 [DELETED] 
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>he thinks the middle east doesn't apply to all brown countries
but seriously, no on cares, pajeet

>> No.7866227

Because everything in India is cheap ripoff shit.

>> No.7866237

>I don't have a passport therefore anyone who has ever been outside his podunk town must be black

>> No.7866260

This level of uneducation makes me proud I'm not American.

>> No.7866262
File: 55 KB, 249x238, 1399545918816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm canadian and i'm sick of brown people coming into my store and being cheap as fuck

fuck off you whiny niggers

like i literally do not and should not care when every single brown person acts like this

>> No.7866283

You are still from America and your argument fails to defend your education or inteligence.

>> No.7866398
File: 395 KB, 420x420, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, you fucking faggot. Canadians are North Americans. There is only one America, and it starts with "The United States of"

>> No.7866407

Shut up Canada, we don't recognize your sovereignty. You are officially just Minnesota but slightly dumber.

>> No.7866409


>i'm from a completely different country than america
>you are still from america because i say so

Jesus christ, dude, how dense can you possibly be?

>> No.7866412


>> No.7866413

South Americans think they count as Americans too. It's something.

>> No.7866418


No they don't and no it isn't. You're just showing off your ignorance.

>> No.7867109

I don't buy ketchup, mustard, mayo, sugar, salt, pepper, creamer or hot sauce. I get all that free from convenient stores. They don't care if you go in and buy a hot dog if you fill your pockets with condiment packets. Always ask for extra ketchup, picante sauce, etc at McDonalds. Get the packets of Dukes mayo from Hardees/Carls Jr. Any time I see condiments in packets up front and for the taking I do it. When you have to ask because they are sitting behind the counter somewhere then you know they don't want you taking them. I also take packets of honey and jelly when I come across them. Every time I get Wendy's chili I ask for 12 packets of their hot chili sauce and 10 packets of crackers when I only use 1 hot sauce and 4 packs of crackers for a large. They haven't fought me on it yet.

>> No.7867185
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>> No.7867193


>i don't buy salt

Why not just say that you don't cook to begin with and save everyone the time of reading a wall of text.

>> No.7867331

Lots of napkins. And a rather large container filled with various fast food dipping sauces.

>> No.7867337

Everybody steals that stuff. but nothing as extreme as OP, I would assume.

>> No.7867446

>waaah, my slavedriver got ripped off! :(
do food service cucks really believe this?

>> No.7867453

Congrats, you've become an 80 year old woman.

>> No.7867462

Boy scout here.
Can confirm, there was always some dude who had a collection of all that shit. He had about 50 of the little tobascos that came with MREs too. Came in handy though. Rehydrating peas in salt water only tasted so good on its own.

>> No.7867548

>uneducated american meme
>indians literally uneducated and poor so they have to steal sauce and silverware from Taco Bell and Cosco
Lmaoing @ ur life shitter

>> No.7867554

back to r9k, faggot

>> No.7867565

Were you guys in the same troop? You should kiss

>> No.7869246
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>> No.7869253

Read ingredients the sauce isn't even similar to what is in the store lol

>> No.7869258
File: 119 KB, 883x497, IMG_20160620_152024444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never go inside so I can't get a shitload extra like OP but they always throw a bunch in the bag anyway and I end up not using a few packets. I always throw these in my desk drawer and now I have a nice little stash going.

>> No.7869496

>plastic silverware

>> No.7869516


>> No.7869590

I used to do this sometimes but just when I go to the "pastry" (English doesn't have a word for this, but it's a flat dough filled with pretty much anything you can imagine deep fried) shop in the farmer's market. They make a homemade hot sauce that's neither too hot or too diluted, the best hot sauce I have ever eaten.
Nowadays I just ask them to make a bottle for me and I buy it from them instead.

>> No.7869629

i sometimes take a good steak knife home from a steak house.....also those little porcelain cups that they serve condiments in.... they are handy

>> No.7869674

I have two passports and was not born in the US, though I live here now.

Nice ad hominem, shitlord.

>> No.7869709

I'm Indian too

You're the reason I tip 20% AT MINIMUM
Fuck my people man.

>> No.7869719

> Be at work
> Always keep a reserve of Chick-Fil-A Sauce
> One day someone takes all of them
> Leaves all the other sauce so I know it's on purpose
> Start yelling
> Boss gets worried

Boss gave my retarded ass a container filled with Chik-Fil-A sauce packets which requires a key to open.

>> No.7869742


>> No.7870088

Sometimes I'll take some extra hot sauce packets but nothing like the OP.

Usually it's like what >>7869258 said, they just throw a handfull of stuff into the bag so you have extras anyways.

>> No.7870645

t. 50 year old southern female hoarder

>> No.7870900

at least you ask

>> No.7870912

>I also take entire boxes of straws and plastic silverware and saurkraut from Cosco since it's included in the price of my hotdog and drink
Holy fuck I hope this is bait

>> No.7870922

not even sure what this is suppose to mean

>> No.7870936

I used to work graveyards at Tim Hortons and every night this crackhead lady would come in and ask for a spoon. First night I worked, I gave her one and she just walked out. Pretty obvious what she was doing with it, so I let it continue.

When you work in the service industry, you can't let peoples greens and selfishness bother you. If it's a ridiculous fucked up order, don't take their shit. But if they want to steal some straws or sauce, let then have it.

>> No.7870940

>Why does it bother you that fellow human beings are selfish thieving scum taking advantage of everyone and everything whenever they can

Everyone does it. Hell it's basically expected. Don't let it get to you my man, it's not worth your time.

>> No.7870956


>> No.7870960


>> No.7871208
File: 41 KB, 423x359, nachocheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you go through the drive-thru they always give you what equates to a couple fistfuls of sauce anyway

I have an entire jar full of Taco Bell sauce that is constantly refilling itself and I've not once gone into the restaurant, drive-thru only

>> No.7871211

>I used to work graveyards at Tim Hortons and every night this crackhead lady would come in and ask for a spoon. First night I worked, I gave her one and she just walked out.

You realize that when people use spoons for that shit they're heated up right? It has to be a metal spoon, a plastic one would melt

>> No.7871218

I commend you on your fire sauce stash. most impressive.

>> No.7871262

Probably dot, feathers might be cheap but I think they tend to be polite about it. Unless they're mixed with filthy Spanish blood, in that case fuck em.

>> No.7871450

wow its almost like he said it was pretty obvious what she was doing

>> No.7871457


>> No.7871475


>> No.7871481

Do you ever actually use those sauce packets? I used to hoard them too, until I realized I only fucking use them when I eat taco bell, so what's the point of having extras.

>> No.7871519

The point is you CAN'T do that with a plastic spoon....

If you put a plastic spoon over an open flame, it isn't going to cook anything, it's going to melt and ruin your drugs, a durr

>> No.7871523

I use them for cheese quesadillas which I eat fairly often.....frozen burritos if I happen to grab some of those

>> No.7871589

ITT : How to be a jew

>> No.7871606

>Everybody steals that stuff
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7871623

I honestly don't get this mindset. How much are you really saving by doing this? It's not worth the hassle. You'd save more in the long run just skipping a coffee one day a week. I'm guessing it's some kind of weird compulsion though.

>> No.7871626


Agreed. If it was about money you wouldn't be eating out at restaurants (even cheap fast food ones) anyway.

>> No.7871629


Don't be so hard on your kin, Pajeet.

They just want free stuff

>> No.7871751

Have you ever been into a Taco Bell? The sauce is free....you are not required to pay for sauce

I don't know why people ITT are acting like it's theft, they give you the sauce FOR FREE...

You could literally do the same thing in the drive thru..."I want extra sauce! Like A LOT"

Boom, now you have a lot of free hot sauce

You people are morons

>> No.7871770

I remember that my mom used take a bunch of packets of Tapatio from a supermarket, put them in her purse, and then whenever we went to a restaurant she would use the sauce packets.

>> No.7871775

>I don't know why people ITT are acting like it's theft

Because people who were raised with good manners realize that the sauce is free in reasonable amounts and that it's wrong to abuse the system and take massive amounts of it.

>>You could literally do the same thing in the drive thru..."I want extra sauce! Like A LOT"
that's not literally the same thing. In this case you received permission to take a large amount of sauce.

>> No.7871786
File: 22 KB, 806x1049, 1449672995366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working at taco cuck
>some faggot got out of the hospital and orders 5 or 6 chicken tacos
>wants a fucking mountain of sauce
>give him a mountain of sauce
>holds up the entire fucking drive thru for 5 minutes because he wants more sauce and he wants to tell the cashier his life story
>he eventually asks if he can buy an entire case of sauce
>customers at the order screen getting mad at us because of this one fucking faggot's entitlement to sauces

>> No.7871792

>In this case you received permission to take a large amount of sauce.

You received permission on the inside too, which is why they put the sauce out in a fucking unsupervised sauce stand

Because the employees have better things to do than be asked continually every time a customer wants to know if they can have a fraction of a cent plastic packet of hot sauce

>> No.7871886

minimum wage slaves are just mad that they have to go out and refill the sauce stand more often

>> No.7871894

>You received permission on the inside too

No, you did not, because you did not interact with an employee.

The concept is well known to non-autists: you take a reasonable amount of condiments to go with your meal. You do not abuse the system and take massive amounts of it.

>> No.7871942

I worked at T Bell for about a year, literally did not give a fuck if people took sauce....

I didn't get paid by the amount of free hot sauce I shilled to drunken morons, so it did not concern me.

I think you're the autistic one. Abuse the system? By taking more free hot sauce than YOU deem acceptable from a multi billion dollar corporation who makes tons of money on food items that costs little to nothing to produce?

You're a fucking autist man, either that or you're a weird submissive cheapo Chinese...which is the same thing to Americans really.

>> No.7871967

>By taking more free hot sauce

Indeed. Restaurants like Taco Bell, etc, calculate their food prices based on their costs. And the cost includes some amount of sauce packets. If people take more than that, then someone at corporate figures out that hey, our costs are higher than we expected. So they either raise the price, or they put the packets behind the counter to curb that sort of behavior. And I'd rather them not do either one.

Whenever you were out at a picnic or whatever with your parents as a kid didn't they teach you that it's OK to take some food, but it's not OK to take a fuckload of it? This is some basic shit man.

>> No.7871982

>Whenever you were out at a picnic or whatever with your parents as a kid didn't they teach you that it's OK to take some food, but it's not OK to take a fuckload of it?

Taco Bell is not my family. I do not give a flying fuck about Taco Bell, and I worked at Taco Bell.

Taco Bell has never raised the price on sauce, because sauce is FREE

It's free because they can afford it to be free, there is a reason they give you more sauce than anybody would generally need FOR FREE even if you just ordered a single item in the drive-thru, because they make more money on selling cheap fucking menu items that they can afford to give out free sauce

>> No.7872013

>because sauce is FREE

The cost of the sauce (and everything else in the restaurant) is built into the price of the meal. How can you have worked there yet not understand the very basics: that EVERY expense of the restaurant (rent, taxes, payroll, the guy who washes the windows, etc.) is ALL built into the cost of the meal.

>>because they make more money on selling cheap fucking menu items that they can afford to give out free sauce

Yeah. And if enough people take home armloads of sauce then either the price of the meals will go up to compensate, or they will start a new policy to restrict how much sauce is given out.

Face it, you're like a welfare leech. Gimmee gimme gimmee it's all freee....... Well guess what? The system can only support so many leeches before it breaks down, so why be one?

>> No.7872067

Yeah, you're autistic. If I knew where you lived IRL I would the insane amount of Taco Bell sauce that I amass over the years (since they give me way more than I need FOR FREE every time) and squirt it all over your house every night just to trigger your autism

>> No.7872068

Look, Conservatard, Bernie said that is a livable wage. It's not our fault the 1% taco barons want to keep cutting you out of their budget.

>> No.7872084


Nah, bro. You paid for that sauce with the horrific markup that TB charges for their shite-tier meat.

I guess I shouldn't expect any more than stupidity from a taco bell employee.

>> No.7872097

>Nah, bro. You paid for that sauce with the horrific markup that TB charges for their shite-tier meat.

This is literally what I've been saying, but thanks for reiterating my point for the autistic corporate shill ITT

>> No.7872132

>This is literally what I've been saying

And yet, you don't seem to realize that you are taking more sauce than the amount budgeted for in the cost of the meal.

>> No.7872182

>corporate shill ITT

Corporate Shill? I don't give a fuck about taco bell. I just have two comments:

1) Were you honestly raised so poorly that you think it's OK to go and load up on that much sauce?


2) Don't you realize that that sort of behavior will eventually result in higher prices and/or restricted sauce? That affects you directly, not Taco Bell. I don't give two shits about TB corporate. I would, however, be pissed off if they started restricting sauce because some fuckwit can't stop at taking just a few packets and insists on stocking his pantry with them.

>> No.7872222

I don't. I only go to Taco Bell in the drive thru, and they always give me a shit load of sauce, so much sauce in fact that I have a personal fucking stockpile in a big jar that never gets near half empty

You're a fucking moron, you could literally take a fistful of sauce every visit and it wouldn't mean shit.

>2) Don't you realize that that sort of behavior will eventually result in higher prices and/or restricted sauce?

It won't, it never has, and it never will. For every person who takes a lot of sauce, there is someone who takes NO sauce, and that's how much they're giving every mother fucker in the drive through anyway.

>> No.7872229

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.7872262

No, he really didn't.

He reiterated the point I was making this whole thread that it doesn't matter how much sauce you take because they offer it for free since they make the money back on their over priced food that they sell to you for a much higher price than it takes to make, which is a mere bag of shells

The idea that there is so many people who take obscene amounts of sauce is....stupid. It's pure autism, and you're a fucking retard if you think enough people are taking extra sauce from Taco Bell to the point where they're going to start charging for it.

Also samefag.

>> No.7872269

Confirmed for never working at taco bel or being lazy shit worker who managers wish they could fire. If you ever worked fast food, you would know that the store is not representative of the company and must stand its own covering its cost. Unless well your a shit employ who hates their job and complains about working there. Literal piece of shit

>> No.7872280

Dude just stop, I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.7872281

>Taco Bell is not my family. I do not give a flying fuck about Taco Bell, and I worked at Taco Bell.
Confirmed nig.

>> No.7872291

The Taco Bell shilling is real. So many buttblasted corporate employees ITT.

brb, gonna go get a single cheesy rollup and dozens of packets of every kind of sauce

>> No.7872385

Since we're talking about Taco Bell.
Do they make anything good?
If they've got anything I might grab some after work

>> No.7872417

>condiment shopping by taking condiments from fast food places
>loading up on mcdick's picante sauce and similar things

>everything that isnt ketchup, mustard, or table salt is shit

Great plan. The only fast food sauce that even tastes good to me is BK's zesty sauce and even that tastes like nothing by the end of a meal. The picante sauce is fucking awful btw.

>> No.7872426

Cheesy Gordita Crunch

Have to eat it hot, though

>> No.7872481


When they had that ps4 promotion going on I went there and got the box deal and everything was pretty gross. But I did also try this $1 ghost pepper mini burrito thing, and while it wasn't super spicy or anything, it did actually have some flavor to it.

I used to eat the nacho fries and 7 layer burritos as a kid, but now I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.7872563
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>> No.7872572

We did it reddit!

>> No.7872583

>shitskin steals

>> No.7872585

you're not the one being taken advantage of

also get an education and a real job if working in fast food is proving too tough for you

>> No.7872623

nigga its sauce chill the fuck out I've worked at taco bell and no one would give a shit, people would come in and not order anything and just take sauce. You know who cared? no one. Because, again, its just fuckin sauce
theres giant fuckin boxes in the back full of those things that they get every week

>> No.7872650

>clogging your toilet and causing potential hundreds of dollars of damage for the sake of memeing on 4chan

Or alternatively

>Having to scoop out sauce packets from dirty toilet water that you posed there for a photograph for the sake of memeing on 4chan

Kill yourself my man

>> No.7872657

I hired your mom to fish them out for me. Judging by the fact that you're so obsessed with saving money for corporations I assumed you were Jewish and paid her a couple shiny pennies

>> No.7873927

I gave her a metal spoon, maybe I should have clarified.. sorry, it was late when I posted.

She asked for a spoon so I gave her a metal one and she just walked out. Next night, same thing. I gave her the metal spoons because I didn't care that it was costing the company money, which is related to the thread.

>> No.7873931

This guy is really defensive about the sauce..

>> No.7873961
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1468321000545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for someone who speaks on behalf of non-autists, you sound pretty autistic.

>> No.7874225

This thread sure has been...


>> No.7874837
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 1464681811443-jpg--1464532796483-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not autistic
>posts a frog

>> No.7875368
File: 57 KB, 500x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a /pol/ tier thread
Fuck this

>> No.7875485

I like to collect Zax sauce from Zaxby's because it's just so fucking good that I always need it