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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1024x768, this scares the amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7858143 No.7858143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are amerifats afraid of runny yolks?

>> No.7858154

why the fuck do you even care ?
yeah it's some underdeveloped third world shithole. everyone fucking knows. so shut the fuck up and stop making such worthless posts

>> No.7858158

Why do Europeans throw out the white parts of spring onion?

>> No.7858159

I am genuinely curious, what about them scares americans?

>> No.7858166

>muh salmonella

lol literally over 60% dindus.

>> No.7858167

Absolutely nothing, over easy is one of the most common ways Americans order our eggs. Sunny side up too.

>> No.7858169 [DELETED] 

>literally not even a stereotype to begin with

>> No.7858170
File: 68 KB, 557x404, 5459274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fude, i'm american and love runny yolks.. that creamy stuff on a burger or toast or just about anything is fucking divine, and most of my freedom loving american compatriots would agree.

So you can fuck right off you commie bastard.

>> No.7858175

Seriously? I was in southern US last summer and everytime I ordered eggs with runny yolks for breakfast people looked at me like I asked for an orphan sandwich

>> No.7858176

We're not. Now fuck off and die shitposting cunt.

>> No.7858177

Sunny side up is fucking disgusting. We only eat over easy or for breakfast, scrambled.

>> No.7858189

Why do Western Europeans take common food, throw a sunny side egg on it then declare it a new local dish?

>> No.7858195
File: 12 KB, 258x245, eggtugal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7858196

Those are just the Portuguese to be honest.

>> No.7858197 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1300x864, 4137558-A-typical-American-hearty-breakfast-Stock-Photo-breakfast-eggs-bacon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google "typical american breakfast"
>virtually every image that comes back includes sunny side up eggs

Yeah, no.

>> No.7858199

It wasn't too long ago I would get banned from this board for posting meme faces with my on topic comments.

>> No.7858201


This is because of an amerifag in a thread on /sp/ creating a turnmoil on portuguese saying runny yolks are disgusting

>> No.7858203

Why do americans get so butthurt over not being able to tolerate runny yolks?
Why can't they just say "well, some of us prefer them hard and gnarly"?
Instead they get butthurt as if you eprsonally insulted their mommy's tendies.

>> No.7858216


Why do Americans add meaningless addenda to carcinogenic pig-flesh sandwiched between low quality bread and call it a regional delicacy?

>> No.7858225


>> No.7858229

Why do europoors think putting dead egg fetuses on everything but makes them culinary geniuses?

>> No.7858230

>Why are amerifats

>> No.7858241

>never heard of dippy eggs

>> No.7858256

Sunny side up is incredibly popular. You're an idiot.

>> No.7858258
File: 84 KB, 416x357, Ma Falcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga you must be from the south. I have heard that 1000 times

>> No.7858260

>must be from the south
Nope, Glorious rural PA

>> No.7858268


>> No.7858282

I didn't truly realize how much europe hates us until I frequented /ck/.

I hope you guys find peace and stop being so angry. But I also am happy you're having a good time trying to troll us.

>> No.7858294

I realized it reading chat comments in soccer streams. Non stop spamming of death to America by hundreds in every chat.

>> No.7858296

Say over easy not runny you wierd fuck.

>> No.7858299

Europe doesn't, 4chan has a superiority thing going on with all the shitposting.

Any American who's actually frequented much of Europe would find the people are generally friendly

Except Parisians, but I guess they're shitty with everyone.

>> No.7858306

And the hateful ones are the most vocal, the calm ones are generally busy being other than aspies and living their lives while the shitty ones are all autism in the fullest

>> No.7858310

It's just americans pretending to be euros to troll other americans.

>> No.7858323

I'm not from the anglosphere so I'll call them runny, thanks though

>> No.7858337 [DELETED] 


I'm American and have been to Paris probably a dozen times. I've never encountered Parisians who were particularly rude to Americans/foreigners. As long as you speak decent enough French and don't act like a dumb tourist they're pretty much the same as people anywhere else in my experience.

>> No.7858345

>Uses a weird dialect
>wonders why people think he's weird

>> No.7858360

My experience was also probably poor because my French was much worse, I still couldn't even pronounce the r without a lot of thought

And I guess I'm exaggerating a bit, but I did notice the Parisians were more cold than the people in other areas, even Marseille, which was a shithole desu

>> No.7858364

This, I went there and could speak French well enough but couldn't understand it spoken back and everyone was nice enough to me. I only had a couple times where I said "Lentement s'il vous plaît' and they gave me a shit look instead of trying to make themselves understood.

Though really the best time I had was in the smaller towns where they didn't speak a lick of English and we had to get creative to communicate past my meager vocabulary.

>> No.7858899

this >>7858323
stop blaming things for you being wierd. you don't have to stop but you can't blame it on white people and yolks.

>> No.7858914

I don't like egg yolk.

>> No.7858927
File: 172 KB, 200x100, 1368215600993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to love soft-boiled eggs
>15 years has passed since I ate one
>developed germaphobia in the meantime
>can no longer eat it

>> No.7859326

Just brine it in bleach first :)

>> No.7859330

What? I'm an American and I have no idea what you're talking about. Is that a stereotype of us?

>> No.7859342

Same reason Americans can't eat steak anything under well-done. Raw food in USA gives you worms or salmonella.

>> No.7859345

Anything shitposting europeans dislike is something Americans do. They need to feel superior SOME way I guess. 90% of what is posted about "Americans" doing, ive never fucking heard of. How would someone know that an entire nation of people for the most part dont like a certain kind of yolk?
Maybe its something they hear about on American sitcoms or some stupid shit since they obsess over what Americans do for some reason. I wouldnt know.

>> No.7859383

You're as ignorant as you'd like to think Americans are.

>> No.7859487

euh, we do?
I've never done that desu

>> No.7859555

Not sure why there's so much butthurt in this post.

Americans aren't afraid of runny yolks, we jus generally don't like it as much. Personally I prefer my eggs scrambled, but I like a runny yolk occasionally.

>> No.7859647

Sunny side up is absolute garbage

Best eggs are fried on both sides with the yolk half runny half softboiled

>> No.7859657

Yuropee here. I think it's disgusting. I eat animal products because it's delicious when cooked right and spiced. I don't want to taste the rawness of a chicken's fetus.

>> No.7859728

Eggs sold in the US are most often washed which removes a very thin layer from the egg that prevents bacteria from getting inside, so some people don't like to leave it uncooked. Some people just prefer solid yolk, myself being one of those people. I can only enjoy scrambled because the texture of any other makes me gag.

>> No.7859751

>rawness of a chicken's fetus
>europoorian education

>> No.7859823

>thinks foreign people are weirdos

>> No.7859828

please report to nearest airport for deportation, do not pass go do not collect social welfare

>> No.7860142


I don't think they are any more afraid of it than most, they have less reason to be afraid of it than most too.

The chance of an egg being internally contaminated with salmonella AND having had the right circumstances for salmonella to multiply is very small in the US (salmonella doesn't do much in refrigeration). Similarly it's also small in countries with mandatory vaccination.

My country has neither, so any egg older than ~2 weeks has 0.003% of giving you salmonella poisoning if not cooked through.