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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 1000x696, Osias_Beert_-_Oysters_1610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7856740 No.7856740 [Reply] [Original]

What food or beverages you like most people would consider disgusting?

>> No.7856745


>> No.7856766

Chink shit

AKA fermented tofu, shrimp paste, century egg etc

>> No.7856770
File: 36 KB, 640x480, sen-sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most peculiar acquired taste I've ever come across is pic related.

>> No.7856771

pickled herring

>> No.7856776

Hearts and lungs

>> No.7856780
File: 685 KB, 1632x1224, photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood sausage. Like, genuine blood sausage not that blood pudding you eat in bongland.

>> No.7856790


>> No.7856797

Beef tongue
Holodets(meat aspic)
Pickled/salted/cured/raw fish
Salo(cured pig fatback)

And probably more stuff I am not aware it's disgusting for normies.

>> No.7856819

What is it? looks like those finnish salmiak things

>> No.7856829

I sure do like brain, liverwurst, and blood sausage amongst other offal foods.
I'm sure I could find more but that's all I have now.

>> No.7856834
File: 88 KB, 398x400, 1411114327928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pudding

Most offal and some exotic meat, crocodile, kangaroo and ostrich.

Ostrich steaks are the shit, really recommend you try them if you can get hold of some.

>> No.7856835

Lengua is not really all that strange most people would be fine eating it, especially if they didn't know what it was specifically.

>> No.7856846

That would probably also be the case for beef tongue, but people aren't exactly lining up to eat it.
It tastes like any beef roast if prepared well.

>> No.7856901


>> No.7856931
File: 85 KB, 460x533, 6a00d83451fa5069e2013486f70970970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legitimely surprised that a lot of people do not like this

>> No.7856937

kill yourself

>> No.7857029
File: 79 KB, 1200x801, Bloody-Mary-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not yet met another person that likes bloody marys.

>> No.7857047

right here senpai

I have to limit myself to a small one, and usually with a burger in the late afternoon

>> No.7857074

Those aren't acquired tastes though. Just stuff you wouldn't normally eat, but if if you give it a go you'd probably like it.

>> No.7857083

My Chinese grandma makes a soup that I love but I've never met a lo fan that likes it or can even bear the smell.

>> No.7857127

tonic water

>> No.7858168

Kombucha and pu erh were both pretty acquired tastes for me, though now I like them both.

>> No.7858172


>> No.7858182
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Black Coffee

>> No.7858183

Lambic raspberry beer or some such

>> No.7858193

>Like, genuine blood sausage not that blood pudding you eat in bongland.

>she says while posting a picture of uncooked black pudding

>> No.7858213

I like the crisps but have never actually tried the sauce.

>> No.7858269


What the fuck are you talking about?
I get that shit every weekend from the organic market. It's fucking delicious.
Please don't tell me you're American, that would be so stereotypical

>> No.7858307

What a strange part of the world you people must live in...

>> No.7858422


>> No.7858426

Dude are you like 105? I thought they stopped making these during the Great Depression.

>> No.7858433

Not him, but I'm 38 and I used to get those all the time in the late 90s/early 2000s when I was a heavy smoker. Not that I actually thought they cured smoker breath, but it was kind of my fedora phase, to use the modern lingo.

Any good tobacco shop should carry them

>> No.7859346


>> No.7859348
File: 35 KB, 479x364, malta-goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm surprised by how many people hate these

>> No.7859359

Salty man meat

>> No.7859363

A soup, or 'medicine'? My Chinese grandma made me some weird concoction for a cold once. Boiled antelope horn or some shit.

>> No.7859364


>> No.7859368
File: 674 KB, 1350x1247, natto_scoop1350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been eating natto since I was a child. People are put off by it's smell and texture but I've personally never noticed it's bad smell if there is one. The texture can make natto annoying to eat, trying to contain the strings, but the texture itself isn't off-putting.

>> No.7859369

I wish malt beverages were a bit more popular. I can hardly find them in Asia.

>> No.7859393

Nigguh wut?

>> No.7859411

Fucking old Asian grandmas. My Vietnamese grandma does the same thing.

>> No.7859416

The eyes of most fish cooked over coals
Smoked cow tongue
Just about anything fish really, fermented, sundried, curried, you name i'll eat it
Pofadder (various offal ground into a fatty sausage of goodness, cooked over coals,
Skilpaitjies (sheep/buck kidneys wrapped in the fat from some other organ, also cooked over coals)
Prawn heads
The entire apple
Jägermeister and coke
Zouty drops (Hades tier liqourice)
Peanuts with the shell (the fibrous outer bit, not the skin)

trans pussy

>> No.7859423

I like mayo with my noodles

>> No.7859433

>trans pussy

Go on

>> No.7859445

>trans pussy
transguys or transgirls?

>> No.7859452

A lot of people don't like black licorice but idk why shits delicious

>> No.7859467

The more backstreet the surgeon was, the more interesting the scents and textures become, and once they mature after a few years, the bolder and more pungent the sensations get. Its like a good cheese, a good, ripe, borderline palatable cheese.
The best import brands are turkish and japanese, imho, but you can always keep it safe and get a taiwanese 2nd hand, never let me down in a pinch of cravings.
Otherwise, if you're androintolerant you could get a circumsized subsaharan, ive found they all have their unique flavour profiles, some less enjoyable than others, but they serve as an excellent analogue for that fermented turkey gizzard texture i love so much about anthrocrotchnotch

>> No.7859472


Please, talking transguys here. I have class, I'm not some sausage gobbling slav

>> No.7859559
File: 28 KB, 402x366, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch licorice.
I can't eat the stuff, too salty.

>> No.7859576

You mean salmiak. It's not salt flavour it's ammonium chloride that gives the taste.

>> No.7859580

Uh, I guess in Poland a lot of kids don't like, and then grow up to like:

brussel sprouts
spinach (mostly because it's served as a disgusting goopy mess with no flavour in kindergardens)
blood sausages
blood soup
coffee and beer, and vodka I guess, though I don't think people actually like the taste of vodka even when grown up
blue cheese

it's not a rule though, obviously. I know kids who loved olives forever, but most of my friends found them off-putting when they were kids and then tried them when they were adults and loved them.

>> No.7859588

Since when did idiots think "acquired taste" meant "thinks I like that most people don't"?

Look up the definition of "acquired"


>> No.7859596
File: 34 KB, 736x800, be620f579769bd8e_800x800ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's salt, just not sodium chloride.

A different type of salt.

>> No.7859602

Cow tongue that shit is nasty

>> No.7859604
File: 14 KB, 1085x116, salmiak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7859606

Ammonium chloride is a salt.

>> No.7859607


>> No.7859611
File: 291 KB, 900x900, 1461221005977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound salty yourself anon :)

>> No.7859618

http://www.bestshockers.com/meat-grinder/ yumy

>> No.7859634
File: 14 KB, 250x250, SoftDutchDropsGerrittVerburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking salty liquorice aka "drop(s)"
I don't understand how the dutch can eat this stuff

I've tried at least 4 different kinds of it and they're all horrible

>> No.7859635

Nvm, read the OP more carefully. Thought it was a general "acquired taste" thread

>> No.7859646

i liked cows tongue the one time i tried it,tasted like salami

>> No.7859727

>refers to an appreciation for a food or beverage that is unlikely to be enjoyed by a person who has not had substantial exposure to it, usually because of some unfamiliar aspect of the food or beverage, including a strong or strange odor, taste, or appearance.

>> No.7859900

that's completely different from "I like bloody maries but a lot of people I know do not"

>> No.7860002
File: 35 KB, 466x466, raw-liquorice-drops-lakrids-by-johan-bulow-pieces_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1423741430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salmiak is awesome.

Also, raw liquorice drops.

>> No.7860005


>> No.7860021

Speaking of salmiak and liquorice, anyone else gotten liquorice poisoning here? I've gotten it 3 times so far. Discount liquorice is literally my cryptonite.

>> No.7860023
File: 15 KB, 320x320, l_marmite_crisps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pudding, Marmite and Worcester Sauce are all things I heartily enjoy often.

As a Brit, I've noticed our food preferences (especially snacks) seem to favour salty/savoury foods over sugary sweet ones when compared to Americans, we really seem to have that penchant for glutamates.

Pickled Onions
Yeast Extract
Pork Scratchings
Meaty beer

The list goes on, maybe it's our shit climate that draws us to strong tasting food

>> No.7860037

shit's delicious m8

>> No.7860045

yet you keep eating the discount shit?

>> No.7860068

>be from italy
>live in us
>see this ITT
>'hey, that looks like tabu'
>wiki it
>it's got added sugar
>'so not like tabu, damn'
>it's out of production, anyway
>see the article mention something else called 'vigroids'
>wiki it
>exactly like mint tabu, but not regular one
>'oh well, mint one's still pretty good'
>it's still in production
Holy fuck, thanks for mentioning this!
Tabu was one of my favourite confectionaries as a kid and pure licorice is so fucking rare outside of Italy. I'm happy to know that there's a brand of pure licorice manufactured and sold in the US. I'm gonna go looking for Vigroids now.

>> No.7860069

yes lad, you just reminded me I've got some twiglets in the cupboard. cheers m8.
I think it could be the climate as well, Look at spains cuisine, rich but balanced flavours, lots of sweetness and sharp acids with seafood. Refreshing and quite clean tasting.
Same with Italy, fresh herbs, acidic tomato and wine. Even the fat is mostly in the form of fragrant and light olive oil.
Then British cuisine, an emphasis on meat, rich earthy warm spices like nutmeg and clove. Old pudding recipes Carbs are almost as much of a centrepiece as the meat with Yorkshire puddings, pies, goosefat roasted potatoes. Its food to keep you warm and make you feel full as quick as possible. Stops the miserable weather getting to you.

>> No.7860072

It's high quality liquorice, just on special offers every holiday. I'm a weak willed faggot, k :)

>> No.7860110

Why do you consider fernet an acquired taste? I've always thought it tasted genuinely good.
Maybe it's because where I'm from it's the most commoner drink.

>> No.7860393

Sen sen is no longer made.

>> No.7860406

I bought some from a drug store as recently as 1999ish. But yes, very old timey to be sure.

>> No.7860410

Fuck. Yes. So good! There's a little mexican joint in Joliet that makes the best menudo I've ever had. I drive out of my way and through the hood just to eat there.

>> No.7860426

I think there's a restaurant in Montreal that serves bloody marys with a slider skewered across the glass.
My friends and I refer to the idea as burger cocks.

>> No.7860433
File: 429 KB, 1600x1200, Scrapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people I've introduced to scrapple can't get past the consistency (especially if not cooked/fried hard) or the contents. I grew up eating and love it, however.

>> No.7860616

>fried hard
Black Philly native? I never hear anyone say that but black Philly natives and those associated with them, like Ricans and SWAN girls.

>> No.7860634

Dog food. you fucking normies can't even get on my level

>> No.7860685

No. I grew upside Reading, PA in a very traditional Pennsylvania German family. Most of my family members liked their scrapple cooked until it was crunchy.

>> No.7860896

but scrapple tastes great. people only stop liking it when they find out what's in it.

>> No.7860901

I'm not arguing with you there. But if someone knows what is in scrapple prior to consuming it, they are much less likely to eat it.

>> No.7860973

Sounds like an excerpt from naked lunch

>> No.7860985
File: 102 KB, 720x960, FD7.jpg?322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess because every foreigner I have tried to introduce fernet said to me it was disgusting, like some sour medicine.
btw how do you drink it? Here in Argentina we mix it with cola.

>> No.7860988

Sen-sens are the greatest thing ever made

When they announced they were going out of business I bought 200$ worth and still have some

gonna save some til I'm on my deathbed honestly

one day if I'm rich and famous I'll start production up again

aside from that I like very bitter things in general, always keep some baking grade 95%+ chocolate at my desk to nibble on

>> No.7860992

Oysters and mussels. Can't stand their texture, smell or taste.

>> No.7860996

almost bought a bottle to try yesterday but went with campari instead. if its sour ill try it next time im at the store

>> No.7861006

I wouldn't call it acquired taste but:

Mint chip chocolate ice cream.
Horchata (the Spanish one, I don't know what the latin horchatas are even made of)

>> No.7861014
File: 41 KB, 318x480, FC1.jpg?2153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I's sour and bitter have a very strong herbal taste(strogner than jagger) and a very far woody taste. Would never recommend to blind buy it if you never tried it before. Try it first at some bar.

>> No.7861038

avgolemono soup my yiayia makes. It tastes great and cheap as shit but all the non wog friends who tried it were put off.

Also lamb liver wrapped in sheets of fat and grilled on an open flame. Although I guess that's more a consequence of me living in a shitty country like Australia that is afraid to eat anything besides muscle meat. It would probably be a fairly standard dish in most places.

>> No.7861062


Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7861542

A spicy bloody at like noontime after a bad hangover is a godsend. Ask your bartender to use jalepenos, raw horseradish, or pepper vodka to give it that kick.

>> No.7861577

>pickled eggs
>Brussel sprouts
>mexican chorizo

>> No.7861586
File: 3.28 MB, 3344x2224, Blandet-Lakrids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my licorizce

>> No.7861595


But why? It's the richest part of the animal

>> No.7861597
File: 462 KB, 730x548, khlaukalash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khlav khalash, with crab juice. Or mountain dew.

>> No.7861908

I like to drip hot sauce on tortilla chips. I even create a chip to sauce ratio for the spice and always keep a glass of milk or water ready.

>> No.7861939

ginger, the taste of that stuff makes me feel like im suffocating

>> No.7861969

i fell in love with heart meat the first time i tried it. i ate about half of a deer heart raw up in the smoky mountains, seared but not cooked because it was still warm. looking to do it again but unfortunately i don't hunt myself.
have since had many good heart stews and fairly fresh beef heart

>> No.7861971

Salty liquorice
beet kvass

>> No.7862053

>liquorice being an aquired taste
I ate that stuff as a child though, loved it?

>> No.7862063

>No andouillette
Ck, pls

>> No.7862084

spam, deviled ham paste sammiches (tongues, heart, bacon, spices), oysters, sardines, mackerel, ham and pineapple pizza

>> No.7862086

I'll take a crab juice

>> No.7862092

Many people like it but for very many it's an acquired taste.

>> No.7862104

Where do you live that they don't like this? Strange place.

>> No.7862109

You know, I've never tried to drink it, actually. I use it in a lot of recipes, but I have no idea what it tastes like.

>> No.7862111

Pickle juice.
Salted milk.

>> No.7862115

Neither have I go be honest. My Mrs says she hates it but I secretly put it in everything and she loves it. If feeling really lazy I make savoury mince and smother it with the stuff.

>> No.7862120
File: 75 KB, 540x540, Bernard-Matthews-Turkey-Dinosaurs-500g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, this is the ultimate comfort food
When I was young I would eat them with everything. I remember being taken to a steakhouse when I was 17 and refusing to eat the steak because I wanted Turkey Dinosaurs. My mother had to leave the restaurant, go to Tesco, buy some Turkey Dinosaurs and have the staff cook a couple of them. Then I put them onto my steak and pretended that it was just a dinosaur who was very fat!

I loved other dishes with them as well, for example, turkey dinosaurs and beans on toast or turkey dinosaur sandwiches. Sometimes I will just take some simple hot sauce, dip the top of the turkey dinosaur in hot sauce, then take some nutella and spread it onto the turkey dinosaurs feet. I like to pretend that the dinosaur had a volcano erupt onto his head and tried to escape but ran into a tar pit! I call it 'the eatstinction event'. Yum.

>> No.7862124

How many GBP did the dinosaurs in restuarant cost you?

>> No.7862130

They're frozen tendies, I'm sure it's only a couple dollars.

>> No.7862136

Not dollars friend, GBP. Good boy points.

>> No.7862139

>I was 17 and refusing to eat the steak because I wanted Turkey Dinosaurs

Have you cured your autism since then?

>> No.7862189

The thing about you Brits is that you're never far away from processed snacks and sandwiches in general. Anywhere I go there's bound to be dispensers for crisps or Cadbury bars, and people munching on said foods at any given moment. I can only hypothesise it might be because of your cultural practice for tea between meals.

>> No.7862197

Honest question; have you been formally diagnosed with autism? I'm not trying to belittle you, I'm just genuinely curious about your fixation with this particular food as a studier of clinical psychology.

>> No.7862205

Pretty much this. Stinky tofu on the otherhand.

>> No.7862266

>I don't know what the latin horchatas are even made of
Oats, sugar and water, sometimes spice

>> No.7862268


>> No.7862283

>SWAN girl
Dafuq is a swan girl?

>> No.7862299

>and still have some
I found a packet about a year ago. Ate a few. Loved it all over again. I've since lost said packet. I may never be the same.

>> No.7862317

I have aspergers syndrome- Yes- But that wouldn't be the reason I enjoy turkey dinosaurs.

>> No.7862329

>pineapple pizza
Still can't handle

>> No.7862341

It is basically a 100% correlation. I'm actually an autism doctor, and in my PhD studies I found that 100% of people over the age of 13 who are obsessed with food made into shapes (whether specific or generic), are on the autism spectrum.

>> No.7862388

A preference for food cut into shapes does not correlate to autism and I actually take great issue with your claim. I do not enjoy Turkey Dinosaurs because I have aspergers syndrome. I like them

1. For the taste. Turkey meat that has been cut into a dinosaur shape is the leanest cut of the Turkey. Fatty or undesirable turkey meat cannot be shaped so the dinosaurs would not look biologically accurate. Therefore a higher meat standard is virtually confirmed.

2. For the texture. The breadcrumbs give an excellent texture. Most breaded meat is too thick but Turkey Dinosaurs are thin and allow the breadcrumbs to shine along with the meat.

3. For the ready made dipping portions. When I eat regular meat I struggle to decide how many bites I am going to eat. With Turkey Dinosaurs I can say 'Head, foot, arm, tail, Belly, Spine, Chest' and it is broken down for me which ensures eating is simpler.

4. It can be fun because I have a great love of dinosaurs to try and incorporate new dino-discoveries into my meals. For example, adding 'feathers' to the turkey dinosaurs in the shape of lettuce leaves and dried cranberries. Or pretending the T-Rex is a Majungasaurus, otherwise known as the cannibal dinosaur, by sticking the head of one T-Rex into the belly of another T-Rex and pretending that it is a Turkey Majungasaurus who ate their friend

This is all valid. They also season well.

>> No.7862450
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I'm from Argentina too, so with Coca Cola is a must, any other cola is disgusting. Sometimes I drink it with just ice.
>acquired taste, pic related

>> No.7862451
File: 4 KB, 354x357, TJ_Henry_Yoshi[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna on pineapple is worse.

Anchovies is ultimate heresy. Anchovies should be outlawed

>> No.7862495

I love this, and it's different nearly everywhere I go which makes it fun. One place had it dressed with a half boiled egg, bacon, and cheese blocks on a toothpick and celery of course. >>7856931
This goes great in it too.

>> No.7862571

yeah they are great, in one place they reeplace the tabasco sauce with wasabi it was awesome, I never knew someone who dislikes bloody mary,

>> No.7862754

See I can understand the argument "MUH ITALIAN TRADITION= NO PINEAPPLE", but anchovies? That's a classic ingredient right there.

I am the only person apart from my dad that I know who drinks buttermilk. I was forcefed the stuff until I liked it so I can't really blame anyone.

>> No.7862859
File: 134 KB, 550x973, VQ5GkX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>anchovie hating

Nigger I will eat those salty little bastards right out of the jar on a nice melty cracker. No cheese fish only.

You just dont have the taste for em.

>> No.7862882


>anchovies should be outlawed

You're in the wrong neighborhood to be talking like that, asshole.

>> No.7862973

>cow tongue
You're missing out. Lengua tacos are top notch.

>> No.7862995


Its basically sheep gut cleaned and spun around metal., kinda like kebab but the taste is very intense and people either hate it or love it, no middle ground

>> No.7862999


I had some at a Waffle House in VA and thought it tasted like shitty burnt sausage and swore to never order it again.

I didn't even know what is was made from until I looked it up just now.

>> No.7863001

I used to hate coconut, but unrefined coconut oil puts a pretty subtle taste on eggs. It's alright.

>> No.7863004
File: 578 KB, 1024x683, roquefort wedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one wasn't acquired, I loved Roquefort from the moment it touched my tongue

>> No.7863032
File: 116 KB, 320x371, triggered_by_mrlorgin-d9aahmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchovies is ultimate heresy. Anchovies should be outlawed

mfw i am spaniard and eat anchovies almost daily

>> No.7863035


most people are actually alergic

>> No.7863041
File: 433 KB, 800x534, chiggin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I love anchovies. Fill my pizza with pepperoni, black olives, capers, onions, garlic, jalapenos and lots and lots of anchovies.

Other foods I eat:
Vienna sausages
Brussels sprouts

>> No.7863046

I love roquefort, but for me is allways has too much salt, is the gorgonzola the same how different is from roquefort?

>> No.7863059


I can understand some people being a little turned off by sardines and Vienna sausages, but Brussels sprouts don't really seem to fit into that same category.

>> No.7863096
File: 46 KB, 620x400, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black olives

>> No.7863142

Olives. I fucking love Olives. I buy canned 300ml black olives and put them in a bowl and eat them. Everyone is disgusted by it, but I love em.

>> No.7863155


I understand people thinking black olives are a little bland if they're used to kalamatas, but I've never understood people who outright say they hate olives in general.

They are delicious and have one of the most unoffensive flavors of anything. Bunch of picky eaters coming up with irrational reasons for not trying new things as kids I suppose.

>> No.7863166

A lot of people boil them instead of roasting them.
Roasted brussel sprouts are fantastic.

>> No.7863178


well for one roquefort is made with sheep's milk, gorgonzola is made with cow's milk

>> No.7863277

i'm having liver and b sprouts for dinner today

>> No.7863469

Why are people itt acting like black pudding is an acquired taste?
Plenty of people like it, that shits good from the start.

>> No.7863475
File: 777 KB, 2048x1536, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat hot dogs on wheat bread because it's healthier than white bread.

Some people on /ck/ seem to not like it even though it's really good!

>> No.7863486

sauerkraut is only an acquired taste to non Germanic families. I basically grew up eating it

>> No.7863492

you don't know many 50 year old women do you?

>> No.7863493

Rich dark beers
My friends all drink ipa strictly
I don't care for that. Love dark earthy flavorful beer

>> No.7863497

Cilantro and culantro both heroic tier herbs

>> No.7863500

Only really disgusting thing in the list is Fernet, even the people who drink it regularly get really fucking sick from it
I don't like pickled fish because to me it tastes like lemon but I will eat it if served

>> No.7863506

Made nachos with lengua one day, didn't tell my gf, now she is an ex with an autistic man who eats autistic favorites

>> No.7863507
File: 1.01 MB, 1073x1068, iStock_000020924894Medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why americans drink milk with food?

>> No.7863510

I tried to get battle in the Asian market but they tried giving me these black dried beans instead

>> No.7863512
File: 73 KB, 600x624, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it goes great with literally everything

>> No.7863521
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I don't understand how anyone eats fish

>> No.7863530

carbs + more carbs

>> No.7863534

If you're legit, this is some Irish stew guy level shit.

>> No.7863535

get out

>> No.7863552

>blood soup

That sounds fucking metal

>> No.7863554

Suck my cock

>> No.7863574

It tastes like vomit and old socks what the fuck

>> No.7864800
File: 153 KB, 1600x1065, Cottage Cheese with Lemon, Pepper, and Salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold Cottage Cheese with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.

>> No.7864855


i snack on milkbones. the chicken gravybones are pretty good. don't care for the liver ones at all.

>> No.7864881


i'll try it. give me a bowl.

>> No.7864884

Boudin, maybe.

>> No.7864912

I just eat it plain. Seems a bit overkill to salt it.

>> No.7864929

Holy hell I fucking hate anchovies.

>> No.7865491

drop the salt and add tomato you fuck

>> No.7865543

Pig blood, known as morcilla in Spain or moronga in Mexico. Never really acquired it, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.7865548

They're basically the same herb, nut I agree

>> No.7865556

I feel like IPAs are more of an acquired taste than a nice dark stout

>> No.7865573

Add grapes pls

>> No.7865580

I wish they weren't made of sugar
seems delicious if they kept the sweetness down to something palatable.

>> No.7865706
File: 2.61 MB, 4000x3000, garlic-mushroom-toast-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently people don't like mushrooms? Everybody around me hates mushrooms and I can't get enough of them.

>> No.7865750

>Apparently people don't like mushrooms? Everybody around me hates mushrooms and I can't get enough of them.

U w0t m8
What planet are you from?

>> No.7865756


North Carolina.

>> No.7865855

>mexican chorizo
>acquired taste

>> No.7865877

If something has an "acquired" taste, it means it's shit and people only eat it to look cool.

>> No.7866456

here in san francisco fernet is pretty common

>> No.7866492


It's just become trendy in maybe the past year or two. It'll be another decade before 90% of the country has even heard of it.

>> No.7866981

That painting looks lovely. Dutch?

>> No.7867007

Fried Chicken Livers (and gizzards)

>> No.7867010

>you could get a circumsized subsaharan
>analogue for that fermented turkey gizzard

Fucking lost it.

>> No.7867085
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Weird. I think I saw that painting at a local exhibit on Dutch art. Made me want oysters. Just happened to have some tonight.

>> No.7867090
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Actually, oysters and escargot.
With absinthe.
All aquired tastes.

>> No.7867286
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Anchovies and olives

>> No.7867312

Snails are just vehicles for butter and garlic anyway.

>> No.7867326

Ayy lmao I love those.
Sometimes my family members drink them with mi lk though

>> No.7868343

I think nothing is an acquired taste if it's introduced when you're a kid though. When you're older maybe it's a different story.

Things I learned to like:
Green vegetables like haricot verts

Things I liked since birth:
Pickled herring
Blood sausage
Fish roe spread

I'm Swedish.

>> No.7868348

Babbys first acquired taste desu

>> No.7868354
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>> No.7868404
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Black pudding. It's pig blood sausage mixed with spices and oeatmeal.
It's super tasty.
Also haggis. It's not even allowed in the USA as it contains lung meat. It's forbidden by FDA.

>> No.7868871
File: 22 KB, 610x458, Kefir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried kefir for the first time a few days ago, from a local Turkish shop. I liked it, but I sort of had to remind myself that it's meant to taste as it did. Texture of lumpy, gone-off milk, and the fermentation gives it a strange fizz that you don't expect from dairy.

I can certainly imagine people being put off, but I'll be getting more.

>> No.7868895

I hate the texture tbqh

>> No.7868897

Some manufacturers started making lung-free haggis for export to the USA.

>> No.7868898

For the sake of your consistancy I hope you don't smoke.

>> No.7868942

it's just alternative to yogurt
in my cuntree, kefir is the norm, while yogurt is the hipsta thing

>> No.7868944

>Also haggis. It's not even allowed in the USA as it contains lung meat. It's forbidden by FDA.

It's not allowed to be sold at retail in the US.

However people can and do make their own by simply buying a live sheep and slaughtering it themselves.

>> No.7868997

I'm English, and it was a completely new taste for me. As in, the closest thing would be cottage cheese or yoghurt, neither of which have this fermented carbonation.

Have you ever made it yourself?

>> No.7869021

My thoughts exactly, that poster could give it a try in the lit world

>> No.7869024
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>loves food in shapes
everygoddamn time

>> No.7869028

Circumcised subsaharan made me lose it

>> No.7869032

I absolutely love anchovies. On pizza, on toast with eggs... Such tasty little fish

>> No.7869122

lost already. fucking hate it

>> No.7869130

dude I can't get past it the worst part is is that the taste stays with you for fucking ever!

>> No.7869132

ughhhhhhhhh that looks so fucking gooood!

>> No.7869139
File: 37 KB, 526x521, balut_egg_yolk_chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one mentioned balut it's probably one of the more, off putting things I've eaten but it's actually quite good I think.

>> No.7869828

you know what buddy, you're right! Here, take this honorary PHD in Turkey Dinosaurs, you're doing God's good work friend.

>> No.7870113

> not wholemeal

>> No.7870135


casual mode:
>black liquorice
>fried pork rinds

hard mode:
durian tastes like garlic ice cream. it's definitely an odd combination of flavors, but it's not bad.

>> No.7870220


God shrimp paste what the FUCK.

We got a log of this so I could make some Indonesian dish a few months ago and we thought "well, it says the smell is pretty bad, but goes away after you bake it, so why don't we just bake it all at once and never have to deal with it again!"

Oh we were young fools, then. Young, innocent fools, roaming wild and free in a beautiful world of gumdrops and rainbows and shit. We knew so little and we were happy. We

We were happy, then

>> No.7870479

oh same, anon.

though, i find most people consider beers across the board "acquired tastes", i cant remember a time i wasnt fond of beers.

im also very fond of red wines. cab took a while to grow on me.

food wise, my palette is very bitter, so a lot of stuff that most people would consider an "acquired taste" are my tastes by default.

>> No.7870515

>durian tastes like garlic ice cream. it's definitely an odd combination of flavors, but it's not bad.
Funny you say that, I've had durian ice cream, its odd at first but like you said, not bad. Really grows on you.

>> No.7870555


Marylander here with PA family members.

This is the shit.

>> No.7870568

Agree with everything, was like 20 when I first tried it though.

>> No.7870782
File: 412 KB, 600x801, liquorice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is delicious. It's so salty and mildly sweet.

>> No.7870819

I've lived on the Eastern Shore of MD since 1996 and never understood why people like scrapple.

>> No.7870858

What's with this "Assume everyone who does weird shit is from the United States" meme?

>> No.7870861

Salty licorice. Really good for grossing people out as a bonus.

>> No.7871133


>> No.7871155

I'd eat the fuck out of that right now

>> No.7871252

>The entire apple

I thought I was the only one doing that, the same with pears. It started because of my lazyness to go to the kitchen to trow the rests into the garbage.

>> No.7871581

These, also cow intestines, lungs and other goodness.

>> No.7871607

Black pudding isn't an acquired taste.

Its more a taste people have to reacquire after they find out its made of blood.

>> No.7871638

Visit Canada. We don't call them bloody marry's though.


They are the top drink to get in the summer and just about every hipster restaurant has their own oh so special recipe

>> No.7871657

Americans are the great other. Everything strange stems from that bizarre place. Can you imagine talking to an american? It would be terrifying, you could never know what it's thinking. What if it bites you? What if it hides under the bed and you can't get it out?

>> No.7871667
File: 224 KB, 1940x1038, SUra-Korean-Cuisine-Koreas-Greatest-Food-Kimchi-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7871916

Not necessarily an acquired taste, but I love aspic/хoлoдeц and everyone I know thinks it's weird and won't try it.

>> No.7871921

Oh man I just went through a gallon of kimchi over the course of a week... Was delicious, but I regret it lol.

>> No.7871929

Sauerkraut is incredibly common all across America anon, don't get your panties all in a bunch.

>> No.7871932
File: 117 KB, 650x650, 1456836496934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I neglecting my health if I hardly eat any vegetables other than onion and garlic, but eat a shitton of fruit?

>> No.7871937


Adding something like "you must be american" is the new form of shitposting by people who know nothing about america or how people actually eat there. Just ignore it.

>> No.7871939

I actually rather liked this on my first try, but I was introduced to sauerkraut pretty young.

>> No.7871962

>drinking buttermilk
My grandparents always drank that shit... I've tried, for the health benefits, but just can't do it. Much prefer kefir to buttermilk for muh probiotics.

Still keep buttermilk on hand for cooking though, shit's useful yo.

Come to think of it, kefir is probably an acquired taste too

>> No.7871969
File: 40 KB, 606x900, delicous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curdled milk.

I'm a Euro.

>> No.7871971

Is buttermilk just sour milk? or is it fat like butter?

>> No.7871974


It's what is left over after making butter. It is fat-free because the fat ended up in the butter.

>> No.7871991

Well you probably get all the vitamins and minerals you need, but way too much sugar along with them which is detrimental.

>> No.7871998

Supposed to be the liquid left over after making butter as >>7871974 said, but now a days (since the early 1900s apparently, in America at least, it's most common to find cultured butter milk which is just milk fermented with a specific strain of lactobacilli which is why I compared it to kefir, but cultured buttermilk lacks the diversity of micro-organisms that ferment kefir and just has a... Sort of simpler taste, but one that I really don't care for.

If you're curious might as well buy a pint, if you don't care for it it's still great for biscuits, cornbread, pancakes, etc.

>> No.7871999

What's wrong with beef tongue? That's some of the most tender meat you can buy.

>> No.7872004

Probably because Caesars are infinitely better

>> No.7872007

Lengua tacos are god-tier though

>> No.7872012

I like the texture just fine. For me it was the fact that it smelled and tasted like earwax. I just couldn't get past it.

>> No.7872015

It's not sold in my country, but I guess skimmed sour milk is similar from what you're describing from the cultured buttermilk.

>> No.7872026

>it's fat free
Isn't that just whey?

>> No.7872045

Not quite.

Buttermilk is fermented, whey is not.

Originally the fermentation happened naturally as part of the butter making process, whereas these days it's often made by adding a bacterial culture to milk like another anon pointed out above.

>> No.7872100

the taste isn't what bothers me, it's the texture

>> No.7872104

American here, whenever I visited Argentina my friends introduced me to fernet and I quickly fell in love with it. The liquor store by me usually has one bottle in stock every month or so but its around 20 dollars so I drink it very rarely nowadays.

>> No.7872824

I live in Spain and it's expensive here too, argies drink so much fernet that branca opened the only factory outside of Italy there, so they have fernet even cheaper than in Italy.

>> No.7872969

Gorgonzola is creamier and sweeter and milder.

I too love roquefort it is one of the elder cheese gods.

>> No.7872996

I'm working up the courage to try jellyfish at this japanese place in town.

Could not handle their fermented plum sauce.

>> No.7873011

i like some ipas
raw oysters
foie gras
duck for the pedestrian friends i guess
stanky ass cheese

i know for this board this stuff is simple, but considering my friends and family it is disgusting.

>> No.7873027

Jellyfish is really good
Had jellyfish salad at a Chinese place once it's crunch and just a bit slimy but that may have been from the sesame oil
They put on it

>> No.7873056
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>> No.7873101

what the fuck?? who the fuck would dislike this literal ambrosia??

>> No.7873113

Of course not, smoking is retarded.

>> No.7873115

I know people who have crisps and a fizzy drink for breakfast at work.

t. Briton

>> No.7873280


The clamato really does elevate it.

>> No.7873774


>tfw my favorite pizza is tuna, pineapple and blue cheese

>> No.7873782
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>> No.7873800
File: 222 KB, 800x533, red_li_hing_mui_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to sour for most folks

>> No.7873847

American here. Black pudding and haggis are fucking delicious.

I haven't found any good shit since coming back to the states.

>> No.7873850

I have a plan to make my own kimchi in 5 gallon buckets so that I can kill myself in the tastiest way possible.

>> No.7873854
File: 15 KB, 250x238, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking post right here

>> No.7873856
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>> No.7873874

mushrooms always look nice but i hate the flavor. having said that ive only ever tried those basic small white mushrooms. dunno what they're called.

>> No.7873881

I'm a successful guy with Asperger's and I value the positive traits which this difference yadda yadda...

It is who we are, and it is a word that describes why we would have preferences like this.

>> No.7873895

I used to dislike mushrooms because they can have a squishy texture.

But mushrooms are one of my grilf's favorite foods and the positive association must be distracting me while I chew.

>> No.7873969

I can't understand how people could view seafood as an acquired taste. Mind you, I live on an island.

>> No.7873990

Acquired tastes don't make a lot of sense to begin with.

>> No.7874338
File: 75 KB, 291x425, regatta_moscow_mule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here fucking loves ginger beer as much as I do?

One of my local stores had this shit which was my favorite for a while, had it only a couple of times and then they replaced it with Cock & Bull which is mid-to-high tier for me. No other ginger beer I've had has quite compared. Any recommended brands?

Also Moscow Mule's a pretty nice cocktail

>> No.7874447

Pretty much this. Most anything asian. Wasn't a fan of jelly fish or the century egg. The egg just tasted like unseasoned egg. Helps that I'm asian though. Lessee, of non asian stuff, I dig high heat hot sauces, and yes it's about the heat, no, I don't care if people think I'm being macho, I enjoy the endorphin rush. I love crabs, to the point that I eat the gills. Always been told not to, but I've never suffered for it.

>> No.7874452

I fucking love them. Best one I've had was in Pennsylvania when we were getting fireworks.

>> No.7874479

Cucumbers and Vinegar.
I like to salt it.

>> No.7874487

its tooooooooo sweet.

>> No.7874515

I had Moscow mules with cock and bull last night, pretty good stuff.

>> No.7874686

Osias Beert, Still Life with Oysters, Flemish.

>> No.7874692

>Really grows on you
So does athletes foot but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

>> No.7874696

same senpai.

>> No.7874967
File: 77 KB, 454x454, 1459261518242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef tongue
How exactly? I eat barbacoa on a normal basis and fail to see how it could be disgusting to someone.

>> No.7874970


Do you need to salt your pizza if it's plain cheese?

>> No.7874973


It's not the food itself, it's the idea of eating tongue that seems gross to some people. Same with other organ meats like heart, kidney, liver, etc.

>> No.7875661

I never seen ginger beer here in Europe.
How does it taste?

>> No.7875666


the texture can be really disgusting if it isn't grilled/doesn't have a crust

also when your tongue touches the beef tongue it is a special kind of weird. like french kissing a cow.


you must live in bumfuck nowhere. I've visited probably half of the countries in europe and I've bought ginger beer in at least 5. everywhere I have lived there's been ginger beer in the supermarket.

even if there isn't, any asian grocery store will have it. as will african, indian (often), pakistani (often) and so on.

>> No.7875731

Saludos desde tucuman

>> No.7875737

Cow tongue, black pudding and salted egg yolks

>> No.7875857


Like a spicy, gingery semisweet soda. If you like the flavor of ginger, you get what you expect

>> No.7876369

>I need to train myself to like this food
That means it's shit. You could train yourself to like to smell of literal shit because that's how it works.