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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7856506 No.7856506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do corpse-eaters hate us so much?

>> No.7856510
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>> No.7856511

kill yourself frogfucker

>> No.7856513

because you make veganism your defining feature and act like you are a better person than those who choose to eat meat

>> No.7856527

If you have to kill a sentient being for no reason then you can't call yourself a good person.

>> No.7856528


oh shit motherfucker end your life

>> No.7856532

being hungry is a reason you demented faggot. go drink a vial of bleach. on second thought, don't, maybe some microbes find their way into the vial before hand. you wouldn't want to eat microbe corpses.

>> No.7856536

I hope you and all your fucking family die asshole

>> No.7856539

this right here is the answer to your question OP

>> No.7856547

i hope you look down every time you walk because you might accidentally kill a living breathing bug for no reason.if not you're a hypocrite

>> No.7856548
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Vegans feeling superior for not eating animals that used to be alive

>eats plants that were alive, VEGANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THIS MORALITY.

>> No.7856550

>for no reason
I want to eat. That's a good reason

>> No.7856554

>OP shitposts
>/ck/ believes OP is a vegan
>/ck/ falls for it every time

It keeps happening! We warned you about the shitposting bro'! We warned you!

>> No.7856555

At least I am an asshole like you.

>> No.7856559

Planta are not sentient

>> No.7856560

OP here. I actually am Vegan, and wondered whar you guys would say about me. That other anon isn't me. He is falseflagging and is probably not vegan. I don't care if you eat animal corpses but I don't know why you hate me.

>> No.7856564
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>I actually am Vegan
>He is falseflagging
>/pol/'tard wants everyone to believe he's vegan

>> No.7856567

Nobody likes an evangelical

>> No.7856571

>no true vegan
>vegan damage control

>> No.7856572

i don't hate you i just don't want you to preach your pseudoreligion to me. if you personally choose not to eat meat idgaf but don't act like you are objectively a better person morally due to your diet because that's just not true

>> No.7856576

never said it did make me morally superior homeslice. im vegan. deal with it.

>> No.7856577

sorry i thought you were the other anon. we're cool if you are who you say you are and act like you say you act

>> No.7856578

it's hypocritical it's proven that plants have feelings too:


>> No.7856581

What do meat taste like?

>> No.7856585


>> No.7856587

Shut the fuck up Jeff.

>> No.7856588

it has a sort of savory flavor to it. i usually add cayenne pepper and or paprika to any beef I eat. chicken tastes like chicken.... no other way to describe it

>> No.7856595
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>I'll just call him a vegan
>Yeah, that'll work

You can't just replace "jew" with "vegan" and use the same /pol/ shitposting you're used to.

>> No.7856597


>> No.7856613
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>> No.7856619

Who the fuck are you, the vegan shitposting police?

>> No.7856623

Because you call us corpse-eaters.

>> No.7856625

I'm someone who's tired of seeing the same lazy fuck shitposting on /ck/ and the same stupid fucking retards falling for it.

At least fucking *try* people.

>> No.7856635


"Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.[1] Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience). In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations (known in philosophy of mind as "qualia")."

there is proof that plants can feel.

now end your life please.

please we're all begging you.

>> No.7856775

Some vegetables actually scream in pain when eaten

>> No.7856800

Because you're smug arrogant cunts and I hate you for it

Also you fucks expect to be pandered to at social events

get fucked

>> No.7856814

It's impossible to prove that anything can feel. The only certainty is that you can.

>> No.7856845

I don't have any problem with vegans. I've never once been bothered by one in any way. I know it's probably different in other places but as long as you don't bother me with trying to be an elitist or something because you think you're better than people who eat meat products (which is just creepy that people need to try doing so from what I read on here) it has no impact on my life. The vegans I have known simply eat their food and continue on with their normal lives, just like I do when I eat meat. I think social media and boards like this facilitate the junk posting and spreading of a lot of false information not just on foods but about groups/races/peoples own personal decisions and everything else ever.

>> No.7856856

somehow plant is not sentient because its convenient to you

>> No.7857021


it's impossible for you to stop sucking dicks

>> No.7857041
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Vegans are resented just as any activist is. No one likes having their views contested while having alien views thrust upon em. It is combative and therefore polarizing.

Why do folks resent activists? Probably because such a vulgar display of commitment actually reflects a tryhard lack of conviction. Just putting on a show to prove yourself. Showboating naturally repulsive.

You see it everywhere.... christianity, atheism, animal rights, lgbt, and yes veganism. All un welcomed when pushed aggressively. You catch more flies with honey, asshats.

>> No.7857052

"reason" is relative. 4,000 years ago people were killing to survive and now we kill to eat something we like. Neither of these options destroys or improves the universe, morally they're somewhere floating in between.

>> No.7857642

Food is a central means of socialization and cutting yourself out of 80% of normal dishes means making one of the easiest and commonest ways to bond with others a sometimes difficult task. I don't disparage vegans for sticking to their values, it's just a matter of discomfort for people who don't really ever encounter such a difficulty (not being able to easily eat the same meal with someone) in their lives.

Ignoring the morality and reasoning behind veganism for a moment, it's like telling someone that it's against your religion to not only drive a car but to even ride in one. Trains and motorcycles: ok, but cars are strictly something you can't do.

>> No.7857767

>Why do corpse-eaters hate us so much?

Because you use silly propaganda tactics like "corpse-eater"'. That hurts your own cause, compost-boy.

>> No.7857775

well you kill more plants with the livestock used to feed meat. the only things that can feel pain and suffer are organisms with a brain and nervous system. ie cows and chickens but not sponges and oysters.

>> No.7857779

hes right.

>> No.7857793
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cause its trendy hate vegans and go 'hurr hurr i need my meat! fucking EXTREMISTS and SNOWFLAKES' to be annoying and shove their gross opinions in vegans faces. seriously someone cannot make a vegan recipe thread without unwanted bullshit from some meat eating inflammatory idiot because it isnt on par with what they want to hear/eat/believe, and a lot forget so many people go vegan for health reasons. constant backlash is annoying and frustrating so i see why a lot of hardcore vegans absolutely hate meat eaters.

>> No.7857798

I love this post

>> No.7857799

most 'radical' vegans people are exposed to are online over a youtube video or some blogger, and neither or those are fair sources to judge a group of people. thats like saying all meat eaters are like the unhealthy idiots over at epic meal time, or annoying paleo crossfit bloggers

>> No.7857803


>> No.7857822


>being this new to anonymous image board culture

>> No.7857844


>> No.7857853

Because you are mentally ill

>> No.7857861

9 chicken wings from the dollar store.
stomach hurts.
what the fuck did I just eat.

>> No.7857883

it seems to be chilling out now, they tasted as good as any wings I've had.

>> No.7858017

Fuck you corpse-eaters

>> No.7858039


Cheers, compost-bro!

>> No.7858045

because historically people were vegans not by choice, but because meat was scarce or they couldn't afford dairy animals.

vegans were usually smaller, not as strong or intelligent, etc. and you can see the problems with a vegan diet since you need supplements to stay healthy, and it's not recommended for growing children.

with the creation of cultured meats and synthesized milk, there will no longer be any positive arguments for being vegan unless you think it's healthier (which is a small minority of vegans, i respect you for doing it for moral reasons though, as long as you don't become a self-righteous preaching vegan), since animals will no longer have to be killed for meat or kept for milk

>> No.7858056

I keep on eating meat, because eating meat itself is not the problem.