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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7854715 No.7854715 [Reply] [Original]

why didn't you jabroni's tell me how great it is going to restaurants alone?

>go to any place you feel like, at any time
>order immediately, no waiting around for some finicky bitch to finally decide she wants her usual
>food is served in a fraction of the time, staff brings it out as soon as its ready
>staff is more inclined to throw in a free drink (pic related) or something--either because they pity you being alone or they know there wont be a horde of other people also expecting a handout
>no reason to worry about table manners, stare at your phone the whole meal, eat like a slob, who cares?
>sit at any table you like, no need to miss out on the nice weather because "its too hot outside waaaah"
>no taboo argument over who takes the bill, pay for your own shit and be adored by the staff for leaving bigger tips than you normally would if you were paying for 3+ people
>leave as soon as youre done eating, dont have to wait on anyone

im actually going to make a habit of this, i havent enjoyed a meal that much in a long time.

>> No.7854723

looks like someone took a shit on that tray, mocrowaved the mac and cheese, fries and biscuit, and then threw in some token vegetables to give the appearance of a healthy meal.

disgusting. anon you can do better

>> No.7854726

>because they pity you being alone
What the fuck? I go to restaurants by myself all the time. Is there some kind of stigma against solo dining?

>> No.7854729

>A new autistic poster

>> No.7854731

eating alone is for saddos. also thats like 1 ounce of meat lmao wtf faget

>> No.7854732

No OP is just scared to be in public byhimself

>> No.7854733

Yes there is. It's creepy as fuck

>> No.7854736

why does r9k keep leaking into ck?

>> No.7854737

You sound mentally ill

>> No.7854762

/r9k/ is leaking into all boards. Thankfully /r9k/ nowadays is just normies roleplaying as "robots"

>> No.7854763

shit was pretty lit to be honest family
thats what i thought at first too, but it was piled much higher than it looked
u wot?

>> No.7854797

>no taboo argument over who takes the bill
>if you were paying for 3+ people
Is this a thing? Do people really pay for other peoples meals?

>> No.7854820

You should have gotten the burnt ends with fried okra and mac and cheese. Also you don't tip at 4rivers. Cecils is better bbq than 4rivers.

>> No.7854830


why can't you just use your own fucking brain for once?

>> No.7854846

only insecure people do this to try to prove their worth

>> No.7854849

lmao you're a weirdo

>> No.7855076

Why do Americans consider fast food joints restaurants?

>> No.7855080

>>staff is more inclined to throw in a free drink (pic related) or something--either because they pity you being alone or they know there wont be a horde of other people also expecting a handout

Utter bullshit.

>> No.7855086

So what do you do when waiting for your food?

>> No.7855092

I've only had this happen drinking alcohol alone. Never with a soft drink.

>> No.7855093

Thats probably why its leaking

>> No.7855096

shitpost from mobile of course

>> No.7855098

I can see it happening at a bar if you're lucky, but there's 0 reason this would happen at a fast food place. People can't just hand out free drinks out of pity and they don't give a fuck if you're alone either way. OP is full of shit.

>> No.7855102

I love going to restaurants alone but after going to the same 6~ or so in a round robin I get a bit of social anxiety after getting to know the waiters and waitresses

like, what's my job, what do I do for fun, how's the family, etc. I guess it's because I'm a major introvert like most of the people here and I don't want to be fucking rude and blow these servers off but it sort of gets to me.

That being said:
-empty, comfy bars with tv's
-menu experimentation
-that one item that's consistently good
-getting to see the seasons change after visiting one place multiple times
-daily specials are amazing most of the time
-trying different cocktails
-you only pay for yourself

>> No.7855109

You an Orlandofag, OP?

>> No.7855110

Not at all, its fun to sit at the bar and talk to who ever or watch a game.

>> No.7855532


>> No.7855566

I like to do it occasionally.

I went to a German type restaurant with a big bar. I saw at the bar and ordered my food and beer and enjoyed a great conversation with the behind the table. I noticed that they had barrel aged gin and asked what it tasted like.

He just poured a small glass for me and said it was on him. 10/10 experience

>> No.7855619

In asian countries (Korea) its kinda shameful to eat alone

>> No.7855648

being able to do something regularly and really be able to appreciate it subtly and experience change is amazing

much better than making a big production out of going to a restaurant one time, having to make plans, keep someone else happy

>> No.7855742

I do it all the time.

In fact, until the last month, I hadn't cooked in over 2 years. I just ate at restaurants and bars by myself for all but just a handful of times.

>> No.7855755

I used to eat along all the time on the way home from work
It didn't happen too often, but sometimes people would try to talk to me and you could kinda tell they were trying to do a good thing and give me some sort of comfort.
I usually partake in the small talk but try to make it look like I'm focusing on my food, so they kind of get the hint that my priority is feeding myself.
I mean, I don't really have the heart to tell someone to leave me alone when they're handing out a good gesture.

>> No.7855763

Only people who have their own insecurities about being seen eating alone are the ones who thinks its weird
You're the kind of person who'd rather go to the grocery store and eat a shitty $5 oven bake pizza, because you're afraid of what people will think if you're seen eating alone.

>> No.7855767

Eating alone just seems like a waste of money. I always have good leftovers or can whip up something easy enough.

Guess the main difference would be living in a more urban area or a house with a fully stocked pantry and fridge.

>> No.7856359

Car eating is far superior to actually dining by yourself. Blast ur tunes, and get down with the get down. AC available. pop the top if u aint shy.

although, dont do this at night by yourself. one time i was getting some tex mex and eating it behind this shopping mall in my car (the texmex parking lot was getting new asphalt or something) and this police officer shined his lights on me mid-bite as im biting down into a huge chorizo breakfast burrito. He ended up questioning me for a while before realizing i was just stoned and hungry. Wasted 20 min of my time and made me full enough to the point that i threw away half a burrito. what the fuck.

>> No.7856363

Why not take it home, so you can relax, instead of trying to eat in a cramped automobile and risk spilling food.

>> No.7856368

you order your toilet paper online I suppose... and never ever buy condoms in public space ..oh but wait.. you don't need them since you never had a gf...

>> No.7856369

its pretty straight if ur at the bar, if ur sitting at a table it looks a little off maybe.

>> No.7856372
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Driving under the influence is dangerous too, shame on you.

>> No.7856374

People is stupid like that. Is the same as going to the movies alone.

I used to eat alone at a restaurant all the time and never felt pitied upon. I was also like 11-12 at the time, but it was really comfy and the waitress were super nice.

>> No.7856546

Last time I went to a restaurant alone the waitress sat down to chit chat with me because I looked lonely (I was on my lunch hour). It wasn't unwelcome as she had a couple good stories, but it was odd.

>> No.7856558

>paying for 3+ people
namely : your wife, your wife's son and the bull ?

>> No.7856563

LMAO look at all the creepy loners freaking out at this post

It's one thing to grab a sandwich alone at lunch but if you think it's ok to get dinner at a restaurant alone or god forbid brunch, you need help

>> No.7856656

It's weird if you make a point of it to go out and eat alone, it's not weird if you're just eating while out.

I think i can go to a steakhouse and sit at the bar after work and it's completely fine. If i drive to go eat at an Italian restaurant in the middle of the day it'll look like i couldn't get anyone to eat with me.

>> No.7856768


Are you one of those fucknuggets that always wants to split the bill to each one, in a party of eight, and thereby making it super uncomfortable for everyone?

God I hate poorfags.

>> No.7856772

>super uncomfortable
20 years ago this would have made the waiter cringe and yes, it was not cool to ask

Today, it's not an issue, because of modern restaurant order tracking systems that are designed to handle that

What kind of time warp are you living in, anon?

>> No.7856792

nice insecurity and immaturity
it's totally ok to go alone to bar, restaurant, cinema, wellness and whenever else
guy sitting alone in restaurant =/= forever alone virgin without girlfriend or friends
only you guys perceive it this way and are afraid this is what people will think about you, since you are such asocials that getting at least one friend is your wet dream and biggest life achievement ..then you tend to think the same about everyone

>> No.7856837

That's fucking retarded. You're just going to eat; not every meal needs to be some social event.

Now, if you're going some place nice that's like $50+ per meal, yeah, that's different, but just going out to eat alone isn't a big deal unless you make it one.

>> No.7856867

>People is stupid like that.
The ironing is delicious.

>> No.7856879

you're a retard

>> No.7856907

But going to a restaurant alone is the definition of antisocial, dum dum

Why would anybody with friends choose to go by themselves, unless they were shit tier friends that they don't like hanging out with in which case find better ones

>> No.7856935

Because maybe you're on your lunch break, you're in another city, or your friends are busy. It's completely acceptable idk what your problem is.

>> No.7856953

one time while being on 90mg of vyvanse
went to a restaurant and asked for a seat for "two" acted like I got stood up for a date.
got a free dessert and a waitress number once

>> No.7856979

It's only a bit creepy if you're unattractive, like with most things in life.

>> No.7856980
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20160421_202449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to eat out alone. I get great service. I like to listen to audiooks with my headphones while I enjoy a nice meal.

I have actual autism and am aware that this is not exactly a normal behavior but I don't give a damn. No one notices or cares as long as I am polite.

I always tip well.

>> No.7856981

Biscuit looks decent, everything else looks mediocre to terrible

>> No.7856984

going to the toilet alone is fine by you?

>> No.7856997


>eating is permissible if other persons are around and you're making a spectacle

not sure if trolling or a genuine atuist trying to seem versed in social norms and customs

people go out to luch alone all the fucking time

>> No.7857031

Going to lunch alone at a cafe/deli is very different to going to a formal restaurant by yourself for an evening meal, which is what OP was presumably talking about. The whole restaurant environment is designed around conversation and social interaction - seats around tables, long waits between courses and meals designed to be shared. I don't understand how you can seriously believe going to places alone and sitting in silence as you wait for your food is normal and acceptable, while calling me an autist for thinking otherwise

>> No.7857240

I go to nice restaurants for dinner alone frequently. I enjoy it.

If any of the patrons or staff have ever thought it was odd I never picked up on the signs

>> No.7857435

How you never eaten alone at a restraurant? It's honestly pretty relaxing

>sitting in silence
You realize phones exist right

>> No.7857847

some peoples jobs require them to travel and stay in hotels from days to months
those people have no other choice but to go out and eat, alone
but it doesnt matter, since those jobs usually pay very well

>> No.7857869

>You realize phones exist right

Sure. But it's rude to pull one out at the meal table.

>> No.7857881
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you fucked up OP, only reason to go to 4rivers is for the sides and you picked the worst ones. their bbq is just okay, the fries and mac n cheese are shit tier, should have ordered the roasted corn.

Also if you like eating alone and can afford trying a few menu items, go to kabooki sushi and reserve a seat at the bar. it's not a high bar so you can see pretty much everything the chefs are doing.

>> No.7857892

Cook here, we usually spit on single orders because they are a waste of time and energy.

>> No.7857911

what kind of suggestion is that?

can you name better sides than anon's "worst" and what makes the roasted corn good?

>> No.7857924

lol look at this fag thinks he has a valid opinion

>> No.7857936

If you main thing with eating alone is all about how other people affect the whole thing rather than the experience of eating alone you're a fag.

Its something to be appreciated and to help you get more into the food since you aren't focused on anyone else.

But no focus on finnicky bitches because all the women around tour are garbage

>> No.7857955
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a good suggestion? I eat alone often, sushi places almost always have bars that are less awkward to sit at than tables and we have great sushi places here in Orlando.

The mac and cheese/fries are both very generic and bland like sysco crap. Not sure exactly what they put in the roasted corn but I know there's tomatoes, herbs and butter, not generic by any means. the baked beans and coleslaw are also good choices, definitely seem homemade.

>> No.7857964

>brunch isn't allowed now that Carrie Bradshaw did it
Better stop eating cupcakes too

>> No.7857988

I've never been to 4rivers, but my work parking lot has several cars with their bumper stickers stuck on them.

>> No.7858000


>> No.7858002

So did you dump her or did she dump you?

>> No.7858003

because some of us aren't manchildren that can't handle doing something by ourselves and not have some sort of interaction for everything we do

I've gone out to eat with as many as 12 people to even eating by myself by choice, simply because I want to enjoy a meal in peace

>> No.7858015

Yes it's pretty famous in orlando. it's honestly not bad, probably getting some for dinner after seeing this thread. but like most famous small regional chains, there's usually better places to eat.

>> No.7858032

I enjoy restaurants with my de facto partner more than solo. If you are in a loving relationship it's more enjoyable than being on a date or on your own IMO.

>> No.7858047

That's why you sit at the bar instead of a table you autist.

>> No.7858053

Why hasn't anyone invented a restaurant with totally private booths? I mean you just go in and there could be screen to order food, and a hatch to get your food delivered. You would never need to encounter any waitstaff or customers.

>> No.7858062 [DELETED] 
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>being in a relationship with someone who you like and get along with and enjoy spending time with, who also likes you back, is better than being alone

Thank you for that brilliant nugget of wisdom, anon.

>> No.7858063


Japan has something very similar. There's no "hatch", but there are small private rooms and your food gets delivered at the door.

>>You would never need to encounter any waitstaff or customers.
Why is that a problem?

>> No.7858064
File: 82 KB, 220x281, 1467844187655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you jabroni's tell me how great it is going to restaurants with my gf?

>go to places occasionally, having nights off for gf to cook for you and not being a fat moneywasting fuck
>have a beer on an empty stomach and get a nice buzz while waiting for gf to finally decide she wants her usual
>food is served in a usual amount of time, giving you time to talk about your day with your girl and reinforce loving relationship
>staff is less inclined to make weird gestures out of pity like they do for that guy sitting by himself over there with his phone out
>good reason to behave like a functional human being, thus slightly contributing to society as a whole (behavior influences behavior, after all)
>sit at any table you like because you're a fucking man and it's your call
>no taboo argument over who takes the bill because you're a gentleman and you pay for the food, and tip well also because that's just the decent thing to do
>leave a short time after finishing food, giving you time to talk with your gf while your stomach settles, or time to finish what she didn't because she doesn't have as much of an appetite as you

im actually going to make a habit of this, i havent enjoyed a meal that much in a long time.

>> No.7858068


>> No.7858072

Well my friends always want to split the bill and I've never objected. Should I?

>> No.7858076
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>His girlfriend doesn't pay or at least split the bill with him

>> No.7858082

Nah, she pays sometimes. I just get paid more is all.

In return, she cooks basically every meal.

>> No.7858085

Yeah even the non femnazis pay for their own shit these days. I like taking turns t b h, don't have to split the bill that way.

>> No.7858209

Maybe Korea.. People fucking love eating alone in Japan

>> No.7858240

I go to the BYOBuffets alone after workouts often. The servers grill you as they are undivided.

>> No.7858252

Sounds like it could be used for seedy things like soundproof karaoke rooms had been for.

>> No.7858321

I hated going to restaurants alone when I had just got my license. There was an odd bit of stigma like people were wondering why you were alone, and most often the waitresses would never wait on me and then get pissed when I'd give a shitty tip. I had to wait 20 minutes and flag someone down to take my order and then beyond giving me my food, you never came back, why the fuck are you expecting a tip?

It was usually older waitresses that did that too, most of the younger ones I didn't have trouble with. I guess maybe the older ones who work off of tips see a guy sitting alone and don't care to take the table because they assume he won't tip well.

>> No.7858444
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... and I did get some for dinner, they're skimping on the pork

>> No.7858997

Eating alone is fine but your entire post just sounds like someone rationalizing not having a girlfriend.

>> No.7859090

Wasn't that expensive anon?

>> No.7859102

the cop pulled you over and you just kept eating?

>> No.7859116

I usually just eat oatmeal or eggs and toast alone. Seems like such a hassle to go somewhere, park, etc. if it's just me.

>> No.7859119

Japan has ramen shops like this.

You buy a blank order ticket out of a vending machine. Then you sit in a little booth that's like the individual study desks at a school library. Walls on either side and a giant screened wall where you would normally see the kitchen.

You fill the card with what you want and slide it under the window, almost like a bank teller. All you see are the employee's hands. Then they slide the ramen under the window when it's ready. You eat, slide the dishes back under, and leave. Zero human contact needed for the whole thing.

>> No.7859126
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fucking heaven

>> No.7859936

at first I thought you are either autistic or trolling but now it seem you are just fucking stupid

>> No.7860041
File: 28 KB, 476x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.7860199

Anyone who absolutely MUST bring a friend along every single time they want something from a restaraunt is autistic. Like seriously, 'man I really want that wedge salad but everyone's busy so I guess I can't ;_;' fuckin bullshit

>> No.7860242

Should have got the burnt ends.

>> No.7860652

Server here: fuck you, it's still a pain in the ass, and I've got better shit to do.

Also, split checks consistently mean less in total tips, so it's extra work for lower pay.

>> No.7860660

Actual cook here, no you don't unless you want to be unemployed.
Why lie to strangers on the Internet, anon?

>> No.7860670


>> No.7860679


Why do Americans shoot blacks so much?