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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7852909 No.7852909 [Reply] [Original]

has your cooking ever gotten you laid, /ck/?

>> No.7852913


>> No.7852918

I don't even cook OP, it's not like i'm getting laid either with or without doing so.

>> No.7852922

I don't cook, so not really

>> No.7852924

i wouldn't say it's gotten me laid but it certainly helped

>> No.7852925

lol I've never really cooked before, I just like shitposting on /ck/

>> No.7852926

>i don't cook
Thats /ck/ for you.
And no, it hasn't. Well, kinda once but I was already going to get laid anyways.

>> No.7852990

The only woman I've ever really cooked for friend zoned me, though I don't think it was my cooking's fault. We're best friends now and trade off cooking for each other weekly.

>> No.7853000

As much as I want, as often as I want.
I spoke to the heart in her stomach and she hasn't been able to say 'no' since.

>> No.7853003

Stop using that term.

>> No.7853014

I agree, that isn't a real thing. If you aren't OK with being friends with some girl, then don't hang out with her, or just keep trying to fuck her and she will either have sex with you, or get sick of your shit and not be around you....I really dont get why "friendzone" is a real thing. I only have one actual friend thats a girl and I dont wanna fuck her. I dont get it why someone cant choose to be friends with a girl or not.

Also, no, cooking has never gotten me sex. I cook for the girls I have sex with and they seem to not care that much.
>oh this is good anon, thanks...
meanwhile her dumbass can't even make a tortilla without fucking everything up

>> No.7853028

A woman's cooking has gotten me to get laid with said woman. She was cute, but kinda tubby. I hope she's ok.

As for my cooking, it has gotten me offering to become a house-husband, but not laid.

>> No.7853104

My nachos got me laid and married...lol

>> No.7853108

it has definitely helped

>> No.7853138

Also have came on gf's food.

>> No.7853139

story pls

>> No.7853164

2nd'd for story

>> No.7853168

I want your nachos.

>> No.7853173

I only come here when I'm hungry/feel like rating pizza.

>> No.7853185

Nachos supreme w/carne asada

>> No.7853190

You want nachos spiked with date rape drugs and laxatives?

>> No.7853436

/Pol/ would like a word with you...

>> No.7853439

my tinder profile says 'i teach guitar and i cook real good'. so probably, yes.

>> No.7853444

my cooking not but I did broke up a few times if the bitch couldn't cook.

>> No.7853452

The bitch was already into me but I have two stories related to her.
>making carne on my shitty grill
>chop jalepenos, bell peppers, onions
>don't wash hands
>probably burnt that shit I don't remember
>fingerbang this girl with jalepeno fingers
>she is in immense pain and doesn't know why
>I Immediately realize how fucking stupid I am
>still never told her to this day lmao

>Same chick
>bouta get my freak on
>even after jalepeno pussy poppin' cock blockin'
>dick won't get hard
>go make some burgers and smoke some
>cum back and serve burger
>proceed to fuck that bitch to schleep

>> No.7853453


these are not interesting or impressive stories and you sound like you just want to tell people you've had sex.

>> No.7853454

nu male detected

>> No.7853456


you are friends with girl
you want to have sex with girl
she does not want to have sex with you

the friend zone

>> No.7853457

You miss the thread title?

>> No.7853473

I made a chicken pot pie from scratch, got head later on. Tried to stick it in her butt in the living room but her dad was outside cutting grass.

>> No.7853504

that filename is so angry, OP.

and no. cooking is an attractive trait, but not one that makes women want to sleep with you.

>> No.7853508


>cooking is an attractive trait, but not one that makes women want to sleep with you.

because all people are the same

>> No.7853515

>she does not want to have sex with you
>you continue to be her emotional tampon with hopes that someday she'll change her mind

that's the "friend"zone that YOU put YOURSELF in.

if you want to fuck her and not doing so is negatively impacting your "friendship" then drop her. women do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME. they are stone cold and will drop a guy in an instant if she wants the D but he doesn't act like he's trying to fuck her. any claims by women that it's somehow a bad thing to end a "friendship" because she won't sleep with you is extremely hypocritical.

>> No.7853518

I got laid one night and she fell asleep so the next morning I cooked a steak on my foreman grill and made eggs. I told her "You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this"

>> No.7853520

because most people are the same. the amount of women who will become physically or emotionally aroused just because a guy can heat food is so small as to be a non-issue.

no woman is going to be like "well I wasn't really feeling it at all, but as soon as he took that caserole out of the oven my panties slid down my thighs from how instantly wet they were"

like i said, it's an attractive trait in general, but it does not make people want to fuck you.

>> No.7853532

But most women just don't get aroused, period

A few do, but they'll get aroused at literally anything, the more disgusting the better

Women who enjoy sex are basically sluts from their first period and no matter what you do, the juices start dripping down their thighs, spreading HPV everywhere and stinking up the room

If anything displaying "domesticated" traits is not a turn on for these women, but rather, the opposite. Because the last thing they want is to be limited to just one man's semen

Basically you are either a pure virgin or a depraved whore, and a pure virgin doesn't want you because you are a bad person. The whore doesn't want *you* per se, but she'll have sex with you because she is mentally ill

tl;dr cooking doesn't "get you laid" but it is a useful life skill, like knowing how to change the oil in your car, or finding the abortion pill in that short window of time when you still have her attention before she runs off and anonymously has your hellspawn

>> No.7853544


> the amount of women who will become physically or emotionally aroused just because a guy can heat food is so small as to be a non-issue.

oh fuck off. being a good cook can demonstrate a variety of attractive skills or traits and it can make people feel comfortable, stimulated or whatever. it's not about 'heating food'.

>well I wasn't really feeling it at all, but as soon as he took that caserole out of the oven my panties slid down my thighs from how instantly wet they were

no one said that. when people say something 'gets you laid' it doesn't mean it defies all other aspects of your being that are otherwise repulsive and snatches victory back from the jaws of fucking defeat. it just means there was some causative relationship between you doing something and someone wanting to fuck you.

>> No.7853792

As someone who's primary way of getting laid is cooking for girls, lemme break it down for you:

Step 1 is to make the girl comfortable enough for them to come to your place for you to cook. There are a lot of creeps out there and girls will be rightfully wary of a stranger being like "come back to my place", so if you If you're meeting them via the internet or via an acquaintence. that means cooking for them is not viable until the second date. On your first date (over coffee or a drink, no meal, 45 minutes tops), you casually mention that you have a passion for cooking. Subtly talk up how good you are at it at some point--don't outright brag, but talk about how you finally nailed a recipe you've been trying to get right for a while or something like that. Your only goal is to establish enough rapport that you're not a creep (if you're not a creep, this should be relatively easy).

Step 2: Tell them via text that you were hoping you could regale them with your cooking skills and were wondering when they were free. Set up the date earlier in the evening so she'd have time to get home from your place. Act like you're earnestly interested in cooking for her--ask her any dietary restrictions or cuisine preferences or favorite foods (but only do this once, don't grill her). If you sign up for a farm share (which you should, because they're awesome) say "i've been really hoping to use this great X that I just got". Basically, make it so that you don't expect her to fuck you for cooking for her/make it seem like it's not a ploy to get into her pants. Tell her to bring wine and specify what type of wine. She'll probably bring shitty wine so have a good bottle on hand.

>> No.7853794

>>7853792 (continued)

Step 3: Cook something good. A protein (with pan sauce) + starch + vegetable is a good, safe combination. Make it aesthetically pleasing, and easily palatable. Use plenty of butter without making it greasy. Put a tablecloth on your dining room table, break out nicer plates. Try and get everything done before she gets there (pre-cook and reheat the sides if you have to), but even if she gets there early offer her a glass of wine while you finish (bring a chair to the kitchen so she's not standing around awkwardly). Also, try not to get things so smoky that the fire alarm goes off.

Step 4: Before she gets there, make your place not a shithole--clean up and take out the trash, make your bed, etc. Your roommate can be there (it'll make it seem less like a booty call) but make sure he or she knows what's up so they can duck out once things get a little more intimate. Keep the lighting low and light a few good-smelling candles to absorb any strange odors. Put Drake's Nothing Was the Same, Frank Ocean's Channel Orange or Beyonce's Self-titled on your stereo. Don't put on anything that will have ads because it will kill the mood.

Step 5: Eat the delicious food you made, accept compliments to your food graciously and don't be self deprecating--in fact, feel free to ask her "what do you think?" if she doesn't complement your food. Drink wine to loosen up. Talk, laugh. Ask her if she wants the "grand tour" and go for the kiss when she's in your bedroom. You're on your own from there.

>> No.7853795


> On your first date (over coffee or a drink, no meal, 45 minutes tops)


>> No.7853799

>Sour grapes permavirgin: The Post

>> No.7853800

cooking no.....I got a handjob once as a thanks for buying a girl some nuggets from BK

>> No.7853801

What do you think "virgin" means, whore?

Protip: look in the mirror. It's the opposite of you

>> No.7853802


your first date isn't even a real date. it's a "feel each other out" type of experience. You don't want to overstay your welcome and you don't want to be stuck in a shitty date if she sucks.

>> No.7853807


>your first date isn't even a real date. it's a "feel each other out" type of experience. You don't want to overstay your welcome

what does that mean

restricting it to 45 fucking minutes sounds a bit insecure to me

just go get a drink see what happens

>> No.7853810

I fuck on the first date. soooo......

>> No.7853811

>getting shitfaced is the only way to meet women after college
Fuck my life

>> No.7853812

Yes...It's the only way I can get laid....

>> No.7853815


did i say anything about getting shitfaced

christ dude it is just painfully obvious you have very little dating experience

>> No.7853817


you can do that. I've never found extending a first date beyond the initial meet/feel each other out did much to improve my chances on the second date.

I actually found somewhat of an inverse relationship--the more I left them wanting more the more they were likely to want to see me again. YMMV i guess vOv

>> No.7853825

Who the fuck dates anymore? You have casual sex or try out a relationship, dating is archaic where I'm from.

>> No.7853829

>it's not shitfaced unless there's memory loss and acts of violence
>5 drinks is "just buzzed"
This is why I hate hookup culture

>> No.7853831


you're trying too hard you straightedge little faggot


everyone still dates, stop reading clickbait articles

>> No.7853832

I am not sure if cooking has pushed anyone over the edge, but i'd like to think so.

>> No.7853836

if i had a fucking penny everytime a chick asked me "you are a chef??? when will you cook for me?" i'd be fucking rich.

for me personally my job(chef) always helped me somehow but personally it pisses me off because i'm bombarded with stupid questions every time and most of the time those questions get repeated from different people............ UUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.............

>> No.7853841

Do dirtbags think "straightedge" means something different than what it means?

>> No.7853858


it means you're a sanctimonious and belligerent anti-intoxicant missionary who thinks they're worthy but is actually just relentlessly judgmental

>> No.7853859


do you wear a hat

>> No.7853864

No, boozie. There's a middle ground between being a shithead alcoholic, and a mormon.

Trouble with people like you is, you're hardwired to completely lose it as soon as alcohol touches your lips. One drink = flash forward to 7am waking up still drunk and anyone who thinks that's not so good is a preachy prude trying to take away all alcohol ever

Seek help

>> No.7853868


>> No.7853873

You betcha.
Especially if it was someone who grew up eating shitty food (i.e. their parents couldn't cook either), and have never had properly made dishes.

>> No.7853874


you're extrapolating this from the fact that i said 'go for a drink'. i am not the one doing the overblowing.

>> No.7853880

It's a euphemism and you know it

No one interprets "a drink" as "a single drink then done"

When it's literally "a drink" it's usually a restaurant or something

>> No.7853897

>No one interprets "a drink" as "a single drink then done"

Who wouldn't do that? that's why it's *A* drink as opposed to drinkS, "going drinking", or some other phrase. "A drink" is a standard measure for one unit of alcohol: One beer, one glass of wine, or one short of liquor.

>> No.7853910

Are you from a non-Anglophone background?

In English, it's common to say things and mean something other than the most literal possible meaning of the sentence

Like, when someone says how are you doing, do you answer literally?

>> No.7853918


i mean going to a bar or pub or something. the first drink is the only (semi-)necessary one. yes, lots of alcohol is a big part of many first dates, but i only meant it as a formality.

>> No.7853952
File: 99 KB, 1000x680, 43332468_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever cook for my gymbros and they feed me their sausages afterwards.

>> No.7854128

>But most women just don't get aroused, period

ahahaaahhahahaha what

>> No.7854156

Well I made some shitty tacos while drunk at a party I was hosting.

Gave some to a girl I had been snapchatting with for a while. Got laid then dated her for about 6 months.

College was good times.

>> No.7854326

Heavily underrated

>> No.7854340

good slut

>> No.7854513

Praise me more anon

>> No.7854519

You're a swell guy and doing great things with your life

>> No.7854522

Yes. I'm a borderline-normie and on the 2nd or 3rd date with a girl I'll cook for her to show off a bit. They love it and put out that night if they hadn't previously.

>> No.7854539

More times than I can count. Its more about the ambiance and being charming though.

>> No.7854551

>On your first date (over coffee or a drink, no meal, 45 minutes tops)
>Put Drake's Nothing Was the Same, Frank Ocean's Channel Orange or Beyonce's Self-titled on your stereo.

Holy shit, you have this down to a science. I have no idea why this is so specific, but I'll probably put this to use.

>> No.7854567
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This. Girls will want to keep you around, it doesnt soak their panties when you cook well but they feel more comfy when you knuw how to cook. Granted my ex was pretty ungrateful, she wanted everything just how she liked it, ate well done steak and boiled chicken. It is universally respected though; its not a panty dropper but it helps give good impression.

>> No.7854582

I cook because I want to bitch

>> No.7854589

Th-thanks dad

>> No.7854597


>having to think this much about getting laid

I am sorry for people like you.

>> No.7854599

I think you're confusing cooked with cucked.

>> No.7854601

This Anon has really good advice and the main thing here is to precook. Seriously. If you actually try to cook for the girl, you either will bore her or will be in a situation where she wants to drag you away from the meal halfway in and shit don't fly like that.

>girl wants me to teach her how to cook a bit
>she's never had lamb before
>start up a risotto and get her to chop shit since it'll be slow and drag on time
>she wants me to fuck her when risotto is halfway finished
>is in visible agony when I make her wait until the food is done and I can cut everything off before fucking her

I learned my lesson.

>> No.7854606
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>> No.7854609


This is what happens when you get your knowledge from the internet and miss out on experiences, kids.

>> No.7854613


This nigger knows what's up. Although you can extend the drinks for like three hours tops, if you feel you can't get laid straight away go for the second step indeed.

>> No.7854619

/ck/ used to cook

>> No.7854626


I wrote this in 2014 back when i was still single. I'd update the music suggestions to Carly Rae Jepsen's E*MO*TION, Blood Orange's New record, or Gallant's Oology. or Majid Jordan's self titled.


Nope! just reflecting on what worked in the past.

>> No.7854627

Lol what a fucking virgin

>> No.7854657

Found the filthy patronizing sluts

News alert guys: women moan in bed because they think we're stupid. Women tell us our dicks are huge because they think we're stupid

Find a chick who doesn't lie - one who goes stiff as a cadaver when you're going at her, and then starts shaking and sobbing silently, and that's when you found an honest, pure girl

Marry her or you'll regret it for the rest of your life

>> No.7854669


troll post but I would hate to live the life that has crushed you down into the broken husk of a man that you are.

>> No.7854670

I don't think a girl has ever said "anon this dinner was so good I want you to fuck me" to me so I guess not. I've gotten plenty of compliments and my girlfriend brags to a lot of people so I guess that counts.

>> No.7854672


Why are you autists actually here

If you and everyone like you left this board would improve by 95%

>> No.7854707

I was naïve once, like you
I of course had my suspicions, about all of them
Little by little I connected the dots
The lucky few will find the pure virtuous one early, and lock her in
Most of us are condemned to fucking the mentally ill, if you think she isn't that's your dick talking. She is. You can learn the easy way or the hard way, but you'll learn

>> No.7854735

who is this hohlaytau ohmaydau?

>> No.7854745

or you could be valuable enough to attract the women you want and smart enough to stay away from the ones you don't.

I guess being "valuable" comes easier to some than others though

>> No.7854746

So, did your mom not hug you, or did she hug you too much?

>> No.7854749

No. People have always told me that my cooking skills would make girls interested in me, but not a single one seems to give a shit.

>> No.7854781

Yeah, a few times.

Thai green curry with jasmine rice and a bottle of off-dry riesling

>> No.7854926
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, how to eat pussy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but jack did teach me how to please a woman

>> No.7854930



that poor thing jesus christ

have you ever gotten real chili on your dick?

i crushed birdeyes once and touched the D after peeing, it hurt for twenty fucking hours dude.

i feel for her, that's utmost suffering.


so if you don't believe in the friend zone you're a nu male?

what? how the fuck does that even make sense? i'm legitimately baffled.

wouldn't you be a nu male IF YOU WERE BEING FRIENDZONED? WHAT?


>and no. cooking is an attractive trait, but not one that makes women want to sleep with you.

I have plenty of friends that got laid after cooking a really good desert. of course you never know. they might've gotten laid regardless, but I don't think so.

I never had the chance, been in two long time relationships so I guess if I cook something amazing and then get laid it doesn't count, huh?

>> No.7854934

brotha, this aint reddit, format your posts accordingly

>> No.7854940

Not quite. My gf has gotten turned on by my cooking, but don't think that counts.

>> No.7854941

>there is a 4chin format
Literally what

>> No.7854942


i like you anon, really do


you generalize too much my good friend


>But most women just don't get aroused, period

my experience is the complete opposite actually

i remember my ex-gf telling me she always used to fantasize about fucking me even before we were together, in the most arbitrary circumstances

my gf gets turned on by the dumbest things, like me showing good posture, giving her a really heartfelt compliment, it actually gets the juices flowing. i'm not talking about "mental attraction" here, we're talking about the rivers of babylon.

>Women who enjoy sex are basically sluts from their first period and no matter what you do, the juices start dripping down their thighs, spreading HPV everywhere and stinking up the room

guess i should've figured you're one of those....

>> No.7854950


this is solid advice, very sound


you are embarrassing yourself my friend

>> No.7854956


but anon said his first dates usually last 45 minutes.

you'd have to try REALLY hard to get shitfaced in 45 minutes while still attempting conversation and feeling the girl/boy out.

>> No.7854960


the best thing about it is that the Frank Ocean record is actually really good, too.

>> No.7854968


reading your posts legitimately makes me sad. the sheer amount of delusion, the desperation, your absolutely retarded views, your pessimism..

you must've had a really shitty life bro. i'm sorry. hope things work out for you. god damn.

>> No.7854976

Numerous times, the trick is to "assemble" her plate in some faggy flower shape, ect. Bitches love that shit

>> No.7854978


the musician st. vincent


you have utmost excellent taste dude. you from southern Germany or just a fan of our wine?

I mean, they grow Riesling everywhere, but nothing comes close to ours :>

>> No.7854985


i am legit curious, what is the 4chan format you are referring to?

do you not like the fact that i capitalize? a few people have said that.

i won't change, if you dislike it maybe try closing your fucking eyes and screaming for ma dukes?

>> No.7855127

First, no space between the singular post you're quoting and your text. Only put a space after multiple posts you're quoting. Also, you don't have to hit enter after every line.

In general, lurk more.

>> No.7855229

Have I ever gotten laid? No

>> No.7855237
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no, my good looks do. the fact that I can cook is just a bonus I guess.

>> No.7855238


just out of curiosity, how long do you think i've ben here?

>> No.7855305

Also board traffic would decrease by like


>> No.7855319

best friends?

>> No.7855345

Made tagliatelle with salmon,creme fraiche and olive oil with herbs once,wanted to cook them separately but ended up mixing the two and mincing the salmon in the pasta,the grill loved it and that's how i kept my relationship healthy with non healthy things !

>> No.7855570

Yea, but just when I was fresh out of highschool and visiting with my Brother who was in college. We cooked a dinner for the sluts down the hall and I baked the bread from scratch. Stayed up late with this girl playing vidya games and around 3 am she pulled my D out for some thanks for the meal. Since then no. College girls appreciate free meals more than adult women though.

But then I don't date much lately as I'm saving money and that does not coincide with ladies for an ugly sob such as me.

Side note: OP that pic of the chic from St Vincent. I'd wreck that bitch. I'd jizz all over her face and slap the jizz off with my then flacid cock.

>> No.7855580

Made thai red coconut curry with tofu (vegan) for a vegetarian boy I dated a few months back. Got some dick. Was good.

>> No.7855620

It got a girl interested in me and we kept each other warm for a few nights but I'm not down for polyamory or hanging out with her crossdressing friends.

>> No.7855704


My cooking never got me laid, but it ended a relationship.

I'm a cook at a bistro and since I can afford to I always prepare... well, "fancy" isn't the right word. Mushroom risotto, eggplant parmesan, spinach pesto, seared scallops. Shit like that. My at-the-time gf was basically white trash that wouldn't eat anything green, refused to try anything new. Only consumed garbage like 89 cent Bar S hot dogs and frozen chicken tenders.

I tried to make things I thought she'd like but she wouldn't touch it, and I could not stomach the shit she liked to eat. I mean... Hamburger Helper, canned corn, and white sandwich bread IS NOT A MEAL.

Some resentment started to build when we'd sit down to dinner, me with my niçoise salad, she with her chicken nuggies. We began drifting apart and eventually broke up.

Really dodged a bullet with that one, though, because she ended up getting fat as fuck.

>> No.7855720

Nope, it would just revert to when we actually posted about food and cooking instead of treating it like /b/ with food.

>> No.7855756

Okay, I love all the dishes you make, and like making more simple yet well done dishes myself. But hamburger helper is a meal. Also nothing wrong with canned corn or white bread. You ever drink corn water? Divine.

>> No.7855788

Tell her to fuck off.

>> No.7855850

This, how do I into cooks, /ck/?

>> No.7855860

Well, going to a cooking board and posting while never having cooked seems to be par the for the course here.

>> No.7855868

>all these people saying they cant/dont cook
i dont get it. how can people not cook stuff
how difficult is it to "cook"?
i boil water, chop stuff and mix. i can also preheat an oven and take things out at the right time. am i "cooking" or is there some other requirement? i refuse to believe there are human beings who cannot cook

>> No.7855880

yes, at some point I prepared a meal on my own, then some time later I had sex with a person not of my own gender. tfw you have to say this now so people don't think you are a homo. Note trans people don't count.

>Cause me making a meal.
>Effect me getting laid.

>> No.7855885

>no sugar, no cream, just black, like a real cowboy

>> No.7855887

Food poisoning and necrophilia

>> No.7855907
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>regale them with your cooking skills

>> No.7855945

yeah one time i made a strawberry zabaglione that drove my lady wild

>> No.7855984

>transitive verb. 1 : to entertain sumptuously : feast with delicacies. 2 : to give pleasure or amusement

>> No.7856518

Goddamn it I would fuck Annie.

>> No.7856525

1. entertain "with talk"

2. It usually deals with giving or supplying something physical, not really showing off skills

a better word would be like entertain or amuse(if you suck at cooking)

>> No.7856610
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>> No.7856620

>you from southern Germany or just a fan of our wine?

I'm from the the US. I find that a good Rhine riesling is an excellent pairing for spicy foods and women really enjoy it.

>> No.7856632
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shes my girlfriend now, we cook together often.

>> No.7856638


>but I'm not down for polyamory or hanging out with her crossdressing friends.
>tfw in a happy relationship
>tfw get lots of attention from girls
>tfw turn them down
>tfw I just want to practice polyamory and listen to velvet underground while having an orgy

fells AMBIGUOUS, man :(

>> No.7856644


not him, but

>hamburger helper is a meal


>Also nothing wrong with canned corn or white bread.

yes, yes there is.

>You ever drink corn water?


>> No.7856671

White bread includes ciabatta, vienna loaf & sourdough.
Canned corn is fine.
Lurk more.

>> No.7856674

>hurr whitebread means idli and mantou I was just pretending to be retarded
Cute try, I give you 4/10 for creativity

>> No.7856675


>Canned corn is fine.


>Lurk more.

so that I end up like one of you chicken tendie niggers? fuck off

>> No.7856676

I thought you were going to lurk more before posting again? What's this shit?

>> No.7856677

what's the issue with canned corn

>> No.7856678

How much do you weigh?

>> No.7856704

I don't like to cook for other people even though they say it tastes good. Lying sons and daughters of bitches.

>> No.7856728


he isn't even me. this >>7856644 >>7856675 is me

>> No.7856915

Not directly, but cooking instead of taking her out to eat Saves money plus shes already in your house so you're halfway to getting her to your bed.

>> No.7856983

Laid on the bed with a sharp pain in my mid section.

>> No.7856999


>> No.7857011

my ex couldn't cook at all and i sometimes think she just fucked me to get edible food. (her mom was also a terrible cook)

>> No.7858479


>> No.7858524


>> No.7858534

Worked in a cafe. 3 girls in six month.
And Im an introvert guy

>> No.7858670

On the fourth date with my current gf I made dinner and then we fucked, which surprised me. I didn't think was into me at all and I was ready for her to just start ignoring me and move on. I think the food had something to do with it.

>> No.7858881

so are only musicians allowed on /mu/?

directors and actors on /tv/?

>> No.7858980

There is a big difference between making music and cooking a simple meal.

>> No.7858990

What do you think?

>> No.7859158

For some reason that reminds me of how my girlfriend frequently goes for a shower about a minute before I've got dinner plated and ready to go.

Sure, I can keep it warm (though depending on the dish it might suffer a little from being held there) but seriously, it gets on my nerves.

>> No.7859162



>bouta get my freak on

this post just screams frat-boy brag-off with a spicy reddit flavor

>> No.7859180
File: 21 KB, 325x240, whatamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7859193

i cook for my boyfriend all the time so i guess? not sure the two are related

>> No.7859243

I'm pretty sure the only reason my wife stays with me is the food I make

>> No.7859435

I wanna marry u too, ask ur wife if she lets me.