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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 649 KB, 3500x2320, milk_and_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7852722 No.7852722 [Reply] [Original]

Dude guys how the fuck do I stop eating cheese and drinking milk.

>> No.7852727

buy not putting it into your mouth anymore

but why would you, milk is really healthy

>> No.7852737

>Thinking milk is unhealthy

Sorry about your prognosis....

>> No.7852743

You don't, fuck knuckle.

Keep drinking cheese and eating milk as much as you like.

>> No.7852748

no it isn't

>> No.7852752

>milk is really healthy

>this is what happens when people are subjected to a lifetime of government funded pro-dairy propaganda

>> No.7852762

its almost like that milk corporation marketing works

>> No.7852764

Stop buying that shit. After a little while you don't even miss it. Dairy is bullshit beyond a once in a while treat.

>> No.7853044

Get off of 4chan, Charlie.

>> No.7853055

No it's what happens when there is no conclusive evidence that it's harmful.

>> No.7853194

OP our ancestors died so you could enjoy it without gastrointestinal issues. Not eating it is basically spitting on their graves.

>> No.7854132

>because pro-nutmilk propaganda is better

>> No.7854201

What part of the milk makes it bad for you? Im not a food scientist, just wondering if you have any legit sources that say that its not.

>> No.7854224

Milk is fucking tasty. It only ever gives me gas if i drink it in large quantities on an empty stomach. Never gonna stop, nobody's gonna stop me.

>> No.7855330
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>> No.7855336

you don't

there is no good reason to, barring allergy

>> No.7855340 [DELETED] 

You'll most likely just grow out of drinking milk, but why would you ever want to give up eating cheese? It's one of the greatest food products on Earth.

>> No.7855342



>> No.7855368

Milk is the reason the white man has ascended the food chain and are the alpha of this planet.

Drink gods nectar.

>> No.7855371


>> No.7855398

but it's not seek help

>> No.7855531

how is a glock gonna help

>> No.7855562


>> No.7855630

You don't. Once you admit your addiction, it will overcome you.

>> No.7855662

skim milk + aspartame is really tasty and healthy.

cheese is terrible, don't eat it.

>> No.7855677


They did an experiment with baby calves. When they consumed pasteurized milk a few of them died.

This of course does not occur with raw milk.

>> No.7856068

>tfw you go to your friends house and they have watery skimmed milk
Homo master race

>> No.7856081

>it's not harmful so it's healthy

>> No.7856102
File: 351 KB, 442x386, FUCKING JEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kill yourself.

You can take away my meats and poultries and seafood. You can take away my gluten and refined starches and sugars and hydrogenated fats. But if you try to take my cheese, its gon' get real mufucka.

>> No.7856110
File: 3.46 MB, 2903x1723, 20160704_142651-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, i can't help you OP. But here's a picture of my july 4th cheeseburgers

>> No.7856111

yes. there's no other thing it could possibly be.

>> No.7856118
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>Four people didn't want delicious charred onion on their burger.

Four people need to reexamine their life choices.

>> No.7856126

>You can take away my
If you're a cuck sure.

>> No.7856138

There were plenty of onions, anon. Don't worry. Everybody got some

>> No.7856509

I'm 26 dude, I drink milk every day. I mean once you pass 25 a lot of things are pretty much set. I mean, I could just not buy it, but I always end up caving after a time.

>> No.7856574


this is possibly the stupidest post i have ever read on here

you aren't even trying to have thoughts

>> No.7858235
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fuck, good thing I'm not a baby calf.


>> No.7858243

skim milk is excellent for muscles. Lots of sugar and protein, no fat.

>> No.7858271
File: 53 KB, 620x387, McGrilledCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Cheese is as addictive as drugs because of a chemical called casein

> This is found in dairy products and can trigger brain's opioid receptors

> Opiod receptors are linked to the control of pain, reward and addiction

>> No.7858280



>> No.7858289


are humans cows you absolute shithead?

>> No.7858308

most likely because mother's milk boosts your immune system, children who drink breast milk instead of formula are supposed to be healthier too.

but there are plenty of things we eat that would kill animals, chocolate, fruits, etc.

that's like trying to feed a cat kale and using it as proof that kale isn't good for you.

>> No.7858312
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>100% of people who stopped eating dairy also died

There's no escape anon

>> No.7858331

Stop buying it. You'll miss it at first, then after a while you forget about it.

>> No.7858349


>> No.7858353

> Cheese is as addictive as drugs because of a chemical called casein

> This is found in dairy products and can trigger brain's opioid receptors

> Opiod receptors are linked to the control of pain, reward and addiction

>> No.7858420
File: 308 KB, 1000x667, beans+13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment you grab those things, you should ask yourself:do i need this?

>> No.7858423

is this stuff promoted more because it's trendy to hate animal products now?

nobody cares about people getting addicted to coffee, or that poppy seeds can get you high, or nutmeg, etc.

>> No.7858471

it's promoted because this is a thread about how to stop eating dairy.

>> No.7858571

i didn't mean just in this thread...

>> No.7858592

Oh you meant in the imaginary world that only you inhabit? I can't be to sure in that instance but I guess your best bet is to see a head doctor.

>> No.7859282

>I don't leave the house ever
I know interacting with more than 5 real life people can be hard in the outer-net

>> No.7859295

these look good but they're probably super tedious to prepare

>> No.7859749


what the fuck is wrong with you? there's a fucking daily mail article on it, obviously it is 'promoted' to some extent.

>> No.7859754

I dont drink milk because its the color of cum.

I own a gun to shoot many people with.

I dont believe in other people. Stop it if you want, or dont. Stop wasting my wasted time.

>> No.7859764

That's not promoting, that's reporting.

>> No.7859768


not in the objective, informative sense. the daily mail's relationship with science is one in which it promotes interesting ideas regardless of their significance or veracity.

>> No.7859788

Nobody wants to read boring news. It is a business, after all.

There was a study, they wrote about it, I don't see the big deal.

Who's to say what is significant?

>> No.7859888


it's not a big deal. the guy earlier just said that these ideas are being 'promoted' and they are. the tabloid media reflects the interests of the general population.

>Who's to say what is significant?

well, in this case, medical statisticians.

>> No.7859906

>eating tasty food makes you happy
>eating tasty food releases a CHEMICAL that makes you happy
Oh god ban it with fire! think of the children

>> No.7859996
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>> No.7860000

You have bad skin. Show us your bad skin.

>> No.7860007

Milk sucks I literally never drink it. Cheese on the other hand is god tier and there's no way I would ever stop eating it. My girlfriend and I go through 2-3 bricks a week.

>> No.7860011

Don't fear my dude bro.

Just go down to the your local medical bar and ask for the ipa enema and prepare to get an ipa enema. Should cure your shit right up my dude.

>> No.7860064

There was no conclusive evidence smoking was bad for you 100 years ago, does that mean smoking was healthy?

In years to come they probably will discover that drinking the milk meant for infants of a different species fucks up your hormones and causes cascading health issues because of this.

>> No.7860081

Isn't lactose intolerance caused from drinking way too much milk? I have friends who were avid milk drinkers growing up and recently discovered they're intolerant.

>> No.7860514

I don't actually. The only thing that will take any effect on my skin is the years of daily drinking and smoking.

>> No.7860551
File: 4 KB, 210x240, swiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with cheese?

>> No.7860563

it's mostly fat. So eating cheese will make you fat. if you're trying to lose weight, cheese is the first thing Americans should cut, because they generally eat so much of it.

>> No.7860569
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>> No.7860587


>> No.7860592

I'm not your dude, guy.

>> No.7860597


try contributing to the conversation once instead of shooting down contributors with your vague aimless hate of facts.

>nobody cares about

oh look at this guy, authority on the opinions of the world! Publish it in a daytime cartoon, loser.

>> No.7860619

The reason keto "works" for some people trying to lose weight is that the human body didn't evolve to process ungodly amounts of protein and fat as the primary sources of energy. Ketosis is a state of illness resulting from malnutrition. Since these people have set themselves the arbitrary restriction that they cannot eat healthy, digestible foods, of course they are going to lose weight. It's like making an all-protein diet and then celebrating it for observed weight loss (because nobody can metabolize enough protein in a day to maintain weight anyway)

>> No.7860627


>> No.7860745

100 years?
People have been drinking cow's milk for more than 10,000 years.

>> No.7860953

Cows werent fed hormones and anti biotics 10,000 years ago. You cant even buy 100% unpasturised uncontaminated with chemicals milk. The cows have to be pumped full of shit by vets to stop them catching everything and anything reguardless if they're dairy cows or not. You would be hard pressed to find a cow that was born and had never been given a thing except fresh food and water then milk taken and drank without being fucked with

>> No.7860965

According to the press kit, Japanese wagu beef is only fed water and grain.

>> No.7860968

This guy's brain is so carb-deficient he lost the ability to communicate in sentences and can now only respond with single words and URLs. Sad!

>> No.7860978

never let your imagination die

>> No.7860993

>All advice here, comes mainly from respected scientific and sport / nutrition sources (Jeff Volek, Steven Phinney, Peter Attia
Hilarious, these guys sit on the board for Atkins Nutritionals and sell high-fat books, courses, supplements and other shit in cooperation with meat/dairy industry. It's more sad than hilarious though that there are so many fatties who fall for this bait and will probably end up dead within a couple years. Oh well

>> No.7861004

You dont.

>> No.7861032

Disinformation is the most harmful thing about the dairy industry. They tell you to drink milk and its healthy - it really isn't that great - because its milkfat water with added vitamins in it.
You'd be better off just drinking orange juice with vitamins added in it. There is no argument to prove milk is actually good for humans over a long period of time. Most studies are done on people who consume other things than just milk alone.

>> No.7861057

Daily smoker, drinker and cheese eater here. I look like a million bucks.

>> No.7861344

Orange juice is worse, it's literally soda-tier sugar delivery

>> No.7861709


>> No.7861855

It's not so much that it's that unhealthy, it's just that it's not the best source of protein or calcium or anything really. Not the mandatory part of a diet that many sources falsely advertise it as.

>> No.7861965

OP, the first 2 weeks are hard. After that it seems fucking impossible to go back to dairy. You can do it. Just keep reminding yourself why you want to do it

>> No.7862093

are you french

>> No.7862094

beef cows are not dairy cows

>> No.7862100

Op here, so do I, so far.
I never exercise formally though so I'm hardcore skinny fat.

>> No.7862103

It looks like one of the highest sources of calcium. Also vitamin D.

Pretty convenient bit of protein too, if it's not unhealthy.