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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7851975 No.7851975 [Reply] [Original]

Is In-N-Out a meme?

>> No.7851981

It's incredibly cheap and really good, so I'd say no. It really is worthy of all the praise it gets.

>> No.7851985

Your life is a meme and like all memes you should end it

>> No.7851986

I disagree. terrible food, terrible service

>> No.7851987

Good food, never had a problem with the service. Food always came relatively quick, regardless of how packed they were.

>> No.7851993

Pretty nice, great prices. Them and whataburger are proper fast food.

>> No.7851994

i find it to be rather bland

>> No.7851996

In n out employees nice af anon

>> No.7852012

As a Californian, I recently went to Shake Shack in Las Vegas. Honestly, In-N-Out is far superior and I am open to fast food from anywhere. In-N-Out is simple, affordable, and very filling. Shake Shack was just expensive and very complex for no reason. You can buy dog food there. The custard is basically just ice cream and the bun is the only thing worth praising. The food isn't bad, just can't beat In-N-Out. In-N-Out is not a meme, but Shake Shack should be one.

>> No.7852014

found the in n out wagecucks

>> No.7852016

>as a Californian
stopped reading after this

>> No.7852020

all the in-n-outs in texas are freaking empty after the initial 6 month mania

we have superior offerings

>> No.7852024

I agree that it's cheap and good, but that doesn't mean it isn't a meme.

In-N-Out is the definition of a meme. Come to southern california and ask anyone what the best fast food is - odds are they will say it's InO.

That's a fucking meme friends.

>> No.7852028

Is meme still a word used by autistic manchildren ?

>> No.7852034

someone's projecting

>> No.7852042

I finally had it visiting SanFran last month, and it was pretty meh. It was about the same price as McDonald's and a lot better than McDonald's if you didn't mind waiting around 10 minutes to order and then 10 more for your food. The meat was basically flavorless just like McD's but the cheese was nicely gooey, the bun was perfectly toasted, and the shake sauce and grilled onions added a nice counterpoint.

I didn't get the fries because I heard they were bad, but I got a strawberry shake that was definitely as bad or worse than the McDonald's version.

Much better was the Super Duper Burger, a local chain that was basically a Shake Shack clone with a bunch of hippy-dippy organic and local sourcing claims. But my burger and shake was $14 there, though, vs. $7 at In-n-Out.

>> No.7852048
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Superior Californian fast food coming through

>> No.7852049

I agree fampai. it's like part of the orthodoxy of california

>> No.7852050

You are everything that's wrong with this board. Just because you don't understand something, and it seems outlandish, you automatically brand it as a meme.

You fuckers absolutely sicken me, taking food and segregating it between memes and non-memes, like a fucking leper colony. Food is food. No meme about it. So shut the fuck up. When you label food-related things as a meme, you're taking away everything that the creator stands for and reducing it to dust. You should be ashamed of yourself.

When I came to the board, I was hoping for some great discussion regarding food and to have a good time cooking recipes together, but all I got was this "meme" bullshit. Just shut the fuck up about it, okay? People can like whatever they enjoy, so stop reducing it to a "meme" just because you're too pussy to realize that. I fucking hate you, just like I hate the rest of this board. I'm jumping off this gravy train, and it was your straw that broke the camel's back. Hope you're happy, fucksticks.

>> No.7852052

Just got back from there. I still like in n out but the hype did die pretty quick when people realised we had a better place all along. I'm glad there's both though, they should probably build some in n out in Houston

>> No.7852057
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Life is a meme, and then U die


>> No.7852063

sorry that legitimate discussion triggers you. Maybe you should try reddit?

>> No.7852065

>Is x a meme

Kill yourself, fucking cancer.

>> No.7852069
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for me it's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.7852070

Mindlessly asking if something "is a meme" is not legitimate discussion you fucking retard.

>> No.7852074

Tip top memeing friendo

>> No.7852078

i agree with him though. usually you are correct but in this case in n out is an ovreratted meme spewed out my douchebags from San Francisco

>> No.7852085

then you surely haven't thrown in chopped chilies and asked them to make it animal style, and sloppy

>> No.7852093

found the memer. shouldn't you be raiding a twitch channel, you fucking cancer?

>> No.7852095


>> No.7852105

r9k is the only decent board left on this site you fucking normie

>> No.7852117

Nah, it's fucking cancer, and so are you. Go back to your containment and complain about women and how it's not your fault for being a loser.

>> No.7852122


>> No.7852127


>> No.7852130

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

>> No.7852136


No, it's a restaurant. Do you retards even know what a meme is?

>> No.7852138
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>> No.7852140

shut up dip

>> No.7852143

I'd appreciate it if you stop using the r word. it is very hateful

>> No.7852268


>> No.7852303

u r very smart

>> No.7852311

there are much better non chain burger places in california. I don't know why anyone would ever go to this place

>> No.7852315

What about this next joke:

>> No.7852318

>r word

>> No.7852324

lived in texas most of my life, born in cali (never ate at in and out as I was much too young)

in and out is the best fast food burger, whataburger cucks get the fuck out you delusional shitheads. I fucking hate morons that brainlessly praise their burgers when they are so mediocre, almost mcdonalds tier.

In and out has a nice texture (burger wide) great taste and is simple/cheap.

>> No.7852353

Yes. That doesn't stop me from enjoying a flying dutchman with extra cheese cut up on top of animal fries.

>> No.7852368

Their service is manageable I guess. All of their Arizona locations have limp soggy fries and the burgers are just kind of meh. Too little meat to taste anything

>> No.7852371

I disagree anon, Houston Fag here. Whataburger burgers are pretty alright, but their price is what really makes me not want to go.
>10 dollars for a burger and a drink

>> No.7852375

I agree but I will still go to it everytime i drive up to tahoe

>> No.7852385

I been there once with my sister on calexico, and it was ok, i liked the shake instead of soda.

>> No.7852417

How much would a double burger meal be at in n out? Whataburger is on the high side, my meal usually costs about $10. But I go all out and have one of the double meat all time favorites, or add all kinds of cheese and bacon and grilled onions and peppers to an original. I get fucking stuffed and usually can't finish those god tier fries.

Anyway what I'm going on about is why I wish Houston had in n out too. If I'm at whataburger I'm very willing to drop $10 and get stuffed on premium shit. But sometimes it's be nice to eat a little and spend a little less at in n out too. I also didn't mind their fries at all.

>> No.7852427

>gets mad at people "brainlessly" praising whataburger
>proceeds to brainlessly praises in-n-out

>> No.7852437
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>lives in texas
>frequents fast food burger chains
>posts on 4chan food board

>> No.7852442

now that is a hote mey mey

>> No.7852488

It's a good burger, consistent, and has the whole cult appeal going-- I suppose that qualifies that for "meme" status but it has been a meme since before the internet. American cheese, all ingredients up to snuff. I hear that they brush mustard on their patties before they hit the grill.

The only thing they manage to fuck up on an incredibly consistent basis is the french fries. They're like vegetable straws. I know that you can order them well-done off the secret menu, but really, they should get these things golden in the first place. However, they have crammed themselves in such a solid set of rules that if anything changed, there would be a riot.

In-N-Out = 8/10
Shake Shack = 8/10
Five Guys = 6/10
a lot of trendy "burger bar" chains in big cities can approach 9/10

>> No.7852491

A delicious maymay

>> No.7852509

Flint, Mi

Fuck off

>> No.7852518

i used to hate in-n-out but when i found out gordon ramsay loves in-n-out i like it now

>> No.7852553
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>lives in Flint, Michigan
>frequents fast food burger chains
>posts on 4chan food board

>> No.7852621

stop posting immediately
t. canadian

>> No.7852629

literally /fit/ and broke my record with 4pl8 squat yesterday

don't project/assume, skelly :^)

>> No.7852645


Yeah, I lift a bunch of e-weight as well. Just today did 9000 pounds full squat.

>> No.7852667

you sound cute
post pics

>> No.7852669


Your mom is a meme OP.

>> No.7852672

you sound fat
stop posting

>> No.7852678

Whataburger>Other burger places>>>....>>>BK>Mickey Ds>shit>In n shit

Too bland, even their animal style fries and burger were undercooked bland. Never going back.

>> No.7852696

>tells anon not to assume or project
>calls anon skelly

>> No.7852704

don't you ever talk about Mommy like that again! It's hard enough to please her without your hurtful words

>> No.7852710

My wife's son works the drive thru window at in-n-out. I love their burgers!

>> No.7852731

First off, Houston guy, I know they are in Dallas, and I thought one had opened in Houston. Check their map.

I lived in Phoenix for 2 years, and there is always a line around the ones in the south valley. Now, I live on the east coast, and every time I've been to CA, I've eaten there at least a couple of times.

$6.50 or so for a double double, drink, and fries.

The only fast food place with a line here in NC that rivals it is Chick Fil A - the line wraps the store twice at the drive thru.

>> No.7852736

It's good and a meme.

It's nothing really to start a cult over, it's one of those thinks calicucks go nuts for due to their inferiority complex.

>> No.7852740

this is the correct answer. the rest of this thread kills brain cells

>> No.7852760

White Castle tastes better, is cheaper, and actually exists where I live

>> No.7852773

the employees were all stoned when I went and they fucked up my order. There was not nearly enough meat on the burger and the buns were soggy af. fries were also lackluster 先輩

>> No.7852776

i think you mean です desu

>> No.7852787


>> No.7852792

it's the most reddit fast food chain

>> No.7852795

there is an in-n-out in Vegas you pretentious fuck

>> No.7852796

in n out store associate here. Ask me anything.

>> No.7852821

+1 upvote

>> No.7852831

I live in the midwest and have never had it, but really want to try it. Animal style burgers and fries look great. Fortunately I have Culver's to hold me over instead

>> No.7852835

In-N-Out for burgers

Chic-fil-A for chicken

Wendy's if neither are nearby

>> No.7852849

Do certain locations have unique secret menu items that are a hit with the locals?

>> No.7852853

This is pasta


>> No.7852858

>bait post gets 500 (you)s
>this gets none
I agree with your rating of the fries and the overall ratings. For the price I love in n out, five guys fries are good but you pay out the ass for everything there.

>> No.7852867

A Cane's opened up recently where I live
Chic-fil-a's are close to shutting down no one goes there anymore

>> No.7852946


Came to cali excited to live amongst innanout. Turns out its just mediocre burgers priced well. Literally nothing to make a fuss about.

>> No.7852961

usually in the dine in ones you could get a whole grilled onion on your animal fry. Two lanes never do it though. Lazy asses.

>> No.7853016

the fact that there is a secret menu confirms its meme status

>> No.7853020

why does your restaurant suck so much ass?

>> No.7853021

Idk man, ask the thousands of people who eat there daily.

>> No.7853024

do they serve tendies?

>> No.7853082

what is sloppy?

>> No.7853091

you get the animal fries, right anon?

>> No.7853095

>is x a meme?

stop posting

>> No.7853100


>terrible service

What? It's a fast-food joint. Your interaction with the employees is minimal to the extreme.

Messing up your order once out of every twenty times isn't terrible service.

>> No.7853101
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>defending 'is ____ a meme' threads

>> No.7853123

>the size of that person

>> No.7853329

woh take it easy sempai

>> No.7853734

Im drunk now and munching on it

good good

>> No.7853978
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>The Hat
gee I wonder what kind of hat it could be?

>> No.7854220
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>Come to southern california and ask anyone what the best fast food is

and they'll say mexican.

>> No.7854222

a meme?

>> No.7854234

Yep, five guys have a very sketchy price layout. Pretty sure they programmed it so nobody really leaves without spending $10. They have certain perception plays like free toppings, the extra scoop of fries in the bag, and the custom soda machine.

This is good for people who like a lot of toppings and fries, but I typically get just cheese and lettuce on a burger and a small fry with water to drink, still pay $10 there. But hey, it's a ubiquitous restaurant now, pops up in every chain shopping center these days, and I know I can go there to get a solid burger.

>> No.7854237

socal reporting, can confirm

>> No.7854429
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lmao thanks for the laugh senpai

>> No.7854555

>just today did 9000 pounds full squat

So you finally picked yourself up out of the lay-z-boy, huh?

>> No.7854584

fuck yeah we all know that steak n shake is superior

>> No.7854587

chuckled genuinely

>> No.7854708

>"mexican food" in california
now that is a meme

>> No.7854777


It doesn't normally give you the shits, so it's not really authentic, but it's still pretty good.

>> No.7854787

I think Asian fusion is the best food California has to offer. I don't care about it's meme status

>> No.7854804

Everything is a meme by definition

>> No.7854858

Why hasn't this idiotic thread been deleted?

>> No.7854986

Britbong here, went there once on a college trip, worst food I've ever eaten. Burger was inedible, the fries were soggy and limp. Only part of the meal I enjoyed was licking the ketchup out of the plastic tub.

>> No.7855008
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They only brush mustard if you ask for the burger mustard fried or animal style

Personally (as someone who's lived in SoCal his whole life, bar college) it's a decent burger at a good price. If it was even $2 more I wouldnt go but a full dub dub meal is $6 at my local one

Also the fries are one of my favorites out of all fast food places. Sorry I actually want to taste some potato and don't feel like shoveling oil and salt down my throat

>> No.7855350

I disagree completely. the fries are soggy af and are borderline inedible

>> No.7855382

I disagree the fries are edible and not completely drenched in oil

>> No.7855412

maybe it varies by location idk.

>> No.7855423

Where do you go to in n out?

I am by where they generally started and I have never had soggy fries

I would imagine quality control is worse in non California locations

>> No.7855426

Ask to have them cooked longer. If anything they are closer to eating shoestring potatoes.

>> No.7855507

I think this is the answer. less crispy means more likely to be soggy

>> No.7855544

Originally from Canada, so trying to be unbiased.

In-n-Out is top tier in my regards as a fast-food burger place.

When I was in Canada, we got Five Guys which me and all of my friends thought was GOAT but then I moved to Texas. While I thoroughly enjoyed Whataburger, it often fell flat in my opinion and is pretty fucking expensive for what you get.

The greatest criticism, but also a bonus, of In-n-Out is their lack of menu variety. Of course you have some variation, but there's not too much diversity. The good thing about this, however, is quality control. Smaller menu may equal fewer mistakes in preparation. But for the price I pay, I'm sure as hell not complaining.

Now if only there was an A&W in California. For nostalgia sake only.

>> No.7855555

I'm sure there is. I've been to like three in Washington State.

I enjoy the onion rings.

>> No.7855558

comapred with places like Five Guys, in n out offers similar quality but at a better price. that being said, I think a good non chain burger joint or something homemade will always be better

>> No.7855567

I went In-N-Out your mom

>> No.7855578

I think you have an Algebra 1 summer course to go to

>> No.7855591

Shit man, you're right!
There's a KFC/A&W store in the next neighborhood.

Their onion rings are super good.

Homemade is always best imo. Made my own juicy-lucys with my version of In-n-Outs sauce a while ago. Shit was great.

>> No.7855803
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yeah, I hate when they say there's authentic beaners in california. Everybody knows the authentic wetbacks are in new york and texas.

>> No.7855838

texas is basically northern mexico

>> No.7856003

Its higher quality McDonald's.

doesn't say much

>> No.7856216

That's because it's Arizona. Majority of people there have a criminal record.

>> No.7856431
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Had me an In-N-Out burgers yesterday.

>> No.7856440

Your burger to fry ratio is way off

>> No.7856454


dat dick

>> No.7856458

Shake Shack in WeHo is pretty hype though. Don't know if it's the same shit as in Vegas though.

>> No.7856461

But In-N-Out is literally the best fast-food burger you can have. Do I still like the occasional McDonalds? Sure, but it doesn't compare to In-N-Out.

Of course we have killer Mexican food here too.

>> No.7856462

how is the diabeetus?

>> No.7856465

that's just not as objectively true as you think it is

>> No.7856481

the whole state of california is a meme. in fact maybe the entire west coast is

>> No.7856649

>pretty hype

>> No.7856781

ow that hurts

>> No.7856804

fuck you normie

>> No.7857090

Mmmm that looks delicious
Those burgers n fries look alright too.

>> No.7857097

English is inferior to Japanese because no honorlific.

>> No.7857099


>>what are words like "Mr", "Sir", "Lord/Lady", etc.

>> No.7857114


>> No.7857147

yes there is, it's just not on the strip idiot.

>> No.7857156


>> No.7857698

That burger to fry ratio is definitely off.

>> No.7858007


Copycat In-N-Out Burgers

>> No.7858031

I get a double double or bigger animal style every day I'm at work and I'm still not tired of it. I don't know what it is about the burgers but it's the best normal (no toppings apart from traditional burger ones) fast food burger I've had. I can watch them making it through the window as I wait and don't see anything special going on so I'm not sure what it is.

>> No.7858384

what the fuck is animal style and why does it have such a stupid name? animals don't eat cheeseburgers or french fries

>> No.7858388

you must be pretty fat!

>> No.7858396

Extra sauce, burger meat with mustard fried into it, and diced caramelized onion instead of raw rings.


>> No.7858411

"Animal style" is a throwback to an old sexual term. They do this because they don't want boomers to regular their establishment so they do all sorts of things that would embarrass them. Unfortunately this backfired on the Jews when boomers just decided to throw out any sense of shame.

>> No.7858432


he is still correct tho

>> No.7858761

baka sempai desu

>> No.7858795

go back to your safe space

>> No.7859608


Never go to one that isn't on the west coast. I've heard the ones in AZ and TX suck shit.

It's good stuff but it's just a one note place. When you are looking for cheesy, grilled onion, beefy goodness, it's fucking great. Protip: ask for whole grilled onion.

>> No.7859620

Way too greasy and not as good as everyone says. Good price though.

>> No.7861139



>> No.7861184

>I've heard the ones in AZ and TX suck shit.

I've eaten at two in AZ and one in UT and they were fine. I ate at one in Vegas and it was terrible.

>> No.7861200

>confines himself to the strip
lmao typical touristy faggot, how many cirque du soleil shows did you see?

>> No.7861252

you're clearly a high cultured californian

>> No.7861661

yes. everything is a meme. nothing is not a meme. realize this and be free.

>> No.7861678

For the class of fast food it's in, it's really good. It's absolutely not worth all the hype it gets, though.

>> No.7861824

I left Texas four years ago but I still crave whataburger. I need to visit soon.

>> No.7861831
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Do you really eat more than one burger in one sitting?