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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1300x888, 10012003-Grilled-ham-and-cheese-sandwich-with-a-bowl-of-soup--Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7845752 No.7845752 [Reply] [Original]

What's your comfort food /ck/?
Grilled ham and cheese here

>> No.7845758

Not too big on ham but grilled cheese is the GOAT

>> No.7845784
File: 74 KB, 614x409, spaghetti-bolognese-19321_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spaghetti bolognese

>> No.7846518
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Chorizo. Get on my comfy lvl.

>> No.7846575

Spaghetti calabrese

>> No.7846580

I used to be a skeleton until I started eating a grilled cheese/ham/egg sandwich for every meal. Butter and cheese made me fat as fuck

>> No.7846596
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hotdog salad with a slice of go 'za

pic related

>> No.7846646

Because ham is haram to you right?

>> No.7846647


>> No.7846980
File: 53 KB, 593x395, English-Muffin-PB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite thing in the world.

>> No.7847408

When I try to make it grill cheese bread absorbs all the oil and becomes greasy as fuck. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7847431

for the sake of it..why are you using oil to begin with?

>> No.7847436

What did you mean by this?

>> No.7847439

I mean why are you using oil at all

>> No.7847441

Without oil the bread would get burnt

>> No.7847447

No you spread butter or mayo lightly on the outside and cook until golden brown. It lubes itself as it melts and does not stick

>> No.7847448

That's an interesting idea. Thanks.

>> No.7847452

.......how HAVE you been doing it??

>> No.7847454

Bowl of mac and cheese with hot sauce and diced onion/jalepenos

>> No.7847455

By puting bread in hot oild. Bus as I said, it becomes greasy.

>> No.7847468

you could cover cheese in little pieces of pizza dough and do it that way but yeah with cooked bread it is a sponge and will just soak that up right away. Try what I said before and you will see how it is far better. Just spread a little butter on the outsides and put it in the pan with medium heat not high heat or it will burn before the cheese melts.

>> No.7847780
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brb, dumping some good stuff tbqh my fellow fampais.

>> No.7847782
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>> No.7847787
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>> No.7847790
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>> No.7847794
File: 70 KB, 500x667, Bacon Burgers And Cheese Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7849537
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Decently topped and it's like 3 dollars, which for Ausfailian prices is exceptionally cheap.

>> No.7849559
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>> No.7849569


>> No.7849576

Bread, shitty proccessed cheap frozen hamburger, egg.

It comes with more shit based on current financial status but that's the basic gist of it; this got me through college without significants debts (not even murrican)

it reminds me of how awful you can feel, which turns into appreciation for the moment, and also soft yolk on bread hnnng

>> No.7849580
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I just finished a tub of this.

>> No.7849584
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>> No.7849593
File: 1.70 MB, 4096x3072, GE0305_Croque-Madam-Sandwich_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

croque madame here

>> No.7849803
File: 905 KB, 2560x1536, 20160704_235319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find few things are comfy as a quesadilla, although they can be frightening to some.

>> No.7849832


>has him mom go out to buy him fast food for literally every meal so he can eat in front of his computer
>thinks he's brave for venturing out of the basement once a month to make a home cooked quesadilla

>> No.7849835


>> No.7849891

No I just respect the grilled cheese too much

>> No.7849896

>not Monsieur

Fucking faggot

>> No.7849898

How do you make pancakes so THICC?

>> No.7849901

chicken fried chicken, cream gravy, creamed jalapeno spinach, mashed potatoes, corn bread muffins.

>> No.7849921
File: 110 KB, 1007x545, Very-Vanilla-Fruit-Salad_1007x545-1.ashx_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good fucking fruit salad makes my dick hard.
It's very comforting.

>> No.7849925

don't get it. you hate eggs? because the only difference is the egg.

>> No.7849928

thick batter.

>> No.7849929


I'm sure he knows that, but it is a little funny to call someone a faggot for preferring the feminine version of a dish.

>> No.7850040
File: 19 KB, 320x240, annettes-glazed-donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7850068

either fish camp our sizzler, our golden corral.

tfw the fish camp in town shut down.


>> No.7850346

Those aren't pancakes. Its fried bread dough.

>> No.7850532
File: 239 KB, 620x621, pancake-rice-cooker-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rice cooker pancakes

>> No.7850871

I don't know if that looks tasty or if it disappointing.

>> No.7850873

I'd eat Annettes glazed donuts, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7850904

okay holy fuck, out of all the frozen pizza's ive had this tops all of it. As a fellow aussie i have tried McCain's and aldi's and idk every fucking type, but woolies homebrand is the best.; Its something about the crust man, idk

>> No.7850909

In Venezuela we don't hace 'Comfy food' even have food'.

>> No.7850935

hey that's pretty good

>> No.7850991


>> No.7851468
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>> No.7851611

Curried mince/mince curry and rice.

Whenever my mother didn't really feel like cooking anything special for dinner, she'd make some.
Crumble cook mince of some sort (usually beef but occasionally other sorts, too) with onion and ginger, add flour and curry powder, make a roux, add stock cube, water, carrot and potato, boil, cook until potatoes are done, off the heat, stir in frozen peas and chopped scallion and serve with rice. Takes all of 10-15 minutes to cobble together.

After my brother died, she made it a lot, which I liked because it was one of my favourite foods as a kid. I was too young to understand depression.
Still, curried mince and rice gives me nostalgia and despite the fact that I understand now she only made it because she was too depressed to make anything more involved, it's a comfort food for me to this day.

>> No.7851634

scrambeld eggs for comy morning
pizza for comfy evening

>> No.7851646

its a salty, shitty meat with gelatinous texture. gross.

>> No.7851676

Tuna (Tesco value) and mash (instant, Tesco value), ketchup (Tesco value) if I can afford it that month. I'm 29. I don't have anyone or anything. I'm a girl btw.

>> No.7851786

Get some cheap tuna, bag of potatoes and a jar of mayo.

Easy modo tuna mayo baked potato 4 u

>> No.7851921

this, but I dip it in kechup

>> No.7851928
File: 99 KB, 600x800, La bbq - Austin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbq for sure

>> No.7851946

dis sum gud shiit right her3

>> No.7851958

ribeye with asparagus and baked potato with sour cream, no butter.

>> No.7851974

fucking christ

>> No.7852041



>> No.7852077


I've always wondered ..

Is the butter than Americans put on pancakes unsalted?

I feel like the sickly sweet syrup and salted butter is a weird combo

>> No.7852100

Sweet and salty is a classic combination of flavors

>> No.7852113

True though.

>> No.7852416

I'm not American so I don't know. Personally I just put syrup on my pancakes. The picture I posted though are Toutons which aren't American so I'd imagine it's common outside the US.

>> No.7852435

quesadillas with parmesan and cumin dipped in sour cream are bae

>> No.7852508
File: 18 KB, 343x377, 1312042916451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cheesy....

>> No.7852706

Yes, it's unsalted.

Does anyone even use salted butter?

>> No.7853030


>these are the people I try to discuss cooking techniques with on a forum

>> No.7853155

I used to make this regularly.
I always pan fry the ham first to get a drier, more firm texture to it and bring out the flavor better.
I also usually slice onion/tomato/avocado and put it on there as well. Sometimes some garlic mayo.
Mostly I use pepper jack and muenster cheeses and sometimes swiss/provolone.

>> No.7853172

I'm in the same boat femanon. 29 and alone. Barely make enough to get by and am getting sick of eating like a peasant.

>> No.7853174

I melt it and pour it on popcorn.

>My gf puts coconut oil on her popcorn

>> No.7853191

Mr.noodles with two eggs dropped in with salt and pepper. Drain out most of the broth then break the eggs to get yolk everywhere. Sometimes I add cheese if I'm looking for double comfort.

>> No.7853196

Borscht or sorrel shchi

>> No.7853313

Denmark here.

we used salted butter for everything .. it's the norm. I'm not even sure where to buy unsalted butter.

>> No.7853323
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(You)'re the faggot.

>> No.7853828

your 'dilla actually frightened me, it looks like trash, stop using that low quality shredded cheese.

>> No.7854123

Mac and cheese

>> No.7854176

Put some chunky peanut butter on there and you're on my level

>> No.7854182

Depends on what they buy.

Salted and unsalted butter are both readily available at the grocery store. Just personal preference at that point.

>> No.7854186

You're supposed to pop the popcorn in coconut oil. Not pour coconut oil on it what the fuck

>> No.7854188

comeback in a week

>> No.7854194

Whenever I'm bored at home alone, and I don't feel like making food, I take marmalade and cream cheese out of my refrigerator to spread it on my Keebler export crackers. Whenever I bite into one, the warmth of my childhood rushes through my shoulders into my lower back.

>> No.7854205

Wtf do you use to bake a cake

>> No.7854211
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this and sweet and sour chicken there's something about it

>> No.7854215
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>> No.7854654

New Zealand reporting

Using unsalted butter is not common here, its very expensive compared to normal butter (salted butter)

Salted butter...

>> No.7854659
File: 209 KB, 1279x769, 1467740525599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buffalo wings
>mac and cheese
>french dip or philly
>italian sammy with a nice vinaigrette

special and rare man edition
>bizzy burrito
>the thing with the chicken and shwarma and white sauce

>> No.7854700
File: 68 KB, 300x300, pastitsio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
