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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 315 KB, 998x1500, whothefuckisreese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7840189 No.7840189 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favourite cereals? How many refills do you have per bowl? Do you drink the milk afterward? Does Cap'n Crunch hurt the roof of your mouth? What cereal makes for the best post-cereal milk sesh? Do Frosted Flakes make the milk colder? Is cereal the comfiest food of all time?

Top five cereals reporting in:
1. Reese's Puffs
2. Honeycomb
3. Cap'n Crunch
4. Froot Loops
5. CTC

>> No.7840238

I enjoy the taste of Lucky charms very much.

>Inb4 wow manchild eat this mature
cereal instead

>> No.7840249
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My list toppers are Reese's Puffs and Frosted Flakes. I haven't had Cap'n Crunch in a few years now that I think on it, but I recall being rather fond of it. Of similar ingredients and rating are Corn Pops. No, not that puffed up shit with the glaze. I live in Canada, and our Corn Pops look like pic related.
I don't eat too much cereal these days because milk does not seem to agree with my innards anymore.

>> No.7840250

There is a cereal called Tiny Toast that just came out. It's p good. I had blueberry and it made my milk nice and blueberry favored.

>> No.7840266

Reese's Puffs are definitely my go-to; I literally have a pretty big sweet tooth for Reese's stuff. I'll also take Honey Bunches of Oats any time, maybe even Krave as well.

>> No.7840275

1) Waffle Crisp
2) Berry Captain Crunch
3) Reese's Puffs
4) Almond Honey Bunches of Oats
5) Cinnamon Toast Crunch

>> No.7840276


>refills per bowl
None, I like to keep it to a once-a-day treat, otherwise I'd be an addict
>do you drink the milk afterward
Of course
>capn crunch hurt
Hurts so good bb
>best post-cereal milk sesh
Mmm probably honey bunches of oats IMO
>colder milk from FF?
It is but an illusion
>cereal comfiest of all time?
You betcha

Top 5:
1. Frosted shredded wheat
2. Life
3. Honey bunches of oats
4. Frosted flakes
5. Probably Chex with a sprinkle of brown sugar on top

>> No.7840284
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Underappreciated as fuck.

>> No.7840285

Yeah, I'm in Canada too. Corn Pops are rad, but they're so big and I don't like to use a lot of milk (I'm not a drinker) so sometimes it's tough. Luckily, they're a good dry cereal. French Toast Crunch is a cereal that was exclusively Canadian for a while and is super good.

Honey Bunches of Oats have some great flavours. Apple Cinnamon is heaven. I wasn't a big fan of the way Krave reacted to the milk, personally. A little too soggy for my tastes, which didn't go well with the chocolate center.

>> No.7840287

anyone mix cereals here? I used to mix more fun stuff but now I just do regular cheerios and honey nut cheerios to make it less sweet because I am an adult

>> No.7840288

I find as I've gotten older my sweet tooth has lessened significantly. 12-year-old me would smash a box of Reese's in one sesh without remorse. I also would go heavy on milk(still do) and give my cereal a few minutes to get a little soggy(don't do this anymore) allowing for optimal cereal milk. rice crispies topped with sugar and blueberries was also goat. these days, I enjoy a bowl of grape nuts with a pinch of sugar, almond milk, and berries or banana slices on top.

>> No.7840366

I used to eat those sugary cereals for breakfast every day from like kindergarten thru 12th grade. Grew up completely emaciated. Once I hit college I subbed out cereals for oatmeal. I'm still emaciated, but now I'll make oatmeal for myself (cup of oats, cup of whole milk, a bit of brown sugar, spoonful of peanut butter). it's so much more filling and better for you than this crap that should be a desert and not breakfast food.

That said, my favorite sugary cereals from back then I remember in no order

>cinnamon and french toast crunch
>reese's/peanut butter puffs
>frosted flakes
>rice krispies treats cereal and rice krispies
>waffle crisp
>apple jacks
>corn pops
>honey bunches of oats
>fruity/cocoa pebbles and puffs
>oreo o's
>honey nut cheerios
>frosted shredded wheat
>golden grahams
>corn flakes\
>blueberry morning

>> No.7840393

It's the only sweet thing I indulge in. I don't eat chocolate, candy, or drink soda, but when it's time for a cereal sesh it's a fucking sesh and a half my friend.

>> No.7840481

Reese's Puffs?
In the AM, its the flavour I savour.

>> No.7840491

1) Reeses Puffs
2) French Toast Crunch/Cinnamon Toast Crunch
3) Any Capn Crunch variety
4) Apple Jacks
5) Honey Smacks

>> No.7840507

Some good taste in this thread. Glad to hear the Reese's Puffs love.

>> No.7840512
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>> No.7840518

I do that, I'll only have an unmixed bowl of sweet cereal for dessert.

Unsweetened muesli is my favorite cereal though

>> No.7840524

You know, I saw that in the grocery story for the first time ever today, and I decided against it. I have so much cereal and have been trying to pace myself and this one just seems like it would be so outlandishly sweet. I bet it's fucking delish though.

>> No.7840530
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No love for mini wheats?

>> No.7840538

Mini Wheats are great, but like Corn Pops, they're so big that my cereal to milk ratio gets all skewed.

>> No.7840564

Damn i love reeses puffs but i don't eat it much cuz i'm conflicted. It's more of a breakfast of champions.

>> No.7840565

Call me boring but I love raisin bran and rice krispies. I also enjoy putting sliced banana in both cereal from time to time

>> No.7840572

True. I've had seven boxes of cereal in my cupboard for the past month that I save for those sort of moments. Might finish off the Nesquik tonight.

No shame, man. Adding fresh fruit to cereal, especially the oat based stuff, is fantastic.

>> No.7840573

I find myself extremely bored with cereal. It's cold, dull, and doesn't stick to my ribs. The last time I had cereal was probably a few months ago. Maybe if i found something to make it more interesting, I might have it more often.

>> No.7840604

Fruit and almond milk?

>> No.7840617

my favorite is count chocula but they only sell it in october. I buy a bunch of boxes and try to ration them out for the rest of the year. aside from that I like cinnamon toast crunch and reeses puffs.

>> No.7840625

I haven't had Count Chocula in over a decade. I'm not sure it comes to Canada during the season. Would love to try it again

>> No.7840767

don't get the strawberry one it fucking sucks

>> No.7841130


What does it taste like?

>> No.7841379
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Eating this cereal hurts like shit but it's worth it >image.jpg lol

>> No.7841534
File: 396 KB, 505x650, nestl-lion-cereals-400-65g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't eat cereal often, but when i do it's this
perfect for drinking the milk afterwards too

>> No.7841549
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>> No.7841572
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>> No.7841611


I would eat both boxes of these just for that marvelous silky-smooth dirtsnake I'd squeeze out in 36 hours

>> No.7841641
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>all the disgusting rainbow color sugary bowls of shit ITT

this board is full of children

>> No.7841648

I recall it being like a chocolaty Lucky Charms

>> No.7841707


They got rid of this recently and replaced it with some shitty "PB&J!!! Lol!!!" flavor. It tastes like the Jif cereal plus strawberry cough syrup thanks to these nasty red puffs that are supposed to be strawberry-flavor.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.7841777

If it doesn't have a mascot on it, then it will probably be ass. If it's a health reason, then why wouldn't I just make an omelette or something and save myself from the sins of Corn Flakes, Special K, etc. ?

>> No.7843435

The Cap'n is the GOAT mascot

>> No.7843779


you could try lactose free milk, assuming thats what the issue is.

>> No.7843808
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Glad to see someone with good taste itt

>> No.7843822
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The superior s'mores cereal

>> No.7843849

>1g of fibre

>> No.7843859

>supporting the shit that is the American corn industry

I hope you die.

>> No.7844317

plain ass shit, I'd rather eat nothing and starve

>> No.7844731

I just like normal rice cereal. I know, I'm boring.

>> No.7844979
File: 48 KB, 500x500, general-mills-oatmeal-crisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat much cereal, but when I do I usually go for this as my base cereal and then add fruit or other fixins depending on my mood.

Has a nice neutral oat base with almonds and clusters similar to Great Grains but half the price. Goes well with anything you want to put in it and isn't very sweet.

>> No.7845040

Waffle Crisp
Reeses Puffs
Bran flakes (ya im a classy bitch)

>> No.7845045

Life cereal and Mini wheats are to be never ranked they are legendary on their own.

>> No.7845071
File: 1.11 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_6265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to find in Switzerland, but this is my go to.

>> No.7845122
File: 291 KB, 845x692, nessie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any artists in these threads? Long shot I know but I am desperate haha.
I've got something I would love to see. Basically I want to see a professionally drawn image of the Nesquik Bunny fucking Judy Hopps from Zootopia whilst Nicks shocked head sits sewn onto a Nesquik box in the background.

I've roughly assembled what I mean in photoshop but I am not an artist myself. Feel free to make any additions, notes etc you think are necessary. I was going to add a joke about the Nesquik Bunny being unable to go 'balls deep' because his (cereal) balls are so big whilst Coco the Monkey (from coco pops) could go balls deep due to his small (cereal) balls but primates don't exist inz ootopia so I dropped it. Would love some help with this. Thanks.

>> No.7845145

I want to see this done too

>> No.7846362

uhh dirtsnake?

>> No.7846408

it means poopoo you bug gummy

>> No.7846445


>> No.7846537

1. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
2. Reese's Puffs
3. Cap'n Crunch

Refill 2-3 times depending on bowl size. I almost never eat cereal anymore because it is nutritionally shit, and milk gives me gas.

>> No.7846728
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master race desu

>> No.7846745
File: 776 KB, 1600x1415, Crunchy-Cereal-4ff1290974a46_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.7846777

Im a fan of plain bran flakes. Oh jesus i love them

>> No.7846830

Oreo-Os used to leave the best tasting milk

>> No.7846851


I will never unsee

>> No.7846857

1:Bran Flakes

That's it, I don't eat sugar filled shit for cereal.

>> No.7846876


>> No.7846895

I need some sugar. I like Multigrain cheerios, or multigrain life cereal. Just for some filler/complex carbs.

>> No.7846917
File: 79 KB, 449x679, 1432824441_81igmnxkc2bl._sy679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEB dark chocolate hazelnut granola is GOAT.

In no way healthy but whatever.

>> No.7846924
File: 42 KB, 297x400, Gorilla_munch_productlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one posts based maymay cereal
>jimmy status: rustled

nevar firget

>> No.7846926
File: 1.20 MB, 2317x3371, general-mills-golden-grahams-cereal-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is top tier cereal. No other cereal can even come close to comparing.

>> No.7846979

oh yesh I've tried that brand, forgot the name but was pulled from store shelves long ago.. shall be missed