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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 1599x899, Hannapel 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7838143 No.7838143 [Reply] [Original]

I had a pretty good Diner last night,I'd thought I'd share

>> No.7838144
File: 87 KB, 1599x899, Hannapel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7838147
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>> No.7838152
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>> No.7838156
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>> No.7838158
File: 126 KB, 1599x899, Hannapel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this is actually a petri dish,this was the most retarded plating I've ever seen

>> No.7838159

Honestly this all looks like shit. Maybe I'm just a peasant. But if I were wealthy in wouldn't be stupid enough to pay more for less portions.

>> No.7838160
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>> No.7838208
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>It's another ''Portionsize is the only objective criteria for good value'' Post

>> No.7838227

it's one of the criteria; a criteria that this fails at miserably

>> No.7838237

How do you know,you don't even know how much he paid for it.

>> No.7838248

Hahaha look at the shirts slicing of that radish

>> No.7838258
File: 87 KB, 500x600, hi again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point though. You don't go to this place to be fed, you go to experience the flavors.

>> No.7838267

food/ingredients look tasty and fresh

plating on almost every dish is an eyesore

>> No.7838270

If I leave a restaurant hungry after having spent over a hundred dollars then that restaurant is shit. I can cook a filling meal for myself that tastes just as good and costs 1/8th as much.

>> No.7838272

I didn't know diners could be that fancy.

>> No.7838275


I decided to augment my Nissin tonkatsu ramen for once.

I sliced up two cloves of garlic, threw it in a pan with togarashi and some salt and let it fry in sesame/vegetable oil to make a seasoned oil. I also boiled an egg for exactly 7 minutes and ran it under cold water straight away. I put the noodles together and threw the garlic along with the oil into it. I even put a pat of butter on top of it. I then peeled and sliced the egg in half and just let the yolk run into the soup and let it all mix. (This is probably the first time I wanted to put egg in my noodles)

It was really nice and would definitely do again. It certainly made the soup very rich. Thought I'd share.

>> No.7838277


I agree, I'd be mad about that too. But honestly: how fat are you that you could eat $100 worth of food and still be hungry?

>> No.7838278


it's criterion when it's singular.

anyway small portions are fine when you get lots of them and they're cheap. anyone who disagrees with this is a pleb. a large part of the appeal of a fine dining menu is lots of variety.

>> No.7838280


why do people always bring up fucking fullness. no restaurant is only giving you a quenelle of mousse and a biscuit for your dinner. 'leaving hungry' is not a significant problem in fine dining restaurants and you'd know this if you'd ever fucking been to one.

>> No.7838281

That is the biggest meme of a dish that I have ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon.

>> No.7838291


>> No.7838293

Those kind of restaurants obviously aren't the ones I'm talking about then you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the shit ones that serve you 150g of roast pork and half a potato for sixty bucks and think that tasting good should justify it.

>> No.7838294


they don't exist.

>> No.7838297

Because costing $100 and actually being worth $100 are two very different things. I mean how stupid are you that you think there aren't restaurants that actually do this kind of shit?

>> No.7838300

Yes they do.

>> No.7838305

The difference between "I eat to live" and I live to eat"

>> No.7838306


I eat out a lot because I travel for business. I've never encountered anything even remotely like that, so I think the idea is mostly hyperbole. Most likely from people who see photos of small portions from tasting menus but don't realize that the small portion they're seeing is one of dozens of courses.

Do you have any examples of places that still leave you full after spending that kind of money? I don't mind being corrected.

>> No.7838314

looks like someone never left their basement


>> No.7838355

that doesn't look like a dish you should share with anyone, unless you want to go hungry.

>> No.7838357

thats a fucking artsy snack m8 not a dinner

>> No.7838382

Looks really fucking good. Plating is borderline silly, but you kind of need that to make a bunch of small courses stand out.

And for all the fatasses complaining about muh money's worth that's what Golden Corral is for. Stay there.

>> No.7838415

I paid 62 Euros for everything,including a seperate Glas of Wine for each course.
Plating was ok,I've seen better,I've seen worse

>> No.7838437

ITT:Faggots who dont understand the difference between a tasting menu and a Full course Menu

>> No.7838443

Hannapel, right? In Germany? Would you recommend it?


It really looks good

>> No.7838445

With wine pairings? That's a pretty good value.

>> No.7838449

It wasnt that good.
The service forgot what Course we were on,thez brought us the wrong wine,pretty much every dish had some very noticable flaws.

Also serving Ice-Cream in a petri dish is the most pretentious thing I have ever seen.

If you are in Essen go here:
The Chef is closing his Restaurant and the End of the year so I plan to go at least two more times,his food is the best Stuff Ive ever eaten.

He puts music on a plate,it is incredible.

>> No.7838464

Thank you. If I am over there I will check it out.

>> No.7838466
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I absolutely hate this kind of presentation mostly because absolutely everyone does it nowadays and it feels like poor imitation rather than a "vision" from a chef.
Then you get shit like this >>7838158 that just makes me think how little taste a chef can have

pic related I took where I used to work: I actually had to serve stuff like this and I really hated those random drops and chunks and especially the salad leaves. "It gives colour and height" they told me. I understood but I never shared the sentiment.

>> No.7838479
File: 1.61 MB, 2592x1936, Danish_Beef_Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate this last night.

It was pretty good.

>> No.7838489

I have no idea what you're bitching about. Those plates look fine.

>> No.7838493

>photographing food in high end restaurants

Unless you're a journalist and you're doing it as a job, don't. You look like a peasant to everyone around you.

>> No.7838494

I bet it was satisfying, but... how the fuck do you even eat that? You used a K&F, right?

>> No.7838498

Portion size is fine because you're eating a five course meal with drinks after each course. You're not going there to pig out.

>> No.7838504

>Implying I give a shit

I paid for it,I'm going to take pictures

>> No.7838513

hell no dude I just picked it up like a real American man

are you some kind of pussy bitch?

>> No.7838515

Yeah, you have to be pretty hardcore to go at it with your hands.

Its really good though.

Would not recommend eating it too often however.

>> No.7838518

Coming from someone who works in a two star restaurant as a pastry chef, not really. It used to be until the rise of Instagram and Twitter, but nowadays every snaps pictures and spends half the time staring at their smartphone anyway. What kills me is posing in front of the food and duck lips. That's how you spot people who are really out of their element.

>> No.7838524

Every single fucking time. Why is it impossible to have a thread about fine dining without a dozen fat midwesterners sperging out over 'muh portion sizes'? Fuck off and stop trying to weigh in on a subject about which you know nothing. It so painfully obvious which of you have never been to a decent restaurant or know what a tasting menu is, and yet you still think your opinion is worth sharing. It isn't.

>> No.7838532
File: 65 KB, 956x435, chap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too rich for my blood, mate. fish and chips it is and I better not hear the missus complain. again.

>> No.7838534

Have fun paying 200 Bucks for a single piece of Meat

I get better value eating at McDonalds

>> No.7838544

You certainly do. Go for it then.
Literally no one is debating that the portion sizes are small.

>> No.7838546

lol, opinion discarded.

>> No.7838552


>> No.7838705

To be fair you don't want large portion sizes with a five course meal. Five small plates is as much if not more food than one large one.

>> No.7838778

Nice hyperbole

You'd be surprised how much food is actually on these tasting menus. I've only been to a restaurant like this once and was ready to be really angry about paying as much as I did, but I was really full and ate like a dozen great things I'd never had before.

>> No.7838990

Damn, that looks good. It's quite a lot of food though and very meat heavy. Is this different people's foods or is it in a single menu?

>> No.7839062

Single Menu,took us about 90 Minutes to get through it

>> No.7840210

This, most Michelin starred restaurants I've been to air on the side of too much food.

>> No.7840212
File: 48 KB, 400x389, 1440203854945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7840215


>> No.7840216

It's not mine either.

>> No.7840217

we really need a separate board for flyovers

>> No.7840228


I've done a few one and two star places and I always feel like I stuffed myself by the end, but not uncomfortably so.

It's almost as though it's supposed o feel like a feast, but you don't get enough of anything to get bored of it, when at a regular meal you might say that you'd had enough.

>> No.7840240

What kind of shit restaurant did you got to where they didn't even serve your dessert on the table?

>> No.7840255
File: 2.68 MB, 3120x4160, borneo alinea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7840293

How much of a pretentious faggot do you have to be to think the plating for any of that is silly or sucks.

Its a fucking tasting menu and theres a lot of really good elements in all of that plating. Any any of you been to any fine dining restaurant ever?

Like how pretentious do you have to be that those plates weren't good enough?!

>> No.7840296

>If I keep saying pretentious then my nonsense isn't pretentious

>> No.7840299

Thinking you get to have a negative opinion of any of that has to make you nothing less than a elitist dickhole that just has to complain about everything. Fuck off.

>> No.7840626

Not that guy, but if you're paying for it, eating it, and thinking about it, you have imo bought a license to critique your food.

>> No.7840657

>chef nas
god damn i knew he's gone downhill recently but still

>> No.7840743

No one does this.

>> No.7840791

Honestly, this just looks bad. They cooked the piece of steak in the back perfectly, then fucked up the bit in the front. The vegetables look like they just tossed them on the side for no reason and it looks horribly disconnected. Like there's a section of vegetables and a section of meat. The juices just spilled everywhere. Also it looks like it was put in a dog bowl

The rest looks good, still a bit lazy on the plating with all the splotches but I guess you can blame the waiter. Never cared for foam tho, dunno the appeal, it just reminds me of rabies. How much did this cost you anyway?

Plating is part of the fine dining experience, it demonstrates care and precision. Half the gimmick is the "art" of it. If I pay 200 dollars to taste your food, I don't want splotches or lazy shit, I'll just go and find some regular good food.
>Like how pretentious do you have to be that those plates weren't good enough?!
Did you even read his post? Pull your dick out of your mouth and read

>> No.7840808


>> No.7840816

long time I didn't see Borneo posting on /ck/ ..is she still here?

>> No.7840828

She doesn't always namefag, I'm sure.

>> No.7840871

That plate looks like part of a urinal and the dish looks like it belongs in a urinal.

>> No.7840915


like your post too...

>> No.7840928

Not sure what everyone is bitching about, but the portions for this meal looks alright. A single portion may appear small but there are like several courses. Would eat.

>> No.7841039
File: 21 KB, 319x400, 21k+s+worth+of+meaty+rub+downs+from+ainsley+_07226bd724c99db1ac6f423fe2e0bed7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stick to McDonalds and instant ramen pleb. Good portions for a fatty like you AND it's cheap!

>> No.7841056
File: 16 KB, 283x283, 1460928527449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


foams look like fermentation and trigger me at a primal level to avoid them

>> No.7841058

So you are a massive faggot who cant appreciate fine dining,got it

>> No.7841061
File: 91 KB, 500x333, 1302968573335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha he can't enjoy feces! what scum!
try again

>> No.7841478

menus like this are usually 10-30 courses

>> No.7841526

cant imagine someone who would sit there taking a picture of every single plate of his meal to have had a very enjoyable time, seems very sterile, unenjoyable, uneventful lame sort of experience. like you are at a zoo and you are some tourist lazily taking snapshots at some gaudy presentation for the sake of it

also none of that food looks delicious
particularly >>7838156
that just looks sad

but if thats how you enjoy your evening, sitting with your wife . or i would better guess your fiance, whom your so so desperately trying to impress, making shallow asinine chit chat pulling out your iphone and taking snap shots then pretending like you enjoyed yourself, having extremely tame boring sex afterwards, then spending the entire saturday night alone posting about the gaudy pretentious experience on 4chan because you literally have nobody else in your life to share it with - then go ahead

but really. i'd rather cook a better meal for myself, and enjoy food myself that doesn't look so fucking depressing like some 1st year chef shat out of boredom

i imagine your life is extremely boring and that was a highlight of your extremely boring life, you so desperately try to think is exciting

>> No.7841538
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>> No.7841570


>somebody posts oc of a nice meal they've had
>"i'd rather cook a better meal for myself"
>too lazy to even capitalize their sentences


>> No.7841846
File: 36 KB, 592x514, 1466455890872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7842173

I went there with my brother and we got drunk in the city after that.

I then proceeded to drive home and got deepthroated by my girlfriend while I played videogames

But thanks for your impression