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7837563 No.7837563 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom makes meatloaf
>She fucking ruins it with onions

How do I get past hating onions, I swear the texture in my mouth almost makes me wanna throw it across the room

I had a panic attack once from this shit, how do I made veggies taste good?

>> No.7837566

Soften them by a slow saute in butter
Season with nutmeg
And kill yourself

>> No.7837569

Stop being 8 years old

>> No.7837570

Wrong. Eat them raw, nothing is better than crisp spicy onion

>> No.7837571

I'm like 24...

>> No.7837579

Sounds like you're autisti(legetimentally). You're probably never going to get over it.

>> No.7837715


Iktfb. mine does the same thing.

>dad makes meatloaf
>puts bacon weave on top of it

Feels good man.

>> No.7837740

Some people have this really weird problem specifically with onions.

Maybe try shallots or something?

>> No.7837758

Stop being a faggot and ask her to not use so much onion. Either she tells you to fuck off and make your own dinner (which you should), or she actually loves you and will alter the cooking.

I'm betting she will probably tell you to fuck off

>> No.7837766

You're a pathetic little bitch, kys

>> No.7837784
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>preparing meatloaf
>my son is being extra autistic today, wont shut up about "WoW"
>i know how to get back at him for ruining my life
>add onions into the meatloaf, extra long strands like he hates.
>its finished
>coat it in ketchup like he likes
>put it in front of him, leave
>a minute later i hear desk smashing and a plate hitting the wall
sam get a fucking job and fuck off already.

>> No.7837793

Serious answer, onions except for powder or ground, taste nasty in ground meat. I love onion in other dishes. I find them good though if you partially caramelize them before you mix in the meat. If you have a packet, you're fucked.

>> No.7837859

Ask her to grate the onion or chop it as small as she can.
I hate chunks of onion sooooo i grate it or chop it about as small as i do garlic.
You gotta have onion with red meat anon. Its a must.

>> No.7837887
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I hear more and more often about people hating onions. What the fuck is wrong with you? I've grown up on eating pic related, which is pretty much just bread, shitload of onions, olive oil and some poppy seeds.

>> No.7837916

Onion can be very overpowering, anon. Especially for people who were not raised eating onions like apples, like yourself.

>> No.7837940

>still live with mom

Do the world a favor and kill yourself

>> No.7837956
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>smell that mom is cooking cream sauce and dumplings
>look forward for it since morning
>lunch time
>she made it with chicken instead of tenderloin

>> No.7837963
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>> No.7837979

are you saying your mom deprived you of chicken tenderloins?

>> No.7837984

it's literally a symptom of being a manchild that you don't eat onions after the age of 18.

Sure, if you're a kid you probably find them weird, as a teenager you just remember that you didn't like them, but once you're an adult you need to grow the fuck up!

>> No.7837985

the tenderloin is supposed to be beef in the recipe, I don't know why she used chicken. I was very butt frustrated

>> No.7838066

OP I would literally slap you if i had the chance
>cooking ground beef without onions
>complaining about the food mommy cooks you at 24 goddamn years old
>disliking "the texture" of something

holy god I hate you OP. Like forreal. Fight me

>> No.7838070

Onions are good you fucking man child. Literally the BEST vegetable, hands down. Especially when roasted alongside a meat loaf fucking retard.

>> No.7838078

if you want food made exactly how you want it


>> No.7838080

He doesn't know how. Literally a tendies eating manchild.

>> No.7838091

I love all onions and can eat them just about any way. Just about. However, they become the worst thing in the world when they're just sliced and boiled in like a soup or stew or with corned beef. They get that soggy, translucent look and all the flavor is sapped out of them. Shit is fucking disgusting.

I got a steak and cheese during a rush lunch the other day at D'Angelo and they were like that. First time it had ever happened. Ruined the entire sandwich.

>> No.7838094

Damnit, does anybody have a screenshot of that thread? It was literally just yesterday, I don't know why I didn't do it....

>> No.7838109

I don't know where OP lives, but many people live with their parents into their thirties in Southern Europe.

>> No.7838110

>I've grown up on
yeah of course you'll be fine with it then fucknugget

>> No.7838115

Many millennials do that in America too

>> No.7838123


Meatloaf is pretty much unheard of in Europe.

>> No.7838186

eat more onions. exposure therapy works great.

>> No.7838205

Shit, just ask her to chop the onions really fine or puree them or something jesus

>> No.7838210

Jesus fuck, this thread.
Force yourself to eat them. Eat them in things like onion rings, cilantro and onion tacos, good shit.
Caramelize them in a pan, or even burn them, they taste a lot better like that imo.

>> No.7838394

>how do i made veggies taste good?

There are a few veggies that come out fucking incredible when roasted, like asparagus

>> No.7838460

>He doesn't like onions
What... the fuck

>> No.7838582

It's okay anon, I didn't really like onions either until I learned how to cook. Now I use them in ~90% of my cooking. I just didn't want to make the recipes without the onions I knew needed to be in there, so I ate them with everything else. I also chopped them really fine.

>> No.7838587
File: 31 KB, 293x390, mustards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold meatloaf sandwich with this as the only condiment

now I want on