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File: 761 KB, 2048x1256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7834294 No.7834294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Britbongs will defend this.

>> No.7834295

whats wrong with a nice sunday lunch, senpai?

>> No.7834369

im american, it looks good. what is it?

>> No.7834400

tasteless food

>> No.7834403


It's a sunday Roast. Looks okay.

>Yorkshire pud drowned in gravy.
>2 pieces or carrot and broccoli? (they look like shit anyways tbqh)
>no cranberry sauce
>lumpy mash and roasted potatoes, who the fuck even does this
>no garlic

When done properly with effort this is a good meal but as it stands 4/10

>> No.7834412

What are you, gay?
Anything with gravy is good.

>> No.7834422

There's a reason Brits have a thing for French cuisine, you know.

>> No.7834430


>Yorkshire pudding drowned in gravy

I am not a britfag and I hate britfagland but a Yorkshire pudding drowned in beef gravy made from OXO granules is probably one of my favorite flavors.

>> No.7834434
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 1rritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cranberry sauce with beef.
kek, pleb.

>> No.7834447
File: 5 KB, 251x201, belmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no garlic
Yup, that essential ingredient in a traditional roast dinner

>> No.7834506

why is there a donut covered in worchestshire sauce

>> No.7834508
File: 1.07 MB, 2056x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw: No Masonic cube in your Sunday dinner

>> No.7834586

Britbong here. Sunday roasts are great, but I have always preferred it simple. Usually a few slices of whatever meat I feel like having with carrots, peas and roast potatoes. A piled on roast really bloats me.

>> No.7834588

I'm an Americunt, and roast and yorkies is my favorite meal, would top the list for the last, so EABOD

>> No.7834589


>> No.7834594

Nothin' like a gud Sundee Dinnah me mon!

>> No.7834611

The only thing that looks terrible is all the gravy all over everything. Gravy is bullshit.

>> No.7834621
File: 286 KB, 1085x887, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With peas.

>> No.7834627

>Britbongs will defend this.

Of course they will. If Britbastards defended leaving the EU, they'll defend fucking anything.

>> No.7834629

>cranberry sauce with beef

Yeah no

>> No.7834630


Motherfucker. Now I have to go out and buy stuff to make roast.

>> No.7834632
File: 50 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Buttblasted Eurowog

>> No.7834645

I hope you enjoy economic turmoil, Nigel.

>> No.7834655

>a country that conqured half the world cant possibly manage its own economy!
>they need the unelected jews to tell them what to do!
Fuck off

>> No.7834656
File: 161 KB, 500x313, d2301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They haven't even left yet you retard.

>> No.7834669


The defence rests its case.

>> No.7834784


britfood absolutely sucks and I wish all UK posters were banned from posting on this board because even though that pic resembles something that looks palatable it is clearly a ruse to incite shit posting from people who cannot even speak their own fucking language correctly.

>> No.7834793

They call English roast beefs mocking this bland dish, but the jokes on them because it tastes fantastic
They eat cheese that smells of horse piss so no wonder our food seems bland

>> No.7834804

Only thing I would change is only have the roast potatoes not mash and it's missing brussel sprouts.

>> No.7834816

The roast potatoes and the Yorkshire pudding both look like Aunt Bessie's variety.

Neither compare to their authentic counterparts.

>> No.7834825
File: 125 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside bitches

>> No.7834826
File: 153 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aww yeah

>> No.7834865

They should, that looks fucking delicious.

>> No.7835125

Don't think much of the casserole but the meat looks 10/10

>> No.7835196
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 8dfa2ac1-0bc0-42cb-b12a-bbad2b23099e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheap processed yorkshire pudding
Why? Fucking waste of a good food

>Obviously cheap sugar laden gravy
It takes less than 10 minutes to make a really good gravy, why would you fuck that up?

>Uncooked broccoli
>Cheap looking mash without good fat content
>Microwaved potatoes
>Cardboard looking carrots

I wouldn't defend any of this. Learn to cook you fucking pleb

>> No.7835204


>uncooked broccoli

kill yourself

>> No.7835232
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously cheap sugar laden gravy
You can tell that from a picture???
And you also?
I can't believe we have such esteemed gastronomes in our presence!
Although there's a good chance it's just faggotry.

>> No.7835248

Touche, but it still looks like cheap shitty gravy to me and I wouldn't expect someone eating cheap shitty processed yorkshire puddings to have a home made gravy to go with it.

It's quite clearly either a shitty pre packaged meal or a chain pub (whetherspoons etc) standard microwaved sunday roast

>> No.7835249

Show us your OC then, faggot.

>> No.7835262

>how many Michelin Stars?

>> No.7835273
File: 9 KB, 250x176, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work on the McDonalds night shift, full time
>Always tired as fuck when I get home on Sunday
>Live in a shitty apartment
>Can never be fucked to make a Sunday Roast
>Finally had a holiday last month
>went to my parents for a week
>was really, really looking forward to one of her roasts
>she isn't even a good cook, uses frozen yorkshires, granule gravy etc but still nostalgic and amazing
>comes to Sunday
>so excited
>sit upstairs until 3pm, which has been dinner time for 20 years
>something is wrong
>parents sitting at the table sniggering
>they have a bunch of McDonalds food packages
>look at my plate
>'we make you a McSunday anon!'
>it is a sunday dinner made from mcdonalds
>hamburger patties cut into shape of roast beef
>fries crudely formed into balls to form roast potatoes
>carrot is just carrot sticks
>'gravy' is big mac sauce mixed with BBQ sauce
>yorkshire puddings are the square filet o fish patties folded into a cup shape
>stuffing is an Oreo McFlurry with the salad and bread from hamburgers mixed in
>my plate is the only one like this
>they watch me eat
>then eat their full roast dinners
>tfw I actually enjoyed it but felt bad for days

>> No.7835463


>And you also?

i was telling him to fuck off for calling it uncooked just because it's still green.

it does look like cornflour thickened packet gravy though.

>> No.7835474


Your opinion and already been disregarded by then anyway, but that was the final straw.

>> No.7835487

Pure, unadulterated, summer-faggotry.

>> No.7835550

It takes an hour of stewing to make good gravy, and that's if you happen to have bones/scraps to hand.

>> No.7835580


They went out of their way to make something special for you man

At least you enjoyed it

>> No.7835713

But roasted garlic goes great with a Sunday dinner.

>> No.7835717

It's been a week, you EU shills need to let it go.

>> No.7835726
File: 93 KB, 1202x653, EU just keep tumbling down, tumbling down tumbling doooooown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because the Brexit is crashing every Euro economy but the British one.

>> No.7835730

So did a brit steal your girlfriend or what? You have issues with the bongs friend.

>> No.7835735
File: 58 KB, 500x375, Cauliflower cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's clearly cauliflower cheese.

>> No.7835746

I thought cosplayers at first but then I saw the dragon bitch and the fact that there are no doubles as well as minor characters as opposed to everyone being the same fan favourite.

Does this happen to be a porn parody by any chance?

>> No.7835756

>Britbongs will defend this.

No I wont. That's a terrible attempt at a Sunday roast:

>Overcooked beef
>Horrible gravy that is almost certainly made from granules
>Roast potatoes have no colour on them and look like they were deep fried
>Veg is horribly overcooked
>Mash AND roast potato on the same plate

In addition the mash has clearly been scooped with an ice-cream scoop so probably came out of a packet and no doubt the Yorkshire pudding was frozen, too.

At a guess, that's from some £5.99 "carvery" pub. Awful.

>> No.7835786


>have no colour on them and look like they were deep fried

does not compute

also found it funny that one guy said the broccoli was raw and you say it's overcooked

>> No.7835789

Jesus fucking Christ it pisses me off when people unironically start debating Sunday Roasts. They're the same fucking jizzrags who start talking about what a "proper" Full English is.

Literal Italian-tier food mongery

Fuck off

>> No.7835791

>Deep frying introduces colour


Also I can't help it if some other anon is blind can I?

>> No.7835797


yes, deep frying introduces colour, it's actually very effective at browning. have you ever heard of fucking chips?

>> No.7835812
File: 499 KB, 1200x794, chips_teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, just look at these deep brown colourful deep fried items.

Have you ever actually *seen* a real roast potato? Jesus fuck I bet you even deep fry sausages, don't you?

>> No.7835827
File: 896 KB, 2592x1944, triple-cooked-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those are browned, just lightly browned. now look at these. rather brown, aren't they?

i am a fucking sunday roast king, you don't wanna mess with me son, and part of the reason i sit upon that throne is i understand how fucking browning works, now accept your fealty and go muck out the stables before i eunuchise you.

>> No.7835842

>those are browned, just lightly browned

And they came out of a deep fat fryer. Are you seriously pretending you don't know what chips from a deep fat fryer look like?

>i am a fucking sunday roast king

Yet you think a triple-cooked chip is equivalent to a potato that's been dunked in hot oil? You do actually deep fry your roasters, don't you? You fucking pleb. Jesus fucking Christ how disgusting.

>> No.7835857


a triple cooked chip is a chip that has had the moisture and starch crystallisation on its outer surface tightly controlled by a three step cooking process. this is done mostly to minimise the chance of the inside overcooking and disintegrating/drying out. the browning itself is just an inevitable consequence of deep frying the potato you double nigger. and no i don't deep fry my roast potatoes, but i wouldn't shit on anyone who did and i certainly wouldn't point at some pallid ones and say 'hurr durr they look deep fried kek' like an obstreperous buffoon.

>> No.7835877

>the browning itself is just an inevitable consequence of deep frying the potato

Yet >>7835812 are clearly not brown.

>i certainly wouldn't point at some pallid ones and say 'hurr durr they look deep fried kek'

So you wouldn't tell the truth? Those are *clearly* deep fried, and this shit. Those are shit potatoes. In the context of the rest of the shit on that plate, those are shit. Not just because they've been deep fried, but because it indicates a general lack of care and a general desire to cut corners and produce the cheapest plate of food possible.

>> No.7835908


you dumb nigger. browning happens when you take moisture away from something with sugars/proteins and apply heat. this happens very effectively in deep frying. the fact that it hasn't happened in those chips as much as in a roast potato has to do with the fact that roast potatoes are cooked as long as a fucking football match while chips are usually cooked for far less long. the comparison is stupid. deep frying browns potatoes. and it browns them fast.

>> No.7835911

Those look heavily browned but still kind of soft. Looks almost like they were put in before the oil had heated up. They don't look like they have the crunch you want in a triple-cooked chip or indeed a roasted potato.

>> No.7835914


> Looks almost like they were put in before the oil had heated up.

funnily enough, that makes basically no difference.

>> No.7835916

>this happens very effectively in deep frying.

Yet >>7835812 are clearly not brown.

>> No.7835921
File: 33 KB, 339x425, fonzie_henry_winkler_happy_days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That position looks pretty defend-able to me.

>> No.7835926


not because they've been deep fried. cook them for the same length of time and at the same temperature in an oven and i promise you they would be even less brown.

>> No.7835940

Right. So can we agree that the shitty potatoes in the OPs picture are deep fried in effort to save time & effort? We can? Thanks.

>> No.7835954

Roast dinner is badly done a lot of the time. Over cooked beef and vegetables, soggy potatoes and watery tasteless gravy. A properly done roast is hard to beat though

>> No.7835982


no, we can't. like no one would do that anyway, putting shit in an oven is easier than deep frying it.

>> No.7836020

>like no one would do that anyway, putting shit in an oven is easier than deep frying it.

lol anon, lol

Like I said, it's a £5.99 "carvery" pub meal. It's been done as quick & cheap as possible. Quartering some spuds and dunking them in the fryer is about 10 times quicker than properly roasting them in the oven.

>> No.7836025


and you clearly don't know anything about kitchens either commercial or domestic

>> No.7836038

Anyone who won't defend pot roast is a lying piece of shit.

>> No.7836046
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>> No.7837020


I agree I would pair it with turkey or gammon because I'm cheap. If it was beef or lamb then I wouldn't use


>soggy Yorkshire pudding
>no thanks

Some butter but not much else

>> No.7837433

Including green lime jello?