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7832602 No.7832602 [Reply] [Original]

post about beer until this thread gets killed by endless fast food threads

>> No.7835099

German beer is overrated. Belgian beer is the best.

>> No.7835114

Belgian beer is overrated. American beer is the best.

>> No.7835120

American beer is overrated. Ethiopian beer is the best.

>> No.7835128

Haven't drank much because family is so opposed to it. Moved out when I got a job and have drank some now. Gimme some recommendations, I've sampled a few, not a huge fan of lighter beers like Rolling Rock, but I had Guinness and liked that. I heard it is only dark because of something in the brewing and isn't a true heavy beer? Idk. Pls be nice

>> No.7835129

Ethiopian beer is overrated. Vietnamese beer is the best.

>> No.7835143

Vietnamese beer is overrated. Iranian beer is the best.

>> No.7835150
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I would recommend trying some trappist beers. They are made at monestaries which have been brewing beer for up to hundreds of years. They originate from Belgium, but they have spread across Europe, and there is even one in the states. If you like dark beer I'd say try Chimay. It's dark with fruity undertones, and has 9% alcohol content.

>> No.7835342


Trappist beer is overrated.Benedictine beer is the best.

>> No.7835351


>> No.7835354

Try old rasputin

>> No.7835629

in all seriousness,

Ethiopian beer is good, Vietnamese beer blows

Iranian beer doesn't exist.
they get non-alcoholic beer, add some dissoluted sugar and wait for it to get some alcohol

>> No.7836092

Beers are dark in color because they use a portion of malt that has been toasted. Beers that use a lot of toasted malts are sometimes also sweeter and thicker because toasted malt yields more unfermentable sugars. Guinness only uses enough toasted malt to give it the dark color and roasted flavor, but is actually a fairly dry and thin beer. Which is great, that's a dry stout, it's just not a 'heavy beer'. If you want to try a heavy beer, find a Russian Imperial Stout or a Barleywine or a "Double" or "Triple" anything.

>> No.7836313

I'm forcing myself to have two malt liquors to stave off withdrawal. I'm going to quit drinking tommorow because I just can't do any more. It's coming out b oth ends...

Am I going to die?

>> No.7836350

I'm already clammy and covered by a strange film. I look like I'm dying too. I'm constantly sweating. I'm shaking although I managed to calm it down by drinkining a little bit. I have to eat very slowly or else I puke. Beer won't go down quickly so I can't get drunk.

Be careful, drinking can really suck after a certain point.

>> No.7836589

where do you live? i'll make some recommendations based on that

>> No.7836987

>go to store and buy beer
>haven't showered in a week because i've been drunk this whole time
it's such an embarassing feeling at the store. firing up the shower now.

>> No.7836999

Is Fat Tire worth the 10 bucks Im gonna spend it on tomorrow night?

>> No.7837278

If you like Guinness you'll like stouts/porters.

Left Hand's Nitro Milk Stout would probably be up your alley. Founder's Porter is quite good. Try different sweet/milk stouts and just see what you like.

Eventually you might want to try the heavier beers, ABV wise. North Coast's Old Rasputin, Victory's Storm King, and Great Divide's Yeti are all really solid, widely available imperial stouts.

>> No.7837290

This is why I love working at a brewery. In the kitchen but I still get free beer.

Currently drinking a Belgian dubbel and it's delicious. It's 7.4 abv and goes down like magic. Lots of fruity notes but if you get past that it's probably our 3rd best beer.

>> No.7837398

Hang in there bud.

>> No.7837431

Suggest a beer for someone looking into drinking it but doesnt want to spend a lot
I usually drink vodka but because I'm a binge drinker I basically destroy my body on the weekends and can't do anything the next day because im so hung over
I figure if I get used to beer I can get a nice mild drunk going and enjoy myself on the weekend more than when I dont drink but also not wrecking my insides with shitty vodka

>> No.7837496
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Westmalle is the best Trappist.

>> No.7837921

People like you who start drinking late usually turns into some real drinking connoisseurs compared to those who start early but have a lot of mental luggage that hinder them from starting to appreciate the more expensive stuff. It's probably not too bad to first grow a brain and then grow an appetite for the good stuff. Inb4 pretentious. But I believe my post is true.

Try different beers from different styles. Sours, stouts, amber ales, wheat beers (weissbiers), bock beers and IPAs etc. If you think you only like dark beers; try a Belgian Abbey Triple. It will likely change your mind because it's very far from Rolling Rock and very good.

Yes Guinness is quite light (in terms of calories). The color comes from roasted malt not from it being heavy. It has an old myth about it's heaviness that can still be heard spouted from people who don't know any better that's simply not true.

>> No.7837977

Gonna visit a beer festival with mainly local breweries and Stone brewery, which I've seen mentioned here some times before. Anything I should try/avoid from Stone?
The beers they have available on tap are
Stone IPA
Delicious IPA
Arrogant Bastard
Stone Americano Stout
Arrogant Bastard BBA
Imperial Russian Stout

As far as the style goes, I don't really hate anything, so if you think something's good, gimme recs.

tl:dr recommend stone brewery beer(s).

>> No.7837986

if you're from europe try some hefe-weizen beer. i really like primator, its cheap and depending on the batch ranges from good to amazing
german weizens can be more expensive but should be very good too

>> No.7838056

Central Pennsylvania, middle of nowhere, aka heart of Yuengling country.

>> No.7838095

you have some insanely good breweries in that state. tired hands, brew gentleman, sole, bullfrog, neshaminy creek

>> No.7840009
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Got a 4 pack of this at the store today, its fucking delicious

>> No.7840043

Your post is pretty accurate. I started drinking beer pretty late, and I find myself enjoying pretty much all styles for different reasons.While my favorite is probably stouts, I love a nice IPA, Gose, Belgian, or anything once in a while.

>> No.7840048

>Stone Americano Stout
>Arrogant Bastard BBA
>Imperial Russian Stout
I've had and liked these. The Imperial Russian was my favorite.

But I generally don't buy Stone. I feel like their shit is way overpriced.

>> No.7840055

What is a traditionally good beer? I've had most of the common American staples like sam adams, budweiser, yuengling but I think they all taste pretty shitty. I just don't get when people say beer is so great. What's a beer that when I try it, I'll think "damn this is good". At this point all beer I've tried just tastes like soapy water

>> No.7840063

what state?

>> No.7840069

Budweiser and Yuengling are pretty much the worst choices that don't have 'light' in the name, and Sam Adams is mediocre.
Don't give up yet, I would suggest going to your grocer store and doing a mixed 6 pack, your best bet is choosing a variety of local beers of different styles and seeing which styles you like the best, then expanding from there

>> No.7840108

Is there a reason that ale tastes better warm while lager tastes better cold?

>> No.7840125
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Brewery hopping on a day trip to Ft Collins.

At a brewery that only does Belgians, Saisons, and Sours, pretty different from the norm, "here's 5 different IPAs we have"

>> No.7840145

Look to the solid, widely available microbreweries.

Founders, Ballast Point, Brooklyn, Great Divide, North Coast, Allagash, Ommegang, Victory.

From what I've seen most states get a decent amount from them. And they all do at least a few really nice beers.

And then there's more local/obscure stuff that's really good.

>> No.7840151

Drinking some Guinness. It's just not the same since I had it in Ireland.

>> No.7840155


What kinds of beer usually taste the best? I remember having an IPA once and it was way to bitter. I guess Im looking for a beer that just tastes like BEER, if that makes sense. I read about all these romantic tastes of beer and I just wish I could experience that, but so far its proven elusive.

I guess in my mind I'm thinking of something with a sort of "nutty" taste.

>> No.7840159

Rolling Rock

>> No.7840163

IPAs are an acquired taste. The first time I had one I thought it was the worst thing on earth. Now I love them.

Taste the best is incredibly subjective and will likely change for you over time. That said, you can objectively rank how things taste and what you like is up to you:

Malts (duh)

Middle (typically blander but that's not always true):

Bitter (IPAs will be more bitter than the average ale):


>> No.7840166

I don't think there is such a thing. I'd suggest trying a stout, pale ale (if you don't like IPA, start with an APA), belgian style, wheat beer, and some local lager and seeing what you like the best.
There is incredible diversity amongst beer styles

>> No.7840169

>Not enjoying an icy cold 333 on a hot humid day in Hanoi
C'mon, don't be stupid.

>> No.7840177

>I guess in my mind I'm thinking of something with a sort of "nutty" taste.
Best guess for that is a brown ale or scotch style ale.

>> No.7840201


I'm near San Diego and Stone IPA is 14.99 a twelver. Not too bad.

>> No.7840218

Only sub normies drink those things in america. Even fucking grandma's drink good local craft beers

>> No.7840221

Chicago here. It's $12.99 here. You're getting fucked.

>> No.7840223

Oh wait. 12 pack. Disregard.

>> No.7840224

>buying west coast style IPA

>> No.7840236

This. What you're looking for is a brown ale, scotch ale, or barleywine.

>> No.7840244

That's just going from one tend to the other.

>> No.7840246

>tfw 12 breweries opening in your city and suburbs this summer

>> No.7840251

Try German bocks. They'll come in single pint bottles. The alcohol warehouse (Binny's if you've heard of it) has an amazing selection of these. Any large, we'll stocked liquor store should have some German beers. They're very tasty workout being too flavorful as to be offensive to anyone who has not developed a taste for strong flavors.

Tldr German bocks and weizens are really good. Try the single pint bottles.

>> No.7840259

Our some prices suck. At least we have pipeworks, half acre, finch, revolution, church street etc for real cheap. We get some really good shit that just isn't distributed elsewhere.

But fuck stones enjoy by six packs being 13.99. They aren't worth that. When will stone be making that green tea ipa again? I miss it so much.

>> No.7840264

and if you want good prices you have an easy drive to Wisconsin

>> No.7840274

>IPAs are an acquired taste. The first time I had one I thought it was the worst thing on earth. Now I love them.
This is very true. I absolutely hated IPAs when I first started drinking beer. Now I think they're pretty solid.

In general, I'd recommend stouts and porters. They pretty much taste like coffee/milk/chocolate and what have you, and can be pretty damn sweet. It's more of a roasted taste than a bitter/hoppy one.

You'd also probably like Brown and Scotch Ales, as they're more mild and a bit of a middle ground. Try some Belgian Ales too, as they're more "spicy" and flavorful than bitter or sweet.

>> No.7840277

A 12-pack? Damn. That's what I get for a 6-pack. Their bombers are like $9 for me.

Am in New England.

>> No.7840281
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Drinking this tonight

Happy Canada day eh

>> No.7840294

Seconding the barleywine suggestion

>> No.7840370
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Too true. Even going into a county outside of cook will net you better prices. I'm lucky enough to live in cook, but work in another county, with way lower taxes. Two hours from Wisconsin, 45 minutes from Chicago (with friends in the city to crash with), and 20 minutes to lake County, I'm in a pretty great position.

Every night I get to try a different beer so that I can recommend my customers towards the good shit. It's a very rewarding job while in college. People love catered recommendations based on their needs, tastes, and experience. It's a job where you get to be a total crowd pleaser.

Right now I have a collection of citra hop based beers. Pipeworks new citra session ipa, an orange zest ipa from hopworks, and citrahero from revolution those three are what I'm testing tonight. All of them are very tasty. Great fruit aroma and a nice bitterness like the zest from an orange plus more sweet and subtle flavors. I kind of wish I had a malty German dopplebock to round it out. The hopworks orange zest beer had such a nice head. Very thick and frothy. There was visible orange zest in the beer, floating about. Bitter, fruity, full body, sweet aftertaste, overall fantastic. Hopworks does it again.

The citra session ipa from pipeworks is good. 4.9% abv. Not watery like other session ales. Sharp orange bitterness, like the pith of an orange, and a certain sour aftertaste like sour candy. Good shit. Might be better if it wasn't a session, with a thicker body and higher abv with more sugar, but as a session ale, it's great.

Citrahero is also good. High 7 abv,and a body to match it. Good head, nice lace, and strong citra aroma. Heavy citrus flavor with some lighter, sugary fruit undertones. Love the body on this one.

Tonight was truly a celebration of citra hops.

>> No.7840379
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Oh I'm sorry, ur was the hop company that made the orange zest beer.


>> No.7840398

Can you guys get Pseudo Sue yet in Illinois?

>> No.7840414

Nope. Not a big deal, since you don't have to drive more than two hours to stock up on it. It's worthy of a day trip to Madison or Milwaukee.

>> No.7840584

distributed pseudo sue is garbage. og was insane

>> No.7840664

Currently drinking Monteith's black beer. Pretty smooth for a stout with some nice caramel and coffee notes. Not too strong on the chocolate though.

Good snag for $12 a six pack (fuck australia)

>> No.7840806

Best cheap beer other than PBR, Miller HL and Hamm's?

>> No.7840912
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Anyone tried this yet?
I'm a beer pleb but I like guiness and dark beers in general so just wondering how it is

>> No.7841717


>> No.7841727

It's a blonde. Inoffensive and easy to drink but nothing special.

>> No.7841732


>buy expensive growler of micro brew """beer"""
>spill half on your desk
>drink it alone on 4chan

>> No.7841771

Technically it's a Premium lager, not a Blonde (ale).

>> No.7841809


..or an Irish Red ale, like Kilkenny or Smitwick's.

This Belgian has a strong taste of nuts, almonds, raisins and marzipan but it's probably not easy at all for you to find especially in the summer:


The Irish examples I gave should be easier to find though.

>> No.7842330

>be me
>live in Hawaii
>new bar opens up with ~50 diff kinds of beers
>friends order the same shit you can get at any bar
>like trying new beers but don't know which to order so I just pick a random one
>it taste like shit
>friends say "you should've just got blue moon instead"

this island doesn't have any of these beers you guys are talking about

>> No.7842338

Any stouts you guys like and would recommend to trying out? Preferably stuff I can purchase in 'murica.

>> No.7842350


your friends were probably right

>its different and more expensive that means its better

>> No.7842358

Beer makes me sleepy and much more than any other alcohol and makes my stomach feel like there's a brick inside.

>> No.7842403

a big part of good beer is trying new things

>> No.7843394

>Any stouts you guys like and would recommend to trying out? Preferably stuff I can purchase in 'murica.
Here's the widely available ones that I personally like:
Great Divides Yeti
North Coast's Old Rasputin
Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout/Black Ops Stout
Founder's Imperial Stout/Porter - KBS/Breakfast Stout (when available)
Evil Twin's Imperial Biscotti/Donut Break/ILYWMS/others
Victory's Storm King
Allagash Black
Bell's Expedition Stout/Kalamazoo Stout/others
Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro/Fade to Black
The Rogue/Ballast Point ones aren't bad, but are over priced for what they are and kind of meme imo. Southern Tier is cloyingly sweet shit.

Keep in mind that bombers are a ripoff, but worth trying once in a while.

Then there's a bunch of local ones worth trying. If you're in the northeast, try Charter Oak, NEBC, and Maine Brewing Company stuff. Otherwise, just try what you like.

Stouts are my favorite type of beer, hands down.