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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 616x461, HE_hotdog-thinkstock_s4x3_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7832302 No.7832302 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call these: Hot dog buns, or hot dog rolls?

Settling a dispute here.

>> No.7832306


>> No.7832308
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>> No.7832309

Anything other than hot dog rolls is wrong.

>> No.7832312

what the fuck?

when has any one ever called a hotdog bun a "roll"?

>> No.7832315

What do Chicagoans insist is the "authentic" name for them? The opposite of whatever that is.

>> No.7832323

Anyone who says roll is legitimately a contrarian trying to fuck with you

>> No.7832328

'go 'uns

>> No.7832329
File: 128 KB, 291x300, 1458609776073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bun is normally made from dough that has been enriched with sugar and butter and even sometimes egg. Without any of these the dough remains to be 'bread dough' rather than 'bun dough' and the resultant product will be called a roll, rather than a bun.

>> No.7832331

Contrarians are sincere. These people are just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.7832335 [DELETED] 

side sliced like your picture is a bun. top sliced/new england style is a roll.

>> No.7832344

hotdog bread/breads

>> No.7832372 [DELETED] 

They're called hot dog buns everywhere in the US.

A roll implies it's somewhat crusty.

>> No.7832375
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>The difference is the ingredients

>The difference is how it's cut

>The difference is whether it's meant to contain meat

>The difference is whether it's hard or soft

>> No.7832381

I'm American. I have never heard someone call it a hotdog bun until today.

>> No.7832385 [DELETED] 


You must be from the South.

>> No.7832386 [DELETED] 

i'm american, new englander. we typically follow this >>7832335 around here, but the terms are also interchangable.

>> No.7832389

Nope. NY.

>> No.7832390


>> No.7832400

I'm from New York and that's fucking impossible

>> No.7832408

Florida reporting in

It's a bun, you faggots

>> No.7832410 [DELETED] 

new yorker here. you must be from the western part.

>> No.7832412

>Florida reporting in
That isn't something to brag about

>> No.7832418

A bun. A roll is round, and the reason for that is because you can roll a round roll but you can't roll a bun.

>> No.7832419 [DELETED] 


It's obviously yuros trying to bait.

>> No.7832422

Maybe the part of NY I live in has more northeastern influence? If people don't put the word hotdog in front of it I've heard both, but once you add that in I've only ever heard roll.

>> No.7832424

Looking through four different supermarket websites, the terms seem to be interchangeable. I was certain 'bun' would be more prevalent, but was surprised to learn that occurences of 'hot dog roll' outnumbered those of 'hot dog bun' roughly five-to-two.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say 'hot dog roll,' hence my surprise.

>> No.7832426 [DELETED] 

yes you can roll a hotdog bun.

>> No.7832428

Florida is fucking great man. You people don't know what you're missing.

>> No.7832429

Not if it's stood up. It's the scientific definition.

>> No.7832431 [DELETED] 

what town are you in? are you upstate or downstate?

>> No.7832438 [DELETED] 

no it isn't.
no it isn't.

>> No.7832440

Yes it is. Wikipedia it.

>> No.7832443

Is too

>> No.7832445

I live in Westchester.

>> No.7832450 [DELETED] 

wikipedia says the top loading are called rolls, the side loading are buns. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_dog_bun

>> No.7832452



>> No.7832457 [DELETED] 

I was the first person to say that. >>7832335

>> No.7832465
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>> No.7832467 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 434x152, he thinks they're called rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>new england style is a roll

The internet seems to disagree with you.

>> No.7832474 [DELETED] 

the guy said to wikipedia it.

>> No.7832475



So by technical definition, me and this guy were right all along. You're welcome.

>> No.7832485

If he said to jump off a cliff, would you do it too Anon?

>> No.7832489

who the fuck actually eats Hot Dogs anyways?

especially in some sugar baked gmo slab for yer kastup to go on.

Eat bratwurst or die

>> No.7832498

I eat tofu-dogs. I don't enjoy the concept of mystery meat tubes.

Not even trolling, tofu dogs are great

>> No.7832502


>> No.7832504


we don't really have many hot dog stands in the UK, at least not where i've been. When I do buy them occasionally, most of them are made of mechanically recovered chicken, which I won't eat. So I have to find more expensive ones that are made of pork.

So which of those would most hot dog vendors use? Cheap shitty ones or decent-ish ones?

>> No.7832506

alabamafag here. bun.

>> No.7832510

Cheap shitty pork, sometimes mixed with chicken and/or beef.

>> No.7832511

Pork, but cheap shitty quality.

>> No.7832512

Florida is pure fucking bullshit. 8 months out of the year it is impossible to do anything outside without swimming in a pool of sweat. There are literally geriatrics moments from dying on every corner. 80% of it is a festering swamp and mosquitos are god damned impossible too escape and lovebugs are guaranteed to fuck up your car at least twice a year. The average IQ hovers around 90 and it has the worst combo of rednecks and hipster assholes that I previously thought was impossible.

>but muh beaches and seafood

Fuck off. You can get both of those in literally every other coastal state in the country.

Fuck Florida.

>> No.7832515

Cheap shitty pork hotdogs made of of mushed scraps and anus' are basically the standard.

I've never even heard of cheap chicken-dogs here.

>> No.7832526 [DELETED] 

maybe. depends on the cliff.

>> No.7832528
File: 49 KB, 600x600, princes-american-style-hot-dog-sausages-400g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually come in tins like this.

Hot Dogs (Mechanically Separated Chicken (58%), Water, Pork Fat (6%), Pork (5%), Potato Starch, Pork Rind (5%), Salt, Stabilisers (E451, E452), Casing: Beef Collagen, Spices, Herbs, Hydrolyses Maize Protein, Dextrose, Antioxidant: E316, Lemon Extract, Smoke Flavouring, Preservative: E250, Colour: E155), Water, Salt.

>> No.7832533

Canadian here, at the store I work at you can get an 8-pack (or maybe it's 12, I forget) of chicken wieners for $1.47. They're a worrying colour.

>> No.7832537

The problem is your hot dogs come in a can.

>> No.7832540

Muh con scene and FGC, although it's been getting worse. I never had this much to do up North.

>> No.7832541 [DELETED] 


Bong hot dog vendors buy hot dogs that come in cans of 6? That sounds really impractical.

>> No.7832543
File: 89 KB, 590x590, thumb_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't appreciate the sweltering heat reminding him he is alive
>He doesn't enjoy nature in it's more unusual forms
>He can't perceive beauty in swamps, alligators and deadly snakes
>He's never sat on a rocking chair outside of a Cracker Barrel at a highway rest-stop sipping an ice cold orange-cream soda

Truly yours is a life of suffering, Anon. I don't know who hurt you, but I'm sorry.

>> No.7832546

I know. The ones I buy come in a packet, but they're harder to find. They literally have about 4 entire shelves dedicated to different kinds of tinned hot dogs.

>> No.7832549 [DELETED] 


It also really highlights why they think American food is bad when this is the kind of garbage that the word "American" gets slapped onto.

>> No.7832555

>genuinely defending sitting outside CRACKER BARREL with the aforementioned geriatrics as a desirable activity

That's Florida for you folks. It's so shit that watching old people slowly die in a rocking chair is actually the highlight of your day.

>> No.7832557

>He's never sat on a rocking chair outside of a Cracker Barrel at a highway rest-stop sipping an ice cold orange-cream soda

You can do this on the Canada-US border.

>> No.7832564

The part of the grocery store Americans buy them from is where all the meat is. Do you not have any there?

>> No.7832570 [DELETED] 
File: 2.16 MB, 3280x2460, 1467241095374-1452740747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys talked me into it. was going to burn a steak tonight but I guess I'm doing hotdogs now.

>> No.7832573

>I can't enjoy sitting outside in a rocking chair, watching the world go by

Breathe, Anon

I hope you become happy some day

>> No.7832578 [DELETED] 


>hot dog buns

Looks like the dispute is settled.

>> No.7832582


There's a reason your shithole is one of the last great bastions of the heroine epidemic.

Friendly reminder that you choose to live there.

>> No.7832583

Shit's fucking cold man

I'm from Florida, how the hell do you expect me to survive in the north?

>> No.7832585 [DELETED] 

theyre the side sliced kind. the debate is still open.

>> No.7832586 [DELETED] 


>last great bastions of the heroine epidemic

Pushing strong female leads is a nationwide epidemic.

>> No.7832587 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 200x200, freihofers-hot-dog-rolls-82620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the other kind I buy.

>> No.7832592 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 215x215, ball_park_new_england_style_hot_dog_rolls_8_count_12_oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7832599


It's like you don't want girls to have to ask you out instead of the other way around...

>> No.7832601 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 368x678, towntalk-hot-dog-buns-sliced-18-oz-new-england-style-9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny coincidence that that's the first bag of ne style buns, after many, that shows up with the word "rolls" on it when you google it.

>> No.7832603

Not really hot dogs, we have frankfurters which are a lot more expensive and sausages but most of the hot dogs are ambient.

>> No.7832605 [DELETED] 

florida needs a heroine.

>> No.7832608

>He still likes girls
>It's the current year

Oh, anon..

>> No.7832613 [DELETED] 

that's the kind I buy here in new england if I dont get the kind I bought.

>> No.7832615 [DELETED] 


I've never asked the girl out in any of the relationships I've been in.

Too bad I started getting fat and loosing my hair when I turned 30 now that I'm recently single again.

>> No.7832618


I don't like them at all.
I'm just sexually attracted to them. Can't help the way I was born.

>> No.7832626

That's where you're wrong fuckwit. It's business related. Thankfully I'm not here full time. At least I'm getting paid to habitate in this hellhole. I can't imagine why any chucklefuck would willingly choose this asshole of a state to live in.

>> No.7832634 [DELETED] 

i'm getting paid to habitate the mountains of northeastern new york, it's surely no hellhole up here. sure we may be trump/bernie or bust country, but at least we know the difference between a hotdog bun and a hotdog roll.

and we don't have a burmese python problem. or black people.

>> No.7832643 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 3280x2460, 1467242130729-1461536289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic hot dog on a bun with chocolate chip cookies for dinner. and a pint of ben and jerrys for desert. yum!

>> No.7832654

>not buttering the bun and letting the hot dog melt it

into the trash it goes

>> No.7832658 [DELETED] 

fuck dude I havent tried that. good thing I have four more left.

>> No.7832669

It improves it a lot, makes the bun less dry and more rich

>> No.7832679

hot dog bread

>> No.7832688 [DELETED] 

ill try it later tonight or tomorrow. I still have to finish my box of cookies before I can move on to dessert.

>> No.7832724 [DELETED] 


NYC and Chicago. But I'm sure your little village is real cute too!

>> No.7832737 [DELETED] 


>not a white trash shithole

Keep telling yourself that, and making us down here in civilization pay for it. I'm sure those factory jobs will come back some day.

>> No.7832778 [DELETED] 

>factory jobs
>white trash
lol you haven't been up here I guess.

>> No.7832802 [DELETED] 


Sadly I have, from Troy to Buffalo. Have you ever been someplace that isn't a white trash shithole that properly belongs in the rust belt?

>> No.7832815 [DELETED] 

>lake placid
>suburbs of albany

>> No.7832819 [DELETED] 

the entire adirondack region. the point of the area isn't the people, if you can't get that then stay down by the city.

>> No.7832826

those are buns
rolls are split differently

>> No.7832836 [DELETED] 


I've been to Saratoga - it's basically a slightly yuppified strip mall. The fact that a town has a chain bagel store or two doesn't mean it's not a shithole.

>> No.7832849 [DELETED] 

ok, stay downstate then. you dont need to see the race track or any of the local restaurants or the lake.

>> No.7832868

>hot dug BUN

What the fuck? That sounds so wrong. Its a fucking roll you troglodytes. Why do I get the feeling that it is fucking southerners calling is a "bun"?

>> No.7832879 [DELETED] 


Yuropoors pretending to be American don't get a say in the matter.

>> No.7832881

Your one of those fags that thinks any place that isn't a major city with a flourishing arts district is a shit hole aren't you

>> No.7832883 [DELETED] 


hahahahaha I've been there buddy. It's cute that you think those compare in any way to what's in a world city.

>> No.7832895 [DELETED] 

well there's the lack of urine smell everywhere, and the lack of people everywhere, and the mountains 20 minutes away. enjoy your "world city," I'll send my thoughts and prayers next time you guys get attacked by muslims or right wing extremists.

>> No.7832901 [DELETED] 


have fun being raped by white trash hillbillies and eaten by bears!

>> No.7832907 [DELETED] 

lol we don't have white trash hillbillies up here, which you wouldn't know since youve only been here twice, and the bears around here run away when they see you. theyre pretty small.

>> No.7832914 [DELETED] 

have fun watching your back walking down the street at night in your "world city"

>> No.7832942


>> No.7833270

Cracker Barrel fucking blows.

>> No.7833284 [DELETED] 


Sure thing there - except NYC is safer than upstate.


Tweaker white trash causes more crime than you trailer boys realize . . . .

Been upstate much more than twice - you've got tons of white trash.

>> No.7833289
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>> No.7833297 [DELETED] 

>thinking albany is the same thing as the adirondacks.
>trailer boys
I live in a 3500 square foot house, I don't even have neighbors. you dont get the point of upstate.

>> No.7833303 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 320x421, 1CGTHIwc2Ksr7j3MRHRo1bUiATnUahfJqUsCRjHJEHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people browsing /ck/ RIGHT NOW who think that Albany is some kind of world capital of food

>> No.7833306

Hot dog buns

>> No.7833307 [DELETED] 

we aren't arguing about that.

>> No.7833310 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upstate is best state.

nigs in NYC, Albany, Syracuse, Binghamton, and Buffalo can get trump'd

>> No.7833311 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 450x320, shack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>size of a shitty house where nobody wants to live is impressive

Stay pleb, upstate

>> No.7833317 [DELETED] 

t. spic nig mongrel with jewish ancestry

>> No.7833319 [DELETED] 

>Robert Garrow: the post

>> No.7833328 [DELETED] 

>liberal cuckhold that wears skinny jeans and has a beard despite never working a day in his life. also likely a faggot. the post.

>> No.7833339 [DELETED] 

Its certainly better than living in a 2k a month 900 square foot apartment with a washing machine in the bathroom or kitchen, listening to jew neighbors arguing, having some fat guy in an undershirt who couldn't be bothered to put down his hoagie banging on my door to turn my tv down.

>> No.7833379 [DELETED] 

aside from "liberal", everything else is hilariously wrong

enjoy raping your sister before dismembering her, upstate inbred

p.s. peak beard was like 3 years ago, get with the program

>> No.7833389 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 836x678, smug anime face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's cool, whatever dude. you keep on keeping on.

>> No.7833390

hot dog bread

>> No.7833447

Buns, what kind of mad man calls a hot dog bun a roll?

>> No.7833695 [DELETED] 


>so scared of tiny jews you run into the woods to live like an animal


>> No.7833828

I've been in supermarkets in every province and I've never seen it being called a roll.

>> No.7834718

Who the fuck calls it anything other than hot dog buns

>> No.7835023

why don't they just put this guy in jail or something god damn