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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 300x300, 07-garbage-disposal-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7830145 No.7830145 [Reply] [Original]

>europeans actually put food waste in the trash so it can fester and stink rather than just flushing it down the sink

>> No.7830158

>non europeans don't know what a compost bin is so they act smug even after their sinks clog and terrible smells start coming from their kitchens due to rotting food gumming up a mediocre waste disposal process

>> No.7830166

Please. Unless you are from central europe, don't talk about recycling and trash disposal. It's for your own good so you won't embarrass yourself.

>> No.7830169
File: 71 KB, 598x353, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit burgers just got #btfo!!

>> No.7830173

Baitpost detected, sink garbage disposals are only meant to handle small scraps left over from preparing food. Ends of carrots and such. Americans put most of our food garbage in trash or compost bins.

See above.

>> No.7830176
File: 488 KB, 600x400, Disposer_In_Use_CloseView_v48_12.03.12-resized-600.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans are forced to cultivate a pile of dirt with their food scraps rather than just flushing it down the drain


>> No.7830179

Do Europeans even have dishwashers? It must suck living in suck primitive times. Last time I checked they had washers and dryers in the kitchen. lol you silly euro's and your 400 square foot hobbit houses

>> No.7830190

How is this any better to owning a dishwasher that you'll never use because you're too busy stuffing your face in the McDonalds parking lot?

>> No.7830195
File: 128 KB, 500x333, laughing whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually have to scrub your pots and pans with your hands to get them clean?

What next, do you not even have automatic garage door openers? Do your cars even have transmissions that shift gears for you?

>> No.7830196

We have to save space in our cars because the front is not designed for three adult people

>> No.7830223

i've seen people flush food scraps down the toilet

>> No.7830229


Damn, I really didn't want to jump into this shitty thread, but are garbage disposals seriously foreign to you? Serious question.

>> No.7830243

>wasting food

fuck me, you people are the worst.
don't buy shit if you don't think you can use it all
don't throw out shit if you can't eat it all, save it for later or feed it to a pet or something
as a last resort, freeze shit to stop it going bad and reuse it in some shitty soup or something

inedible scraps make GOAT compost tho

>> No.7830247


Mobile posters are the worst.

>> No.7830359

Once I start a garden for growing fresh veg and herbs I will be putting all of my scraps in a compost bin, this is honestly the best choice.

>> No.7830373
File: 86 KB, 284x266, 1264038005863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baitpost detected, sink garbage disposals are only meant to handle small scraps left over from preparing food. Ends of carrots and such. Americans put most of our food garbage in trash or compost bins.

Fucking this.

>> No.7830517

*two when counting modern americans

>> No.7830521

They don't have garbage disposals in Europe? lol

>> No.7830523

>he can't drive a manual

>> No.7831011

I watched Final Destination. I ain't touching no garbage disposal.

>> No.7831017

>what is compost
do you even garden bro

>> No.7831018

I flush anything with the potential to smell bad down the toilet.

>> No.7831024

>attacks parachutes
I don't care what discovery says, if an eagle attacks a grown man and he keeps his composure, he'd btfo of that eagle

>> No.7831029

enjoy your clogged pipes

>> No.7831031

Of course they do

>> No.7831037


apartment building. someone else's problem.

>> No.7831045

it'll be your problem when it takes a week to fix that shit and you need to go to the nearest fast food joint everytime you need to take a shit and piss in bottles

>> No.7831051

the stench gives everything the extra flavour that american food lacks.

>> No.7831083

Either bait, or you're blind to the laziness of Americans.

>> No.7831092

It is not cool to insult bald eagles. They're beautiful creatures and you're not just hurting the US. We have them in Canada and Mexico as well

>> No.7831120

No. They have to prevent food from going down the drain at any cost.

Also people in Latin America don't flush toilet paper but put shit smeared wipes in a small bin next to the toilet. The wall just got ten feet higher.

>> No.7831175

How the hell are you posting from down there?

>> No.7831305

Most Americans actually have disposal units in their sink which pulverizes food waste so it flushes through your entire system easily and not sit there festering
All you gotta do it once a year turn it on with a bunch of salt in it to break down whatever gunk is on the grinders

>> No.7831471

this. you have to know how to throw a punch right and be quick about it, but if they swoop at your body you just swipe em clean with a hail maker. But I'm pretty sure they ment they attack the chute and wings, not the person.

>> No.7832147
File: 104 KB, 540x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans don't use gas but electric shit

I used to think Europeans were cool man

>> No.7832161

Next they'll be telling us they actually walk to the store. Those fucking Yuropoors are probably so poor that they aren't even fat enough to be immobile.

>> No.7832191

>We have them in Canada and Mexico as well
Canadabro here.
Eagles are shit, I prefer geese in every facet.

>> No.7832192 [DELETED] 

>only eats little fish
>can see infra red
>hunts large mammals including Kangaroos
bald eagle has the largest confirmed carried prey weight of any bird
>only eagle in the world that attacks parachutes and paragliders
good way to get nominated for a darwin award.

>> No.7832201

>defending the symbol of amerifats
>probably thinks bald Eagles are native to the US too

>> No.7832203 [DELETED] 

they are. and canada and mexico.

>> No.7832210 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 284x178, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he thinks the bald eagle is still the symbol of america.

>> No.7832234

Eagles in general are shitty, overrated national animals. Way too many countries use the eagle as a symbol. Ben Franklin was right that the turkey should have been our national bird, if not animal. Turkeys eat everything.

I like electric better

>> No.7832262
File: 36 KB, 640x500, guh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>native to nations

>> No.7832325


I don't understand why someone would be proud of living in a country where literally half of the wildlife wants to kill you. That sounds more like you don't belong there, and are kind of stupid for sticking around.