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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7825792 No.7825792 [Reply] [Original]

Two pieces of Peanut butter toast for breakfast
10 chicken tenders and two glasses of tea for lunch
Bowl of clam chowder for dinner with a side salad with a little bit of French dressing

Meanwhile my brother ate:
Three bowls of oatmeal with sugary fruit for breakfast
Two pounds (!!) of ground beef with a side of salad drenched in raspberry vinaigrette (also high in sugar) and half a gallon of tea for lunch
Four (!!) bowls of chicken broth with celery, carrots, and cabbage for dinner

As you can see, he clearly eats more than I do, yet he's a CHAD and I'm a fat robot.

>> No.7825804

Weak b8 m8

>> No.7826238

>10 fucking chicken tenders
what the actual fuck?

OP go see a dietition, no one here has anything to say to your cherry picked list, a dietition can help you lose weight if you are having trouble.

>> No.7826300
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>> No.7826306
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this is the superior comic

delete yours and save this

you're welcome.

>> No.7826340

Your problems:
>10 chicken tenders
>Not eating the food pyramid
>not working out - your bro probably works out which is why he has such a high metabolism

>> No.7828310

ok so, i used to be a fat neet, sit around all day binge eating and playing games

then i got a job that involved me being very active, i got a pedometer and im walking usually 20,000 steps a day, 5 days a week. that along with moving heavy boxes because i basically work in a warehouse.
being out of my house all day has also really reduced my eating. 8 hours a day i used to spend snacking i now spend working.
ive tried to make healthier choices food-wise too. i get fast food probably once a month. i drink unsweet tea instead of soda. i get brown rice instead of white rice. i grill chicken instead of frying it.

and i havent lost a GOD DAMN pound in 3 months.
i really just CAN NOT understand it

>> No.7828319

>sugary fruit

Nice try, but fruit is healthy, fatty. Your brother's got the right idea: high fat, high protein, high fiber, good veggies, and minimal processed carbs.

You fell for the chicken meme.

>> No.7828367

>and i havent lost a GOD DAMN pound in 3 months.
does your body look different? muscle weighs more than fat. you could be adding muscle while burning some fat. are you eating larger meals than you used to?

>> No.7828387


> comes from a plant

> automatically healthy

>> No.7828389

is this a joke? You ate more calorie dense food than he did.

>> No.7828393

>he clearly eats more than I do, yet he's a CHAD and I'm a fat robot.

That's pretty unlikely, overall. I've met many people who made the "observations" you did, but they are far from long-term or accurate.

I had a friend back in college who would go out and order massive amounts of fast food. It made him look like a serious lardass....but then the next day he wouldn't eat a single thing.

Make a long-term and accurate assessment of what you are both eating, and you'll probably find that you are greatly over-estimating how much he eats (and/or under-estimating how much you eat).

>> No.7828414

I had a friend who was one of those assholes who would eat one normal meal during the day and something unhealthy in the evening and claim that he simply couldn't gain weight while in reality he was eating around 1200-1400 kcal a day.

Luckily he started lifting and grasped the concept of calories in vs. calories out and became less of a retard about nutrition.

>> No.7828446
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>I walk almost 15 kilometers a day

Well the problem is that you're clearly lying. Count claories instead of steps. Read the /fit/ Sticky. I used to think I can't lose weight with a reasonable effort but turns out I was just being an uninformed moron.

For some people losing weight is much easier than for others due to metabolic differences. But with a bit of research and will power anyone can do it.

>> No.7828616


Maybe you should eat less you literal retard

>> No.7831099

>man takes 3 bites, doesn't get fat
>woman drinks what probably is double-concentrate sugary drink, gets fat
Makes sense to me.

>> No.7831100

Metabolism. Whoever said life was fair?

>> No.7831104


But that's not backed up by the facts. There have been many studies done, and the vast majority of people have very similar metabolic rates. In other words, the metabolism between different people varies by very little.

It is far more likely that someone is mis-counting the amount of food being eaten.

>> No.7831109

It is, pretty sure there are many if not more but actually accurate studies showing how lifestyle and diet effects metabolism. I don't expect someone who's overweight and sedentary to have the energy someone who eats healthy and lives an active lifestyle.

>> No.7831113


>> No.7831124


Nobody is denying that diet (and other factors) can change metabolism. The issue is that the differences are much smaller than people tend to think they are.


It's easy to blame "muh genetics" for being fat, or to say "oh, she's skinny because her metabolism is fast". But unless one of the people is an honest-to-goodness medical oddity, that's not true.

>> No.7831231

This, desu.

OP, amount =/= calories, just because you ate a smaller amount doesn't mean you ate less calories. Because you didn't. Your brother also ate healthier food, since as complex carbs (oats).

>> No.7831297
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>Fat neet a few years back
>Decide to lose some weight cause I'm not doing anything better with my life
>Literally all I did was count calories and eat only 1200-1500 a day, still sat around and did nothing but play games and maybe go for an occasional walk due to boredom
>Went from 250 to 160

I may not have muscle, but the fat is gone. Losing weight is ALL about counting calories. OP, that food you had probably equals to about 2000-2500 calories, it's not a mystery you're losing weight. I used to think I didn't eat all that much, and my eating patterns and choices were similar to yours. As for you brother, considering he's a CHAD, as you put it, he probably works out and leads an active life style, which allows him to maintain his weight eating all that food.

>> No.7831309

learn to eat for pure necessity. food will also taste better.

you're only supposed to eat when you need energy to do something. if you're going to do the laundry, eat 3 grapes. yes. 3 grapes. in the morning have ONE slice of toast with butter. try to find a cow and get a gallon of raw milk and make your own butter. basically you let it sit there, skim the cream off the top, and then shake the living fuck out of the cream. butter happens. you can just go jogging with a jar of cream in your hand and kill two birds with one stone.

you really need an expansive mind to do it.

consider exercise. look up this insanely muscular asian dude who has a technique with testosterone and leptin production.

>> No.7831360

This, metabolism is a fucking meme.

>> No.7831829

I've always thought metabolism is more about when you get full, how long you stay satisfied, and how often you get hungry, rather than calorie value veriation. Like the whole point of breakfast is that it boosts your metabolism by preventing you from binge eating during lunch yeah?

>> No.7831833


But that's not what metabolism actually is, anon. That's some silly definition that you have in your head.

>> No.7831923

My goodness, OP, I hope you're just a shitposting baiter, because otherwise you have NO idea how calories, fat, or nutrition works.

>> No.7831937

Are you drinking enough water?

>> No.7831958
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OP is probably lazy and due bro probably goes to the gym on a daily basis. Also.

>10 chicken tenders

Made yourself from a single chicken breast? From a bag in your freezer? What's in the breading?

>Two glasses of tea.

That you made? From a bottle in your fridge?

>Clam chowder

You're not making these things, are you?

>> No.7831970

>Two pieces of Peanut butter toast for breakfast

> peanut butter
> white bread

No wonder you're a fat piece of shit.

The diet of your brother looks much better.

>> No.7831983

The whole "eating breakfast everyday" thing is a meme. I lost significant weight(somewhat accidentally)around when,amongst other things, I stopped eating breakfast

>> No.7831988

Sounds like all OP eats is processed foods.

>> No.7832003

They need to show the inter-frames where the man is doing work and being active, while the fat bitch thinks she's a princess and just sits on her lazy ass all day eating ice cream and bon bons watching Maury and Dr. Phil wondering why the current cuck that puts up with her not cleaning, cleaning or doing anything around the house doesn't treat her like the princess/queen she is.

>> No.7832008

First of all it sounds like your bro has much better taste.. Also he probably works out fat people complain too much being decent is really simple.. If you eat a lot then work out if don't wanna work out then don't eat a lot.. Calories in and out

>> No.7832012

Probably cause the guy actually works

>> No.7832013 [DELETED] 

Why are you counting steps? That's pointless. Unless you're activites keep your metabolic rate up (you're breathing heavily and heart rate is up) then you're not burning any calories. You can walk 100 miles and if you're breaking a sweat you're wasting your time if you're not bringing up your metabolic rate.

>> No.7832022

That is completely incorrect.

You'll burn calories doing anything. Will you burn less from walking compared to running? Of course. But you will still burn calories from walking.

>> No.7832029

OP is obviously american thinking they eat little. You disgusting fat shit, are you even considered human? fuck you and your life

>> No.7832038

Stuff like this obviously does exist though. I have friends who eat like a pig and just sit on their arses all day long and don't ever put on a pound. They can barely build any muscle, though.

>> No.7832042

This. OP is a piece of shit and an animal.

>> No.7832043

Yes you technically burn calories existing, you can burn calories lying in bed doing nothing or sitting on your computer shitposting on 4chan. You will burn the daily calories you burn, you won't be building a deficit which is what's required to lose weight.

>> No.7832052

Doing literally anything beyond existing will build you a deficit. Do you think BMR and TDEE are the same thing?

>> No.7832053


Walking burns more calories than sitting on your computer posting on 4chan.

As much as running? No, of course not. But it's still much better than being sedentary.

>> No.7832063

You're arguing semantics. The bottom line is there is no deficit because of their dietary habits. If they continue their dietary habits then the only way to create a deficit is to increase metabolic rate. Yes walking burns more than sitting, I never stated otherwise. My point that it's pointless if they're not changing their diet or don't modify their caloric intake.

>> No.7832081

>original post said walking wouldn't burn calories
>say it does

I'm arguing exactly the correct point. And that stuff you're arguing in this post doesn't matter. If you expend more calories than you intake, you lose weight, it's that simple.

If you burn 1500 calories a day, and eat 1000, you'll lose weight. It's as simple as that.

>> No.7832091
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You already had this exact same thread on /r9k/. The calories are coming from somewhere, you fat piece of shit.


>> No.7832093


7832053 here. I was replying to the assertion made in >>7832043:

>you won't be building a deficit which is what's required to lose weight.

That's not true. Because walking burns calories. Thus it could contribute to weight loss.

Metabolic rate is not very important for weight loss. It changes very little. On the other hand, activity (like walking, running, sports, etc.) outright burns calories.

Most effective weight loss: eat fewer calories
Next most effective: burn more calories by increasing activity
Least: changes of metabolic rate

Ideally, one would be doing all three.
The reason why diet is more effective than activity (exercise) is because it takes quite a lot of effort exercising to burn off calories than it does to simply not eat those calories in the first place--at least for most people.

>> No.7832095

Yeah, my original post said counting steps is pointless, that they should be counting calories. Counting steps isn't going to tell you how much calories you burnt because it doesn't take into account the metabolic rate.

>> No.7832105


The metabolic rate varies so little that we don't need to account for it.

>> No.7832120

No, where are your references to this?

>> No.7832138

Why are you guys arguing this is simple shit counting steps is fucking useless it's a meme that's makes people feel like they don't have to exercise cause they "walked" 3 miles.. All you have to do is count calories and balance it so it fits your exercise routine.

>> No.7832146


Read the thread. There was already a link posted above to a basic overview.

There was also an excellent research paper about this very topic that came out of Japan a year or two ago. The paper is in English so you can easily read it, but I'm not in a position where I can find a link for it right now.

There's also basic common sense--conservation of energy. If I run a mile or I walk a mile I have moved my body the same distance in either case. Now walking takes longer, so if you were measuring calories burned per unit time then they would look different. But as far as total distance traveled goes the results are very similar. I'm not saying there is no difference--I'm saying the difference is less important than other things (the total distance traveled, and the total amount of food eaten)

Doing harder cardio has other benefits, like exercising your heart, but as far as weight loss goes the total distance/effort is much more important than the rate.

>> No.7832184


>> No.7832188

>10 chicken tenders and two glasses of tea for lunch
What sort of retarded lunch is that?

>> No.7832217

I lost 5 kilos to calories in/out.

Shit's easy, use myfitnesspal app.
I just set an objective, scan bar codes or search ingredients and bam i know what i eat and all i have to do is meet my objectives.

Takes 5 min a day. I still have 35 kilos to go. ez

>> No.7832245

>i get fast food probably once a month.

One time a month too many

> i drink unsweet tea instead of soda.

Still has calories

> i get brown rice instead of white rice.

This has no effect on the calories retard and you probably couldn't tell me why you thought it was """"heathier""" aside from remembering seeing it on the cover of a women's health magazine

> i grill chicken instead of frying it.

Who cares, the calorie diff is negligible and you probably dump sweet and sour sauce on it

Also conspicuously missing from your shitty blog are actual fucking measurements like "1/2 cup rice" or 250g chicken"

>> No.7832876

>chicken as a meme

Don't you fucking dare insult the walking bird of gains again.

>> No.7832884


> eating the food pyramid

I hate triangle shaped foods. I don't even eat Doritos. How am I supposed to eat a pyramid?

>> No.7832904
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If it took you your whole life to get as fat as you are, why do you expect losing weight to be any faster? These things take time.

>> No.7832969

>Metabolic rate is not very important for weight loss. It changes very little.
after i lost 200 pounds in a year my metabolism is quite downregulated, had a RMR test done and for my height/weight it's about 250kcal less than what it should be.

>> No.7832997

>why do you expect losing weight to be any faster?
Because it usually is.

>> No.7833012
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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means

>> No.7833076
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I feel the same way about acne. My brother eats awful shit but has a relatively clear face. I eat no junk and have a clean diet but still get awful whiteheads.

>> No.7833546

Literally never had pimples in my life. Get on my genetic level you mudblood

>> No.7833569

Fat unhealthy fucks with miraculously spotless skin have triggered me since I was a spotty teen.
I had moderate acne from 13-18sh and developed sebbhoreic dermatitis when I was like 16. 25 now and I literally haven't had normal skin for half of my lifespan and possibly never will.
I'm honestly just proud of myself that I came out of my teenage years with any sort of self-esteem whatsoever.
Hey, it can always be much much worse though. Just hope it clears up by your early 20s.

>> No.7833602

Maybe stop being a jealous faggot and hit the gym?

>> No.7833604

Post cleavage

>> No.7833676


27 in August. Not a day goes by that there aren't at least two white heads that leave behind red marks for two weeks or more.

>> No.7834465 [DELETED] 

So many retards in this thread. Why is /ck/ so stupid about nutrition?
>muh metabolism
>muh caloric deficit
>muh exercise
None of you understand how this works.

>> No.7834467

>retards on 4chan

Are you really surprised?

>> No.7834489 [DELETED] 

Stop posting at any time.

>> No.7834495

Energy in Energy out ;)

>> No.7834497 [DELETED] 

>STEM majors

>> No.7834806

literally this. Most underrated post in this shitty bait thread.

I did the same thing, lost like 60 lbs doing nothing. The thing most people don't understand about weight loss is that it's just thermodynamics. Calories in=Calories out. Literally only the way to lose weight absent surgery is to eat at a deficit, and literally the only way to gain weight is to eat at a surplus.

>> No.7834835

so tell master how is it done because you seem to be highly educated on that topic with all your arguments

>> No.7834840

Do people not realize OP was making a joke?

>> No.7834945

see a dermatologist and get a scrip for antibiotics, acne is the result of infections

>> No.7835074
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>i walk 15 km a day
>i walk for 2-3 hours a day

holy shit anon, you're unfit as fuck

>> No.7835103

I am a 115 pound manlet who eats way too much. I don't gain significant amounts of weight, but I am still "skinny fat."

>> No.7835115

>what is excercise?

>> No.7835124

Walking isn't exercising

>> No.7835149

You know, there are studies that suggest stressing out over food contributes to getting fat.

>> No.7835168

This entire thing is really simple.

If you eat more calories than the amount of calories that your body burns then you will gain weight. If you eat less calories than what you burn, then you will lose weight.

Either eat less calories or burn more of them by doing sport. Nothing is unfair about this, you are just doing it wrong.

99% of instances where people think they have "bad genes" is just them missing the big picture or eating the wrong food. You don't have to eat small portions to lose weight. If you see a thin guy eat 3000 calories at Burger King then that means he probably doesn't eat anything else that day and he will eat way less calories on other days of the week.

Also your body size and sex have an influence on the amount of calories you need. Calculate how much you need here:

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky for more info.

>> No.7835169
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>Walking isn't exercising

>> No.7835183

High protein high fat high carb high FIBER. Moderate sugars. Salt. Lots of water. Never fall for the "low fat", "gluten free", "juiced", "antioxidant", and "super food" bullshit. You need fats, damnit, stop being afraid of them, salt too while you're at it. Gluten is good protein it's just that we fuck up our wheat here in Americlap. Juicing sucks, if you like juice have blended shit instead so you at least get fiber. Antioxidants are a fucking meme you can have too much. Super foods do not exist just balance your fucking diet. Sugar is sweet because you do want it, just not that much save it for a treat. Like actually a treat, not "I deserve this now". Cut preservatives whenever possible, it's not "chemicals" that will kill you just a bunch of shit you don't need.
Nobody, nobody, nobody gets enough fiber and water.

>> No.7835218

Dieting is a real pain in the ass desu senpai.

At least I'm contempt with being a fat fuck as long as I can enjoy eating whatever I want and don't give a fuck what people think.

>> No.7835231

Not him but walking is such a weak exercise that you might as well not even do it. It burns so few calories for time spent that you could just not eat in the first place and be more productive. The heart needs to be racing.

>> No.7835238

Try eating less calorie dense foods and drink more water as it will make you feel fuller on less calories. And eat a small calorie deficit with some daily light exercise which could literally be going for a walk every evening.

I've never really heard of this idea before but when your body thinks your starving it purposely slows your metabolism down. On a diet of calorie dense foods you need to eat a lot of physically feel full. 500 calories worth of oil doesn't even fill up a quarter of the average persons stomach. Where as 500 calories of rice and beans or salad with no dressing would leave a person feeling physically full.
So wouldn't eating a calorie deficit of calorie dense foods make your body think that it is starving? After all feeling full has jack shit to do with your calorie intake and more to do with the volume.
And even cutting out calories eating 500 calories of chicken nuggets will leave your stomach empty and craving more.

>> No.7835264

A 180 pound person burns about 100 calories per mile walked.

So fat ass who weighs more will burn more calories on a walk

Also for someone who is just starting to exercise its better to take baby steps

Imagine stepping into a gym for the first time and saying I'll run 20 miles or I'll start all my lifts at 150 lbs. you'd either hurt yourself or never come back because of how terribly hard and shitty it was

>> No.7835279

Walking is great for people who literally have been sitting on their ass for years and stuffing their faces. It's a good starting point.

>> No.7835304

You don't need to exercise just stop drinking soda eating processed sugar shit and don't eat 2 cups of rice per meal

>> No.7835310

Just walking two kilometers to work/school back and forth instead of taking the bus burns like 500 calories. Yes it's inefficient compared to actual sport, but it also is just walking. It's a great way to burn calories if you are too lazy for actual sport.

>> No.7835317

junk science

>> No.7835359

Ck can I lose weight while still being a alcoholic? I try to walk 5 miles a day and I avoid soda and sugar, but I like beer too much to give it up.

>> No.7835366

If you are an alcoholic that only drinks beer you have no fucking chance look how many calories are in it

>> No.7835370

You have to eat a lot less. My dad is a super thin alcoholic who eats about one meal a day (sometimes nothing).

>> No.7835377

I usually only eat one meal a day at dinner. It doesn't help that I'm in grad school an all we do is drink to drown our miseries. Maybe once I get a real job...

>> No.7835382

It was just a theory I came up with I never said it was he truth. But please explain to me why I am wrong.

I got the whole idea for the volume thing because you could drink water to stave off hunger despite not consuming any calories at all. It's not like your stomach can count calories. Otherwise it would be hard to over eat cause once you stomach senses you ate enough calories to survive it would trigger a sense of fullness.

>> No.7835383

Same rules apply, check the calories per beer. If you take in less calories than you burn, yeah you will lose weight.

I don't have to tell you that this lifestyle is unhealthy.

>> No.7835388

Use more energy than you take in.

>> No.7835427

For calories consumed during walking/running just use this simple formula:

>Km x Weight

For weight loss purposes it is accurate enough.
If you're running on a treadmill you'll consume less unless you set an incline.

>> No.7835428
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You have to understand
I am very fat. I don't have a number but basically the guy in this pic.
I smell like shit, and I sit down all day every day, for 4 years now I haven't had a job (got fired from my former job at a fresh dairy store for drinking chocolate milk from a supermarket and spilling it over a customer). I am unable to walk

Walking hurts. I can walk for maybe 20 minutes. I drive to the store to buy snacks. My mother brings me meals. I can give a timeline for my pain when I walk if you'd like

>2 minutes
My arms start to sweat. My feet start to feel some pressure, almost like I am walking on corn

>4 minutes
I start to walk more slowly. Usually at this point I stop and drink a soda, but if I am in the store and don't want to look like a thief I just stop and take a deep breath

>6 minutes
Brow starts to sweat. Body starts to feel really heavy. Usually sit down if possible, I have sat on the floor when needed, even in public

>7 minutes
Start to feel my heartbeat

>8 minutes
This is where I stop and eat a packet of Jolly Ranchers (I call them my Jolly Dancers, cos they get my feet dancin again)

>10 minutes
Point of no return. I usually need a 10 minute break before I can walk again

I can't fucking do it. I have become so unfit and unhealthy. It is pointless to push on.

>> No.7835456
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>unsweetened tea
>has calories

>> No.7835464

Weight lifting is the answer, you can do most of it while sitting or standing and it burns a lot of calories while strengthening your body so you can burn even more calories. And you can do it at home at least at first, if you are too ashamed to join a gym. What you need is 2 dumbbell sets and some heavy resistance bands. You can order these at amazon.

>> No.7835479

Stop buying snacks you fat piece of shit.

>> No.7835489
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>(got fired from my former job at a fresh dairy store for drinking chocolate milk from a supermarket and spilling it over a customer)

>> No.7835496

Responding to this

>> No.7835498

Are you retarded? Get your fat fucking ass to >>>/fit/ and read the sticky.

>> No.7835506
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I forgot to add that the weight should be in kg.
E.g. A 70 kg (155 lbs) guy runs for 10 km (6.2 miles), that's 700 kcal burned. Not bad if you can do that in under an hour, definitely one of the sports that burns the most calories.
For you Americans it's:
(Miles ran/walked x 1.6) x (your weight in lbs/2.2)

>> No.7835694

You can always kill yourself.

>> No.7835719
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>"my jolly dancers"
>my fuckin sides
>is this pasta?