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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7825588 No.7825588 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here eats the whole stalk of celery?

If I go to a resturaunt and get celery I specifically ask for them not to cut it and bring an entire stalk.

>> No.7825594

yeah i do
what the fuck kind of restaurant just sells plain stalks of celery

>> No.7825616

>he never gets a side of celery

What the fuck

>> No.7827271

I chop it up and put it in salad

>> No.7827344

I don't waste any of it, leaves/top/bottom are good for stocks, the rest of it I wash and then shove up my ass

>> No.7827360

I refuse to eat celery. It's like eating bitter, wet tree bark. Faggots

>> No.7827364
File: 18 KB, 281x300, hot-dog-c-281x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I go to a resturaunt and get celery I specifically ask for them not to cut it and bring an entire stalk.

you are wiener and only them repeating digits saved you

>> No.7828705

>I'm an autistic manchild

>> No.7828756


are you me?

>tfw can crack nuts with the sheer force of my sphincter
>tfw not one fucking talent show wants me as a guest

life is suffering

>> No.7829685

every restaurant has celery you food-casual