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7825470 No.7825470 [Reply] [Original]

Ben and Jerrys is on sale at my grocery store for $3 a pint, down from $5 regularly. What are the best flavors? I bought Tonight Dough and strawberry cheesecake thing right now

>> No.7825486

'go 'za flavor for me tbqh famalam

>> No.7825503

>Ben and Jerry's
Lib scum ice cream. Not even once.

>> No.7825514

i never understand what the names mean

>> No.7825520

I was so surprised at how outspoken they are on social media about their politics. Most businesses don't want to fragment their customer base.

>> No.7825524

I wonder what they'll do with their 400 pints of Bernie ice cream now. Should have made a Trump ice cream.

>> No.7825529

They are usually low tier puns such as that one

Or bad jokes like half baked

>> No.7825534

Their early growth market was well off highly educated people

Well off highly educated people have political beliefs that line up fairly well with that stuff, if not lining up perfectly, than at least highly sympathetic

It's like how fast food restaurants from the south cater to illiterate angry bigots

Sure when you become a major international superbrand you start having to dilute your message, but keep in mind also that Ben & Jerry the people divested more or less from the corporate entity years ago, so they can run their mouths off and the P&G suits are insulated

>> No.7825546

Chocolate therapy is a really good flavor.

>> No.7825550

>Fast food restaurants from the south cater to illiterate angry bigots

>> No.7825559


And certain establishments that splatter "in God we trust" all over their windows.

>> No.7825564

It doesn't even explain what the fuck it is.

Is it just two kinds of cookie dough? Is that the gimmick? Fuck Ben & Jerry's and fuck that unfunny faggot Jimmy Fallon.

>> No.7825573

Wait, so...displaying a Christian message is appealing to bigots? Also what the fuck is a wahlburger?

>> No.7825581


>> No.7825595

Cherry Garcia is a classic. Avoid the Cores series unless you're a toppings kind of guy.

>> No.7825596

What but how would that appeal to them if they were illiterate?

Also your one of those modern retards who equate anything with Christianity to bigotry cause
>the crusades
And most importantly
> the fact that you are an atheist

>> No.7825605

religious belief is correlated with lack of education

>> No.7825619

You mean lack of "higher" education, a.k.a. liberal indoctrination centers. Religiosity has no correlation, for instance, with high school graduation rates or performance. But hey, you wouldn't be able to look down on all the dumb, poor religious people if that were true!

>> No.7825636

Hey man, I lean more conservative, and have no beef with religion, but those Bible belt tards flock to that shit.

>> No.7825647

calm down Rev. Dr. Cleetus McSisterlover, all we're saying is that if you feel the need to openly pledge allegiance to a bible you found at a cheap motel, you just might be the target market for shitty southern fast food chains and therefore they might put stuff up that caters to your belief that you're some kind of persecuted minority

>> No.7825669

In God We Trust is literally on our money and it doesn't mean what you think it means. FYI, I'm an atheist, not even remotely personally offended. It just feels like all of this is just a biased attack on an easy target.

>> No.7825717
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Your face when discontinued.

>> No.7825753

You don't even know why it's on our money, do you? Hint, to pander to angry, white, Christian southerners.

>> No.7825768

How do people like Jimmy Fallon? He's a punchable, unfunny douche who doesn't even have legit comedy chops to fall back on. He was the weak link in an already weak cast on a show that should've been cancelled 20 years ago.

>> No.7825801

He's pretty everyman. Don't think he's funny? Well I'm not funny 100% of the time, but I have my moments. He's an okay guy.

>> No.7825966
File: 269 KB, 1600x1013, DSC_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we now live in a world where The Tonight Dough exists and pic related does not.
Just kill me now senpai

>> No.7825986

never had this, how were the potato chip clusters? seems like an odd inclusion to ice cream?

>> No.7826055

Pretty fucking good, so glad they shit canned it as I started to change my diet.

>> No.7826182

Muh nigga, that shit was the tits. I too mourn its passing. Salty, sweet, crunchy, sticky, creamy, was too good.

Americone Dream was good too, not as good though.

>> No.7826695

Fuuuck. That was sooo good. ;_;

>> No.7826702

I'm new here. And the tonight dough is my favorite.
Is this good?
>Inb4 fat

>> No.7826713 [DELETED] 
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Anything but this has been a dissapointment so far.

Just too much flavors, too much sweetness and nothing compares to the texture and consistency of cookie dough.

>> No.7826756
File: 610 KB, 1699x1153, Blue-Bell-Ice-Cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip the Ben and Jerry.

>> No.7826760

get out, newfag

>> No.7826763
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No. watcha gonna do about it bitch?

>> No.7826767

>Spending 6 bucks instead of your normal 5


>> No.7826909

blue bell more like blue smell. this puke reeks.

>> No.7826923

>he didn't actually say racist stuff
>but he is still racist because I said it

>> No.7826961

Disgusting, fuck off with your listeria contaminated frozen water based '''''dessert'''''', tex

>> No.7827050
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> Arguing about religion

Reddit please go

>> No.7827055

it wasn't even an argument, we were talking about how companies make themselves appealing to various demographics, and some butthurt illiterate redneck got angry because he felt it was an insult to those businesses that pander to his demographic to call it what it is: pandering

>> No.7827065

Fuck off back to your containment flyover meme threads, nu-male.

>> No.7827076
File: 90 KB, 807x1009, untitled-article-1432152118-body-image-1432152705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that company couldn't possibly just be slapping jesus quotes all over their merchandise to get me to buy their product!
don't you have some kin to be molesting?

>> No.7827083

>Thinks that's an argument
>While calling others nu-males

Want me to tell you how I know you grew up without a father, projector-san?

>> No.7827087

Tonight Dough, Americone Dream, Half Baked

>> No.7827149

I'm not really sure why liberals feel the need to look down their noses at people and act superior all the time. Perhaps they actually have something mentally wrong with them.

>> No.7827153

I'm not sure why conservatives have to simultaneously act like weak wimpy little oppressed victims all the time, while also posturing about how they're the only Real Men on the internet thanks to their gun and their shitty blue collar job. Perhaps they have something mentally wrong with them.

>> No.7827177

You sound mad.

>> No.7827183

Strange thing to say considering you're the ones going full defensive rage mode over a throwaway line about fast food branding

You're dug in pretty deep, I know, but since we're anonymous here it should be possible to let it go

>> No.7827185

As the guy who made the initial comment about Whataburger, you both sound like faggots and are emblematic of what is wrong with the American political system. Stop being so intertwined with other people's lives.

>> No.7827195

>I'm not sure why conservatives have to simultaneously act like weak wimpy little oppressed victims all the time
What? That sounds just like liberals and blacks. Get real kid.

>> No.7827285

ben and jerry's actual ice cream tastes like the most generic shit, you man children are paying a premium for $1 worth of candy to be pre mixed into your blue bunny tier ice cream like mommy used to do for you

>> No.7827296

I don't eat ben and jerry, but it's hilarious that you think it's worse than blue bell of all things

might as well just eat breyers whipped carrageenan+HFCS legally edible freezer product, if someone slapped a GREAT STATE OF TEXAS logo on bryers you people would lap that shit up

>> No.7827311

Congrats, you're retarded.

>> No.7827348

I don't give 2 shits about texas or blue bell, if i eat ice cream I make my own or buy haagen dazs

>> No.7827353
File: 258 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-28-10-55-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Accusing somebody of being a samefag


>> No.7827386

>or buy haagen dazs

created and made in New York City

them dots in the name were added for effect

>> No.7827389

what dots?

are you one of those idiots who doesn't eat avocado because a fast food restaurant put it on their menu?

>> No.7827391


Who cares? Nobody said anything about "authenticity". That person simply prefers that brand.

>> No.7827434

I'm aware the name was used to make people believe it was fancy imported product, it's just outside of local ice cream shops or gelato places it's the overall 'best' ice cream you can purchase ready made.

>> No.7827822

You need a hobby son.

>> No.7827857

Americone dream is really good

>> No.7827871

>tfw Ben and Jerry's is like 15 dollars for a small serving in Australia

>> No.7827938

I don't eat a ton of ice cream so I dunno when this happened but breyers is total shit now. I used to think it was top tier but I got a half gallon recently and ended up tossing most of it.

>> No.7827996
File: 10 KB, 150x200, DQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a DQ vanilla cone dipped in chocolate has been my ice cream go to lately

don't really eat much "container" ice cream, keeping it fresh you know

>> No.7828064

I like these too. DQ uses ice milk instead of cream iirc but it still tastes fine to me.

>> No.7828085

>not recognizing the one true god that is milk and cookies

>> No.7828196
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my niggie

>> No.7828220

correct answer

>> No.7828237

Chunky Monkey is best. Any Core flavors are shit

>> No.7828283
File: 156 KB, 789x952, phish-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfiest flavor incoming

>> No.7828336

How recent is this flavor?

>> No.7828344



>> No.7828352


Welcome to the liberal paradise of america

>> No.7828363

Because as much as far-left types try to appear fair and equinamous they're actually cut-throat intellectual bullies.

>> No.7828366


I learned this in a recent ice cream thread, props to whoever mentioned it.

If you want to determine the quality of a brand of ice cream you just need to compare the basic vanilla flavors made by two different companies.

Servings are standardized to 1/2 a cup, the beauty is that half a cup doesn't consider weight. Look at how much that half cup of ice cream weighs, good ice cream is often in the 100g+ realm, whereas Walmart brand sits at about 60g,

Air doesn't weigh anything, this means that they're cramming air into their ice cream instead of cream.

If you're wondering, B&J vanilla has 107g, and Sam's club makes a store brand with 107g as well.

>> No.7828370

>Walmart brand sits at about 60g,
>Sam's club makes a store brand with 107g as well

This is some weapons grade autism. They're the same company.

>> No.7828385
File: 156 KB, 1050x505, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? These are not the same product but they are made by the same company.

If you don't trust Walmart's ingredients in either that's a different story, but one version is objectively almost twice as good.

>> No.7828390

they're not the same company, they're just under the same owner
>inb4 but that's the same thing
no it's not, as they're (both store and product) targetting completely different markets

>> No.7828394

This is true, though Sam's Choice products like their ice cream are also sold in Walmart

>> No.7828399

Nobody likes Chocolate Nougat Crunch?

>> No.7828405

god their key lime pie was the best fucking flavor. I miss that shit so much

>> No.7828864
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Buying this stuff after work and then eating it at home is the best feeling ever.

>> No.7828869

does B&J have plain vanilla?
but yeah this info is good, more premium ice creams have less overrun usually about a rate of 30%, B&J used to be equal with haagen dazs but increased air content by 5% within the last year. Also did not know that about sams, thanks

>> No.7829726
File: 71 KB, 374x479, americone-dream-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they do, but why would you get only plain vanilla when you can get Americone Dream?