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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7825325 No.7825325 [Reply] [Original]

In Yulin, a city in China, there are some people who like to eat dogs. In response, a bunch of white people got confused and showed up in NYC Chinatown to yell at old ladies shopping for lychee

Why do white people get so worked up about dogs being eaten on the other side of the world, that they feel the need to attack random people living thousands of miles away?

Please, let's keep this respectful. I am just curious about this point of view about a kind of food.

>> No.7825348

my rules are

1. are they torturing the animal? if not eat it.

2a. is it human? if not eat, if yes 2b

2b. has said human given their consent to be eaten?

>> No.7825351

Americans are just perplexed by the soulless savagery of Chinese people. They've been taught that all cultures are equal and all people are empathetic. When that view is shattered, it hurts their dumb brains.

>> No.7825356

Same reason why the sikh temple in Wisconsin got attacked

The majority of Americans don't have a passport and have trouble with the idea that a person who doesn't look like them could possibly be an actual human being

>> No.7825371

>Americans are upset about eating dogs
>Hurrr muh sihks Merica ignorant n bad
How do you miss the point so hard.

>> No.7825402

It's fucking stupid. They're fucking stupid.

I've no qualms about eating dog. I wouldnt, personally, but I don't give a shit if someone does. I don't see why it's a problem either, there's plenty of dogs in the world. Eating a few won't mean they all die off.

My issue would lie with the meat quality. Dogs aren't traditionally raised for meat. I'd imagine it would be tough and stringy.

>> No.7825403

How much do you want to bet that none of these brain-dead twats aren't vegetarian?

>protest eatin' doggos
>burgers on the way home

>> No.7825407

The point is that the WIDF guy genuinely thought sikhs did 9/11

It's the same mentality that says let's go harass random shopkeepers

If you can't see the parallel, you're pretty dumb

>> No.7825409

Fuck off back to your containment board, /pol/tard

>> No.7825410


>It's the same mentality that says let's go harass random americans on a cooking board
>If you can't see the parallel, you're pretty dumb

>> No.7825417

It's a similar mentality, though each action comes from different sides of the political spectrum.

Now I remembered looking up that moron who shot up the Sikh temple. He was in some really really bad RAC punk band. His whole aura stunk of white trash.

To keep this post food related, and to follow up on my other post>>7825402...

Has anyone ever eaten dog?

>> No.7825423

News flash: this is a Japanese website. We Americans are merely guests, thanks to our gracious Japanese host

If you have a problem with non-Americans, you can seek an American website and wave your flag

>> No.7825429

Dumb fuck amerifattieclaps everyone

>> No.7825430

Humans created dogs as our companions. The idea of eating a dog is morally abhorant to me. Why would you? They have literally been bred for 10,000 to be your companion. Eating a dog is like eating paper. You can do it, you won't die, but why? Why are you so fucking stupid that you cant understand the purpose of a dog?

Fucking Chinese literally have no souls. They have limited empathy. They murder, rape, and destroy.

>> No.7825432

The servers are in the US dipshit

>> No.7825444

And so are the ethnic chinese shopkeepers who got harassed over a dog eating festival in a different country and from a totally different region than their ancestors even came from

Oops! You sure look stupid now!

>> No.7825446
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No. This was and remains to be an American website. It is merely owned by a Japanese man now.

I would like to try dog someday. I'd like to try horse too. But it's probably not going to happen here in the USA. People get all mushy about animals that are traditionally companion and service pets. There are too many cats and dogs in the world because people don't spay and neuter pets, and the wild ones fuck like wild.

I say eat them if it doesn't make you queasy.

>> No.7825453

>And so are the ethnic chinese shopkeepers who got harassed over a dog eating festival in a different country and from a totally different region than their ancestors even came from

No shit faggot, my point was that this is an American website

>> No.7825505

ayyy there's actually people who enjoy dog meat famo
In korea they commonly have it in stew but steamed dog meat are said to be the best way to enjoy dogs

Have it with chilli paste or salt. I kind of want to try it

>> No.7825516

Right, idiot chinks can't into feelings. Koreans, Chinese, even the Japanese to a lesser degree. I think the Japanese problem is offset by Western culture, but the Koreans/Chinese are unsalvageable.

>> No.7825552


Fuck being respectful, nuke China.

>> No.7825625

If Americans ate as well as they could take a joke they wouldn't be so fucking fat.

>> No.7825704

I may have. I'm not sure.
I don't want to get into the specifics of it, but if it was indeed dog I was fed, it tasted a lot like bear and bear is unpleasantly bilious. Then again, I don't see how the taste of bile can at all be pleasant.
Now, my next door neighbour has knowingly and willingly eaten dog. He's a marine biologist and had it somewhere in the south Pacific while doing marine biologist things. I wanna say it was in Tuvalu, but not sure 100% as we were drinking the night we discussed our world travels.
He said it was bitter, too, but not quite like bile.

>> No.7825811

Americans just kill their stray dogs and burn the carcasses, totally different and acceptable ehh?

>> No.7826163

In countries where they eat dogs, there are breeds of dogs that are traditionally raised for meat. Imagine that.

e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nureongi

>> No.7826177

taste is subjective. what to you may seem unpalatable, may be what another finds desirable.

the whole 'we're not meant to eat XXX animal' is a retarded argument. Muslims say the same shit about pork, Jews to shellfish, and Indians to beef.

bunch a butthurt westerners can't wrap it around their heads that people don't necessarily share their love of dogs.

>> No.7826301

Like the Muslims that riot and kill people because someone drew muhammad or burned a quran?
Dogs are white people's muhammad I guess.

>> No.7826315
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>white people aren't savage

>> No.7826322


>tough and stringy

apparently not

it has a really distinct flavor and it melts in your mouth

>t. second gen Chinese

>inb4 Murri-rage

If you eat pigs, then you can eat dogs. Any argument based on "MUH COMPANIONSHIP, MUH ANCESTRAL TRADITION, MUH MAN'S BEST FRIEND" is a load of sentimental bullshit that counts for nothing in an argument of ethics.

Smarter animals perceive more pain and suffer more. Intelligence is the ONLY thing that should determine how ethical it is to force its suffering.

>> No.7826329

The one on the left is pretty qt tho

>> No.7826341

You could replace "dog" with Guinea pig. Also the Native Americans used to enjoy eating dog in pre-Colombian times.

>> No.7826347

Pretty sure that's what chihuahuas were bred for

>> No.7826364

Hi, is this the thread where we pretend the Chinese aren't savages that were dragged kicking and screaming into every era after the renaissance?

>> No.7826381
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>be a stupid liberal cunt
>show up in the middle of Chinatown to virtue signal for your latest cause so people will tell you what a great, empathetic person you are
>expect to be heralded as a hero and a groundbreaking activist, probably get praised on the news, maybe get a talk show interview
>probably salivate at the thought as you stay up late making your stupid sign
>it completely fucking blows up in your face and makes you look like the hateful, disingenuous idiot that you are

>> No.7826472



>> No.7826648

That's white ""people"" for you. They have no problem torturing and eating intelligent animals but will pretend that they're morally superior to another group of people that does the same thing with another animal

>> No.7826657

This. Can't wait for you faggots to be a minority in your own countries, forced to watch from the sidelines while the laws are made by and for us.

>> No.7826664
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Why are white people so racist?

>> No.7826678

lol what?

Don't they know the Chinese government doesn't even acknowledge over sea chinamen as Chinese?

>> No.7826682

Whales, Dolphins, and Dogs are majestic creatures. Pigs have been bred for thousands of years to yield meat. Same with cows and chickens. There's no point in eating any other animals when livestock is cheap. It's simply cruel.

>> No.7826683

It's just the way they are, even the liberal whites are racist

>> No.7826686

Pigs are more intelligemt than dogs

>Whales, Dolphins, and Dogs are majestic creatures.

>There's no point in eating any other animals when livestock is cheap. It's simply cruel

Right and keeping intelligent animals in small cages and subjecting them to both physical and emotional torture is fine because white people do it xD.

If you eat animal products you have no right to complain about what another group of people eats

>> No.7826705

Well then, that makes a lot of sense.


Huh. Well thanks for the description. Would you compare it to pork? Or does it taste like another meat?

>> No.7826708

Who let /pol/ in? Fuck off.

>> No.7826778

>White people have done something for thousands of years so its ok
>Non-white people doing something for thousands of years doesn't count because white people didn't do it.

Japanese have eaten whale and dolphin for thousands of years. Same with Southeast Asians, Chinese, and Koreans with dogs. What is the difference?

>> No.7826785

Some were complaining specifically because some doggos are boiled alive at that show or something.

IDK it's weird for me, but I suppose that's how an indian feels when he sees me eating beef

>> No.7826867

>counts for nothing in an argument of ethics
Actually, that's the most decisive factor in any ethical argument since it's essentially the basis of every opinion. Pure objectivity is pure autism anyway.

>> No.7826879

they actually steal neighbourhood dogs, so its pretty unethical in some regards

>> No.7826916

Not the fact that they are eaten, its the fact that a big parto f the dogs just get snatched from owners from the backyard.
its the fact that they torture them for an good hour before killing them as they say it enhances flavour ( which it doesnt).
Chinks are subhuman

>> No.7826925

>its the fact that a big parto f the dogs just get snatched from owners from the backyard.


>its the fact that they torture them for an good hour before killing them as they say it enhances flavour ( which it doesnt).

So torturing an animal for years(cows and pigs) is fine(because white people do it) but torturing an animal for an hour makes someone a subhuman?

>> No.7826945

Yes because meat comes from the grocery store which is different from being a cruel Chinese savage who hurts doggies

Why can't they get their meat from the grocery store like you and me, thereby solving animal abuse forever

All Chinese people everywhere are accountable for what one Chinese person does anywhere, but whites are different because meat comes from the store

>> No.7827117

Those dogs aren't raised to be pets, but rather livestock. No one cares or loves them as a pet, so why is it immoral to use them for meat?
Why is eating a non-pet dog worse than eating a pig? Are you saying that dogs have inherently more "value" than other animals? But who are you to decide that? Imagine if there was a country where pigs are commonly kept as pets, should they see us as savages too?

>> No.7827125
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man this thread sure went down the tubes

>> No.7827129

itt: white people backpedal and shoot

>> No.7827139

People in Chinatown should have just started asking them why they voted to leave the EU

>> No.7827141

Those are "white people" just about as much as BLM protestors are "black people"

every sane member of their race thinks they are a bunch of fuckwits.

Also if you ask me protesting people in China eating dog meat at a Chinatown in America is racist bullshit.

>> No.7827144

>they actually steal neighbourhood dogs
you mean they pick up strays that breed in the streets because owners are too lazy to actually take care of the dog population

>> No.7827211

You man mexican it was organized by a punch of mexicans and some white ppl were blamed

>> No.7827329

>Waaaa! People should consider. -MY- feelings when they do their traditions in a far away land! Waaaaaaaa!

You're an idiot.

>> No.7827368

i agree

its like, not any white persons business to tell anybody what to eat because they're 'offended' by it. there's nothing different from eating dogs as eating birds, or cows, or rabbits, or horsemeat, they're all pets too. people google videos and see dogs like 'my Spot!' getting killed and get emotional and can't help but stick their amerifat fingers in something that doesn't involve them

>> No.7827399

Hold it right there. Those BLM idiots are accepted by black people as a whole. Ive talked to normal black guys I work with about all this shit and they say
>dey just mad about cops killin up
>what else dey suppose to do?
They defend this shit all day. Where are all the black people speaking out against BLM shit?? Maybe a few, but its about as many "moderate" muslims that speak out against radical Islam. Not that many.
These dog fuckers that go to China town because they are bored losers that need a purpose in life first of all arent destroying the city and looting QT stations for malt liquor. Secondly, the dog fuckers in Chinatown are not a NATIONAL movement of violent retards that are chimping out in every major US city, are they?

OP is probably just fresh off the e-boat from redditor some shit and he has a stick up his brown ass about white people. Let me tell you people something, if you hate white people so much, go to a country with no white people. They will surely accept you and your liberal ways just as long as you can point out a crowd of retarded white liberals for being stupid.

>> No.7827407
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>Where are all the black people speaking out against BLM shit?? Maybe a few, but its about as many "moderate" muslims that speak out against radical Islam
Did this guy just equate black people peacefully protesting against police brutality to suicide attackers blowing up skyscrapers?

Ever heard of the 1st amendment, buddy?

>> No.7827439

You sound really upset. Which 3rd world country do you live in? I think white people should be whatever they want since they literally invented everything you are using right now to publically bitch about white people.

>> No.7827445

What??? How did you get that? How am I attacking the 1st ammendment? What?
Rioting, killing and chimping are now peaceful. Got it.

>> No.7827459

>waving a sign = killing people
What websites did you learn this from? Stormfront?

>> No.7827468

I was saying there is a small amount of blacks speaking out against BLM.

Heres another thought, are you ready? There are a small amount of muslims that speak out against violent muslims.

now lets review. These two groups of people are denounced by civilized people. Both use the threat of violence to get what they want. Both are defended by the larger groups they come from no matter their actions. Both groups will NEVER BE SATISFIED because they will keep pushing further and further. They are both self perpetuating shit machines. The "leaders" of BLM get rich off of this, just like the leaders of radical Islam are rich. They are both unwanted cancers on society and so are you.

>> No.7827476

>Baltimore riots were BLM
Can people genuinely believe this? Or are you so dumb you think that if someone reacts to a black person killied by police it's automatically black lives matter?

>> No.7827478

>waving a sign
Whered you get that? CNN

Are you trolling or just a stupid nigger? These people are KILLING in the name of BLM. A quick google search will reveal crimes commited by them. Are you ignoring all the riots too? eat shit and die.

>> No.7827482
File: 111 KB, 992x558, gty_baltimore_protest_tl_150428_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case and point. Niggers will defend this.
>uhhh dey wuzent blm even though they were screaming they wuz

>> No.7827486 [DELETED] 

>hordes of niggers chimping, looting and killing are just black people reactin n shit. Dey wuz kangs n shit. Not BLM. BAKA

>> No.7827494

Oh it's terrible they are so barbaric!!!
Eating dogs what savages.

Oh my eggs and bacon are cooked I better go choke down my humanely killed farm animals, what a stupid argument.

Everyone is a fucking hypocrite! Selfish carnivore cancer welding fucktards

>> No.7827604

>uhhh dey wuzent blm even though they were screaming they wuz

screaming a slogan automatically makes you part of the group now? If I go out and kill someone and scream BLM is BLM responsible for the murder?

>> No.7827620

I'm an American living in a 3rx world country and dog is my favorite meat. I'm sorry y'all but it's really tasty.

I can't bare to watch them beat and burn the dog alive. But when. Te meats on the plate all systems Are go.

>> No.7827630

By your logic, /r9k/ is responsible for the newtown massacre because lanza was an autistic loner with mommy issues

>> No.7827643

You seriously have never heard of this? Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.7827649

Fuck off cuck

>> No.7827713



>> No.7827719
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>You seriously have never heard of this? Have you been living under a rock?

waiting on that source senpai, how often does it happen and what percentage of the dogs eaten are stolen pets?

>> No.7827742

you know there is no source on this. the best you'll come up with is a few articles on how someone had their pet stolen and they think it ended up on someones plate etc etc etc. but you'll never be able to show exactly how many dogs are consumed within a year and how many of those were someones companion dog. this is you throwing whatever shit you can find and hoping it'll stick.

>> No.7829517


I totally understand people feeling angry and disgusted by this. But they need to visit a slaughterhouse every once in a while, they'll be exposed to the same thing.

We act like we're civilized people only eating "dumb" animals like cows and chickens but in reality they have feelings the same way a dog has feelings.

Personally I don't care about the animal I'm eating. And to be honest I don't care if people are eating dogs, I'd wish they were at least killed painlessly but I can't stop an entire country from consuming dogs, let alone how to kill said dogs.

>> No.7829548

Those "neighbourhood dogs" are strays, which are a very big problem in China.

>> No.7829576
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Whatever you decide to get at the Hawker centre if you're lucky to start work later in the day (9-10am)